Harijs KALIS
Born: 1938, Jelgava, Latvia
- Mathematical Simulation (Modelling)
- Numerical Mathematics
- Mathematical Physics
- Computational Fluid Mechanics and Magnetohydrodynamics
- Numerical Methods for Differential Equations
- Special Finite-Difference Methods
Brief Description of Main Research:
My research concerns: special finite difference
approximations and numerical solutions of the system of differential equations of
mathematical physics and fluid mechanics with large parameters at first order derivatives
or small parameters at second order derivatives. The so called uniform numerical (special)
methods of E.Doolan, J.Miller, W.H.Schilder, D.Allen, R.Southwell and A.Il`yn are being
developed for application to non-linear problems of mathematical physics and MHD for
viscous incompressible fluid, which cannot be solved by classical methods. This provides
the basis for the development of special monotonous vector difference schemes with a
perturbation coefficient of the function matrix.
Since 1964 I have published a monograph on the numerical
methods of solution of differential equations (1986, 416 pp.); 136 original scientific
papers , proceedings and abstracts on the numerical simulation of MHD flow for viscous
incompressible fluid in the electromagnetic field, about the mathematical modelling in
aluminium reduction cell, on the numerical solution of the heat transfer equations in
multi-layer medium, the special finite-difference approximations of the equations of
mathematical physics; 22 textbooks or booklets for students about numerical methods of
differential equations in mathematical physics.
Languages: Germany, Russian, Latvian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics),
- Postgraduate, University of Latvia, 1967-1970
- Dr.math. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in
Western countries), Title of Thesis: Some Solutions Methods of Systems of Differential
Equations in Magnetohydrodynamic. Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1971
- Dr.habil.phys. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), St.
Petersburg Technical University, 1991
Thesis: The
Development and Application of Special Computational Methods for Calculation of Flew
for Viscous
Incompressible Electrically- Conducting Fluid with Large Parameters.
- Researcher, Junior and Senior Researcher, Computing Centre
of the University of Latvia, 1962-1974
- Associate Professor, Chair of Differential Equations and
Numerical Methods, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, University of Latvia, 1974-1984
- Head of Chair of Differential Equations and Numerical
Methods, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, University of Latvia, 1984-
- Head of Laboratory of Numerical Methods for
Differential Equations, Institute of Mathematics of Latvian Academy of Sciences and
University of Latvia, 1991-
- Professor, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, University
of Latvia, 1992-
- Professor in Numerical Analysis , Department of
Mathematics, University of Latvia, 1997 -
Professional Actives and Memberships:
- Member, GAMM, 1993-
- Member, Latvian Council of
Science Expert Commission of mathematics and physics, 1997-
- Member, Latvian Society of Mathematics, 1993-
- Member, Council of University of Latvia, 1995-1996
- Member, Latvian Society of University Professors, 1996-
- Member, Council of Science, University of Latvia, 1997-
- Member, USSR Conferences for Hydrodynamics, Programme
Committee, 1966-1980
- Member, Habilitation Council for Mathematics, University of
Latvia, 1992-
- Member, Habilitation Council for Physics, Institute of
Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences 1991-
- Chairman, Promotion Council for Equations of Mathematical
Physics and Numerical analyses , University of Latvia, 1992-1993
- Chairman, Research Projects between University of Latvia
and Charles University at Prague, 1980-1990
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board, journal Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (The
Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis and Differential
Equations), Lithuania, 1999-
Lectures and Visits:
- Some Observations On Special Numerical Methods. University
Carolinae, Prague, Visiting associate professor/professor, 1976, 1979, 1982, 1985, 1988,
1994, 1996
- International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid
Dynamics. Tbilisi, July 1976
- 6-th Congress for Theoretical and Applicable Mechanics.
Tashkent, Sept.1986
- International Conference for the Mathematical Models and
Numerical Methods, Minsk, Sept.1986
- Conferences on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics:
Novosibirsk (1966), Kijew (1968), Alma-Ata (1970), Krim (1974), Perm (1976), Dagestan
(1978), Leningrad (1982), Sverdlovsk (1984)
- 8-th Conference of ECMI (European Consortium for
mathematics in industry, Kaiserslautern (Germany), Sept.1994
- 2-th Internati. Conference "Numerical Modelling in
Continuum Mechanics", Prague, Aug.1994
- 9-th Conference of ECMI, Denmark-Copenhagen, June,1996
- 3-rd Internat. Conference " Numerical Modelling in
Continuum Mechanics", Prague, Sept. 1997
- 6-th Internat. Conf. "Navier-Stokes Equations and
Related Nonlinear Problems", Palanga, Lithuania, May 1997
- 2-nd Internat. Conf. "Mathematical Modelling and
Complex Analysis", Vilnius, June 1997
- 2-nd Internat. Conf. "Finite-difference Methods:
Theory and Applications", Minsk, Belarus, May 1998
- 3-rd Internat. Conf. "Mathematical Modelling and
Analysis", Riga-Jurmala, Oct.1998
- 4-th Internat. Conf. "Mathematical Modelling and
Analysis", Vilnius, June 1999
- Internat. Scientific Colloquium "MOdelling of Material
Processing", Riga, May, 1999
- 3-rd European Conf. on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced
Applications (ENUMATH-99), Juvaskyla, Finland, July 1999.
