Born: September 2, 1930, Ventspils district, Latvia
- Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)
- Liquid Metal Technology
- Hydrodynamics
- Heat Transfer
- Nuclear Engineering
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English, German
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), 1955
- Postgraduate, Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1960
- Ph.D. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR), Moscow Institute of Physical Engineering,
Russia, 1962
- Dr. habil. phys. (Doctor of Sciences in former USSR), Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1969
Institute of Physics:
- Junior Researcher, Postgraduate, 1955-1961
- Head of the Laboratory of MHD Hydraulics, 1963- 1993
- Director, 1994 - 1998
- Advisor to the Director, 1998 - 1999
Honours and Awards
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992
- State Emeritus Scientist, Latvia, 1999
- Grand Medal of the Latvian Academy of Sciences for essential contribution in the
development of magnetohydrodynamics and the liquid metal technologies, 1999
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences and Public Joint Stock Company "Grinex" prize for
remarkable work in development of magnetic hydrodynamics in the world, 1999
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member of Senate, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1998 -
- Vice President, Latvian National Committee of Mechanics
- Member of the Board, Division of Physical and Technical Sciences, Latvian Academy of
- Member of Scientific Council, Faculty
of Physics and Mathematics, University of Latvia
- Editorial Advisory Board for journal Magnetohydrodynamics
- Member, Latvian Physical Society
- Member of Council, Association Hydromagnetic Phenomena and Applications
(HYDROMAG), associated with the Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics IUTAM, 1995 -
Recent / Representative Publications
- H.Branover, O.Lielausis. Textbook of Hydraulics, 1963, Riga. (in Latvian)
- Y.Gelfgat., O.Lielausis, E.Scherbinin. Liquid Metal under the Influence of
Electromagnetic Forces. 1976, Riga: Zinatne Press, 248 pp. (in Russian)
- O.Lielausis. Hydrodynamics of Liquid Metal MHD-devices , 1967, Riga: Zinatne Press (in
- O.Lielausis. Liquid metal magnetohydrodynamics. - Atomic En. Rew., 1975, vol.13,
Nr.3, pp.527-581
- O.Lielausis et al. Liquid metal in the magnetic field of a Tokamak reactor. - Magnetohydrodynamics,
1988, pp.95-114
- O.Lielausis. Liquid metal in a strong magnetic field. In: Liquid Metal
Magnetohydrodynamics. (Eds. J.Lielpeters and R.Moreau), Kluwer Academic Publ.:
Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1989, pp.3-12.
- O.Lielausis et al. Electromagnetic processing by means of constant magnetic fields. - Proceedings
of the 6th Internat. Iron and Steel Congress, Nagoya, Japan, 1990,
- O.Lielausis et al. Boundary layer control by means of electromagnetic forces. - Proceedings
of Intern.conference on Energy Transfer in MHD Flows, Cadarache, France, 1991, pp.5-9
- O.Lielausis et al. Manifestation of large magnetic Reynolds numbers in liquid metal
flows. - Proceedings of Intern. conference on Energy Transfer in MHD Flows,
Cadarache, France, 1991, pp.43-48
- O.Lielausis et al. Development of ideas about flow structure in channels of MHD
machines. -Proceedings of Intern. conference on Energy Transfer in MHD Flows,
Cadarache, France, 1991, pp.81-86
- O.Lielausis. Heat transfer problems in liquid metal systems of proposed fusion reactors.
- In: Recent Advances in Heat Transfer (Eds. B.Sunden and A.Shukauskas), Elsever
Sc.Publ., B.V., 1992, pp.975-984
- O.Lielausis et al. Experiments with a superconducting magnet on an InGaSn loop. - Progress
in Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1992, vol.148, pp.476-481
- O.Lielausis et al. Potentials, currents and thermoelectric effects at continuous
casting. - Proceedings Intern. Symposium on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials,
Nagoya, Japan, 1994
- O.Lielausis at al.. Dynamo theory and liquid metal MHD experiments.- Astron. Nachr.,
1995, vol.315, 4, pp.303 - 317
- O.Lielausis at al.. An experimental study of liquid metal film and jet flows in a strong
magnetic field. - Magnetohydrodynamics, 1994, vol.30, Nr.3, pp.179-187
- O.Lielausis et al. LM-research opportunities and activities at the Latvian Academy of
Sciences. - Proceedings of 1st Internat. Workshop on the Technology and
Thermal Hydraulics of Heavy Liquid Metals, Schruns, Montafon Valley, Austria, 1996,
- O.Lielausis et al. Liquid metal research activities at Latvian Academy of Sciences. - Proceedings
1st Intern. Workshop on Liquid Metal Blanket Experimental Activities, CEA
Headquarters, Paris, France, 1997, pp.110-114
- O.Lielausis et al. Turbulence promotion in MHD flows (Riga experience). - Proceedings
of Internat. Congress on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, Paris, France, 1997,
vol.2, pp.115-120
- O.Lielausis et al. Some results on electromagnetic control of flow around bodies. In: Proceedings
of Intern. Symposium on Seawater Drag Reduction, Newport, Rhole Island, USA, 1998,
- O.Lielausis et al. Experiments on cylinder wake stabilization in an electrolyte solution
by means of electromagnetic forces localized on the cylinder surface. - Experimental
Thermal and Fluid Science, 1998, vol.16, pp.84-91
- A.Gailitis, O.Lielausis, S.Dement'ev, et.al. Detection of a flow induced magnetic field
eigenmode in the Riga Dynamo facility. - Phys.Rev.Lett., 2000, vol.84, pp.4365-4368
- A.Gailitis, O.Lielausis, S.Dement'ev, et.al. Magnetic field saturation in the Riga
Dynamo experiment. - Phys.Rev.Lett., 2001, vol.86, pp.3024-3027
- A.Gailitis, O.Lielausis, E.Platacis, G.Gerbeth, F.Stefani,. Laboratory experiments on
hydromagnetic dynamos. Rev.Mod.Physics, 2002, vol.74, pp.973-990.
- A.Gailitis, O.Lielausis, E.Platacis, S.Dementev, A.Cifersons, G.Gerbeth,
Th.Gundrrum, F.Stefani, M.Christen, G.Will.. Dynamo experiments at the Riga sodium
facility. Magnetohydrodynamics, 2002, vol.38, No 1-2, pp.5-14.
- A.Gailitis, O.Lielausis, E. Platacis, G.Gerbeth, F. Stefani. Riga dynamo experiment and
its theoretical background. Phys. Plasmas, 2004, vol.11, pp.2838-2843.
Research Projects
- O.Lielausis (Head of Project). Peculiarities of Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in Strong
Magnetic Fields. Latvian Council of Science
- O.Lielausis (Head of Project). Intensification of Transfer Processes in Liquid Metal and
Electrolyte Flows. Latvian Council of Science (1996 - 2001)
- O.Lielausis (Head of Programme). Modelling of Hydrodynamical Processes of Latvian
Coastal Zone and Underground. Latvian Council of Science (1997 - 2001)
- O.Lielausis (Head of Project). Thermohydraulics of Liquid Metal Heat Carriers at
Extremely High Loads. Latvian Council of Science ( 2001 - )
- O.Lielausis (Director of Programme). Modelling of the Coastal Zone and Underground
Hydrodynamic Processes of Latvia. Latvian Council of Science (2001 - 2004)
- O.Lielausis (Head of Project). Liquid Metal as Working Body in Plasma Limiters and
Particle Beam Convertors. Latvian Council of Science ( 2005- )
Last update 22.08.2005