Professor Igor KABASHKIN
Transport and Telecommunication Institute,
Lomonosova iela 1
Riga, LV 1019
Mobil phone : +371-29215392
E-mail: Igor.Kabashkin@gmail.com
Born: August 6,1954, Riga, Latvia
- Operations Research
- Information Technology Applications
- Electronics and Telecommunication
- Decision Support Systems
- Analysis and Modelling of Complex Systems
- Air Traffic Control Systems
- Transport Telematics and Logistics
Languages: Russian, Latvian, English
- Dr.habil.sc.ing., Riga Aviation University (Latvia), 1993
- Doctor degree in Aviation (Higher Attestation Commission, USSR), 1992
- Candidate of Science in Aviation, Moscow Civil Aviation Engineering Institute (USSR),
- Diploma of Radio Engineer, Riga Civil Aviation Engineering Institute (Latvia), 1977
- President, Latvian Transport Development and Education Association, 2006 -
- Professor, Transport and Telecommunication Institute, 2014 -
- President, Professor, Transport and Telecommunication Institute, 2008 - 2014
- Vice-Rector for Research and Development Affairs, Professor, Transport and
Telecommunication Institute, 1999-2008
- First Vice-Rector for Research and Academic Affairs, Professor, Riga Aviation
University, 1994-1999
- Professor, Department of Avionics and Air Traffic Control Systems, Riga Aviation
University, 1992 - 1999
- Vice-Dean, Associate Professor, Faculty of Advanced Study, Riga Aviation University,
- Researcher, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Riga Aviation University,
Honours and Awards
- Certificate of Recognition of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia for
significant academic and research results in the area of Transport, Logistics and
Information Technologies, 2014
- Award of the Latvian Academy of Sciences and the Educational Foundation of Latvia for
significant studies in computer science and informatics, 2002
- Award of the Latvian Academy of Sciences and the Educational Foundation of Latvia for
significant studies in the navigation, telecommunication and radar technologies, 2001
- Award for Innovative Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Technology. The Centre for
Advancement of Teaching and Learning. Jacksonville, Florida, USA. April, 1998
- The USSR Exhibition of National Economy Achievements, Gold Medal (1985) and Silver Medal
- Honorary Title Merited Inventor of Latvia, 1989
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1998-
- Latvian Member of the COST (European Co-operation in the Scientific and
Technologies) Technical Committee on Transport and Urban Development, 1999-
- Latvian Member of the Joint OECD/ITF Transport Research Committee (OECD - Organisation
for Economic Co-operation and Development, ITF - International Transport Forum), 2001-
- Member, Air Transport Research Group of the WCTR (World Conference on Transport
Research) Society, 1999-
- Member, IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 1998 -
- Member, IEEE Reliability Society, 1999-
- Member, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, 1999-
- Member, IEEE Education Society, 1999-
- Member, IEEE Computer Society, 1998-
- Member, European Association of International Education, 1999-
- Member, Association for Computing Machinery, 1998-
- Member, New York Academy of Science, 1998-
- Member, International Telecommunication Academy, 1996-
- Member, Latvian Professors Association, 1996-
- Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2003 -
- Member, International Academy of Astronautics, 2010 -
- Member, International Committee on the International Global Aerospace Monitoring System
(IGMASS) Project Implementation, Member, 2010 -
- President, Latvian Transport Development and Education Association, 2006-
- President, Latvian Operations Research Society, 2001-
- Editor of the Journal "Computer Modelling and New Technologies" (ISSN
1407-5806), Latvia, 1997-
- Editor of the Journal "Transport and Telecommunication" (ISSN 1407-6160),
Latvia, 1999-
- Co-editor and Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Air Transportation (ISSN
1093-8826), USA, University of Nebraska at Omaha, 1997-
- Member of the board, Journal Transport (ISSN 1392-1533), Lithuania,
Lithuanian Academy of Science, 1999 -
- Member of the board, Journal Technological and Economic Development of
Economy (ISSN 1392-8619), Lithuania, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2002 -
- Member of the board, Journal Aviation (ISSN 1392-1534), Lithuania, Vilnius
Gediminas Technical University, 2002 -
- Member of the board, Journal Transactions on Transport Sciences (ISSN
1802-971X), Czech Republic, Ministry of Transport, 2007 -
- Member of the board, Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering (ISSN
2159-6670), published by Purdue University Press, USA, 2011 -
- Member of the board, Baltic Journal of Modern Computing (ISSN 2255-8950 electronic; ISSN
2255-8942 paperback), Estonia-Latvia-Lithuania, 2012 -
- Member of the board, Journal Regional Review (ISSN 1691-6115), Daugavpils
University, Latvia, 2012-
Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Riga Aviation University:
- Reliability of Electronic Systems
- Maintenance of Air Traffic Control Systems
- Modelling of Complex Technical Systems
- Transport Telematics and Logistics
- Analysis and Modelling of Transport Systems
- Information Technology Applications
- Electronics and Telecommunication
- Decision Support Systems
- Air Traffic Control Systems
- Research Methodology
Total number of publications:
545 scientific papers, 68 patents, 25 research and study books
Recent /Representative Publications
- Igor Kabashkin. Dynamic Redundancy in Communication Network of Air Traffic Management System. In: Advances in Dependability Engineering of Complex Systems. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 582. Springer, Cham, 2018, pp 178-185. ISBN 978-3-319-59415-6.
- Igor Kabashkin, Irina Yatskiv, Olegas Prentkovskis. Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication. Selected Papers from the 17th International Conference on Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication, RelStat'17, 18-21 October, 2017, Riga, Latvia. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems book series (LNNS, vol. 36), Springer, 2018, 680 p. ISBN 978-3-319-74453-7.
- Aleksey Mironov, Deniss Mironovs, Igor Kabashkin. Advanced Structural Health Monitoring and Diagnostics of Transport, Industrial and Energy Facilities. In: Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems book series (LNNS, vol. 36), Springer, 2018, pp. 159-171. ISBN 978-3-319-74453-7.
- Igor Kabashkin, Andrejs Zvaigzne. Multi Criteria Decision Making in Life Cycle Management of Modular Ships with Test System. In: Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems book series (LNNS, vol. 36), Springer, 2018, pp. 273-283. ISBN 978-3-319-74453-7.
- Igor Kabashkin. Reliable V2X Communications for Safety-critical Intelligent Transport Systems. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference "Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications (RTUWO)", 2-3 November 2017, Riga, Latvia. 2017 , pp.251-255. IEEE Xplore.
- Igor Kabashkin. Risk Modelling of Blockchain Ecosystem. In: Network and System Security. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10394. Springer, Cham, 2017, pp. 59-70. ISBN 978-3-319-64700-5.
- Igor Kabashkin. Dynamic Reconfiguration of Architecture in the Communication Network of Air Traffic Management System. Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (IEEE CIT-2017). Helsinki, Finland, 21-23 August, 2017. CPS, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 345-350. IEEE Xplore.
- Igor Kabashkin. Channel Dependability of the ATM Communication Network Based on the Multilevel Distributed Cloud Technology. In: Information and Software Technologies. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 756. Springer, Cham, 2017, pp 589-600.
- Igor Kabashkin, Jörg Kundler. Reliability of Sensor Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks of Cyber Physical Systems. Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, vol. 104, 2017, pp. 380-384, ISSN: 1877-0509.
- Lambros Mitropoulos, Giannis Adamos, Eftihia Nathanail, Irina Yatskiv (Jackiva), Igor Kabashkin. