- Plant Physiology
- Plant Anatomy
- Plant Endurance Physiology
- Introduction and Selection of Decorative Plants - Rhododendrons
Special attention in scientific activities is devoted to the research of ornamental
plants - rhododendron (Rhododendron L.) genus as well as creation of new cultivars adapted
for the Latvian agro-climatic conditions. The work with rhododendron genus was started in
1957. Since then a wide rhododendron collection has been created including 72 species, 185
cultivars and several hundreds of perspective hybrids. 15 new cultivars of Simsii
rhododendrons (greenhouse azaleas) has been created and a collection of more than 100
cultivars has been developed. In 1980 an educational and scientific basis - the
Rhododendron Experimental and Breeding Nursery "Babite" was founded.
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Biology), 1955
- Dr.biol. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), University
of Latvia, 1965
- Dr.habil.biol. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Moscow Botanic Gardens, 1983
University of Latvia -
- Laboratory Assistant, Faculty of Biology, 1955
- Director, Botanic Gardens, 1955-1965
- Dean, Faculty of Biology, 1965-1969
- Associate Professor, Faculty of Biology, 1966-1985
- Professor, Faculty of Biology, 1985 -
- Pro-Rector for Science, 1987-1997
- Head of the Rhododendron
Experimental and Breeding Nursery "Babite", 1999 -
Honours and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1989
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992
- Full Member, European Academy of Science and Arts, 1992
- Latvian SSR State Prize (for rhododendron introduction and selection in Latvia), 1985
- Merited Scientist of Latvia, 1989
- State Emeritus Scientist, 1998
- The Three Star Order, Republic of Latvia, 2000
- Latvian Academy of Sciences and Joint Stock Company "Itera-Latvia" and the
Educational Foundation of Latvia Prize (for rhododendron introduction and selection and
development of decorative gardening in Latvia), 2002
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Grand Medal for outstanding contribution in rhododendron
selection in Latvia, 2006.
Professional Activities:
- Chairman, Habilitation and Promotion Council (Biology), University of Latvia
- Member, Scientific Council of National Botanic Gardens , 1996 -
- Member, Editorial Board for Latvijas Vesture (Latvian History)
- Consultant for Darzs un Drava (Garden&Apiary), 1979 -
- Member of Organizing Committee, International Conference Kufalds and Environmental
Protection, 1997
- Member, Latvian Council for Election of State Emeritus Scientists, 1995 -
- American Rhododendron Society, 1987 -
- German Rhododendron Society, 1997 -
- Royal Horticultural Society (Great Britain), 2003 -
- Latvian Botanist Society, 1958 -
- Latvian Society of Gardeners and Bee-masters, 1958
- Latvian Society of Geneticists and Breeders, 1979 -
- Latvian Dendrologist Society, 1992 -
University of Latvia -
- Plant Anatomy, 1965 - 2000
- Plant Endurance Physiology on Immunity Basis, 1975 - 2000
- Plant Introduction and Selection, 1975 - 2000
- Plant Physiology (selected topics), 1975 - 2000
Recent/Representative Publications:
More than 360 publications, including 5 monographs, 1 textbook;
79 authors certificates for the created new cultivars of
rhododendrons -
Evergreen Rhododendrons: ' Academia Scientiarum', 'Agris',
' Aivars Lasis', 'Alma Mater', 'Andris', 'Atis',
'Babites Baltais', Dace', 'Eduards Smilgis', 'Egons', 'Emeritus', 'Emils',
'Feja', ' Ginta', 'Ilma', 'Irina', 'Janis', 'Karlis', 'Karlis Ulmanis',
'Kristine', 'Lavanda', 'Lita', 'Ligo', 'LU Rolands', 'Robis', 'Rudite',
'Sofija', 'Spriditis', 'Toms', 'Uldis', 'Viesturs'.
Decidious Rhododendrons: 'Alina', 'Anita',
'Arta', 'Astra', 'Austra', 'Dita Krenberga', 'Dzintra',
'Francisa', 'Ilze', 'Ina', 'Indra', 'Inga', 'Laura', 'Lidija', 'Liene', 'Liesma',
'Liva', 'Lorija', 'Madame Debene', 'Mazais Jefins', 'Pasacina', 'Perlite',
'Polarzvaigzne', 'Polonia', 'Rasma', 'Rita Zvaigzne', 'Rigas Rododendrs',
'Rubins', 'Saule', 'Skaidrite', 'Teika', 'Uguns', 'Vija'.
Simsii Rhododendrons: 'Duets', 'Eldze',
'Ginta', 'Ilva', 'Inta', 'Jolanta', 'Karlis Sunins',
'Masa Kerija', 'Momo', 'Ritenitis', 'Sarkangalvite',
'Saulriets', 'Sartais Dzintars', 'Sniegbaltite', 'Sniegparsla'.
- Rhododendrons, 1965, Riga:Liesma, 123 pp.; 2nd ed. , 1978, 188 pp. (in Latvian).
- Azaleas, 1971, Riga:Liesma, 142 pp. (in Latvian).
- Practical Work in Plant Anatomy, 1976, Riga:Zvaigzne, 280 pp. (in Latvian).
- Rhododendrons, 1981, Riga:Liesma, 231 pp. (in Russian).
- Rhododendrons in Latvia, 1981, Riga:Zinatne, 332 pp. (in Russian).
- Breeding of Rhododendrons(co-author U.Kondratovics), 2000, Riga, 28 pp. (in Latvian).
- Rododendru Avize (Rhododendrons' Paper, co-author U.Kondratovics), Riga: A/S
"Lauku Avize", 2002, N 8 (74), 64 pp. (in Latvian).
- Rododendri un to selekcija Latvija (Rhododendrons and Their Breeding in Latvia), 2005, Riga:
LU Akademiskais Apgads, 102 pp. (in Latvian).
Research Projects:
- R.Kondratovics (Head of Project). Research of Physiological and Biochemical Processes of
Plants Reproduction and Creation of Propagation Technology. Latvian Council of Science
(1991-1993) .
- R.Kondratovics (Head of Project). The Breeding of New Cultivars of Rhododendrons and
Elaboration of Methods of Their Vegetational Propagation for the Latvian Agrarian and
Climatie Conditions. Latvian Council of Science (1994-2003).
- R.Kondratovics (Head of Project). The Breeding of New Cultivars of Rhododendrons for the
Latvian Agrarian and Climate Conditions. Latvian Council of Science (2004 - ).
Family and Hobbies:
All members of the family are biologists. Professor R.Kondratovics is a plant
physiologist, his wife Skaidrite - a botanist, son Uldis - a plant physiologist, associate
professor at the Faculty of Biology, his scientific interests are connected with
rhododendrons; his 3 sons are 23 years and 20 years old. Daughter Ginta is also a plant
physiologist, formerly worked with rhododendrons, now brings up a daughter - 22 years old,
and a son - 20 years old.
Hobbies: rhododendrons and photographs.
Last update 08.01.2010