Maija KULE
Professor Maija KULE
Faculty of history and Philosophy
University of LatviaDirector
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology
Akademijas laukums 1
Riga, LV 1940
Phone: +371 722 9208
Fax: +371 721 0806
E-mail: maya@lza.lv ; maija.kule@lu.lv
Born: April 21, 1951, Gulbene district, Latvia
- History of philosophy
- Phenomenology
- Hermeneutics
- Philosophy of culture
- Philosophy of education
Social philosophy
Human rights
European Union: ideas and values
Contemporary European culture and art: a philosophical analysis
- Dr. habil. phil., Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Latvian Academy
of Sciences (LAS), 1993
- Dr. phil., Institute of History of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1980
- Diploma, Faculty of History and Philosophy, University of Latvia, 1970
Honours and awards
Academy of Sciences, 1996
Active member, European Academy of Sciences and Arts (Class 11 - Philosophy), 1996
Corresponding member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992-1996
Felix Award ( European Academy of Sciences and Arts and Latvian Academy of
Sciences) for the best book in Humanities Phenomenology and Culture, 2003
T.Celms Award in philosophy,
Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2006
- Professor, University of Latvia (LU), 1997-
- Director, LAS Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, 1991-1997; LU Institute of
Philosophy and Sociology, 1997 2006; agency LU Institute of Philosophy and
Sociology, 2006 -
- Head of the Department of Philosophical Anthropology, LAS Institute of Philosophy and
Law, 1987- 1991
- Senior Researcher, LAS Institute of Philosophy and Law, 1981- 1987
- Researcher, LAS Institute of History, 1974 - 1981
Professional activities
- Member of the Steering Committee, International Federation of Philosophical
Societies (FISP),
1998 2008; Head
of the International Committee of Philosophical Collaboration and Philosophical Encounter,
2004 -
Member of the Senate, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1996-
Member of the University of Latvia Senate, Head of the Commission of University
Development Strategy, 1999-2001, 2004- 2007
Head, Committee of Experts of the Latvian Council of Science ( Humanities and
Social Sciences), 2007 -
Chairperson, Committee of Experts of the Latvian Council of Science (Philosophy,
Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogy), 1991-2007
Board of Directors, International Husserl and Phenomenological Research Society, 1996
Head of the Board, Institute Eurolat, 2000
Delegate of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, UAI - International Union of
Academies, 1998- 2004
Member of the Council, Department of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Latvian Academy
of Sciences, 1996
Head ( 2005-2006), member of the Committee of Ethics, Latvian Academy of Sciences and Latvian Council of Science, 1996 -
Member of the Editorial Council of the journal "Humanities and Social
Sciences. Latvia", 1993 -
Editor-in-chief of the journal (almanac) "Philosophy" (in Latvian), 1998
Member of Editorial Board of the journals:
- (Man and World) "Continental Philosophical
Review", University of New Hampshire,USA,1997
- Logos, Vilnius, 2006
- "Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences.
Part A. Humanities", 1992 -
- Religiski filozofiski raksti, 2001
- LU raksti.
