Dr.oec. Raita KARNITE
Institute of Economics,
Latvian Academy of Sciences, Ltd.
Akademijas laukums 1
Riga, LV-1050
LatviaPhone: +371 722 2830
Fax: +371 782 0608
E-mail: raimara@lza.lv |
Born: October 16, 1949, Limbazi, Latvia
- Public finance
- Macroeconomic development
- Macroeconomic modelling
- Economic aspects of culture
- Social issues
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Economics), 1972
- Dr.oec. (Candidate of Science in former USSR), Institute of Economics, Latvian Academy
of Sciences, 1987
- Researcher, Institute of Economics of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1973-1990
- Head of Department, Institute of Economics, 1990-
- Director, Institute of Economics of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1993 - 1999
- Director, Member of the Board - . Institute of Economics, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
Ltd., 1997 -
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1997
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2006
- Spidola Award, 2001
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Expert, World Bank project (CEE FDI) "The Fiscal Decentralization Initiative in
Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)", Undertaken by the OECD, the Council of Europe
(CoE), the World Bank, 1995-1996
- Expert, European Commission ECOS-OUVERTURE, 1996, 1997
- Expert, European Commission PHARE BSPF, 1998
- Member, Advisory Council to the State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia
- Member, Advisory Council of the National Economy to the Ministry of Economy,
Republic of Latvia
- Member, Advisory Council of Fiscal Policy to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of
Recent/Representative Publications
- R.Karnite. Local Government Reform in Latvia. - Reform Round Table Working Paper,
1993, N 3, San Francisko (USA): International Center for Economic Growth, 24 pp.
- R.Karnite, I.Dovladbekova. Latvian Economic Development: the Present and the Future. - Humanities
and Social Sciences. Latvia, 1994, N 4(5), pp. 83-103.
- R.Karnite. Local Government Reform in Latvia: Process, Problems and Prospects. - 1994, Proceedings
of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, No.3, pp. 1-8 (in Latvian).
- R. Karnite, A.Kubulina. Public Finance Stabilization in Latvia. - Reform Round
Table Working Paper, 1994, N 7, San Francisco (USA): International Center for Economic
Growth, 28 pp.
- R. Karnite. Development of Latvian Telecommunications. - Reform Round Table Working
Paper, 1994, N 8, San Francisco (USA): International Center for Economic Growth, 21
- R.Karnite. The Impact of Agrarian Reforms on the Development of Social Infrastructure in
the Latvian Countryside.- Die Zukunft der ländlichen Infrastructur Ostmitteleuropas. Bundesanstalt
für Agrarwirtschaft. Schriftenreihe N 75, Vienna, 1994, pp.141-150.
- R.Karnite. Levelling of Differences in the Socio-Economic Development of Territories in
Latvia: Increasing Role of Local Governments. Published within the IGU Commission
"Geography and Public Administration", Meeting in Hruba Skala, Czech Republic,
18 pp.
- R.Karnite. Die Integration Gesamteuropas. - Die Politische Integration
Europas, Evangelische Akademie Loccum, 1994, pp. 114-117.
- R.Karnite et al. The Structure and Impact of Foreign Investment. Part 3. (Structural
Reforms in Latvia, ACE-92-0393R), 1995, 28pp.
- R.Karnite, I.Dovladbekova. Institutions of Public Finance in Latvia. - A joint
International Center for Economic Growth (San Francisco,USA) and Institute of Economics
(Riga, Latvia) publication, 1995, 68 pp.
- R.Karnite. Local Government Reform and Fiscal Decentralization in Latvia. - Report
for the Launching Conference for the Fiscal Decentralization Initiative for Central and
Eastern Europe (FD1-CEE), December 15-16, 1995, Paris, France,
34 pp.
- P.Gulans, R.Karnite, I.Dovladbekova et al. Institutional Underpinnings of
Privatization in Baltic States. - A joint International Center for Economic
Growth (San Francisco,USA) and Lithuanian Institute of Economics (Vilnius) publication,
1996, 152 pp.
- R.Karnite, I.Dovladbekova. - In: Conditions for Direct Foreign Investments in the Baltic
States. Edited by M.Peter van der Hoek, Hans van Miltenburg. Avebury: England (1996), pp.
29-53, 101-131.
- R.Karnite. Local Government Finance Equalization in Latvia.- In: National
Seminar: Financial Decentralization in Latvia: Problems and Developments, 1996, Riga:
P&K Ltd., pp. 57-67.
- P.Gulans, R.Karnite. Infrastructure Policies in Latvia: Strategy, Financing and First
Empirical Evidence. - PHARE ACE DIFFIBALT Research Network: Infrastructure
Policies for Sustained Growth in the Baltic Countries. Vilnius, 17/18 October, 1996,
p. 25
- R.Karnite. Political and Institutional Aspects of European Integration and Subregional
Co-operation. - Report of the International conference "Correlation Between
European Integration and Subregional Cooperation", Budapest, 1997, December
12.-13, 7 pp.
