Born: August 12, 1968, Riga, Latvia
Languages: Russian, Latvian, English, Italian
- X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (EXAFS, XANES) using Synchrotron Radiation
- Confocal Spectromicroscopy
- Computer Simulations (Molecular Dynamics, Reverse Monte Carlo, Ab initio
- Physics of Oxide Materials (Thin Films, Nanoparticles, Nanowires, Solid
Solutions, Glasses, etc.)
Brief Description of Main Research: My current research
interests are concerned with a development of new methods for the analysis of
X-ray absorption spectra using Molecular Dynamics simulations, Quantum Chemistry
calculations and Reverse Monte Carlo technique. I am the author of the original
x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) data analysis software package "EDA" and
the original approximated method for performing the MS calculations of XAFS. In
2002 I have designed and constructed a high-performance computing cluster LASC,
at the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia. The LASC cluster
is currently used for parallel quantum chemical calculations and simulations of
x-ray absorption spectra of nanoparticles, molecules and crystals. My scientific
interests in the fields of physics and materials science are concerned with
oxide compounds containing transition metal and rare-earth ions (crystals,
nanomaterials, amorphous and crystalline thin films, glasses, solutions).
Currently, I participate in the national and international research projects on
multifunctional materials for smart windows, solar cells, transparent conducting
coatings, sensors, phosphours and photocatalysts. The complex investigations of
physical and chemical properties of above mentioned materials require the use of
different experimental and theoretical techniques. In particular, I have
expertise in conducting studies using synchrotron x-ray absorption spectroscopy
(XAS), confocal spectromicroscopy (Raman and luminescence), atomic force
microscopy, optical absorption/luminescence spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction.
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics), cum laude, 1990
- Dr.phys. (Ph.D.), Thesis: Study of 4d and 5d Transition Metals Oxide
Compounds by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy IXAS, Institute of Solid State
Physics, University of Latvia, 1992
- Higher European Research Course for Users of Large Experimental Systems
"HERCULES-1993" in the field of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation for
Condensed Matter Studies (Option: Physics and Chemistry of Solids), ESRF,
Grenoble, France, 1993
Institute of Solid State Physics,
University of Latvia:
- Engineer, 1986-1989
- Junior Researcher (1990-1993), Researcher (1993-2001), Leading Researcher
(2001-present) Department of Semiconductor Materials
Research abroad (Visiting scientist):
- Visiting Scientist, Physics Dept., University of Trento, Italy (1991-1992)
- Visiting Scientist, Physics Dept., Rostock University, Germany (1992)
- Visiting Scientist, INFN, LNF, Frascati, Italy (1992)
- Visiting Scientist, CNR-ITC, CeFSA, Trento, Italy (1993-2010)
- "Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei" Fellowship at the University of Trento,
Italy (1993)
- NATO Guest Fellowship, CNR-ITC, CeFSA, Trento, Italy (1995)
- Visiting Scientist, JINR, Dubna, Russia (1999)
- Visiting Scientist, GPEC, University of Marseille (Aix-Marseille II),
EGIDE Fellowship (2001-2006)
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 2005
- Academia Europaea Baltic Prize for the work "X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Study of Transition Metals Oxide Compounds and Related Materials", 1996.
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member, Latvian Synchrotron Radiation Society (1997-present)
- Member, International XAFS (X-ray Absorption Fine Structure) Society
- Member of the Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics at
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia) (2011-present)
Recent/Representative Publications
I am author and co-author of more than 200 papers. My Hirsch index (Web of
Science) is h=25.
- A. Kuzmin, A. Kalinko and R. A. Evarestov, Ab initio LCAO study of the
atomic, electronic and magnetic structures and the lattice dynamics of
triclinic CuWO4, Acta Mater. 61 (2013) 371-378.
- A. Kuzmin, A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, J. Timoshenko, R. Kalendarev, X-ray
absorption spectroscopy of Cu-doped WO3 films for use in
electrochemical metallization cell memory, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 401 (2014)
- J. Timoshenko, A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, A. Kuzmin, Temperature dependence
of the local structure and lattice dynamics of wurtzite-type ZnO, Acta Mater.
79 (2014) 194-202.
- A. Kuzmin and J. Chaboy, EXAFS and XANES analysis of oxides at the
nanoscale, IUCrJ 1 (2014) 571-589.
- A. Kuzmin, A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, J. Timoshenko, R. Kalendarev, External
pressure and composition effects on the atomic and electronic structure of
SnWO4, Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 143 (2015) 627-634.
- J. Purans, P. Fornasini, S. E. Ali, G. Dalba, A. Kuzmin, F. Rocca, X-ray
absorption spectroscopy study of local dynamics and thermal expansion in
ReO3, Phys. Rev. B 92 (2015) 014302:1-12.
- A. Kuzmin, A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, J. Timoshenko, The use of x-ray
absorption spectra for validation of classical force-field models, Z. Phys.
Chem. 230 (2016) 537-549.
- I. Jonane, K. Lazdins, J. Timoshenko, A. Kuzmin, J. Purans, P. Vladimirov,
T. Gräning, J. Hoffmann, Temperature-dependent EXAFS study of the local
structure and lattice dynamics in cubic Y2O3, J.
Synchrotron Rad. 23 (2016) 510-518.
- P. Gamaletsos, A. Godelitsas, T. Kasama, A. Kuzmin, M. Lagos, T. J.
Mertzimekis, J. Göttlicher, R. Steininger, S. Xanthos, Y. Pontikes, G. N.
Angelopoulos, C. Zarkadas, A. Komelkov, E. Tzamos, A. Filippidis, The role of
nano-perovskite in the negligible thorium release in seawater from Greek
bauxite residue (red mud), Sci. Rep. 6 (2016) 21737.
- S. Piskunov, P. A. Žguns, D. Bocharov, A. Kuzmin, J. Purans, A. Kalinko,
R. A. Evarestov, S. E. Ali, F. Rocca, Interpretation of unexpected behavior of
infrared absorption spectra of ScF3 beyond the quasiharmonic
approximation, Phys. Rev. B 93 (2016) 214101:1-9.
- I. Jonane, J. Timoshenko, A. Kuzmin, Atomistic simulations of the Fe
K-edge EXAFS in FeF3 using molecular dynamics and reverse Monte
Carlo methods, Phys. Scr. 91 (2016) 104001 (6pp).
Research Projects
- Head of the Latvian Government Grant (2005-2008) "Advanced Spectroscopic
Approach to the Study of Nanomaterials Structure".
- "Advanced Functional Materials for Microelectronics, Nanoelectronics,
Photonics, Biomedicine and Composite Materials, and related Technology
Development", Latvian National Research Programme in Materials Science
(2005-2009) (Coordinator: M.Springis, Responsible: A. Kuzmin).
- Head of the Latvian Government Grant (2009) "Study of Local Dynamics and
Structure in Nano-Oxide Materials".
- Participating in MNT ERA-NET Matera Project "Functional materials for
resistive switching memories" (FMRSM), (2009-2012) (Head: R. Dittmann,
Responsible: J. Purans ).
- Participating in the Latvian Government Grant "Structure of nano-oxide
materials and self-organization in stochastic media" (2010-2012) (Head: J.
- Principal Investigator in the ESF project (2009-2012) "Nanomaterials for
perspective energy effective solutions" (No.
- Participating in "Nano-structured test samples for a combined near-field
and X-ray microscopy", "OSMOSE" project within the bilateral collaboration
programme between France and Latvia (2012-2013) (Heads: J. Purans and D.
- "Development of novel multifunctional materials, signal processing and
information technologies for competitive knowledge-based products" (IMIS),
Project No.1: Multifunctional materials, Latvian National Research Programme
in Materials Science (2010-2013) (Coordinator: M.Springis, Responsible: A.
- "Local structure determination in functional materials from x-ray
absorption spectra", Latvian Science Council Grant No.187/2012, 2013-2016
(Head: A. Kuzmin).
- ESF Project "Innovative materials for transparent electronics and
photonics", No. 2013/0015/1DP/ 01.10.2013-31.08.2015
(Head: A. Kuzmin).
- "Multifunctional materials and composites, photonics and nanotechnology"
(IMIS2), Latvian National Research Programme in Materials Science (2014-2017)
(Responsible: A.Kuzmin).
Last update: 31-08-2016