Professor Ilmars LAZOVSKIS Professor of Internal Medicine
P.Stradins Clinical University Hospital
Pilsonu iela 13
Riga, LV 1002
Born: November 19, 1931, Riga, Latvia
Departed: October 19, 2003, Riga, Latvia
- General Internal Medicine, Nephrology, Hypertension, Vasculitis
- Medical Terminology; Medical Education, Medical Ethics
- History of Internal Medicine
- Philosophy of Medicine and Science; Phenomenological Approach
- Chaos Theory (Non-linear Dynamics) in Internal Medicine
Languages: English,
German, Latvian, Russian
- Medical Academy of Latvia, cum laude, 1956
- Dr.med. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western
countries), Medical Academy of Latvia, Riga, 1964
- Dr.habil.med. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Medical Academy
of Latvia, Riga, 1978
- Intern/Resident (Internal Medicine), Gulbene Hospital, Latvia,
- Postgraduate, Medical Academy of Latvia, 1959-1962
- WHO Fellowship (Internal Medicine) - Edinburgh and London, Great
Britain, 1971 - 1972
- Head of Department and the Chair of Internal Medicine, Medical
Academy of Latvia, 1972-1995
- Professor (Internal Medicine), 1978-
- Visiting Professor, Department of Internal Medicine , Linz
University Hospital "Krankenhaus der Elisabethinen", Austria,1980
- Head, Department of Internal Medicine, P.Stradins Clinical
Hospital of Medical Academy of Latvia, 1995-1998;
- Professor - Consultant, P.Stradins Clinical University Hospital, 1999 -
- Visiting Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Munich Technical
University, Germany, 1996
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1990
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992
- Member, New York Academy of Sciences, 1992
- The Three Star Order (Latvia), 1995
- Latvian Academy of Sciences P.Stradins Award (in medicine), 1997
- Medical Academy of Latvia K.Rudzitis award (in internal medicine and medical
terminology), 1999
- The Sign in Memory of Barricades-1991, 2003
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Vice-president, Latvian Society of Internal Medicine, 1991 - ;
President (1987-1991)
- Vice-president, Latvian Association of Nephrologists, 1996- ;
President (1992-1996)
- Member, German Nephrological Society, 1992 -
- Member, Board of Certification (Internal Medicine) of the
Association of Physicians of Latvia, 1992 -
- Chairman, Latvian Academy of Sciences Committee of Medical
Terminology, 1978-2000
- Member, European Renal Association, 1993-
- Member, The Three Stars' Order Council, Latvia, 1995-1999
- Member of Scientific Advisory Board, Latvian Pharmaceutical
Company "Grindex", 1996-1997
- Member (President,1997 -2000), National Committee of Education, Culture and Science,
Baltic Assembly, 1997 -
- Member of Senate, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1998 -
- Corresponding Member of the German Association of Internal Medicine (korrespondierendes
Mitglied der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Innere Medizin), 1999 -
- Member, Board of the P.Stradins Clinical University hospital Development foundation,
2000 -
- Clinical Medical Terminology Today. University of California,
Los Angeles, October 13, 1993.
- The Re-emergence of Baltic States. McKennon College Centre,
Clairmont, California, October 14, 1993.
- Intellectuals and Humanism at the End of the 20th Century.
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Latvia, February 28, 1995.
- National Terminology and National Policy. International
Scientific Conference on Terminology, Riga, October 14, 1996.
- Physician and Pharmacist in the Modern Society. National
Congress of Pharmacists of Latvia, June 13, 1996.
- IgA Nephropathy and Diabetic Nephropathy. Guest Lectures.
Medical Faculty, Technical University of Munich, Germany, February 26-27, 1996.
- Chaos theory (non-linear dynamics) in medicine and phenomenological approach to the
patient.( Latvian Academy of Sciences P.Stradins Award Lecture), Museum of History of
Medicine, Riga, January 20, 1998.
- Non-linear dynamics and internal medicine - somatic and psychological consequences.
Academic Lecture, University of Latvia, June 8, 1999.
- About Evidence Based Medicine. Academic Lecture, Latvian
Society of Internal Medicine, Riga, January 25, 2002.
Recent/Representative Publications:
- I.Lazovskis. The Textbook of Internal Medicine, 1985, Riga:
Zvaigzne, 416 pp. (in Latvian).
- N.Andrejevs, I.Lazovskis, I.Silins. Practical Rheumatology, 1988,
Riga:Zvaigzne, 250 pp. (in Latvian) .
- U.Bruveris, H. Cernevskis, I.Lazovskis. Practical Nephrology,
1990, Riga:Zvaigzne, 294 pp. (in Latvian).
- I.Lazovskis. Clinical Symptoms and Syndromes, 1990, Prague:
Avicenum, 574 pp. (in Czech).
- J.Anselevics, I.Eglitis, I.Lazovskis, I.Silins, N.Skuja, A.Stifts.
Clinical Pharmacotherapy of Internal Diseases, 1994, Riga:Zvaigzne, 422 pp. (in
- I.Lazovskis. Martin Sihle' Scientific School of Internal Medicine
in Latvia. - Acta Medico-Historica Rigensia, 1994, vol II, pp. 169-183 (in German).
- I.Lazovskis. Nephrology, Dialysis and Renal Transplantation in
Latvia. - NDT, 1994, vol. 9, N 2, pp. 214-216.
- I.Lazovskis. Deteriorating Health, Mortality and Morbidity; The
Health Care System and Popular Concern for Health; Policy Alternatives for Improving the
State of Health - United Nations Development Programme - Latvia, Human Development
Report, 1995, pp. 66-73 (in English and Latvian).
- I.Lazovskis. Chaos theory as a basis for phenomenological approach
to the patient. - Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section A, 1995, N
3/4, pp. 57-65 (in Latvian, Summary in English).
- A.Petersons, E.Veverbrants, I.Lazovskis. Renal Diseases, 1998, Riga: A.Petersons.
- I.Lazovskis. Clinical Signs, Symptoms and Syndromes, 2001, Riga: National Medical
Publishers, 1184 pp.(in Latvian, English, and Russian).
- Professor Ilmars Lazovskis. Biobibliography. (Compilled by G.Trifonova, I.Majorova),
2001, Riga: Medicinas zinatniska biblioteka.
Last update 13.03.2003