Born: October 5, 1944, Priekule, Latvia
- Organic and Industrial Organic Chemistry
- Domestic Raw Materials for Chemical Industry
- Organic Compounds and Polymers for Photoelectronics and Information Storage
- Alternative and Renewable Fuels
- Waste Recycling
- Diazonium Compounds
- Chemical and Chemical Engineering Education
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English,
- Riga Technical University (Faculty of Chemistry), cum
laude, 1970
- Dr.chem. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in
Western countries), Riga Technical University, 1974
- Dr.habil chem. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1983
Riga Technical University:
- Junior and Senior Researcher, Faculty of Chemistry,
- Associate Professor, Department of Organic Chemistry,
- Head, Department of General Chemistry, 1988 - 2002
- Professor , Department of General Chemistry, 1989 - 2002
- Deen, Faculty of Chemical Technology, 1993-2000
- Dean , Faculty of Material
Science and Applied Chemistry, 2000 -
- Head, Department of Chemistry, 2002 -
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1994-1997
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1997
- Professor G.Vanags Medal (Riga Technical University), 1994
- Professor, Riga Technical university, 2000
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Vice-president , Latvian Association of University
Professors, 1996 -
- Chairman, Promotion Council (Organic Chemistry), Riga
Technical University, 2000 -
- Member of Board, Latvian Chemical Society, 1990 -
- Chairman of Senate, Riga Technical University, 2000 -
- Editor-in-Chief, Scientific Proceedings of Riga
Technical University, Materal Science and Applied Chemistry
Riga Technical University:
- General Chemistry
- Structure of Matter
- Industrial Organic Chemistry
- Fuels and Lubricants
- UV/VIS Spectroscopy
- IR Spectroscopy
- Chemical Analysis
Recent/Representative publications
- V.Kampar, O. Neiland. Degree of charge transfer in p -p
complexes. - Uspekhi Khimyi, 1986, vol. 55, N 4, pp. 637-651 (in Russian).
- V.Kampars, V.Kokars, J.Kacen. Tricyanomethanyilides of the
Benzenediazonium Derivatives. - J. Obsch. Khim., 1999, vol. 69, N 2, pp. 331-333
(in Russian).
- V.Kokars, V.Kampars. Synthesis and properties of
dithioliliden-(4-diazoniumphenyl) acetonitrile derivatives. - Khim.Geterotsikl.
Soedin., 1994, N 2, pp. 179-181 (in Russian).
- V.Kampar, Z.Silina, A.Edzina, J.Kreicberga. Derivatives of
1-indanone in reactions of chromogen photographic development. - Latvian J. Chem.,
1995, N 3-4, pp. 126-130 (in Russian).
- V.Kampars, J.Kreicberga, R.Timbare, A.beinare, U.Vitolins.
Extraction of growth-stimulating humic acids from polluted Latvian Peats and their
influence on the yield of cereals and potatos. - Proc. Int. Meeting IHSS 10, Tolouse,
2000, pp. 907-910.
- Kampars V., Kokars V., Kaiminsh A. Synthesis and investigation of
4,5-dimethyl-1,3- -dithiolylidene- -(4-dimethylaminophenyl)acetonitrile. - Chem.
Heterocycl. Comp., 2000, N1, pp. 22 -25
- A.Ozols, V.Kampars, M.Reinfelde, V.Kokars. Hologram recording in
azobenzene oligomers. - In: 3rd Int. Conf." Advanced Optical Materials and
devices, AOMD-3" , Riga, Latvia, 2002, pp. 110-117.
- V. Kokars, A. Yanishevsky, V. Kampars. Synthesis of 2-azastilbene
derivatives with intramolecular charge transfer. - Chem. Heterocycl. Comp., 2002,
N 7, pp. 912-925
- Kampars V., Kronberga S. Iodine values estimation of vegetable oils by FTIR
spectroscopy.- Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2003, vol.12/53, SI
2, pp.45-47
- V.Kampars, V.Kokars, A.Ozols, M.Reinfelde. Azobenzene polymer films for holographic
recording in the red spectral region. - Proc. Baltic Polymer Symposium, Jurmala,
2003, pp.264-268
- V.Kampars . Spectroscopic investigation of degradation of rapeseed oil methyl esters. - Proc.
Riga Technical University, Material Science and
Applied Chemistry, 2003, N 7, pp. 170-17
- V.Kampars, M.Utinans, P.Pastors, E.Kalnina, V.Grazulevicius.Electronic structure and
UV-VIS spectra of DMABI and its dicyanomethylidene derivatives. - Scientific
Proceedings of Riga Technical University, Material Science and Applied Chemistry,
2004, Nr.9, pp.154-161
- V.Kampars, A.Skujins. Low-temperature properties of rape
seed oil biodiesel fuel and its blending with other diesel fuels. - Latvian Journal of
Physics anf Technical Sciences, 2004, N6, pp. 57-60.
- A.Ozols, M.Reinfelde, V.Kampars, V.Kokars. Structure optimization of azobenzene
oligomers for holography. - Phys.Stat. Sol. (C), 2005, vol.2, Nr. 1,
- D.Saharov, A.Ozols, V.Kampars, V.Kokars, J.Kreicberga, S.Ratyeva. Influence of
chromophore group concentration on the holographic properties of spin-coated azobenzene
oligomers. - Latvian J. Physics & Technical Sci., 2006, N 2 (1), pp.
- M.A.Rutkis, A.Vembris, V.Zauls, A.Tokmakovs, E.Fonavs, A.Jurgis,
V.Kampars, Novel second-order nonlinear optical polymer materials containing
indandione derivatives as cromophores. - SPIE Proceedings, Organic optoelectronics and
photonics, Eds. P.L.Heremans, M.Muccini, A.Meulenkamp, 2006, Vol. 6192, 6192Q.
- G.Dobele, I.Urbanovich, A.Zhurins, V.Kampars, D.Meier. Application of anlytical
pyrolysis for wood fire protevtion control. - J.Anal.Appl.Pyrolysis, 2007, 79,
- I.Muzikante, M.Rutkis, E.Fonavs, B.Stiller,D.Neher, V.Kampars, P.Pastors, Light induced
processes in thin films of indandione type organic molecules. - SPIE Proceedings,
2007, Vol. 6470, 647012.
- I.Kaulachs, I.Muzikante, G.Shlihta, L.Gerca, M.Plotniece, M.Roze, J.Kalnachs,
P.Shipkovs, A.Murashov, V.Parra, V.Kampars, PV effect in visible and infrared light in
P3HT/C61(CO2Et)2/GaOHPc blend and multilayer cells. - Latv.J.Phys
Tehn. Sci., 2007, No.3, pp.61-68.
Research Projects
- V.Kampars (Head of Project VPD1/ESF/PIAA/04/APK/
- V.Kampars (Head of Project ). Optimisation of Synthesis and Use of Biofuels, 2006-2009
- V.Kampars (Head of Project). Organic Materials for Microelectronic and Photonic,
- V.Kampars (Head of Project). Organic Chromophors for Nanomaterials, 2005-2008
- V.Kampars (Head of Project). Light
Emitters for Organic Electroluminescent Devices. Latvian
Council of Science (2005 - ).
- V.Kampars (Head of Project). Light sensitive Organic
Substances for High Density Information Storage Materials.Latvian Council of Science
(2001 -2004).
- V.Kampars (Head of Project). Utilisation of
Sapropels. Latvian Council of Science (2000-2003).
- V.Kampars (Head of Project). Alternative Fuels. Contract
Last update 20.02.2008