Main Courses
of Latvia:
- Numerical Methods, 1974-
- Equations of Mathematical Physics, 1980-
- Special Numerical Methods,1984-
Recent/Representative Publications:
- H.Kalis. Numerical Methods for Solving of Differential
Equations, 1986, Riga: Zvaigzne, 416 pp. (in Latvian)
- M.Feistauer, H.Kalis, M.Rokyta. Mathematical modelling of
an electrolysis process. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae, 1989, vol.30(3),
- H.Kalis. Ausarbeitung and Anwendung der spezialen
numerischen Methoden zur Losung der Probleme der mathematischen Physik, Hydrodynamik und
Magnetohydrodynamik. University of Latvia, 1993, vol.588, pp.175-206
- H.Kalis. Special finite-difference approximations of flow
equations in terms of stream function vorticity and velocity components for viscous
incompressible liquid in curvilinear orthogonal coordinates. - Comment. Math. Univ.
Carolinae, 1993, vol.34(2), pp.165-174
- H.Kalis. Numerical integration by finite-difference methods
for some problems of linear and non-linear systems of differential equations. University
of Latvia, 1994, vol.592, pp.91-104
- H.Kalis. Exact solutions of a boundary value problem that
models magnetohydrodynamic flow and its asymptotic behaviour. - Proc. Latvian Academy
of Sciences. B, 1994, 9/10 (566/567), pp.86-89
- H.Kalis. Special finite-difference approximations for
numerical solution of some linear and non-linear differential equations. Numerical
modelling in continuum mechanics. - Proc. Intern.Conf., Prague, 1995,
- A.Buikis, H.Kalis. The mathematical simulation of an
electrolytic cell for aluminium production. Bericht 95-150 Arbeitgruppe technomathematik,
Kaiserslautern, 1995, 7 pp.
- J.Cepitis, H.Kalis. A certain mathematical model of the
glass fibre material production.- Proceed. 9-th Conference ECMI-96,
Denmark- Copenhagen, 1997, 8 pp.
- H.Kalis. Finite-difference scheme for solving some heat
transfer problems with convection in multilayer media. - Proc. 2nd Int. Conference
"Finite-difference Methods: Theory and Applications", Minsk, Belarus, 1998,
vol. 2, pp. 50-55.
- A. Abolins, A.Buikis, J.Cepitis, H.Kalis, A.Reinfelds.
Diffusion and chemical attachment of substances with simple molecule structure in wood. -
In: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI-98. B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart,
Leipzig, 1999, pp. 188-195.
- H. Kalis. Efficient finite-difference scheme for solving some heat transfer
problems with convection in multilayer media. - Intern. Journal of Heat and Mass
Transfer, 2000, vol. 43, N 24, pp. 4467-4474
- H. Kalis. The numerical study of nonlinear heating process in thin plate. -
Proc. 4th Summer Conf. 'Numerical Modelling in Continium Mechanics', Prague,
July 31-August 4, 2000; Univ.Karlovy, 2001, pp. 173-181.
- A. Buikis, H. Kalis. Comparison of analytical and numerical methods for simulation
of radiative heating of a thin plate. - Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical
Sciences, 2001, 3, pp. 20-32.
- Buikis A., Cepitis J., Kalis H., Reinfelds A., Ancitis A., Salmin A.
Mathematical Models of Papermaking. - Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control,
2001, 16, pp. 9-19.
- H. Kalis, I. Kangro. Simple algorithms for the calculation of heat transport
problem in plate. - Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, Vilnius, Technika, 2001,
6, pp. 85-96
- H. Kalis, A. Lasis. Simple algorithms for calculation of the axial-symmetric heat
transport problem in a cylinder. - Mathematical Modelling and Analysis,
Vilnius, Technika, 2001, 6, pp. 262-269.
- A.Buikis, H.Kalis. Numerical modelling of heat and magnetohydrodynamic flows in a finite
cylinder. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 2002, vol.2, No.3,
- A.Buikis, J.Cepitis, H.Kalis, A.Reinfelds. Mathematical model of sawn timber drying.
Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Sec.B, 2003, vol.57, No 3/4
(626), pp.128-132.
- H.Kalis. Simple methods of engineering calculation for solving heat transfer problems. -
- Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, Vilnius, 2003, vol.8, N 1, pp.
- H.Kalis, I.Kangro. Increasing of accuracy
for engineering calculation for heat transfer problem in two layer media. Mathematical
Modelling and Analysis, 2005, vol.10, N 2, pp.173-190.
Research Projects:
- H.Kalis (Head of Project). Problems of Mathematical Physics
with Discontinuous Parameters. Latvian Council of Science (1992-1993)
- H.Kalis (Head of Project). Problems of Mathematical Physics
Include Non-linear with Rapid-Changed and Jumped Parameters. Latvian Council of
Science (1994-1996)
- H.Kalis (Head of Project). The Nonclassical Problems of
Mathematical Physics in Multilayered Domains. Latvian Council of Science (1997-
Last update 26.02.2007