Born: April 28, 1957, Saldus, Latvia
- Physiology and Bioenergetics of Microorganisms
- History and Philosophy of Science
Current research interests are focused on the
structure and function of respiratory chain in the aerotolerant anaerobic bacterium Zymomonas
Languages: Latvian, Russian,
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Biology), 1980
- Dr. biol. (Candidate of Science in former USSR,
Ph.D. in Western countries), Institute of Microbial Biochemistry and Physiology, Puschino,
Russia, 1989
- Engineer, Researcher, and Senior Researcher - A.
Kirchenstein Institute of Microbiology, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1981 - 1990
- Head, Laboratory of Bioenergetics and
Bioengineering, A. Kirchenstein Institute of Microbiology, 1991
- Guest Researcher at the Institute of
Biotechnology, Juelich Research Centre, Germany, 1992
- Leading Researcher, Head of Laboratory of
Bioenergetics, Institute of
Microbiology and Biotechnology, University of Latvia, 1993 -
- Acting Head of Department of Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology, Faculty of Biology,
University of Latvia, 1996 - 1998
- Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology
and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biology,
University of Latvia, 2001 - 2005; Professor, 2005 -
Honors and Awards
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member (Chairman, 2003 - 2007), Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee for
Microbiology, Virology, Molecular Biology, and Biotechnology, 1993 - 2007
University of
- Biochemistry
- Microbiology
- Bioenergetics and Cultivation of Microorganisms
- Enzymology
Recent / Representative Publications:
- Kalnenieks U., Pankova L., Shvinka J. Proton
motive force in Zymomonas mobilis. -Biokhimiya, 1987, vol. 52, pp. 720-723 (in
- Kalnenieks U., Pankova L., Shvinka J. Energy spent
for maintaining the transmembranous pH gradient in Zymomonas mobilis. -
Mikrobiologiya, 1987, vol. 56, pp. 770-773 (in Russian).
- Kalnenieks U., Saulitis J., Galinina N., Liepins
E., Shvinka J. Protonmotive force in Brevibacterium flavum: The lack of
intracellular pH homeostasis. - Arch. Microbiol., 1989, vol. 151, pp. 213-219.
- Kalnenieks U., de Graaf A. A., Bringer-Meyer S.
and Sahm H. Oxidative phosphorylation in Zymomonas mobilis. - Arch. Microbiol., 1993,
vol. 160, pp. 74-79.
- Kalnenieks U., Galinina N., Irbe I., Toma M.
(1995) Energy coupling sites in the electron transport chain of Zymomonas mobilis.
- FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 1995, vol. 133, pp. 99-104.
- Kalnenieks U., Galinina N., Toma M., Skards I.
(1996) Electron transport chain in aerobically cultivated Zymomonas mobilis. -
FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 1996, vol. 143, pp. 185-189.
- Kalnenieks U., Galinina N., Bringer-Meyer S.,
Poole R.K. Membrane D-lactate oxidase in Zymomonas mobilis: evidence for a
branched respiratory chain. - FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 1998, vol. 168, pp. 91-97.
- Kalnenieks U., Galinina N., Poole R.K.
Cyanide inhibits respiration yet stimulates aerobic growth of Zymomonas mobilis. -
Microbiology, 2000, vol. 146, pp. 1259-1266.
- R.K.Poole, U.Kalnenieks. Introduction to light
absorption:visible and ultraviolet spectra. - In: Spectrophotometry and
Spectrofluorimetry. A Practical Approach (M.G.Gore, ed.), 2000, Oxford University
Press, pp. 1-32.
- U.Kalnenieks, N.Galinina, M.M. Toma, U.Marjutina.
Ethanol cycle in an ethanologenic bacterium. - FEBS Lett., 2002, vol. 522,
pp. 6-8.
- U.Kalnenieks, M.M. Toma, N.Galinina, R.K.Poole.
The paradoxical cyanide-stimulated respiration of Zymomonas mobilis: cyanide
sensitivity of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH II). - Microbiology, 2003, vol. 149,
pp. 1739-1744.
- M.M.Toma, U.Kalnenieks, A.Berzins, A.Vigants,
M.Rikmanis, U.Viesturs. The effect of mixing on glucose fermentation by Zymomonas
mobilis continuous culture. - Process Biochemistry, 2003, vol. 38, pp.
- U.Kalnenieks, N.Galinina, M.M. Toma. Physiological
regulation of the properties of alcohol dehydrogenase II (ADH II) of Zymomonas
mobilis: NADH renders ADH II resistant to cyanide and aeration. - Arch.
Microbiol., 2005, vol. 183, pp. 450-455.
- U.Kalnenieks, N.Galinina, M.M. Toma,
J.L.PZickfpord, R.Rutkis, R.K.Poole.Respiratory behaviour of a Zymomonas mobilis
adhB:: kan' mutant supports the hypothesis of two alcohol dehydrogenase isoenzymes
catalysing opposite reactions. - FEBS Lett., 2006, vol. 580, pp. 5084-5088.
- U.Kalnenieks. Physiology of Zymomonas
mobilis: some unanswered questions. - Advances in Microbial Physiology, 2006,
vol. 51, pp. 73-117.
Research Projects:
- U.Kalnenieks (Head of Latvian Part of Project).
Zusammensetzung und Funktion der Elektronentransportkette in Zymomonas mobilis. Volkswagen
Foundation, Germany, 1997-1998.
- U.Kalnenieks (Head of Project).
NADPH-dependent Aerobic Energetics of Zymomonas mobilis. Latvian Council of Science
(2001 - 2003 ).
- U.Kalnenieks (Head of Project). Alternative
Mechanisms of Cyanide-resistance in Bacteria. Latvian Council of Science (2004 -
Last update 25.11.2007