Vladimir A. KASYANOV
Professor, Dr.habil.sc.ing.
Vladimir A. KASYANOV
(in Latvian - Vladimirs Kasjanovs)Riga
Stradins University
Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
16 Dzirciema St., Riga, LV-1007
Riga Technical University
Institute of Biomaterials and Biomechanics
Head of Laboratory of Biomechanics
Phone: (371) 708-9202, (371) 708 9176
Fax: (371) 747-1815
Email: kasyanov@latnet.lv |
Born: September 10, 1946, Peremyshlyany, Ukraine
- Biomaterials, Biomechanics of soft and hard biological tissues
- Biomechanics of cardiovascular system
- Design and fabrication of artificial prostheses for human blood vessels and aortic heart
- Cardiovascular tissue engineering
- M. S. in Civil Engineering, Riga Polytechnic Institute, Riga, Latvia, 1969
- Candidate of Engineering Sciences (Ph.D.). Institute of Polymer Mechanics, Latvian
Academy of Science, Riga, 1977
- Doctor of Engineering Sciences (Dr.habil.sc.ing.). Latvian Scientific Research Institute
of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Riga, 1989
Academic Certification:
- Professor, Diploma of Riga Stradins University, Riga, 2004
- Doctor of Engineering Sciences (Dr.habil.sc.ing.), Diploma of the Latvian Scientific
Council, Riga, 1992
- Doctor of Engineering Sciences (Dr.habil.sc.ing.), Diploma of the USSR Supreme
Attestation Committee, Moscow, 1990
- Senior Research Fellow, Diploma of the USSR Supreme Confirmation Committee, Moscow, 1982
- Candidate of Engineering Sciences (Ph.D.), Diploma from the Council of the Institute of
Polymer Mechanics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, Riga, USSR, 1977
- Engineer, Junior Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, Laboratory of Biomechanics,
Institute of Polymer Mechanics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, Riga, Latvia, 1971-1988
- Senior Research Fellow, Riga Technical University, Riga, 1988 - 1990
- Head of the Laboratory of Biomechanics, Riga Technical University, Riga, 1990- Present
- Associate Professor, Riga Stradins University, Riga, 1999-2004
- Professor, Riga Stradins University, Riga, 2004 Present
Professional Qualification:
- March June 2002; October-December 2003; March May 2004; February
May 2005: Visiting Associate Professor, Co
investigator in SC NASA EPSCor Research Grant Program: Cardiovascular Tissue
- August December 2001: Co - investigator in Florida/Puerto Rico Affiliate of the
American Heart Association Grant: In vitro performance characterization of a novel
trileaflet synthetic heart valve, Florida International University, Biomedical
Engineering Institute.
- 2000 and 2001 Visiting Professor, Cardiovascular Engineering Center, Florida
International University, Miami, Florida (National Research Council, Twinning Program 2000
- 2001 With Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Mechanical and hydrodynamic characterization
of a novel artificial tri-leaflet aortic heart valve fabricated from composite material).
- 1999: Visiting Coordinator, Research Associate Professor, Cardiovascular Engineering
Center, Florida International University, Miami, Florida.
- 1 - 14 August, 20 November - 28 December 1998: Visiting Professor, Department of Cell
Biology and Anatomy and Cardiovascular Developmental Biology Center, Medical University of
South Carolina, Charleston, SC.
- 1 February 1998 - 28 February 1998: Visiting Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Wales Swansea, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, Wales, UK.
- March 1995-April 1995: Visiting Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University
of Wales Swansea, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, Wales, UK.
- June 1994-September 1994: Visiting Professor, College of Textile, Textile Engineering,
Chemistry & Science NCSU, Box 8301, Raleigh, NC 27695-830.
- March 1993-May 1993: Visiting Professor, College of Textile, Textile Engineering,
Chemistry & Science NCSU, Box 8301, Raleigh, NC 27695-830.
- October 1990-November 1990: Visiting Professor, Hokkaido University, Department of
Biomedical Control, Sapporo 060, Japan.
Honors and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
- First Prize of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1982
- The Latvian Comsomol Prize, 1974.
Professional Affiliations:
- Member of European Tissue Engineering Society
- Member of European Biomechanics Society
- Member of International Community for Composites Engineering
Member of Editorial Boards:
- Editorial Board of the Journal "Biomaterials - Living System Interaction",
Moscow, Russia
- Editorial Board of International Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Science, USA.
Internal examiner:
- Member of the Promotion Council on Biomechanics, Riga Stradins University, Riga, Latvia
(1999 - present)
- Member of the Habilitation and Promotion Council on Engineering Sciences (H-03), Riga
Technical University, Riga, Latvia (1992 - present)
- Member of the Specialized Habilitation and Promotion Council (D.081.02.01) on
Biomechanics, Latvian Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics,
Riga, USSR (1989 - 1993).
Invited lectures:
- Hokkaido University, Department of Biomedical Control (Prof. K. Hayashi),
Sapporo, Japan, 1990
- Medical University of South Carolina, Department of Cell Biology & Anatomy
at the Cardiovascular Development Biology Center (Prof. R. Markward), Charleston, SC, 1998
- North Carolina State University, Department of Textile Engineering, Chemistry
and Science (Prof. S. Hudson), Raleigh, NC, 1998
- Clemson University, Department of Bioengineering (Prof. Subrata Saha), Clemson,
SC, 1998
- Carolinas Medical Center, Heineman Medical Research Laboratory (Prof. M. J.
Thubrikar), Charlotte, NC, 1998
- Florida International University, Cardiovascular Engineering Center (Assoc.
Prof. R. Schoephoester), Miami, Fl, 1998
- The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Department of Biomedical Engineering (Assoc.
Prof. I. Vesely), Cleveland, Ohio, 1998
- University of Pittsburgh, Department of Bioengineering (Assoc. Prof. D. Vorp),
Pittsburgh, PA, 1999
International grants:
2004 2005: NATO Grant Vascular Tissue Engineering by
Fusion of Self Assembling Cell Aggregates, Co-Investigator (PI Prof.
J. Perez-Pomares).
- 2002 2006: SC NASA EPSCor Research Grant Program: Cardiovascular Tissue
Engineering, Co - Investigator (PI Prof.R. Markwald, MUSC, Charleston).
2002 2003 : NIH SBIR Grant A novel Polymer trileaflet
Valve (PI Dr. Leonard Pinchuk, Syntheon LLC, Miami, FL, USA).
2001 2003: Florida/Puerto Rico Affiliate of the American Heart
Association grant: In vitro perfomance characterization of a novel trileaflet
synthetic heart valve, Co-Investigator (PI Prof. R. Schoephoester, FIU,
Miami, USA).
2000 2002. : National Research Council. Twinning Program 2000
2002 With Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Mechanical and Hydrodynamic
Characterization of a Novel Artificial Trileaflet Aortic Heart Valve Fabricated from
Composite Material, Co-Investigator (PI Prof. Richard Schoephoester, FIU,
Miami, USA)
Latvian grants:
Principal Investigator:
- 2005 2008: "Tissue engineering of novel vascular graft on the basis of
natural and synthetic biodegradable scaffolds. Grant # 05.1842, Latvian
Council of Science, Riga, Latvia.
- 2001 2004: Ingrowths processes and biocompatibility of new artificial
vascular graft in organism: morphofunctional and biomechanical investigations. -
Grant # 01.0721, Latvian Council of Science.
- 1997 2000: Investigation of the biomechanical features of human coronary
and main brain arteries and development of the novel vascular graft. -
Grant # 96-0338, Latvian Council of Science.
1992 1996: Biomechanics of human blood vessels and development of composite
compliant vascular prosthesis. - Grant # 93.0616, Latvian Council of
- 1991: Biomechanical properties and structure of human arterial vessels. -
Grant # 00802, Latvian Council of Science
- 1988 1990: Peculiarities of structure and biomechanical behavior of human
aortic heart valve and construction of artificial prosthesis. - Grant # 1008,
Ministry of Education of the Latvian SSR, Riga, USSR.
