Professor , Dr. habil. agr. Aldis KARKLINS
Professor of Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Institute of Soil and Plant Sciences
Latvia University of Agriculture
Liela iela 2
Jelgava, LV 3001
LatviaPhone: +371 63005634; +371 29182992
Fax: +371 63027238
E-mail: Aldis.Karklins@llu.lv
Born: February 6, 1951
- Soil Fertility
- Soil Diagnosis and Classification
- Soil Testing methods
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
- Latvia University of Agriculture (Faculty of Agronomy), 1977
- Dr. agr. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Lithuanian
Agricultural Academy, 1982
- Dr. habil. agr., Latvia University of Agriculture, 1997
Latvia University of Agriculture :
- Agronomist and Senior Researcher, Department of Soil Sciences and Agrochemistry, 1977 -
- Lecturer and Asssociate Professor, Department of Soil Sciences and Agrochemistry, 1983 -
- Head, Department of Soil Sciences and Agrochemistry, 1983 -
- Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, 1993 - 1998
- Professor of Soil Fertility, Department of Soil Sciences and Agrochemistry, 1997 -
- Director, Professor of Soil Fertility, Institute of Soil and Plant Sciences, 2005 -
Honours and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy
of Sciences, 1997
- Full Member, Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science of Latvia, 1992
- Foreign Member, The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, 1998
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member of the Expert Committee, Latvian Council of
Science, 1994 - 1996
- Expert in Agriculture (Soil and Crop Sciences), Latvian
Council of Science
- Vice-president, Latvian Society of Agronomy, 1994 - 1998
- President, Latvian Society of Soil Science, 1994 -
- Member, American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America, 1997 - 2004
- Member, International Society of Soil Science, 1997 -
- Member, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 1996 -
Latvia University of Agriculture:
- Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Use, 1983 -
- Soil Chemistry, 1995 -
- Fertilization Systems, 1995 -
- Soil Testing and Plant Analysis, 1995 -
- Soil Science, 1998 -
- A.
Karklins. Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
(textbook), Riga: Raziba, 382 pp. (in Latvian).
- A.
Karklins. Comparison of some soil total nitrogen determination methods. Proceedings
of the Latvia University of Agriculture,
1995, vol. 1 (278), pp. 1 7.
- A.
Karklins. Comparison of determination methods for soil acidity and base saturation.
Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture, 1996, vol. 3 (280), pp. 3 6 (in Latvian).
- A.
Karklins. Comparison of CEC determination methods. Proceedings of the Latvia
University of Agriculture, 1996, vol. 6
(283), P. 26 35 (in Latvian).
- A.
Karklins. Soil description according to the internationally recognized principles.
Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture, 1996, vol. 6 (283), pp. 36 41 (in Latvian).
- A.
Vucans, I. Gemste, A. Karklins. First results of the complex observations of Agricultural
Land monitoring (1992 1995). Proceedings of the Latvia University of
Agriculture, 1996, vol. 6 (283), pp. 42
54 (in Latvian).
- A.
Karklins. Model of soils agrochemical properties. Proceedings of the Latvia
University of Agriculture, 1997, vol. 11
(288), pp. 3 8 (in Latvian).
- A.
Karklins. Comparison of soil organic matter determination methods. Proceedings
of the Latvia University of Agriculture, 1997, vol. 11 (288), pp. 9 13.
- A.
Karklins. Soil resources inventory and fertilizer
use according to the principles of sustainable agriculture. Research summary for Dr.habil.agr. degree (in
Agriculture), 1997, Jelgava, 113 pp. (in Latvian).
- A.
Karklins, A. Vucans, I. Gemste. The three level agricultural land monitoring in Latvia.
Proceedings of the 16th World Congress of Soil Science, August 20
26, 1998, Montpellier, France, on CDROM / file://DI/en/symt12.htm, pp. 1
- A.
Karklins. Plant available phosphorus in Latvian soils and trend in fertilizer use // Bibliotheca Fragmenta Agronomica. Proceedings International Symposium CIEC, PFS and
Workshops IMPHOS, IPI, September 27 30, 1998, Pulawy, Poland, vol 3. Polish Society of Agrotechnical Sciences.
Pulawy, 1998. pp. 310 316.
- A.
Karklins. Book review Jie Shen, R. L. Kushwaha. Soil Machine Interactions: A
Finite Element Perspective, 1998, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New YorkBaselHong Kong,
333 p. / Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation, 1998, vol. 13, pp. 103
- L.
Skrastina, A. Karklins. Nutrient balances in the Mellupite watershed. Agriculture:
Scientific Articles. Lithuanian
Institute of Agriculture, Lithuanian University of Agriculture, 1999, vol. 66, pp.
