Professor Eduards KLAVINS
Dr.habil. art.
Latvian Academy of ArtKalpaka 13, Riga
LV 1867
Tel.: +371 7334641
Fax: +371 7228963 |
- Art History
- Theory of Art
- Theory of Art History
- Portrait Painting
- Impressionism
- Art Nouveau
- Classical Modernism
- Latvian art of the 19th and 20th centuries, iconography, style, connections with other
European art schools
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English, German, French
- Academy of Arts (art history), St. Petersburg, Russia, 1962
Latvian Academy of Art:
- Senior Lecturer, 1962 - 1985
- Associate Professor, 1985 - 1992
- Professor of Art History, 1992 -
- Head of the Department of Art History and Theory, 1996 -
- Research Fellowship of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, St. Andrews University, 1997
- Latvian Ministry of Culture Prize, 1998
Recent/ Representative Publications
- Iconography and Style of Latvian Art: End of the 19th, Beginning of the 20th Century:
Riga, 1983, (in Latvian).
- Henry van de Veldes Building in Riga. In: Monuments of Culture. Recent
Discoveries.- Moscow, 1987, (in Russian).
- Latvian Art Connections with Other Schools.- Riga, 1988, (in Latvian).
- Notion of Ornament and Plastic Arts. In: Ornaments Latvija. - Riga, 1994, pp. 7
-12 (in Latvian, German Summary).
- Borcherts Artists Couple and the First Generation of Art Society Rukis. -
In: Kunst im Ostseeraum. Greifswalder Kunsthistorische Studien. B.i. - Frankfurt a.
M., 1995, S. 78 - 86. (in German).
- Latvian Portrait Painting. 1850 - 1916. - Riga, (in Latvian, English Summary).
- Lack and Freedom of Personal Time. Latvian Art Before 1945. - In: Personal Time. Art
of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. 1945 - 1996. Warsaw, 1996. Vol. Latvia. pp.
22 - 27.
- Art History in Totalitarian Societies and Its Alternative Models in Post- Totalitarian
Age.- Second Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe Values and Norms of Society
in Change. Vilnius, 1997. Abstracts, p. 79.
- Features of Neo-Romanticism in Latvian Visual Art at the Turn of the 20th Century.- In: Romantisms
un neoromantisms Latvijas maksla. Riga, 1998. pp. 116 - 123. (in Latvian, Summary in
Research Projects:
- Scottish Visual Arts of the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries and their Influences on
Latvian Artists. A grant of Caledonian Research Foundation/ Royal Society of Edinburgh.
Eduards Klavins, Professor of art history, Latvian Academy of Art, 1997.
- Monograph Jazeps Grosvalds. A Research Sholarship of Latvian KKF.
1995 - 1997.
I am a busy man, a bit too busy to be efficient enough. I am married, my wife - Elita
Grosmane is also an art historian, quite a good one. I have two sons, one of them studies
painting in Latvian Academy of Art, other is in a secondary school. I have a family house
and a little garden outside Riga, a fine dalmatian and a cat.
My hobby is modernistic fiction and philosophy.
Last update 23.11.1998