Professor Egons LAVENDELIS
Riga Technical University
Institute of Mechanics
Ezermalas iela 6 -305
Riga, LV 1014
LatviaPhone: +371 7089473; +371 9255019
Fax: +371 7089746
E-mail: lavendel@parks.lv |
Born: December 20, 1934, Riga
- Mechanics of Highly Elastic Materials
- Solid Mechanics
- Dynamics and Strength of Machines
- Theory of Machines and Mechanisms
Main Research Activities:
Under my scientific guidance more than 50 postgraduates defended their theses in the
following directions of the research work:
- The calculation methods of highly elastic materials elements.
- Vibro-impact mechanical systems and vibro-technology
- Dynamic Synthesis
- Automatic Design, etc.
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German, English
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering), 1957
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), University
of Latvia, 1960
- Dr.habil.sc.ing. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1964
- Assistant Lecturer, Senior Researcher, Department of Strength of Materials, Riga
Technical University, 1957-1964
- Professor, Riga Technical University, 1965 -
- Head of Chair, Department of Strength of Materials, Riga Technical University, 1964-1985
- Rector, Riga Technical University, 1985 - 1999
- Director (1991-1996), Professor (1991 - ), Institute of Mechanics, Riga
Technical University
- Chairman of the Board, Getlini EKO Ltd, 2000 2003
- Chairman of the Board, Zeta Tehnologija Ltd, 2004 -
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1987-1989
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1989
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Fridrih Cander Prize in Engineering Sciences, 1978
- Latvian SSR Honoured Scientist, 1984
- Latvian SSR State Prize, 1989
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Grand Medal, 1994
- Dr.honoris causae, Kaunas University, Lithuania, 1997
- The Three Stars Order (Republic of Latvia), 2000
- State Emeritus Scientist, 2003
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Chairman, Latvian Board of Rectors, 1986-1995
- Foreign Member, International Engineering Academy of Sciences , 1990-
- Foreign Member, the National Committee of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of Russia,
- Member of Board, Latvian National Committee of Mechanics, 1992
- President, Association of Rectors of the Technical Universities of the Baltic States,
- Member, Senate of Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1996-2001
- Member, European Academy of Sciences (Section of Engineering Sciences with the
citation "for outstanding contributions to mechanical engineering and
engineering education"), 2002
- Editorial Advisory Board for Plaste und Kautschuk, 1992
Riga Technical University:
- Strength of Materials
- Theory of Elasticity
- Mechanics of Highly Elastic Materials
- Theory of Continuous Medium
Recent / Representative Publications
- E.Lavendelis. Synthesis of Optimal Vibro-Machines. 1970, Riga: Zinatne Press, 252pp. (in
- E.Lavendelis. Design of Rubber-Technical Construction Elements. 1976, M., 232pp. (in
- Lavendelis E. Strength of Materials. 1986, Riga: Zvaigzne Press, 341pp. (in Latvian)
- E.Lavendelis, J.Viba, B.Grasmanis. Mathematical description of the impact process. Proc.
of Intern. Symposium Analysis and Synthesis of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems in Mechanics,
Riga Technical University, 1996, pp.69-80.
- E.Lavendelis, J.Viba, A.Sulcs. Optimization and synthesis of vibrohammer with adaptive
control. Proc.of 3rd EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference, Stockholm, Aug.18-22,
1997, p.245.
- E.Lavendelis, J.Viba, B.Grasmanis. Oblique planar impact of the body against an
obstacle. Proc.of 3rd EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference, Stockholm, Aug.18-22,
1997, p.67.
- A.Janushevskis, E.Lavendelis, O.Onzevs, P.Sliede. Methods and software engineering tools
for simulation and optimization of vibrations of machines and mechanisms. Proc.of 3rd
EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference, Stockholm, Aug.18-22, 1997, p.246.
- E.Lavendelis, J.Viba, B.Grasmanis. Collision of the rigid body with obstacle at more
than at one point. Proc.of 2nd International Conf. on Mechanical Engineering, Part
1, 1997, Vilnius, Lithuania, pp.88-94
- E.Lavendelis , J.Viba, A.Sulcs. Synthesis of the startstop systems with adaptive
control. Proc. of 2nd International Conf. on Mechanical Engineering, Part 1, 1997,
Vilnius, Lithuania, pp.138-144.
- A.Janushevskis, E. Lavendelis, O. Onzevs. An automation of mechanical systems dynamic
optimization. Proc.of 2nd International Conf. on Mechanical Engineering, Part 1,
1997, Vilnius, Lithuania, pp.102-109.
- E.Lavendelis, J.Viba, B. Grasmanis, J. Fontaine.Collision and start-stop motion in a
system of wheel and link. Proc.Intern.Scientific and Technical Conf. "Reliability
ans Safety of Technical Systems", Minsk, Beylorussia, Oct.28-29, 1997,
- E.Lavendelis, J.Viba, M.Zakrzhevsky, M.Armada, T.Akinfiev, G.Panovko. Optimal synthesis
of nonlinear electro-mechanical systems with adaptive control. Proc. Intern. Scientific
and Technical Conf. "Reliability and Safety of Technical Systems", Minsk,
Beylorussia, Oct.28-29, 1997, pp.147-148.
- E.Lavendelis, J.Viba, B.Grasmanis, J.Fontaine. Vibration motion with impact of the
system of wheel and link. - Proc. Internat. Conf. "Vibroengineering'98",
Kaunas, Tehnologija, Part I, 1998, pp.101-103.
- S.I. Dymnikov, E.E. Lavendelis. Diagrams of calculations of compression of rubber
shock absorber of large course. Scientific Proceedings of IUTAM/IFToMM Symposium
Elastomers99, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 1999, p.37.
- S.I. Dymnikov, E.E. Lavendelis. Calculations of rigidity of rubber elastic elements of
arched and conical rubber-metal shock absorbers. Scientific Proceedings of Riga
Technical University. Series 6: Transport and Engineering, 2002, vol.7 (Mechanics),
Riga, pp.164 169.
- S.I. Dymnikov, E.E. Lavendelis. Models of physically nonlinear mediums for accounts of
the rubber-metal elastic elements. Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical
University. Series 6: Transport and Engineering, 2002, vol.7 (Mechanics), Riga, pp.170
- T. Akinfiev, A. Janushevskis, E. Lavendelis. A brief survey of ship hull cleaning
devices. Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University. Series 6:
Transport and Engineering, 2004 (in press)
Research Projects
- Contractor of INCO-COPERNICUS Project. Efficient Start-stop Intelligent Drives
with Adaptive Control (1997-1999)
- E.Lavendelis (Head of Project). A Method of Calculations and Software for Preliminary
Design of Rubber Articles. Latvian Council of Science (1993-1996).
- E.Lavendelis (Head of Project). Linear and Nonlinear Elastomers Theory Fundamental
Solutions Creation to Appreciate Approximate Solving Methods for Design and Calculation. Latvian
Council of Science (1996-1997).
Last update 21.08.2005