Born: June 6, 1939, Riga, Latvia
- Clinical Chemistry
- Medical Biochemistry
Main Research:
The field of our laboratory
investigations are free radicals in health and disease. We study relationship between
antioxidative defence (antioxidant enzymes, total antioxidant capacity, level of main
bioantioxidants, products of peroxidation etc), overload or deficiency of trace elements
(Pb, Zn, Cu, Se), its active proteins (SOD, ceruloplasmin, glutathione enzymes) in
patients with various diseases, in persons followed ionizing radiation, pregnant women
Languages: Latvian, Russian, Germany,
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Biology), cum laude,
- Dr. biol.(Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in
Western countries), Moscow 2-nd Medical Institute, Russia, 1983
Medical Academy of Latvia -
- Researcher and Senior Researcher, 1976 - 1993
- Head of Biochemical Laboratory, 1993 -
- Chief on scientific study of students, residents and
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member, Federation of European Biochemical Societies
(FEBS), 1970 -
- Member, Society of Free Radical Research (SFRR), 1996 -
- Selected Topics in Biochemistry, Department of
Biochemistry, Medical Academy of Latvia ,1993
- PC programme for statistics
Recent/Representative Publications:
- A Kumerova, A Silova, L Utno. Effect of Panthetine on
postheparin lipolitic activity and lipid peroxidation in myocardium. - Bull. Exp. Biol.
Med., 1991 III, N 1, pp. 42-44.
- A Kumerova, L Utno, Z Lipsberga, I Schestere. Myocardial
protection by panthothenic acid derivatives in heart model with experimental ischemia and
reperfusion. - Bull. Exp. Biol. Med., 1992, vol. 113, pp. 489-492.
- M Veveris, V Klusa, H Cirule, D Meirena, A Kumerova.
Cardioprotective properties of Glutapyrone, a novel cyclic peptide - mimiking agent. - European
Heart J., 1993, vol.114, Abstr. Supl., p. 408.
- A Kumerova, L Utno, A Schesters, I Schestere. Antiischemic
effect and antioxidant activity of derivatives of panthothenic acid in experimental
ischemia-reperfusion of the isolated heart. - Proc. Latvian Acad. Sciences, B, 1994, N
1, pp. 73-77.
- A Kumerova, A Schesters, I Schestere. Study of
cardioprotective effect of a -Tokopherol and Panthenol using an experimental model of
ischemized-reperfuzed isolated heart. - Bull. Exp. Biol. Med., 1994, vol. 117, N 6, pp.
- A Kumerova, A Silova, A Lece, V Petukhov. Activity of
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and Glutathione enzymes in the Red Blood Cells in
Patients with hemoblastoses. - Materia Medica Polona, 1995, vol. 27, pp. 7-9.
- A Kumerova, V Petukhov, A Lece, A Silova, A Schesters, Z
Lipsberga, V Rijman. The effect of interval normobaric hypoxia on lipid peroxidation,
erythrocyte filterability and the blood antioxidant system. - Hypoxia Medical J., 1995,
N 3, pp. 15-17.
- A Kumerova, V Petukhov, A Schesters. Method for
determination of latent iron deficiency. - Latvian Patent N 10904 (April 20,1996).
- V Petukhov, E Jansons, D Bondare, A Toma, A Schesters, A
Kumerova, V Rastrigin, A. Demidova. Role of antioxidant enzymes of RBC in development of
anemia in patients with hemoblastoses. - Ter. Archiv, 1992, N 7, pp. 25-29.
- A Kumerova, V Petukhov, A Silova, A Schesters, A Lece.
Possibility of the usage of antioxidant enzymes as indicators in characterisation the
development of disease in patients with hemoblastoses. - Voprosy Med. Khim., 1996, N 2,
pp. 143-147
- A Kumerova, V Petukhov, A Schesters . Determination and
informativity of coefficient K for diagnostics deficiency of hemoglobin. - Clin. Lab.
Diagnostika, 1996, N 1, pp. 43-44 (in Russian).
- A.Kumerova, A.Lece, A.Silova, A.Skesters.,V.Petukhov,
V.Rijman. Interval normobaric hypoxia and antioxidant status in female patients with
various diseases. - Croatian Medical J., 1997, vol. 38, N 6, pp. 113-116.
- V.Petukhov, A.Skesters, A.Kumerova, A.Lece, A.Silova,
N.Mironova, M.Krishchune. Erithremia: activity of antioxidant enzymes, connection with
iron deficiency. - Ter. Archiv, 1997, N 4, pp. 57-61 (in Russiasn).
- A.Skesters, A.Lece, A.Kumerova. Metabolism of iron and
antioxidant defence in blood on healthy volunteers and patients following administration
of selenium. - Fundamental and Applied Aspect of Biochemistry, 1998, vol. 2 ,
Sanct-Petersburg, pp. 432-435 (in Russian).
- A.Skesters, A.Kumerova, I.Skestere. Application of
pantothenic acid and its derivatives as cardioprotectors during cardioplegy and
reperfusion. - Pantenol and Its Derivatives: Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Medical
Application, Grodno, 1998, pp. 224-230 (in Russian).
- A.Kumerova, A.Lece, A.Skesters, A.Silova, V.Petukhovs.
Anaemia and antioxidant defence of the red blood cells. - Materia Medica Polona, 1998,
vol. 30, N 1-2 (101), pp. 12-15.
- A.Kumerova, A.Lece, A.Skesters, V.Petukhovs. Anaemia and
antioxidant defence of the red blood cells. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., B, 1998, vol.
52, N 3-4, pp. 284-287.
- A.Lece, A.O.Kumerova, A.P.Skesters, J.J.Bikova.
Antioxidative defence of blood in early pregnancy. - Bull.Exp.Biol.Med., 1999, N
8, pp. 230-233.
- A.P.Skesters, A.O.Kumerova, A.G. Lece, G.A.Orlikov,
J.V.Seleznov, J.J.Pokrotnieks. Disorders in free radical lipid oxidation and rtrace
elements amount in the blood of persons worked in an area with elevated ionizing
radiation. - Cytologia, 1999, vol. 141, N 9, pp. 804-805.
- A.O.Kumerova, Y.Y.Bikova, A.P.Skesters, AG.Lece, L.N.Gerla,
D.A.Uzamecky. The antioxidant state of blood in early periods of pregnancy. -
Rossiisky Vestnik Perinatologii i Pediatrii, 1999, vol. 44, N 1, p. 27 (in Russian).
Research Projects:
- A. Kumerova (Head of Project). Study of Antioxidant System
in Blood of Patients with Hemoblastoses and Biochemical Mechanism of Antioxidants
Therapeutic Effect. Latvian Council of Science (1993 -
- A. Kumerova (Head of Project). The Superoxide Dismutase and
Selenium Clinical Testing for Hemoblastoses with Anemia Therapy. TAIHO Latvian Fund
(1995 - 1996).
- A. Kumerova (Head of Project). Antioxidative Defence
Correction, Significance for Preventive Medicine and Treatment of Patients with Malignant
Diseases. Latvian Council of Science (1997 - 1999).
- A. Kumerova (Head of Project). Reactive Oxigen Species and
Antioxidants in Experimental and Clinical Study. Latvian Council of Science (2000 -
Last update 14.03.2000