(30.03.1930 - 25.01.2007)
Dr. habil. philol. Elga KAGAINE
Leading Researcher
Latvian Language Institute
Akademijas laukums 1
Riga, LV 1050
LatviaPhone: +371 7227854
Fax: +371 7227696
E-mail: latv@lza.lv |
- Dialectology
- Dialectal Lexicography
- Semantics
- Language Contacts
Brief Description of Main Research
The compilation of a "Joint Dictionary of Latvian Subdialects" started by a
group of linguists leaded by Dr.habil. E.Kagaine is the most responsible task and
voluminous work of Latvian dialectal lexicographers to be continued still in the next
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German
- Latvia State University (Faculty of History and Philology), MA, 1962
- Postgraduate studies at the Language and Literature Institute, Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1967-1970
- Dr.philol. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR), Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1971
- Dr.habil.philol., University of Latvia, 1993
- Laboratory Assistant, Junior Researcher and Senior Researcher, Institute of Language and
Literature, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1961-1991
- Senior Researcher, Latvian Language Institute, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992-1993
- Professor, Leading Researcher, Latvian Language Institute, 1994-
Honours and Awards
- Honorary Doctoral Degree, Dr.h.c. , Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2001
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Janis Endzelins Prize in Latvian Linguistics, 1984
- Dictionary of International Biography, 24th edition, 1996, Cambridge: Melrose Press
(Biography of E.Kagaine. - p.159)
- International Leaders in Achievement, 3rd edition, 1997, Cambridge: Melrose Press
(Biography of E.Kagaine. - pp.170-171).
- The Antonina Rekena Memorial Prize in Latvian Dialectology and Historical linguistics,
Professional Activities and Memberships
Member and Group Coordinator, Latvian Union of Scientists, 1989-
Recent/Representative Publications
- E.Kagaine, S.Rage. Dictionary of Ergeme Subdialect, vol. I-III, 1977-1983, Riga (in
- E.Kagaine. Semantical Dialectisms in Vernaculars of North-West Vidzeme, 1992, Riga,
291pp. (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine. Borrowings from Germanic Languages in the Ergeme Vernacular. - In memoriam
J.Endzelins (1873-1973), Full Member of the Academy, 1972, Riga, pp.171-196 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine, B.Busmane. Types of Dialectal Dictionaries and Compilation Problems of
Latvian Dialectal Dictionaries. - Proceedings of the Latvian SSR Academy of Sciences,
1980, No 8, pp.59-75 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine. Problems of Compiling a Joint Dialectal Dictionary of Latvian. - Current
Events in Language 1984, 1985, Riga, pp.64-86 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine, O.Buss. Semantical Parallelism (mainly in Baltic and Balto-Finnic Languages.
- Baltistica, XXI(1), 1985, Vilnius, pp.14-32 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine. Formation of Dialectal Meanings among Prefix-Verbs in Vernaculars of
North-West Vidzeme. - Baltistica, Supplement III(1), 1989, Vilnius,
pp.94-104 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine. Relationships between Dialectal and Common Vocabularies. - Proceedings
of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, A, 1993, No 7, pp.8-16 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine. Word Formational Dialectisms. - Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of
Sciences, A, 1994, No 3, pp.30-35 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine, A.Timuska. Some Aspects of Dialectal Lexicography. - The First
International Congress of Dialectologists and Geolinguists. Abstracts of Scholarly Papers,
1993, Budapest, pp.53-54 (in German).
- E.Kagaine. On Some Development Trends of Word Semantics in Latvian Subdialects. - Baltistica,
Supplement IV, 1994, Vilnius, pp.76-81 (in Latvian)
- E.Kagaine. Semantic Development of Local Borrowings (Causes of Semantic Durability and
Changeability). - Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, A, 1995,
No 9/10, pp.17-22 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine. Trends of Meaning Development among Local Borrowings in Vernaculars of
North-Western Vidzeme (Borrowings from Balto-Finnic Languages). - Baltistica, XXX(2),
1995, Vilnius, pp.51.-58 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine. The Influence of Contamination on Semantic Development of Local Borrowings
(Borrowings from Balto-Finnic Languages). - Baltic Linguistics, VI, 1996, Riga,
pp.13-17 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine, O.Buss. Most Essential Tasks of Diachronic Research of Latvian. - Proceedings
of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, A, 1995, No 11/12, pp.5-9 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine. Complementation to Origin Explanations of the Latvian Dialectal Word kerezi
from North Vidzeme. - Linguistica Uralica, XXXII, 1996, No 4, Tallinn, pp.246-248
(in German).
- E.Kagaine. Role of the Semantic Aspect at Type Choice of Dialectal Dictionaries. - Problems
of Linguistics, XXXVII, 1996, Vilnius, pp.125-131 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine. Semantic Reduction and Differentation among Local Borrowings (from
Balto-Finnic Languages). - Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences,
A, 1997, No 3/4, pp.24-29 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine. Complementation to Origin Explanations of the Latvian Dialectal Word kerezi
from North Vidzeme. - Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, A,
1997, No 3/4, pp. 62-63 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine. On the origins of some Words in Latvian Vernaculars from North Vidzeme. - Linguistica
Uralica, XXXIII, 1997, No 2, Tallinn, pp.128-132 (in German).