- 1986 1987: Development of novel structures of materials on the basis of
investigation of the structure and mechanical behavior of biological tissue and
system. - Grant # Latvian SSR Academy of Sciences, USSR.
Co-Principal Investigator:
- 2002 2005: Latvian population senescence and life quality: biomedical
and social aspects.- Joint Project # 02.0012, Latvian Council of Science
- 2001 2004: New Biomaterial and Medical Technologies. - Joint Project
# 01.0021, Latvian Council of Science
- 2001 2004: Functional, Structural and Biomechanical Researches of the Upper
Part of the Alimentary Tract in Children and Adults and Usage of the Obtained Outcomes in
a Surgical Gastroenterology.- Grant # 01.0723, Latvian Council of Science
- 2000 2003: Biomechanics of a truncus pulmonalis valve and morphological
estimation on the basis of aortic valve exchange using autotransplant. - Grant #
01.0708, Latvian Council of Science
- 1997 - 2000: Biomaterials and Novel Medical Technology. - The Latvian
National Investigation Program.
- 1980 - 1981: Durability and strength of polymer materials for artificial human
heart valves, blood vessels and organs. - Grant 10.021, State Committee on
Science and Techniques of the USSR.
- 1997 - 1999: "Biomaterials in Latvia". - European Program
- 1996 - 1998: "Biomechanics of biomaterials in biological systems and computer
analysis". - Grant No. 95-1170, Latvian Council of Science.
- 1991 - 1995: "To develop functional materials on the basis of structure and
biomechanical properties of biological tissue". - Grant No. 93.401, Latvian Council
of Science
- 1988 - 1990: "To investigate a mechanical behavior of biological tissues and to
develop novel structures of composite materials". - Grant No. 1007, Ministry of
Education of the Latvian SSR, Riga, USSR.
Publications: 148, including 65 original papers, one monograph and 13 patents
(6 Latvian)
Recent/Representative Publication:
- Kasyanov, V., Purinya, B., Ose, V. Structural and mechanical properties of the human
aortic valve. - Mechanics of Composite Materials, 1984, vol.20, N 5, pp.637-647.
- Kasyanov, V., Mungalov, D. A hybrid composite material model for soft biological tissue
at high strains. - Mechanics of Composite Materials, 1984, vol. 20, N 6, pp.
- Purinya, B., Kasyanov, V., Volkolakov, J., Latsis, R., Tetere, G. Biomechanical and
structural properties of the explanted bioprosthetic valve leaflets. - J. Biomechanics,
1994, vol. 27, pp. 1-11.
- Gupta, B., Kasyanov, V. Bio-mechanics of human common carotid artery and design of novel
hybrid textile compliant vascular grafts. - J. Biomedical Materials Research,
1997, vol. 34, pp. 341-349.
- Keris, V., Ozolanta, I., Enina, G., Kasjanov, V., Aide H., Bricis, R. Biomechanical and
structural assessment of transluminal angioplasty. - Medical Engineering and
Physics, 1998, vol. 20, pp.339 - 346.
- Ozolanta, I., Tetere, G., Purinya, B., Kasyanov, V. Changes in the mechanical
properties, biochemical contents and wall structure of the human coronary arteries with
age and sex. - Medical Engineering and Physics, 1998, vol. 20, pp. 525 - 533.
- Kasyanov, V., Ozolanta, I., Purinya, B. Peculiarities of the biomechanical properties of
human coronary arteries. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 1999, vol. 2, pp.
- Kasyanov V., I. Ozolanta, B. Purinya, V. Mironov. Structure and mechanical properties of
the human carotid artery as a biocomposite material. - International Journal of
Cardiovascular Medicine and Science, 2000, vol. 3, N 3 / 4, , pp. 127-134.
- Mironov V., Kasyanov V., McAllister K., Oliver S., Sistino J., Markwald R. Perfusion
Bioreactor for Vascular Tissue Engineering with Capacities for Longitudinal Stretch. -
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 2003,vol.14, N 3, pp. 340-347.