- A.
Karklins. Soil resources management in Latvia. Rural Development: Contents,
Models and Policies in the E.U., Towards the 21th Century, University of
Perugia, 1999, pp. 15.
- A.
Karklins (ed). Soil Science / Practical Guide for Soil
Survey. Riga, 1999. 86 pp. (in Latvian).
- A.
Boruks, A. Karklins, O. Nikodemus. Soil research and
land evaluation. Skriveri: LLU, 2002. 148 p. (in Latvian).
- A.
Karklins. Land resources of Latvia. Crop production and environment. Soils. fertilizers
and their use. In: Crop production, Ed. by A. Ruza. Jelgava,
2004, 374 pp (Textbook, in Latvian).
- A.
Karklins. Soil testing in Latvia. In: Fertilizers and Fertilization: Journal of
the Polish Fertilizer Society CIEC, 2000, N 2(3), pp. 1018.
- A.
Karklins. Model for the calculation of nutrient offtake by crop: 'OFTAKE ' model. Journal
of the Polish Fertilizer Society CIEC, 2001, N 1(6), pp. 6374.
- H.ten
Berge, E. Fotyma, P. Cermak, R. Bujnovski, A. Karklins, A. Pogulis, J. Bos. Using crop
nitrogen response functions in nutrient fertilizer recommendation at field and farm level.
Journal of the Polish Fertilizer Society CIEC, 2001, N 2(7), pp.
- R.
Bujnovski, E. Fotyma, T. Jadczyszyn, A. Karklins, J. Klir, et al. Towards the strategy for
phosphorus and potassium rate calculation. Agriculture, 2002, vol. 48, pp.
- A.
Karklins. A comparative study of the Latvian Soil Classification with WRB. In:
Soil Classification 2001. E. Micheli, F. O. Nachtergaele, R. J. A. Jones, L.
Montanarella (eds). European Soil Bureau Research Report No. 7, EUR 20398 EN, (2002).
Luxembourg: Office for Official publications of the European Communities, pp.
- A.
Karklins. Fertilize recommendations to meet the requirements of Good Agricultural
Practice. In: Fertilisers in Context with Resource Management in Agriculture
(Ed. by E.Schnug, J.Nagy, T.Nemeth, et al.). Proc. 14th Int. Symposium on
Fertilizers, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Debrecen, June 2225, 2003,
Debrecen, Hungary, 2003, Vol. 1, pp. 272278.
- Soil
Atlas of Europe.
European Soil Bureau Network, European Commission, 2005. 128 p. A. Karklins:
Author and contributor.
- A.
Karklins. Soil information in Latvia. In: Soil
Resources of Europe, 2nd edition. R.J.A. Jones, B. Houskova, P. Bullock and
L. Montanarella (eds). European Soil Bureau Research Report No. 9, EUR 20559 EN, (2005),
420 pp. Office for Official publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, pp. 201
- A.
Karklins, I. Lipenite. Potassium balance in selected farms of Latvia / Fertilizers and Fertilization: Journal of
the Polish Fertilizer Society CIEC, Nr 3 (24), 2005, pp. 81 88.
- A.
Karklins, I. Lipenite. NPK balance studies in farms of Latvia. I. Farm Rudeni,
Jelgava region // Proceedings of the Latvia
University of Agriculture. Jelgava: LLU, 2006. Nr. 16 (311), pp. 1
(in Latvian).
- A.
Karklins, I. Lipenite. NPK balance studies in farms of Latvia. II. Farm
Kalnamuiza, Cesis region // Proceedings
of the Latvia University of Agriculture. Jelgava: LLU, 2006. Nr. 16
(311), pp. 1 7.
(in Latvian).
- I.
Lipenite, A. Karklins. NPK balance studies in farms of Latvia. III. Farm
Darznieki, Dobele region // Proceedings
of the Latvia University of Agriculture. Jelgava:
LLU, 2006. Nr. 16 (311), pp. 8 15.
(in Latvian).
- I.
Lipenite, A. Karklins. NPK balance studies in farms of Latvia. IV. Farm Ogre,
Ogre region // Proceedings of the Latvia University
of Agriculture. Jelgava: LLU, 2006. Nr. 17
(312), pp. 11 20.
(in Latvian).
- A.
Karklins, I. Lipenite. NPK balance studies in farms of Latvia. V. Farm Mareni,
Valmiera region // Proceedings of the Latvia
University of Agriculture. Jelgava: LLU, 2006. Nr. 17 (312), pp. 21
(in Latvian).
- I.
