Harijs KALIS

Professor Harijs KALIS

Head of Chair of Differential Equations and Numerical Methods,
Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Latvia

Raina bulv. 19
Riga, LV-1586, Latvia

Head of Laboratory of Numerical Methods for Differential Equations,
Institute of Mathematics of Latvian Academy of Sciences and University of Latvia

Akademijas laukums 1,
Riga, LV 1524, Latvia

Phone: +371 761 5753
Fax: +371 722 7520
E-mail:  kalis@lanet.lv

Born: 1938, Jelgava, Latvia



Brief Description of Main Research:

My research concerns: special finite difference approximations and numerical solutions of the system of differential equations of mathematical physics and fluid mechanics with large parameters at first order derivatives or small parameters at second order derivatives. The so called uniform numerical (special) methods of E.Doolan, J.Miller, W.H.Schilder, D.Allen, R.Southwell and A.Il`yn are being developed for application to non-linear problems of mathematical physics and MHD for viscous incompressible fluid, which cannot be solved by classical methods. This provides the basis for the development of special monotonous vector difference schemes with a perturbation coefficient of the function matrix.

Since 1964 I have published a monograph on the numerical methods of solution of differential equations (1986, 416 pp.); 136 original scientific papers , proceedings and abstracts on the numerical simulation of MHD flow for viscous incompressible fluid in the electromagnetic field, about the mathematical modelling in aluminium reduction cell, on the numerical solution of the heat transfer equations in multi-layer medium, the special finite-difference approximations of the equations of mathematical physics; 22 textbooks or booklets for students about numerical methods of differential equations in mathematical physics.

Languages: Germany, Russian, Latvian


         Thesis: The Development and Application of Special Computational Methods for Calculation of Flew            for Viscous   Incompressible Electrically- Conducting Fluid with Large Parameters.



Professional Actives and Memberships:

Lectures and Visits:

Main Courses

    University of Latvia:

Recent/Representative Publications:

Research Projects:



Last update 26.02.2007