Born: July 12, 1950, Riga, Latvia
- Cereal, Fruit and Vegetable Processing
- Food Microbiology
- Food Quality
- Food Industry
- Education and Training in Food Science
Languages: English, Latvian, Russian, (German)
- Latvia University of Agriculture (Faculty of Food Technology), 1973
- Dr.sc.ing.(Food Science), Latvia University of Agriculture, 1993.
Latvia University of Agriculture -
- Technician, Department of Food Technology, 1972 - 1978
- Lecturer, Department of Food Technology, 1978 - 1983
- Vice-Dean, Faculty of Food Technology, 1986 - 1993
- Dean, Faculty of Food Technology, 1993 -
- Associate Professor, Department of Food Technology, 1998 -
Scholarship Holder, Umana Agricultural Institute, Ukraine, 1983 - 1986
Honours and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2006
- Full Member, Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science of Latvia
- Silver Medal "On Diligence", Ministry of Agriculture, 1998
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences and joint-stock Company
"Aldaris" Prize (for creative and professional pedagogical work and a
significant contribution to the development of food science), 2001
Professional Activities and Memberships:
Latvia University of Agriculture -
- Brewing and Malting Technology, 1997
- Winemaking, 1997
- Alcoholic Beverages, 1998
Recent/Representative Publications:
- D.Karklina, L.Ozola, I.Ciprovica, J.Predoi. Die entwicklung der Produktion und
Veralbeitung der Milch in Lettland. - Lebensmittel industrie und Milchwirtshaft, March,
1995, pp. 272 - 278.
- D.Karklina, L.Ozola, I.Ciprovica, J.Predoi. Die Kâse herstelbung in Lettland.- Lebensmittel
industrie und Milchwirtshaft , December,1995, pp. 1250 - 1253.
- D.Karklina, L.Dukalska, U.Iljins, I.Pudane. Investigationsa of the quality improvement
in food sustems by fibres obtained from cabbage. - Proc. Internat. Symposium on
Application nf Modelling as an Innovative Technology in the Agri-Food-Chain, Acta
Horticulture, 1998, 476, pp. 234-242.
- L.Skudra, A.Blija, E.Sturmovica, L.Dukalska, A Aboltins, D.Karklina. Studies on whey
fermentation using lactic acid bacteria L.acidophylus and L.bulgaricus. -
Acta Biotechnol., 1998, vol. 18, N 3, pp. 277-288.
- D.Karklina, M.Duma. Food science education problems in Latvia. - In: Proc. 10th
World Conference on Cooperative Education( Cape Town), 1998, pp. 165-168.
- D.Karklina, V.Kreicbergs, L.Skudra, L.Dukalska, A. Rukmanis, I.Burtniece. New approach
to processing oats and barley. - Scientific Works Hiffi - Plovdiv, vol. XLIII,
part 1, pp. 69-75.
- E.Strautniece, L.Ozola, D.Karklina, I.Ciprovica. Sensory evaluation of new products. -Scientific
Works Hiffi - Plovdiv, vol. XLIII, part 2, pp. 43-48.
- A.Ivanova, L.Skudra, L.Dukalska, D.Karklina. Influence of cooking parameters on survival
of microorganisms in sous vide packaged sauerkraut. - Scientific Works Hiffi -
Plovdiv, vol. XLIII, part 2, pp. 153-158.
- V.Kreicbergs, D.Karklina, L.Skudra, L.Dukalska, I.Burtniece, A. Rukmanis. Oats based
functional foods. - 16 th ICC Conference "Cereal science - its contribution to
health and well being", 1998, p. 94.
- L.Dukalska, D.Karklina. Dry soluble oat products . - "Cereal for human health
and preventive nutrition", Brno, 1998, pp. 164-167.
- D.Kunkulberga, D.Karklina. The role of water temperature on the properties of scald
baked rye bread. - "Cereal for human health and preventive nutrition",
Brno, 1998, pp. 199-202.
- V.Kreicbergs, D.Karklina, L.Dukalska, U.Iljins, A.Rukmanis. Dryingof oat products by
enzyme hydrolysis. - 13th Intern. Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering.
Summaries, 1998, p.15.
- L.Dukalska, D.Karklina, E.Kopstale,L.Skudra, I.Pudane. Investigations on the obtaining
of dry powder from vegetables and from the processing by-products of them.- Industrial
Heat Engineering, 1999, vol.21, N 2/3, pp. 62-67.
- M.Bekers, M.Marauska, J.Laukevics, M.Grube, A.Vigants, D.Karklina, U.Viesturs. Oat-based
polyfunctional food product. - Food Biotechnology, 2000, (in press).
- V.Kreicbergs, D.Karklina, E.Brence, D.Kunkulberga. Dynamics of reducing sugar changesin
scald rye flour. - Czech J. Food Sci., 2000, vol.18, Spec. issue, pp.237-238.
- M.Bekers, M.Marauska, J.Laukevics, D.Karklina, L.Skudra,D.Skore. Oat and fat free milk
based polyfunctional food product. - Proc. 14th Forum for Applied Biotechnology,
2000, 27-28 September, Brugge, Part II, pp.511-534.
- L.Dukalska, D.Karklina, L.Savenkova, V.Tupureina, S.Muizniece. Biodegradable polymer
composite materials and consumer aspects in food packaging in Latvia. - Reports Sci.
Pract. Conf. " Future Trends in the Food and Nutrition Development",
Jelgava FFT, Latvia, 2001, pp. 211-218.
Research Projects:
- (Head of Project). The Production of New and Improved Food Products from Agricultural
Raw Materials. Latvian Council of Science (199- 2000).
- (Head of Project). Investigation of Prebiotic Properties and Their Use for Processing
New Functional Foods. Latvian Council of Science (2004 - ).
- Training Program for Food Inspectors. (ZM 17-98, Grant of Ministry of Agriculture)
- Development of Study Programs in Food Science (Fruit Processing and Wine Making). Tempus
Individual Grant IMG-97-LV-2017, University of Bolona, Italy.
- Integrating Safety and Environmental Knowledge into Food Studies towards European
Sustainable Development (104934-CP-2-2003-1-PTY-ERASMUS-TN)
- Preparing and Harmonizating Databases building and Risk Assesment for Food Contaminants
in Associated Candidates Countries ( FOOD-CT-2004-513988 SAFEFOODNET)
Last update 29.12.2006