(27.12.1946 - 23.12.2004.)

Prof. Dr.med. Uldis KALNINS
Faculty of Medicine
University of Latvia
Sarlotes iela 1a
Riga, LV 1001
Chief, Latvian Centre of Cardiology
P.Stradins Clinical University Hospital
Pilsonu iela 13
Riga, LV 1002
Phone: + 371 9289874 Phone/Fax: + 371 7069548
E-mail: cardio@mailbox.riga.lv
December 27, 1946, Riga, Latvia
Departed: December 23, 2004, riga, Latvia
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
Main fields of interest and research:
Clinical Cardiology
Genetic Markers of Coronary Heart Disease
Acute Coronary Syndromes
Prevention, Registries and Outcome Research
Exercise testing and Rehabilitation
Medical Education
M.D., Riga Medical Institute, 1965-1971
Internship, Internal Medicine, 1971-1973
Residency, Cardiology, Riga Medical Institute, 1974-1976
Dr. med. (Ph.D.): Cardiology, Kaunas Medical Institute, Lithuania, 1981
Certificate: Electrophysiology and Pacing. Kaunas Medical Institute, Lithuania, 1985
Certificates: Foundations of Public Health (Part I and Part II). The Nordic School of
Public Health, Göteborg, Sweden, 1994; 1995
Certificate: Epidemiological Methods in Public Health. London School of Hygiene &
Tropical Medicine, Prague, 1994
Certificate: Course on Interventional Cardiology. Heart Center & Red Cross Hospital,
Frankfurt, German, 1995; 1996
Research Fellow (Cardiology), Riga Medical Institute, 1976-1978
Research Associate (Cardiology), Latvian Institute of Cardiology, 1979-1991
Head, Lab. for Coronary Heart Disease Research, Latvian Institute of Cardiology, 1991-2004
Chief, Latvian Centre of Cardiology, P. Stradins Clinical University Hospital, 1993-2004
Invited speaker, Meetings and Seminars organized by Latvian Society of Cardiology,
Latvian Institute of Cardiology, Medical Academy of Latvia, 1982- 2004
Associate Professor (Cardiology), University of Latvia, Faculty of Medicine, 2001-2004
Honours and Awards:
Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2004
The Three Stars Order (Republic of Latvia), 2003
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member, Latvian Society of Cardiology, 1976-2004
- Member, Latvian Medical Association, 1989-2004
- Member, Association of Scientists in Latvia, 1990-2004
- Member, Working Group on Exercise Physiology, Pathophysiology and Electrocardiography,
ESC, 1992-present
- Member, International Society and Federation of Cardiology, 1993-2004
- Member, Working Group on Coronary Circulation, ESC, 1994-2004
- Chairman, the Council on Prevention of CHD in Latvia, 1995
- Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology, 1995
- Member, New York Academy of Sciences, 1997
- Vice-President, Latvian Medical Association, 1999-2002
- President, Latvian Society of Cardiology, 2000 - 2004
- Fellow of the American Collage of Cardiology, 2004
Organized conferences and seminars:
- The 3rd Baltic Atherosclerosis Congress and The 1st International
Congress of the Latvian Society of Cardiology. Riga, Latvia, May 20-22, 2004.
- International educational course organized by the European Society of Cardiology
Antithrombotic, fibrinolytic and interventional treatment of unstable angina and
myocardial infarction. Riga, Latvia, October 17-19, 2002.
- International conference 10 years of coronary angioplasty in Latvia. Riga,
Latvia, June 21-22, 2000.
- International educational course organized by the European Society of Cardiology
Update on cardiology: coronary heart disease and heart failure. Riga, Latvia,
Nov. 30 Dec. 1, 2000.
