Solveiga Krumina-Konkova
Dr.phil. Solveiga Krumina-Konkova
Leading Researcher
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology
Akademijas laukums 1
Riga LV 1940
Phone: +371 722 5468
Fax: +371 7210806
E-mail: krumina@lza.lv
Born: December 19, 1960, Riga, Latvia
- Phenomenology of religion
- Sociology of religion (new religions in particular)
- Analytical philosophy of religion
- Religious philosophy, Christian philosophy
- Theology
Languages: English, Russian, Latvian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of History and Philosophy, Department of Philosophy) cum
laude, 1984
- Dr.phil. (Candidate of Science in former USSR), Institute of Philosophy, Moscow,Russia,
- Assistant and Junior Researcher, Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law, Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1984-1986
- Scholarship Holder, Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, Russia, 1986-1989
- Senior Researcher (1989-1994), Leading Researcher (1994-), Institute of Philosophy and
Sociology, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board for ˛ Cels˛ (The Way): Collected Articles, Faculty of
Theology, University of Latvia.
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board for ˛ Religiski
filozofiskie raksti˛ (Collected Religious Philosophical
Articles), Institute of Philosophy and Sociology.
- Representative of CESNR (Center for the Study on New Religions, Forino, Italy) in
Latvia, 1999 -
- History of Christian philosophy and theology in Latvia, 1920 -1940 (together with
N.Gills), Courses for Masters of Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology,
Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1993 - 1994
- History of Latvian Lutheran Church and Theology in the 20th Century (together with
N.Gills), Faculty of Theology, University of Latvia, 1994 - 1995
- History of Religion, Riga Technical University, 1991, 1993
- Discussions about religion on the Latvian Radio, 1993, 1998
- New religions in Latvia and Europe. Study Programme for teachers, Faculty of
Theology, University of Latvia, 1997, 1998
Recent/Representative Publications
- Solveiga Krumina. Evil and Men's Free Will, 1992. - Riga:
Zinatne, 69 pp. (in Latvian).
- Solveiga Krumina-Konkova. Lutheran Church and Latvian
society within interpretations of Edvards Virza and Alberts Freijs. - ''Cels'' (The
Way). Collected Articles. - Riga, Faculty of Theology, University of Latvia, 1996. -
pp.117-130 (in Latvian).
- Solveiga Krumina. Brotherhood of Herrnhuters in Latvia. -
Dialogue between Christianity and Secularism in Latvia. - Annals of The European
Academy of Sciences and Arts, vol.15. - Riga, 1995, pp.60 - 71.
- Solveiga Krumina. Some Notes on the Problem of God and
Possible Worlds. - Acta Comparanda V. - Antwerpen: Faculty for Comparative Study of
Religions, 1994, pp.10-12.
- Solveiga Krumina. What is Christian Church? In memory of
Edgars Rumba. - In: Religion. History. Life (Collected Articles). - Riga: Institute
of Philosophy and Sociology, 1993, pp.12-17 (in Latvian).
- Solveiga Krumina.The Choise between Good and Evil, In:''Cels''
(The Way), 1991, Nr.9, Riga: Faculty of Theology, University of Latvia, pp.52-58 (in
- Solveiga Krumina. Problem of Evil in the Analytical
Philosophy of Religion (on the example of A.Plantinga). - In: Philosophy about the Future
of Humanity, Moscow, 1990, pp.85 -100 (in Russian).
- Solveiga Krumina. Socialism and Religion. Remarks
concerning the realization of some intention. - In: Religion. Atheism. Culture
(Collected Articles), Riga, 1990, pp.64-73 (in Latvian).
- Solveiga Krumina. Games with Isolation (Analytical
philosophy about the vitality of religion in our time). - In: Beyond Good and Evil?
(Collected Articles). - Riga: Avots, 1989, pp.125-153 (in Latvian).
- Solveiga Krumina. What will the Christian philosophy be:
program of Alvin Plantinga. - In: The Eternal and the Secular (Collected Articles).
- Riga: Lielvards, 1995, pp.70-75 (in Latvian).
- Solveiga Krumina-Konkova. Latvian Society is not ready for
the communication with new religions. - Diena (The Day, newspaper). - Riga, 22
October 1996 (in Latvian).
- Solveiga Krumina-Konkova. The National and the Christian in
the 20th century in Latvia. - Latvijas Vestnesis (Latvian Herald, newspaper). -
Riga, 5 January 1996 (in Latvian).
The new religions in Latvia in
1997-1998 - http://www. cesnur.org
- Les nouvelles religions en Lettonie en
1997/98. - Conscience et Liberte, 1999. N 58. Berne: Association
Internationale Pour Défense de la Liberté Religieuse.
- With Nikandrs Gills, The Latvian Evangelical
Lutheran Church on the Threshold of the Year 2000. - Religion, State and Society,
1999, vol.27, N 2. - Oxford (UK): Keston Institute, 1999. - pp.201-210.
- With Nikandrs Gills, European Visions and
Religious Life in Contemporary Latvia. - National Identity and Vision of Europe. - Annals
of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. Riga, 2000, pp. 79-96.
- The New Religions in Latvia - Nova
Religio. Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions, vol. 3, N 1, New York: Seven
Bridges Press, 1999, pp. 119-134.
- Bible in the interpretation of the charismatic
Vineyard Church. - Scriptures, Texts and Cultural Environment, Riga, 1999,
pp. 226-237.
- New religious minorities in contemporary Latvia. -
Contemporary Religion in the Baltic States. Ed. by A.Misane. (In press).
- Neue Religionen in Lettland 1997/98. - Gewissen
und Freiheit. - Berne, Internationale Vereinigung zur Verteidigung und Förderung der
Religionsfreiheit, 1999, N 52, S. 110-118.
Research Projects
- Solveiga Krumina (Head of Project). History of Christian
ideas and their contemporary developments in Latvia and Europe. Latvian Council of
Science (1994 -1996).
- Solveiga Krumina-Konkova (Head of Project). Religious
Tradition and Novelties in Latvia in the 20th century. Latvian Council of Science
- Solveiga Krumina-Konkova (Head of Project). Religiosity and
Spirituality in the 21st Century Latvia. Latvian Council of Science (2001 -
2003, 2004 -).
I have the most charming husband Georgs and son Karlis
Aleksandrs, and I like to be together with my family.
My hobby is to read detective stories.
Last update 11.10.2000