Filosofija, 2005 -
Member of the Promotion Council, LAS Institute of Philosophy and Law, 1986 - 1990
University of Latvia:
- Head of the Professors' Commission in Philosophy and Theology, 2000 -
- Head of the Doctoral studies program in Philosophy, 1998 -
- Head of the Promotion
Committee in Philosophy , 1998- 2006
Member of the Consultative Commission,
Latvias Institute, 1998 - 2001
Member of the National Committee of Culture of Latvia, 1995-1998
President, Latvian Association of Intelligentsia, 1998 -
Deputy Chairman of the Latvian Section, Philosophical Society of USSR, 1986 -
Chair of Organizing Committee:
Member of the General scientific organizing committee, XXII World Philosophy
Congress, Seul 2008; Head of the committee of international philosophical
collaboration, head of the congress symposia Hermeneutics, 2003
Deputy head of the organizing committee of the congress LETONIKA, head of
the section, 2005 2007
Head of the organizing committee -
- Philosophy section, the First Letonica Congress,
Riga, October, 2005
- International conference Philosophy Against
Violence, Riga, University of Latvia December, 2004
- International conference F. Nietzsche - 160,
Riga, University of Latvia, October, 2004
- International conference, organized by the European
Academy of Sciences and Arts and Latvian Academy of Sciences Security and
Certainty, Riga, May, 2003
- Conference "Europen Values in Education and Culture:
Latvia's Way to the EU", October, 2002
- Conference " Culture in Changing Latvia". Riga,
Latvia, May, 1995
- Conference " Dialoque between Christian and Secular
Worlds". Riga, Latvia, March 1995
- Conference " F.Nietzsche - 150". Riga, Latvia,
October, 1994
- Conference on honour Pope`s John Paul II visit in Latvia. Riga,
September, 1993
- XXVII International Phenomenology Conference, "Toward the
Phenomenological Concept of Life." Jurmala, Latvia, September, 1991
- Section of Philosophy and Theology, World Congress of Latvian
Scientists, Riga, Latvia, July 1991
- XXV International Phenomenology Conference, "Reason, Life,
Culture." Riga, Latvia, September 1990
- All-USSR Conference "The 200th Anniversary of Kant's
Kritik der Urteilskraft First Publicaton in Riga ". Riga, Latvia, May 1990
- All- USSR Conference, ''Communication and Culture''. Jurmala,
Latvia, May, 1987
- All- USSR Conference, ''Problems of Ontology in Western
Philosophy''. Jurmala, Latvia, September, 1986
Member of the organizing committee -
- International conference I. Kant- 280, Riga, University
of Latvia, April, 2004
- All- USSR Conference "The 200th Anniversary of Kant's Kritik der
praktischen Vernunft First Publication in Riga " Riga, Latvia, May 1988
- All-Union Conference, ''The 200th Anniversary of Kant's Kritik der
reinen Vernunft First Publication in Riga''. Riga, Latvia, September, 1981
Euro-life: Forms, Principles, Feelings, Riga: FSI
(in Latvian)
Phenomenology and Culture, 2002, Riga (in English).
Philosophy, 1996(1st edition), 1997 (2nd edition), 1998 (3rd edition), Riga, 658
pp. (together with R.Kúlis, in Latvian); 1998 (transl. in Russian), 716 pp.
The Path in the Maze of Understanding, 1989, Riga: Zinatne (in Latvian).
Edited Works and Author of the Chapters in Books:
Scientific editor - book Communication and existence,
University of Latvia, 2005
Scientific editor - book Philosopher between tradition and experience,
University of Latvia, 2004
Editor-in-chief. Almanac. Philosophy, Nr. 4, Riga, 2004
Editor-in-chief. Almanac. Philosophy, Nr. 3, Riga, 2002
Editor-in-chief. Almanac. Philosophy, Nr. 2, Riga, 2000
Editor-in-chief. Almanac. Philosophy, Nr. 1, Riga, 1998
Eternal and Secular, 1995, Riga: Lielvards.
Phenomenology in Baltics. Analecta Husserliana, 1993,vol. XXXIX, Kluwer Acad.
Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London.
Phenomenology in the Contemporary World, 1991, Eds. with Viktors Molchanow. Riga:
Zinatne, (in Russian).
Philosophy and Theology. Materials of the World Congress of Latvian Scientists, 1991,
Riga, (in Latvian).
Teleology and Aesthetics, 1991, Riga, (in Latvian, Russian, German).
Thoughts about Ancient Philosophy, 1990, Riga:Avots, (in Latvian).
Human Being and Spirit, 1988, Riga: Zinatne, (in Russian).
Problems of Ontology in Western Philosophy, 1988, Riga: Zinatne, (in Russian).
Ancient Philosophie: Specific Features and Contemporary Meaning, 1988, Riga: Zinatne,
(in Russian).
Kant's "Critic of Pure Reason" and Modern Thought, 1984, Riga: Zinatne, (in
Critic of Phenomenological Trend in Western Philosophy, 1981, Riga: Zinatne, (in
The Methodology of the Contemporary Philosophical Hermeneutics. Dr. phil.
Dissertation, 1980, Riga (in Russian).
Culture and Mutual Understanding, 1984, Riga (in Latvian).
World, Human Being, Cognition, 1978, Riga (in Latvian).
Articles (published at intenational editions, journals, books):
Principle of Historicity in the
Phenomenology of Life. Analecta Husserliana, Vol. XC, Springer Science and
Business Media Publishers, 2006, pp. 237 249.
Post-modern Europe: Three Forms of Life. Contributed papers. Interim World
Philosophy Congress, Delhi, 2006, pp. 73-79.
Philosophy in the Baltic States. Philosophy Worldwide. FSI, FISP, 2006,
pp. 91 106.
History of Philosophy and Philosophy of History: Educational problems. History
in Education. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Pedagogical University, 2005, pp. 40 52.
The Role of Ciphering in phenomenology of life. - Analecta Husserliana, vol.
LXXIX, Kluwer acad. publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 2004, pp. 41-50.
Self-Individualization as the Main Principle of Life. - Analecta Husserliana,
vol. LXXXIII, Kluwer Acad. Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 2004, pp. 47-56.
Scientist's Code of Ethics in Latvia. Scientific Dishonesty Workshop
of the Nordic Committees and the Baltic Experts, Abu, Finland, 2003, pp.8-10.
Change of Values in the East-European Philosophy.- International Conference Philosophy
on the Turning Point of the Century". Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy
of Social Sciences, Beijing, 2002, pp.16.-17 (In English and Chinese )
New Religiosity in the View of Contemporary Culture and Philosophy - CESNUR 14th
International conference in Riga, August, 2000. Publication in the CESNUR Website,
Intersubjective Parameters of the Life Processes. - Analecta Husserliana, 2002,
vol. 77, pp. 79-85, Kluwer Acad. Publishers.
The Idea of Europe in Latvia.- National Identity and Vision of Europe. - Annals of
the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2000, vol. 28, N 9, pp. 25-31.
Theodor Celms: Forerunner of the Phenomenology of Life. - Analecta Husserliana,
1998, vol. LIV, Kluwer Acad. Publishers.
The Problems of Intersubjectivity in Th.Celm's Philosophy. - Phenomenological
Inquiry, October, 1996
Religious Philosophy in the Latvian Academy of Sciences in 1990-1995. - Dialogue
between Christianity and Secularism in Latvia. Riga, 1996, European Academy of Arts
and Sciences, vol. 15, Nr. YI
Phenomenology in the USSR. - Encyclopaedia of Phenomenology, 1997, Florida
Atlantic university, Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology, Kluwer Acad.
Über Stille. -Kultur und Kritik. Leipziger philosophische Zeitschrift. Heft 5.
August, 1993
Silence as Cultural Phenomenon. - Analecta Husserliana, 1993,vol. XXXIX, Kluwer
Acad. Publishers.
The Ontological Pre- Conditions of Understanding and the Formation of Meaning. -
Analecta Husserliana, 1991, vol. XXXIY, Kluwer Acad. Publishers.
The Role of Historicity in Mans Creative Experience: a Comparative Analysis of the
Ideas of Kant, Hegel, Husserl, Heidegger, and theHermeneutical School. - Analecta
Husserliana, 1990, vol. XXXI, Kluwer Acad. Publishers.
The Formation of Sense and Creative Experience. - Analecta Husserliana, 1989,
vol.XXYII, Kluwer Acad. Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London.
Research projects
- M.Kule (Head of Project). Phenomenological and Hermeneutical Description of
Lebenswelt. Latvian Council of Science, 2001 - 2007
M.Kule (Deputy Head). State research program "Letonika", 2005-2008
M.Kule (Head of Project). Christian Values and Latvian Identity. Latvia,
Ministry of Education and Science. 2004-2005
M.Kule (Head of Project). Contemporary Phenomenology. Latvian Council of
Science, 1991 - 2001.
M. Kule (Head of Program). Integration and Modernization of Letonica. Latvian
Council of Science, 1995
Short term Research Grant Contemporary Phenomenology. Austrian
Academy of Sciences, University of Vienna, Institute of Philosophy, 2004
- Short term research grant Phenomenology and
Hermeneutics in Latvia. University of Vienna, Institute of Philosophy, 2004
- Short term Research Grant Phenomenology and Culture.
The British Academy, 2002
- 2 month scientific project. Humboldt University,
Berlin, 1999
- Grant for a preparation of book "Eternal and Secular", Soros Foundation of
Latvia, 1995
- Short term Research Grant, program " Research and Training for Reform"
of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. Montreal University, 1995.