Born: April 13, 1948, Moscow, Russia
- Theoretical and Statistical Physics
- Solid State Physics
- Diffusion-Controlled reactions in Condensed Matter
- Theory of Surface Catalytic Reactions
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics), 1971
- Dr.fiz. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D in Western countries), University of
Latvia, 1974
Thesis: "Investigation of the Crystalline
Lattice Reconstruction in the Vicinity of Phase Transition"
(Advisor: Prof. B.Rolov)
- Dr.habil.phys. (in Chemical Physics) (Doctor of Science in former USSR), University of
Latvia, 1989
Thesis: "Multi-Particle Effects in
Kinetics of Birt and Recombination of Particles in Condensed
Academic and Professional Experience:
- Assistant Professor (1974-1975), Associate Professor (1975-1990), Department of
Theoretical Physics, University of Latvia
- Senior Researcher, Centre of Microelectronics, Riga, 1990-1996
- Professor of the Theoretical Physics, University of Latvia,
- Senior Researcher, Institute of Solid State Physics,
University of Latvia, 1996-
Professional Activities, Memberships:
- Senior Visitor Fellow, Dept. of Theor. Physics, Technical University Dresden, Germany.
(Advisor: Prof. P.Ziesche), IX 1977-III 1978
- Senior Visitor Fellow, Dept. of Physics, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany (Advisor:
Prof. W.Ebeling), I-II 1984
- Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany (Advisor: Prof. A.Blumen),
University of Bayreuth, XII 1988- X 1989; V-VII 1990; VI-VIII 1991
- Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany (Advisor: Prof. W.von Niessen),
University of Braunschweig, V-X 1993
- Fellow of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Germany (Advisor: Prof. W.von Niessen),
University of Braunschweig, VII-XI 1994; VII-XI 1995; IV-VI 1999
- Fellow of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Germany (Advisor: Prof. R.Mahnke),
University of Rostock, IV 1995
- Senior Visitor Fellow, University of Freiburg, Germany (Advisor: Prof. A.Blumen),
University of Freiburg, XII 1996, XI 1997
- Fellow of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Germany (Advisor: Prof. A.Blumen),
University of Freiburg, VI-VIII 1998
- International Science Foundation (ISF) grant, 1992
- International Science Foundation Research Grant. Defects in Oxide Crystals, 1994-1996
- NATO Research Grant, 1994
- Volkswagen Research Grant (Germany), 1996-1997
Recent/Representative Publications
I am author and co-author of 3 books and more than 150 scientific papers, including 3
review articles:
- Rolov B.N., Ivin V.A., Kuzovkov V.N. Statistic and Kinetic of Phase Transition in Solid
State. Riga: Zinatne, 1979, 180 p. (in Russian)
- Kantorovich L.N., Kotomin E.A., Kuzovkov V.N., Tale I.A., Shluger A.L., Zakis Yu.R.
Models of Defect Processes in Wide-Gap Solids. Riga: Zinatne, 1991, 320p. (in Russian)
- Kotomin E.A. and Kuzovkov V.N. Modern Aspects of Diffusion-Controlled Processes:
Cooperative Phenomena in Bimolecular Reactions}, North Holland, Elsevier Publ. (vol.34 in
a series of Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics), 1996. 620 p.
- Kuzovkov V.N., Kotomin E.A. Kinetics of bimolecular reactions in condensed media. - Rep.Prog.Phys.,
1988, vol. 51, pp.1479-1524.
- Kotomin E.A., Kuzovkov V.A. Phenomenological theory of the recombination and
accumulation kinetics of radiation defects in ionic solids. - Rep.Prog.Phys., 1992,
vol.55, pp.2079-2202.
- Schnörer H., Kuzovkov V.N. and Blumen A. Segregation in annihilation reactions without
diffusion: Anallysis of correlations. - Phys.Rev.Lett., 1998, vol. 63,
- Kuzovkov V.N. and Kotomin E.A. Pair and triple correlations in the A+B- B
diffusion-controlled reaction. -Phys.Rev.Lett., 1994, vol. 72, p.2105-2108.
- Kortlüke O., Kuzovkov V.N. and von Niessen W. Oscillation phenomena leading to chaos in
a stochastic surface reaction model. - Phys.Rev.Lett., 1998, vol. 81, p.2164-2167.
- Kuzovkov V.N., Kortlüke O. and von Niessen W. Nucleation and island growth
kinetics on reconstructing surfaces.- Phys.Rev.Lett., 1999, vol. 83, p.1636-1639.
- Kortlüke O., Kuzovkov V.N. and von Niessen W. Global synchronization via homogeneous
nucleation in oscillating surface reactions. - Phys.Rev.Lett., 1999, vol. 83,
- V.N. Kuzovkov. Aggregation and structure formation in reaction-diffusion processes
in chemical systems. - In: Aggregation Phenomena in Complex Systems (Eds.
J.Schmelzer, G.Röpke, R.Mahnke), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 1999, Chapter Nr 8: pp. 205-239
- G. Zvejnieks, V.N. Kuzovkov. Monte-Carlo simulations for Lotka-type model with reactant
surface diffusion and interactions. - Phys. Rev. E, 2001,vol.63, pp. 1-10
- V.N. Kuzovkov, A.I. Popov, E.A. Kotomin, M.A. Monge, R. Gonzilez, Y. Chen. The kinetics
of F-center aggregation in thermochemically reduced MgO single crystals. - Phys. Rev.
B, 2001,vol.64, pp. 1-5
- V.N. Kuzovkov, G. Zvejnieks. Model of the catalytic A+B -> 0 reaction with surface
reconstruction. Phys. Rev. E, 2002, vol.66, 021109, pp. 1-9
- V.N. Kuzovkov, W. von Niessen, V. Kashcheyevs, O. Hein. Exact analytic solution for the
generalized Lyapunov exponent of the two-dimensional Anderson localization. - J. Phys.:
Cond. Matter, 2002, vol.14, pp. 13777-13797
- V.N. Kuzovkov, O. Kortlüke, W. von Niessen. Kinetic model for surface reconstruction.
Phys. Rev. E, 2002, vol. 66, 011603, pp. 1-10
- V. N. Kuzovkov, W. von Niessen, O. Kortluke. Theoretical description of oscillating
surface reactions: a comparison of mean field, stochastic and simulation methods. Computer
Modelling and New Technologies, 2006, Vol.10, No.4, pp.80-89
Last update 07.09.2007.