- Vanags I., Petersons A., Ose V., Ozolanta I., Kasyanov V., Laizans J., Vjaters E.
Biomechanical properties of oesophagus wall under loading. - J. Biomechanics,
2003, vol. 36, N 9, pp. 1387-1390.
- Kasyanov V., I. Ozolanta, B. Purinya, A. Ozols, V. Kancevich. Compliance of a
biocomposite vascular tissue in longitudinal and circumferential directions as a basis for
creation of artificial substitutes. - Mechanics of Composite Materials, Zinatne,
2003, vol. 39, N 4, pp. 347-358.
- Stradins P., Lacis R., Ozolanta I., Purina B., Ose V., Feldmane L., Kasyanov V.
Comparision of biomechanical and structural properties between human aortic and pulmonary
valves. - European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 2004, vol. 26, pp.
- Kasyanov V., Markwald R., Mironov V. Perfusion Bioreactor for Cardiovascular Tissue
Engineering. - In: Book Bioreactors in Tissue Engineering (Ed. by
Julian Chaudhuri), UK, 2005, p. 285 307.
- Mironov V., Kasyanov V., Shu X. Z., Eisenberg C., Eisenberg L., Gonda S., Trusk T.,
Markwald R. R., Prestwich G., Fabrication of tubular tissue construct by
centrifugal casting of cells suspended in an in situ crosslinkable hyaluronan
hydrogel. - Biometerials, 2005, vol.26(36), pp. 7628-35
- Kasyanov V., Isenburg J., Draughn R. A., Hazard S., Hodde J., Ozolanta I., Murovska M.,
Halkes S. B., Vrasidas I., Liskamp R. M. J., Roland J., Pieters R. J., Simionescu D.,
Markwald R. R., Mironov V. Tannic Acid Mimicking Dendrimers as a Small Intestine Submucosa
Stabilizing Nanomordant. - Biomaterials, 2006, vol. 27, N 5, pp. 745-751.
- Mironov V., Kasyanov V., Yost M., Visconti, et al. Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering I.
Perfusion Bioreactors: A Review. - J. Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants, 2006,
vol. 16, N 2, p. 111-130.
- Gallocher SL., Aguirre AF., Kasyanov V., Pinchuk L., Schoephoerster R. A novel
polymer for potential use in trileaflet heart valve. - J. Biomed. Mater. Res., B Apl.
Biomaterial, 2006, vol. 79, N 2, p. 325-334.
- Kasyanov Vladimir, Russell Norris, Brook Damon, Anand Ramamurphy, Thomas Trusk, Gabor
Forgacs, Iveta Ozolanta, Janis Vetra, Roger R. Markwald, Vladimir Mironov. Biomechanical
properties of a skin of wild and periostin-null mice. In: International Proseeding
MEDIMOND, The 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, (Ed. By D. Liepsch),
Munich, Germany, 29 July - 4 August, Vol. ISBN 88-7587-270-B, 2006, p. 509-516.
- Yanran Liu, Vladimir Kasyanov, Richard T. Schoephoerster. Effect of fiber orientation on
the stress distribution within a leaflet of a polymer composite heart valve in the closed
position. J Biomechanics, 2007; 40(5), p. 1099-1106.
- Russell Norris, Vladimir Mironov, Brook Damon, Vladimir Kasyanov, Anand Ramamurphy,
Ricardo Moreno, Thomas Trusk, Jay Potts , Rich Goodwin, Jeff Davis, Stan Hoffman, Xuejun
Wen, Yukiko Sugi, Christine Kern, Gabor Forgacs, Corey Mjaatvedt, Roger R. Markwald.
Periostin binding to collagen type I and fibronectin is necessary for proper regulation of
collagen fibrillogenesis and maintaining the biomechanical properties of connective
tissues. J. Biological Chemistry, 2007, 101(3), p. 695-711.
Last update 01.10.2007