Recent/Representative Publications:
J. Volkolakovs, N. Andrejevs, U. Kalnins, O. Putnins, A. Ozols, G.
Pulmane. Determination of indications for coronary angiography on the basis of results of
bicycle and respiration ergometry. - Cardiology (Moscow), 1983; 23(6):45 - 50
(in Russian, summary in English)
U. Kalnins, I. Skarda, D. Liepina, A. Vitols. The development of coronary
insufficiency during prolonged treatment of essential hypertension. - Cor et Vasa,
1990; 32(I):64-71
U.Kalnins, A. Erglis, S. Borovski. Exercise and pacing tests for diagnosis of
single coronary artery disease. - J. of Electrocardiology, 1993,v.26, N2,p.
D.Matisone, J.Skards, I.Kukulis, A.Vitols, V.Dzerve, D.Liepina, D.Klincare, D.Basko, U.Kalnins,
J.Jirgensons, M.Bertholds. Two different hemodynamic response patterns ensuring the
hypotensive effect of sustained - release verapamil (Flamon 240 SP) in essential
hypertensives. - Acta Medica Baltica, 1996, p. 115-128
K.Heidemanis, I.Dabina, U.Kalnins, A.Erglis, I.Dinne. Inhibition of sterol
synthesis: yet another mechanism proposed for protective effect of high density
lipoprotein. - Can. J. Cardiol. 1997; v. 13. (suppl. B.), p. 98 B (0312)
I.Skarda, V.Dzerve, D.Klincare, A.Vitols, U.Kalnins, I.Dinne I.Kalvins.
Influence of longterm mildronate treatment on quality of life and hemodynamic parametrs of
congestive heart failure patients. - J. Heart Failure, 1997; v. 4(1): 53
K.Heidemanis, U.Kalnins, I.Dabina, I.Dinne, A.Erglis. A new aspect of
antiatherogenic action of plasma high-density lipoproteins: inhibition of cholesterol
biogenesis. - Baltic Atheroscl. J., 1999; 1: 53-55
Tretjakovs P., Kalnins U., Dabina I., Dinne I., Erglis A., Jurka A.
Interaction between arachidonic acid and platelet phospholipids, and HDL-cholesterol
metobolism in patients with coronary heart disease. - Acta Medica Austriaca,
1999; 26(S49): 6-7
P.Tretjakovs, U.Kalnins, I.Dabina, I.Dinne, A.Erglis, I.Kumsars, A.Jurka.
Plasma HDL-cholesterol has an effect on nitric oxide production and arachidonic acid
metabolism in the platelet membranes of coronary heart disease patients without
LDL-hypercholesterolemia. - Med Sci Monit, 2000; 6 (3): 507-511
P.Tretjakovs, U.Kalnins, I.Dabina, I.Dinne, A.Erglis, A.Jurka. Nitric
oxide and cutaneous vasomor response in coronary artery disease patients. - Atheroslerosis,
2000; 15 (1): 11-12
U.Kalnins, P.Tretjakovs, A.Erglis, I.Dinne, I.Dabina, A.Jurka. Changes in nitric
oxide production and arachidonic acid metabolism in platelet membrane in coronary heart
disease patients after coronary angioplasty. - Heart, 2000; 83 (Sppl. II): A
R.S. Karpov, O.A. Koshelskaya, A.V. Vrublevsky, A.A. Sokolov, A.T. Teplyakov, I. Skarda,
V.Dzerve, D.Klintsare, A.Vitols, U.Kalnins, I.Kalvinsh, L.Matveya, D.
Urbane. Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Mildronate in Patients With Ischemic Heart Disease
and Chronic Heart Failure. - Kardiologiya, 2000, N6: 69-74 (In Russian,
summary in English)
Tretjakovs P., Kalnins U., Dabina I., Dinne I., Erglis A., Kumsars
I., Jurka A. Relationship between nitric oxide production and arachidonic acid metabolism
in the platelet membranes of coronary artery disease patients. - Latvijas Universitates Zinatnisko rakstu krajums, Medicina,
2001; 631(4): 134-143
P.Tretjakovs, U.Kalnins, I.Dabina, I.Dinne, A.Erglis, G.Latkovskis,
A.Jurka. Effect of HDL-cholesterol on nitric oxide production and turnover of
phospholipids in platelet membranes in CAD patients. - Baltic Atheroscl. J,
2001, 2: 21-24
P.Tretjakovs, U.Kalnins, I.Dabina, I.Dinne, A.Erglis, G.Latkovskis,
A.Jurka. Nitric oxide production and arahidonic acid metabolism platelet membranes of
diabetic and coronary artery disease patients. - 14th International
Symposium on Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism, New York, 9-12 Sept., 2001., p.100
V.Rudzite, A.Silava, U.Kalnins, A.Erglis, M.Jaeger, K.Trusinskis, D.Fuchs.
