Dr. Janis LEMBA
Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering,
Faculty of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry,
Riga Technical University
Azenes iela 14
Riga, LV 1048
Phone: +371 7089228; 371 9442401
Fax: +371 7578992
E-mail: lemba@ktf.rtu.lv |
- Chemical Engineering - Membrane Processes (Electrodialysis)
and Ion Exchange
- Biotechnology
- Organic and Amino Acids
- Food Industry
- Environmental Engineering
Languages: German, Russian, Latvian
- Riga Technical University (Faculty of Chemistry), 1970
- Dr.chem. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in
Western countries), Riga Technical University, 1975
- Chemical Cybernetics and Modeling Course, Moscow Mendeleyev
Chemical Engineering Institute, 1980
- Technician, Citric Acid Factory, Latvia, 1962 - 1968
- Lecturer and Associate Professor, Department of Chemical
Engineering, Riga Technical University, 1975 -
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member , Latvian Scientists Society
- Member, Latvian Chemical Society
- Member, Association of Latvian
- Member, Latvian Council of Science
Expert Committee for Materials Science and Technology, 2002 -
Recent/Representative Publications:
Textbooks -
- J. Lemba. Technical Thermodynamics, 1995, Riga: RTU, 200
pp. (in Latvian).
- J. Lemba. Industrial Process Kinetics and Chemical
Reactors, 1979, Riga: RTU, 70 pp. (in Latvian).
- J. Lemba. Homogeneous Chemical Reactors, 1981, Riga:
RTU, 62 pp. (in Latvian).
- J.Lemba. Chemical Engineering, 1999, Riga: Stampa
Infoserviss, 416 pp. (in Latvian).
- R.Karklins, J.Lemba, G.Liepins. Biotechnology of Organic Acids, 2002, Riga: Stampa Infoserviss, 214 pp. (in Latvian).
Scientific Publications -
- R.Karklins, L.Raminia, J.Lemba. Purification and isolation
of organic compounds by ion exchange processes.- Proceedings of Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1995, N 5-6 , pp. 3-17 (in Latvian).
- 3 USSR Author's Certificates on Electrodialysis Method.
- J.Lemba, I.Kramzaka, V.Aizbalts, I.Kalvins, I.Melbergs,
A.Sidorovs, A.Zarins. Method of Production of 3-(2,2,2-trimethylhydrazinium)propionate
dihydrate. Patent LV 5046. 1993.
- J.Lemba, I.Kramzaka, V.Aizbalts, I.Kalvins, I.Melbergs,
A.Sidorovs, A.Zarins Method of Production of 3-(2,2,2-trimethylhydrazinium)propionate
dihydrate. Patent RF 1262900. -1993.
- R.Karklins, J.Lemba, L.Raminia, I.Lapele. Ion exchange and membrane processes for
isocitric acid microbiological preparation. - 13-th International Congress of Chemical
and Process Engineering "CHISA' 98", Praha, Czech Republic, 23 -28 August
1998, vol. 4, pp. 160.
- J.Lemba, N.Panchenko, V.Slavinska, M.Katkevich. Synthesis, isolation and purification of
hydroxamic acids.// 13-th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering
"CHISA' 98", Praha, Czech Republic, 23 -28 August 1998, vol.4, pp. 176.
- N.Panchenko, E.Korchagova, Dz.Sile, M.Katkevich, V.Slavinska, J.Lemba, I.Turovskis,
E.Lukevics. Interaction of 2-oxo-4-phenylbutanoic acid ethyl ester with hydroxylamine.-
Latvian J. Chem., 1998, Nr.4, pp.77-80 (in Russian).
- I.Kramzaka, J.Lemba, I.Kalvins. Evaluation of membrane technological parameters and
selection of membranes.- 13-th International Congress of Chemical and Process
Engineering "CHISA' 98", Praha, Czech Republic, 23 -28 August 1998, vol.4,
pp. 175.
- J.Lemba, R.Karklins, I.Lapele, L.Raminia. Environment harmless and economically
attractive processes of organic acids microbiologycal production. - Proc.
Latvian Acad. Sci., Section B, 1999, vol. 53, N 2(601), pp.128-130.
- J.Lemba, R.Karklins, I.Lapele. Purification and isolation of organic acids by ion
exchange and electrodialysis. // Scientific proceedings of Riga Technical university
Material science and applied chemistry, Series No 1, Vol.1(2000), Riga, RTU,
pp. 73-80
- J.Lemba, I.Dreijers, I.Kramzaka, I.Kalvins. Evaluation of membrane parameters and
selection of membranes. - Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University
Material Science and Applied Chemistry(Riga: RTU), 2000, Series N 1,
Vol.1, pp. 81-87.
- R.Karklins, J.Lemba, U.Viesturs. Biotechnology for organic acids production. - G.I.T.
Laboratory Journal, 2001, N 6, pp. 281-283.
- R.Karklins, J.Lemba, I.Lapele, A.Karklina. Investigations about a
-ketoglutaric acid with anionites from n-alkanes fermentation solutions.- Scientific
Proceedings of Riga Technical University Material Science and Applied
Chemistry(Riga: RTU), 2001, Ser. N 1, Vol.2, pp.8-14 (in Latvian).
Recent Research Projects:
- J.Lemba (Head of Project). The Theory of Membrane Processes
and Ion Exchange, its Application for Organic Acids and Their Salts Technology Performance.
Latvian Council of Science (1994-1996).
- J.Lemba (Head of Project). Investigations of
Eelectrodialysis and Ion Exchange Processes for Ecologically Pure Technology Performance .
Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000).
- J.Lemba (Head of Project). Investigations of Mass Transfer
for New Nonexpensive and Ecologicallu Friendly Technology Development. Latvian Council
of Science (2004 - ).
- 3 installed equipment units (electrodialysis) for
Latvian Pharmaceutical and Food Industry, (1984 - 1995).
Hobbies: Bee-keeping, gardening
Last update 01.09.2005