- R.Karnite. Structure and impact of foreign investment in Latvia. - In book: New
Neighbours in Eastern Europe: Economic and Industrial Reform in Lithuania, Latvia and
Estonia. Final report for the European Commission ed. by Christian von Hirschhausen.
Ecole des Mines de Paris, 1998, pp. 176-192.
- R.Karnite, A.Kubulina, K.Karnitis. - In book: Industrial Restructuring and Economic
Recovery un the Baltic Countries Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. Final Report Phare
ACE Programme P95-2111R. Berlin, 1998, pp. 99-170, 453-490, 618-649, 691-720.
- R.Karnite. Latvia on the Path to Transformation. - Discussion Paper N 644. ETLA
(The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy): Helsinki, 1998, 16 pp.
- R.Karnite. R. Globalization and the Latvian Economy: Observations and Conclusions. - Humanities
and Social Sciences. Latvia, Latvian University, 1998, vol.4, N 21, pp. 4-32.
- A.Vilks, R.Karnite. Factors Affecting the Extent and the Changes in the Shadow
Economy in Latvia. - Reform Round Table Working Paper, No2(12). Sponsored by
the International Center for Economic Growth (ICEG), San Francisco, USA. Institute of
Economics Latvian Academy of Sciences (IE LAS): Riga, 1998, 17 pp.(In Russian).
- R.Karnite. Vztahu mezi Lotysskem a Ruskou federaci. - In: Male Zeme, Velci Sousede,
Red Miloslav Had, Vaclav Kotyk a kol., Praha, 1998, pp. 195-220.
- R.Karnite, E.Sumilo. Latvia.- In : Nordic Economic Outlook & the Baltics, N
2-98. December 1998.
- R.Karnite, E.Sumilo. Latvia. - In :Nordic Economic Outlook & the Baltics, No
1-99, May 1999.
- R.Karnite. Regional policy in Latvia. - In book: EU Enlargement, Cohesion and
Regional Policy. EPRC University of Strathclyde, 1999.
- R.Karnite, D.Abele, I.Potalujev. Municipal Development Fund. - Riga: ZA EI Ltd., 1999,
20 pp. (In Latvian).
- R.Karnite. Insurance Versus Direct Funding in Latvian Health care System. - Reform
Round Table Working Paper, No5(15). Sponsored by the International Center for
Economic Growth (ICEG), San Francisco, USA. Institute of Economics Latvian Academy of
Sciences (IE LAS): Riga, 1999, 22 pp.
- R.Karnite, I.Curkina. Economic Development of Latvia does it Face Problems? - The
Baltic Revue. Tartu, April 1999.
- R.Karnite. Co-operation Between Baltic Countries and CEFTA Countries in the Context of
EU Enlargement. - Publication of the International Conference "The Role of CEFTA
in the Process of EU Enlargement, Institute of International Relations", May
29-29, 1999, Association for the Study of International Relations, Prague, 1999, pp.57-68.
- R.Karnite. Economic Development. Latvia. - In : Facts and Figures on Central and
Eastern Europe. Vienna/Austria: Creditanstalt AG, Central European Quarterly III/99.
- R.Karnite. National Review. Latvia.- In: Transition, Cohesion and
Regional Policy in Central and Eastern Europe /ed. J.Bachtler, R.Downes and
G.Gozelak/, University of Strathclyde. EPRC Studies in European Policy. Ashgate, 2000, pp.
- R.Karnite, M.Cice, M.Klava, M.Traubergs. Regions of the Baltic States. - NORGREGIO
Report, 2000.
- R.Karnite. EU Companies in Eastern Europe: Strategic Choices and Labour Effects. Latvia:
Assessment of the Situation and Major Trends. - In book: CEE Countries in the EU
Companies' Strategies of Industrial Restructuring and Relocation /ed. Grigor Gradev/,
European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), Brussels, 2001.
- R.Karnite. Economics - Latvia. In three social science disciplines in central and
Eastern Europe. - Handbook on Economics, Political Science and Sociology, 1989-2001
/ ed. Max Kaase and Vera Sparschuh/, Social Science Information Centre (IZ)/ Collegium
Budapest, 2002, pp. 102-120.
- R.Karnite. Latvian economy and co-operation in the Baltic Rim. - In: Economic
Co-operation in the Baltic Sea Region. Readings of University of Helsinki "Summer
School 2000', Helsinki, July 2000, pp. 3-36.