- E.Kagaine. Development Trends of Word Semantics among Some Local Borrowings in Latvian
Vernaculars of North-West Vidzeme. - In: To His Own Language. In Memoriam R.Grabis,
honorary Member of the LAS, 1997, Riga, pp. 141-149 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine. Some less regarded Borrowings from Balto-Finnic Languages into Latvian
Vernaculars. - Oekeeta asijoo. Commentationes Fenno-Ugricae in honorem Seppo
Suhonen sexagenarii 16.V 1998, 1998, Helsinki, pp. 202-208 (in German).
- E.Kagaine.Hypoteses to Origin Explanations of Some Latvian Dialectal Words in
Vernaculars of North-West Vidzeme. - Baltistica, Suppl. 5, 1998, Vilnius, pp.
119-126 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine. References to Word Origins in Dialect Dictionaries. - Linguistica
Lettica, III, 1998, Riga, pp. 37-60 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine. An Important Contribution to Latvian Dialectal Lexicography. - Proceedings
of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, A, 1998, No 4/6, pp.228-131 [Re: A.Rekena.
Dictionary of Kalupe Subdialect, vol. I-III, Riga, 631+601 pp.] (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine. Livonic Sounds in the Speech of Vidzeme. - The Herold of Latvia,
April 1, 1999 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine, A.Timuska. A Basic Contribution to Latvian Diachronic Linguistics. -Proceedings
of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, A, 1999, No 1/2/3, pp. 139-141 [Re:
Dialectal Atlas of Latvian, Vocabulary, 1999, Riga, 408 pp.] (in Latvian).
- E.Adamsons, E.Kagaine. Dictionary of Vainizi Subdialect.- Riga, 2000, vol. I (543 pp.),
- II (567 pp.) (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine. Relations between Baltic and Balto-Finnic Languages from Current
Dialectological Aspect. - Congressus nonus internationalis fenno-ugristarum,
August 7-13, Tartu, Estonia, p.II, pp. 92-93 (in German).
- Local Manifestations of the Meaning 'pars pro toto' in Somatic Lexemes mute 'mouth'
and acs 'eye'. - In: The Word and its Research Aspects, 4,
2000, Liepaja, pp. 82-89 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine. Influences of Mediator Languages on the Adoption of Lexical Borrowings in
North-Western Vidzeme Subdialects. - In: Baltic Philology, IX. Scientific Papers, /ed.
P.Vanags/, 9th issue, 2000, vol. 625, Riga, pp. 31-38 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine, A.Timuska. Dialectal Atlas of Latvian [Rreview]. - Dialectologia et
Geolinguistica. Journal of the Int. Society of Dialectologists and Geolinguists,
2000, 8, Alessandria, pp. 102-109 (in German).
- E.Kagaine. Semantic Identity Peoblems of Common Vocabulary in the Systems of Subdialects
and Standard LAnguage., and their Reflection in Lexicography. - Linguistica Lettica, 2000,
VII, Riga, pp. 134-148 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine. Manifestations of Interrelations between the Baltic and Finnic Languages in
North-Western Vidzeme from the Point of Current Dialectology. - Congressus
nonus internationalis fenno-ugristarum, August 7-13, Tartu, Estonia, Pars V. Dissertationes
sectionum: Linguistica II, 2001, pp. 17-22 (in German).
- E.Kagaine. Detalization of Word Semantics in Subdialectal Dictionaries. - In: The
Word and its Research Aspects, 5, 2001, Liepaja, pp. 187-197 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine. Dynamics of Some Borrowed Lexemes from North-Western Vidzeme. - Baltistica,
2001, Vilnius, vol. 35, N 2, pp. 193-200 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine. Some Less- Frequent Subdialectal Semantic Phaenomena. -In: The Word and
its Research Aspects, 6, 2002, Liepaja, (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine. About some Identification Criteria of the Origin of Onomatopoetic Words in
Subdialects. - In: The Word and its Research Aspects, 8, Liepaja, 2003, pp. 64-68 (in
- E.Kagaine, A.Timuska. The role of the Geolinguistic Criterion at the Origin Analysis of
Dialectal Fenno-Ugrisms in Latvian. - 4th Internat. Congress of Dialectologists and
Geolinguists. Abstracts of Scholary Papers, Riga, 28 July - 2 August, 2003, pp.
122-124 (in German).
- B.Busmane, E.Kagaine. Latvian Dialectal Lexicology under Linguistic, Areal and Cultural-
Historical Aspect. - Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences,
A, 2003, vol. 57, N 5/6, pp. 35-43 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine. Local Fenno-Ugrisms in Latvian Sub-dialects at Nort-West Vidzeme, 2004, Riga:
Latvian Language Institute, University of Latvia, 280 pp. (in Latvian).
Research Projects
- E.Kagaine (Head of Project). Dialectal Dictionaries of Latvian. Latvian Council of Science (long-term project).
- E.Kagaine (Research Associate). Atlas Linguarum Europae. Latvian Council of Science
(long-term project).
Last update 20.12.2004