Association between increased serum neopterin and homocysteine concentrations as well as
pyridoxal deficiency in patients with coronary heart disease. - Pteridines,
U.Kalnins, A.Erglis, I.Dinne, I.Kumsars, S.Jegere. Clinical outcomes of silicon
carbide coated stents in patients with coronary artery disease. - Med. Sci. Monit.,
2002; 8 (2): 16-20
P.Tretjakovs, U.Kalnins, I.Dabina, A.Erglis, I.Dinne, A.Jurka,
G.Latkovskis, A.Zvaigzne, V.Pirags. Arachidonic acid methabolism and nitric oxide
production in platelet membranes of coronary artery disease patients with and without
diabetes. - Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci, Section B, 2002; 56, 3:109-113
V.Rudzite, A.Jurika, U.Kalnins, A.Erglis, K.Trusinskis, S.Jegere, B.Frick,
D.Fuchs. Comparing the sensitivity of pyridoxal-5-phospate, homocysteine and neoptrin in
coronary heart disease. - Pteridines, 2002;13(3):100-103
V.Rudzite, E.Jurika, U.Kalnins, A.Erglis, K.Trusinskis, S.Jegere. Changes
in lipid metabolism in patients with coronary heart disease. - Proc. Latvian Acad.Sci,
Section B, 2002;56(3)
P.Tretjakovs, U. Kalnins, I. Dabina, A. Erglis, I. Dinne, A. Jurka, G.
Latkovskis, A.Zvaigzne, V. Pirags. Nitric oxide production and arachidonic acid metabolism
in platelet membranes of coronary heart disease patients with and without diabetes. -
Med. Principles Pract., 2003; 12(1):10-16
M.Haude, T.F.M.Konorza, U.Kalnins, A.Erglis, K.Saunamäki,
H.D.Glogar, E.Grube, R.Gil, A.Serra, H.G.Richard, P.Sick, R.Erbel for the heparin - COAted
STents in small coronary arteries (COAST) trial investigators. Heparin-coated stent
placement for treatment of stenosis in small coronary arteries of symptomatic patients. -
Circulation 2003; 107:1265-1270
G.Latkovskis, U.Kalnins, G.Sika, M.Vikmane, M.Vitola. Evaluation of
secondary prevention measures in patients with coronary heart disease in Latvia. - Seminars
in Cardiology, 2003; 9(1):28-37
Frick B., Rudzite V., Schröcksnadel K., Kalnins U., Erglis A., Trusinskis
K., Fuchs D. Homocysteine, B vitamins and immune activation in coronary heart disease. -
Pteridines, 2003; 14: 8287
A.Erglis, U.Kalnins, A.Saltups, I.Kumsars, I.Dinne, D.Sondore, I.Narbute,
S.Jegere, U.Jaspers. The influece of balloon material on stent geometry and acute gain
during intravascular ultrasound guided stenting. - Seminars in Cardiology, 2003;
9(2): 38-45
Gil-Extermera B., Ma P.T., Yulde J., Kalnins U., Harkin N., Williams L.
The adjunctive effect of telemisartan in patients with hypertension uncontrolled on
current antihypertensive therapy. - Int.J.Clin.Pract. 2003;57(10):861-866
Rudzite V., Jurika E., Fuchs D., Kalnins U., Erglis A., Trusinskis K.