- R.Karnite, E.Sumilo. Latvia. - In: Nordic Economic Outlook & the Baltics. A
Report from the Federation of Swedish Industries'Unit of Economic Policy and Taxes. N
1-00. May 23, 24-25, N 2-00. November, 24-25, pp. 24-25.
- R.Karnite. Economic development. Latvia. - In: Facts and Figures on Central and
Eastern Europe. Central Europen Quarterly, III/2000, IV/2000, I-II/2001.
Creditanstalt. Vienna, Austria, July 2001, pp. 84-87.
- R.Karnite, A.Solomennikov. Baltic-CIS trade relations: volume, structure, models,
conditions and future trends. - In: Ten Years of Economic Transformation, Vol. III _
Societies and Institutions in Transition / ed. Kari Liuhto/, Lappeenranta University
of Technology, 2001, N 16, pp. 375-390.
- R.Karnite. The priorities and problems of the accession to the European Union.
Experiences from Estonia and Latvia. Materials of the Estonian-Latvian joint research
project and seminars in Tallinn on February 27, 2001, and in Riga on April 27, 2001.
Tallinn, 2001.
- R.Karnite. Latvia towards EU. - In: Europa 2002. September (3. szam), pp.
- R.Karnite. Economics - Latvia. - In: Three Social Science Discipliones in Central
and Eastern Europe. Handbook on Economics, Political Science and Sociology, 1989 - 2001/
Ed. Max Kaase and Vera Sparschuh/, social Science Information Centre (IZ)/ Collegium
Budapest, 2002, p. 102-120.
- R.Karnite. Administrative territorial reform in Latvia: rteasons, goals and strategy. -
In: New Challenges in Local and Regional Administration / Ed. Max Barlow and
Doris Wastl-Walter/, Ashgate, 2004, pp. 111-121.
- R.Karnite. An Essey on the Subject of Globalisation.- Humanities and Social
Sciences. Latvia, 2005, N 1(45), pp. 20-50.
- R.Karnite. What can the European Social Model give to the New Member States: Latvia. -
In: Refining the Social Dimension in an Enlarged EU / Ed. Elina Palolaand Annikki
Saviop/ STAKES and Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in co-operation with the
Finnish Network for European Social Policy Research (the EUSO network), Finland, 2005, pp.
- R.Karnite, M.Cevers. Financial sector reforms in Latvia. - In: Financial Sectors
Development in Central and Eastern European Countries and EU Integration, 2005,
Economic Policy Institute: Sofia, pp. 12-21.
Research Projects
Research Grants, Latvia (R.Karnite - Head of Projects):
- Macroeconomic Forecasts for Substantiation of Pension Calculation for the Period:
1996-2015. Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Republic of
Latvia, 1995.
- Economic Development Opportunities in Latvias Administrative Territories and
Factors Influencing Same. Latvian Council of Science, 1996-2000.
- Methodology and Budget Calculations for Local Governments Finance Equalization in 1995,
1996 and 1997. Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Republic
of Latvia.
- Preparation of the "Housing Development Program" on the Basis of "Housing
Conception" Approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Republic of Latvia on July 30,
1996. Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Republic of
Latvia, 1997.
- Measures for Facilitating Housing Development in Latvia. Ministry of Environmental
Protection and Regional Development, Republic of Latvia, 1997.
- Economic Profile of Riga City. Riga City Council, 1997.
- Conformity of Latvian Social Security System to EU Normative. Ministry of Welfare,
Republic of Latvia, 1997.
- The Practice of Urban Governance and Development Management and Its Complex Aspects in
Latvia's Present-Day Conditions: Problems and Solutions. Ministry of Environmental
Protection and Regional Development, Republic of Latvia, 1998.
- Prospects for the Development of the Construction Sector in the Context of Accession to
the European Union. Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development,
Republic of Latvia, 1998.
- The Role of Non-Governmental and Public Organizations and the Experience of Other
Countries in the Management of Buildings after Their Privatization. Ministry of
Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Republic of Latvia, 1998.
- Assessment of Economic Significance of Culture. Ministry of Culture, Republic of
Latvia, 1998.
- Elaboration of the Basic Papers for the National Program "Culture". Ministry
of Culture, Republic of Latvia, 1998.
- Summary of the National Program "Culture". Ministry of Culture, Republic of
Latvia, 1999.
- The Importance of the Domain of Culture in National Economy. Ministry of Culture,
Republic of Latvia, 1999.
- Economic Significance of Culture Sector. Ministry of Culture, Republic of Latvia,
- Economic Growth Factors in Latvia. Latvian Council of Science, 2001-2003.
- Housing Policy for low-income Persons: Social House or Social Benefits for Covering
Expenses of Existing Habitation - Economic Effects of Both Approaches. Baltic
Institute of Social Research, 2000.
- Impact of Tourism on the National Economy. Ministry of Environmental Protection and
Regional Development, Republic of Latvia, 2000.
- Library Economics - Service, Financing, and Effectiveness of Operation. Ministry of
Culture, Republic of Latvia, 2000.
- Economic Background of National Program of Tourism Development in Latvia. Ministry
of Culture, Republic of Latvia, 2000.
- Education and Development of National Economy after 1990. A part of the UNESCO
Report, 2001.
- Economic Background of Ventspils Municipal Development Fund. Ventspils City Council,
- Empoloyment and Expenditures in State Budget Institutions in Latvia. Ventspils City
Council, 2001.
- Forecasts of Latvia's Macroeconomic Development. Life insurance company "Rigas
Fenikss" , 2001.
- Forecasts of Latvia's Macroeconomic Development. Lattelekom Ltd, 2001.
- Strategy of development of Metal Industry in Latvia. Liepajas Metalurgs, 2001.
- The Model of Financing of State Owned Theatres. Ministry of Culture, Republic of
Latvia, 2001.
- Development of Film industry in Latvia. Ministry of Culture, Republic of Latvia,
- Integration of Railway into Transport Organisation of Riga Agglomeration: Social
Aspects. Latvian Railway Trade Union, 2002.
- Improvement of Legal status of Museums in Order to Achieve Reasonable and Effective
Operation. Ministry of Culture, Republic of Latvia, 2002.
- Cultural Monuments' Owners' Attitude to the Status of Cultural Monuments as a Burden.
Ministry of Culture, Republic of Latvia, 2002.
- Possibilities of Implementation of National Tourism Satellite Account in Latvia. Ministry
of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Republic of Latvia, 2002.
- Proposals Concerning Management of Real Property Owned by Riga City. Riga City
Council, 2002.
- Editing of the Development Plan of Latvia. Ministry of Finance, Republc of Latvia,
- Impact of EU Integration on the Development of Science-intensive Industries in Latvia
(Proposals for Policy making). Market Related Research Program, Ministry of Education
and Science, Republic of Latvia, 2002 - 2004 (in progress).
- Possibility and Prevention of Economic Crises in Latvia. Latvian
Council of Science (2005 - )
International grants:
- Cohesion Report - Study Area 3: "The Economic and Social Situation and Outlook in
Prospective New Member States and Likely Impact of Their Accession on Cohesion",
- Regions of the Baltic States in Profile. The Nordic Centre for Spatial Development,
- Regional Policy in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The Netherlands Economic Institute
(NEI), 1999
- COUNTDOWN. The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW),
- Towards European Integration. Network of Research Institutes, conducted by
Bertelsmann Foundation (Germany) and the World Bank, 1999- (in progress).
- Central andf Eastern Europe in EU Enterprises Strategy of Industrial Restructuring and
Relocation. Assessment of the Situation and Major trends in Latvia. European Trade
Union Confederation (ETUC), 2000.
- EU Integration Priorities and Problems. The joint project of Estonia and Latvia:
Discussion of Key Problems of the Accession with the European Union. Bertelsmann
Foundation, Germany, 2001.
- Elaboration of an Inventory Providing Meta Information on Territorially Relevant
Datasets Available in Latvia. The Nordic Centre for Spatial Development (NORDREGIO),
Riga, 2002.
- Using Social Benefits to Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion. Country Report Latvia. The
Council of Europe, 2001. (Results published in book: M.Heikkila, S.Kuivalainen. Using
Social Benefits to Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion: Opportunities from a Comparative
Perspective. Council of Europe Publ., 2002).
- Three Social Science Disciplines in Central and Eastern Europe: Conference and
Handbook - Funded by EC 5FM Program. Responsible Institution - Collegium Budapest,
2002 .
PHARE ACE Program (R.Karnite - Head of Latvian Part of Program):
- The Creation of Basic Conditions for Foreign Investment in the Economics of the Baltic
States, 92-0549-R
- Economic Modelling of the Baltic Republics, 94-0579-R
- Infrastructure Policies for Sustained Growth in the Baltic Countries, 95-2111-R
- Baltic Cities: Transformation Through New Industries, 95-2114-R
- Innovation Networks and Industrial Modernisation A Study on Armenia, Latvia and
Russia. INCO-Copernicos PL 97/0026
International Center for Economic Growth, San Francisco (USA) projects:
- Institutions of Public Finance, 1995
- Insurance Versus Direct Funding in Latvian Health Care System, 1997.
- Implementation of Funded Pension System in Latvia, 1997.
- Factors Affecting the Extent and the Changes in the Shadow Economy in Latvia, 1997.
The World Bank FDI programs:
- Organization of the National Seminar: Financial Decentralization in Latvia: Problems and
Developments, 1996.
- Creation of the Daugavpils Municipal Development Fund, 1997
Last update 29.12.2006