Yuris Roberts KALNIN

Professor Yuris Roberts KALNIN
Leading Researcher
Institute of Solid State Physics
Kengaraga iela 8
Riga, LV 1063
LatviaPhone: +371 718 7480;
Fax: +371 711 2583
E-mail: simts@latnet.lv
Phone: +371 2461281
Fax: +371 2461001 |
Born: January 28, 1942, Riga, Latvia
Languages: English, Latvian, Russian.
- Theoretical Physics
- Transport in Heterogeneous Media and Composite Materials
- Kinetics of Bimolecular Reactions in Condensed Matter with Focus on Many-Particle
- The Kinetics of Generation, Annealing, Migration of Defects in Solids under Irradiation
- Large-Scale Computer Simulations of Processes in Condensed Matter
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics), 1965
- Dr.phys. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Institute of
Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1972
- Dr habil.phys.(Doctor of Science in former USSR), Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy
of Sciences, 1983
- Researcher, Leading Researcher, Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
- Head of Theoretical Group, Microelectronics Centre, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1990
- Leading Researcher, Institute of Solid State Physics, University
of Latvia, 1995 -
- Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia,
1996 - 1998
- Professor, Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Latvia, 1990 -
- Vice-Rector, Social Technology Institute, Riga, 1998 -
Professional Activities and Memberships
- President, Latvian Union of Scientists, 1992 -
- Member, Board of Latvian Council of Science, 1990 -
1993, 1996 - 1999
- Member, Board of Association of Latvian Intellectuals, 1995 -
- Board Member, Latvian Thinking Development Association, 2002
- System Thinking (University of Latvia)
Social Technology Institute:
- Effective Learning Methods
- Modelling in Economics
- Chaos Management
Recent/ Representative Publications
- V.L.Vinetskii, Yu.Kalnin, E.A.Kotomin, A.A.Ovchinnikov.Radiation-induced Frenkel defect
aggregation in solids (review article).- Sov. Phys. -Uspekhi, 1990, vol.160,
10, pp.1-33 (in Russian)
- Yu. H. Kalnin, P.Zapol. Effective diffusion coefficient and diffusion-controlled
reactions in solids with defects. - Rad. Effects and Defects in Solids, 1995,
vol.137, pp.295-300.
- Yu.H.Kalnin. Diffusion-controlled defect reactions and energy transfer at arbitrary sink
distribution. In: Defects in Insulating Materials, Singapore: World Scientific
Publ., 1993, 932pp.
- Yu.H.Kalnin, E.A.Kotomin. A comparison of the effective medium and modified Smoluchowski
equation for the reaction rate of diffusion-controlled reactions. - J.Nuclear Matter,
1996, pp.199-201.
- Yu.R.H.Kalnin, E.A.Kotomin. Many-particle pecularities in the A+B=B bimolecular reaction
kinetics. The effect of sink spatial distribution. - J. Phys.: Condens. Matter,
1996, 8, pp.6729-6735.
- Yu.R.H.Kalnin, G.Zvejnieks, E.A.Kotomin. The effect of particle generation function on
the rate of diffusion-controlled A+B=B reaction with a permanent particle source. -
Chem.Phys.Lett., 1997, 270, pp.229-233.
- Yu.R.H.Kalnin, G.Zvejnieks. Effective reaction rate dependence on particle generation
functions in two-dimensional case. - Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences,
1996, 5, pp. 57-64.
- Yu.R.H.Kalnin, E.A.Kotomin, G.Zvejnieks. The diffusion-controlled energy transfer rate
for a paired sink distribution and donor-acceptor interaction.- Phys.Stat.Sol.
(b), 1997, vol.201, pp.339-342.
- J.R.Kalnin, E.A.Kotomin. A novel relation for the effective diffusion coefficient in
inhomogeneous media. - Computer Modelling and New Technologies (Latvia), 2001,
vol.5, No1, pp.18-27.
- J.R.Kalnin, E.A.Kotomin, J.Maier. Calculations of the effective diffusion coefficient
for inhomogeneous media. - J.Phys. Chem.Solids, 2002, vol.63, pp.449-456.
Research Projects
- Y.R.Kalnin (Head of Project). Self-Organization Phenomena and Non-linear Processes in
Condensed Matter. Latvian Council of Science (1993-1996)
- Y.R.Kalnin (Head of Project). Study of the Many-Particle Effects
and Processes During the Bimolecular Reactions in Condensed Matter. Latvian Council of
Science (1996- )
- Y.R.Kalnin (Head of Project)The kinetics of Catalytic Surface Reactions and
Self-Organization Phenomena in Advanced Materials. Latvian Council of Science
(2001 - )
- Y.R.Kalnin (Scientific Coordinator). EU Project: Hyper Knowledge, 2001- 2003
Family: Married, 4 children
Last update 21.02.2003