Serum concentration of C-reactive protein, neopterin and phospholipids in patients with
different grade of coronary heart disease. - Pteridines, 2003, 14:133-137
B.Wirleitner, V.Rudzite, G.Neurauter, C.Murr, U.Kalnins, A.Erglis, K.Trusinskis,
D.Fuchs. Immune activation and degradation of tryptophan in coronary heart disease. - Eur.
J. Clin. Invest., 2003;33 (1): 550554
Rudzite V., Jurika E., Fuchs D., Kalnins U., Erglis A., Trusinskis
K. The significance of secondary risk factors in the course of coronary artery disease
(CAD). - 23rd International Winter-Workshop on Clinical, Chemical and
Biochemical Aspects of Pteridines. St.Christoph/Arlberg, Austria,February 28March 6th
2004. Pteridines, 2004; 15
U.Kalnins, A.Erglis, A.Rudzitis, M.Schneider, F.Kohler. Interventional
cardiology in Latvia 1993-2003. - Dtsch.Med.Wochenschr. 2004;129 (Suppl.1):
Latkovskis G, Licis N, Kalnins U. C-reactive protein levels and common
polymorphisms of interleukin-1 gene cluster and interleukin-6 gene in patients with
coronary heart disease. - European Journal of Immunogenetics, 2004;
U.Kalnins Is statin therapy indicated for patients with acute coronary syndrome?
- Seminars in Cardiology, 2004; 10(1): 7-10
P. Tretjakovs, U. Kalnins, A. Jurka, S. Steina, R. Ritenberga, M. Marga,
A. Stifts, V. Pirags. Naftidrofuryl, a serotonin 5-HT2 receptor inhibitor, improves
vasomotor responses in diabetics with atherosclerosis. - Seminars in Cardiology, 2004;
Sick P.B., Gelbrich G., Kalnins U., Erglis A., et al. Comparison of early
and late results of Carbofilm-coated stents versus a pure high-grade stainless steel stent
(the Carbostent trial). - Am. J. Cardiol. 2004; 93(11):1351-1356
Research Projects:
- Clinical efficacy and costeffectiveness of coronary stenting with special stents
in stable and unstable angina taking into account genetic and inflammatory risk factors. Latvian Council of Science (2001-2004).
- Angiogenic factors of platelets and leucocytes in patients with coronary atherosclerosis
and their role in the course of invasive treatment. Latvian
Council of Science (2001-2004) (in collab. with P.Tretjakovs).
- Study and evaluation of secondary risk factors, conditions in the development and
progression of coronary heart disease. Latvian Council of Science (2001 - 2004) (in
collab. with Prof. V.Rudzite).
- Genetic markers of coronary heart disease and its different forms. Latvian Council of
Science (2001-2004). In collab. with Prof. E.Grens and Prof. A.Krumina project
Genomic studies in the Latvian population in relation to human pathology.
- Balloon angioplasty vs heparin coated and non-coated coronary stents (COAST). In
collab.with Prof. Dr. R.Erbel, University Hospital Essen, Dept. of Cardiology,
Hufellandstr. 55, D-45147 Essen, Germany (1999-2001).
- Prospective randomized comparison of the restenotic process measured by the increase of
the degree of percent stenosis using a carbofilm coated stent (Sorin Biomedica) and a pure
high-grade stainless steel stent (S 670 or 540, Medtronic AVE) a multicentre study (The
CARBO film-STENT-Study). (2000-2003) In collab. with Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schuler, Dr. Peter
Sick, University of Leipzig, Heart Center, Russenstrape 19, D-04289 Leipzig, Germany.
- European trial on reduction of cardiac events with perindopril in stable coronary artery
disease (EUROPA). (1998-2003). Member of the Steering Committee for the EUROPA study
(sponsored by Servier International).
- Occluded Artery Trial (OAT). Collab. with the National Institute of Health, USA
(from 2002).
- Research of new cardiovascular risk factors (insulin resistance and endothelial
dysfunction) in patients with coronary atherosclerosis. Applied to the Latvian Council
of Science (in collaboration with A.Jansone).
Last update 03.01.2005