Lipenite, A. Karklins. NPK balance studies in farms of Latvia. VI. Farm
Tereni, Jelgava region // Proceedings of
the Latvia University of Agriculture. Jelgava: LLU,
2007. Nr. 18 (313), pp. 9 16.
(in Latvian).
- Guidelines for soil diagnosis and description:
Field book / Ed. by A. Karklins. Jelgava: LLU, 2007. 120 p. (in
Latvian). (in Latvian).
- Guidelines for soil diagnosis and description / Ed.
by A. Karklins. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 336 p.
(in Latvian).
- Geology, Soils, Fertilizer Use / Ed. by A. Karklins. Jelgava: LLU, 2008.
88 p.
(in Latvian).
- R. Kõlli,
A. Karklins, S. Marcinkonis, A. Astover, A. Toomsoo. Soil phosphorus status in Baltic
countries and its sustainable management. In: NJF Seminar 401 Phosphorus management in
Nordic-Baltic agriculture reconciling productivity and environmental
protection, held in Uppsala, Sweden, September 22 23, 2008, Ed. by Gitte
H Rubæk / NJF Report, Vol 4, Nr 4, 2008, pp. 92 96.
- A.
Karklins, I. Lipenite. Methodological Approach for Development of Manure Reference Values.
Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. Nr. 21 (315), pp. 11 23.
(in Latvian).
- Taxonomy of Latvia soils / Ed. by A. Karklins. Jelgava: LLU, 2009.
240 p.
(in Latvian).
- Soil conservation and sustainable use / O.
Nikodemus, A. Karklins, M. Klavins, V. Melecis. Riga: Academic Press, 2008.
254 p.
(in Latvian).
- Csathó,
P., Sisik, I., Radimszky, A., Karklins, A., et al. Agriculture as a source of
phosphorus causing eutrophication in Central and Eastern Europe. Soil Use and
Management, 2007, No. 23 (Suppl. 1), pp. 36 56.
- Moran
X., Richer de Forges A., Arrouays D., Karklins A., et al. Une analyse des
stratégies d'échantillonnage des réseaux de surveillance de la qualité des sols en
Europe. Etude et Gestion des Sols: Association Franeaise pour LEtude du Sol,
Vol 14, No. 4, 2007, pp. 1 9.
- A.
Karklins (Coauthor). Agricultural Runoff Management Study in Latvia (Swedish
Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Latvia
University of Agriculture). Swedish Government. (1992 1993).
- A.
Karklins (Coordinator of Baltic part of Project). Soil Classification and Land Evaluation
in the Baltic States (Cornell University, Agricultural Universities of Latvia, Lithuania
and Estonia). USDA (1994 1997).
- A.
Karklins (Head of Latvia part of Project). Soil Classification in Latvia (Latvia
University of Agriculture, Agricultural Universities of Denmark, Norway and Finland). Nordic
Council of Ministers. (1995 1996).
- A.
Karklins. (Head of Project). Three Level Agricultural Land Monitoring in Latvia. Latvian Council of Science (1994
- A.
Karklins. (Head of Project). Soil Diagnosis and Classification According to the
Internationally Recognized Systems. Latvian Council of Science (1997 2000).
- A. Karklins (Coordinator of the Latvian Part
of Project). Global and National Soils and Terrain Digital Database. Assessment of Soil
and Terrain Vulnerability to Pollution in Central and Eastern Europe. International
Soil Reference and Information Centre (1998 2002).
- A.
Karklins (Coordinator of the
Latvian Part of Project).
Managing Inputs of Nutrients to Avoid Insufficient or Excess MAINTAINE. INCOCOPERNICUS
PL 950231 (19982002).
- A.
Karklins. (Head of Project). Fertilization Optimization According to the Principles of
Good Agricultural Practice. Latvian Council of Science (2001 2003).
- A. Karklins (scientific contributor from
Latvia). The European Soil DataBase, version V2.0. European Commission, European
Soil Bureau Network. 2004.
- A.
Karklins (Head of Latvian part of Project). Environmental Assessment of Soil for
Monitoring. (Coordinator Cranfield University). EC No. 022713. (2006 2007).
- A. Karklins,
Member of Steering Committee, participation of realization. Project 00040670
Building Sustainable Capacity and Ownership to Implement UNCCD objectives in
Latvia. GEF/UNDP (2006 2007).
- A.
Karklins. (Head of Project). Development of Integrated Soil Information System in Latvia. Latvian
Council of Science (2001 2008).
- A. Karklins (Head of the Project). Change in
soil properties related to the non-traditional agricultural land use. Latvian Council of Science (2009 ).
Last update 27.12.2007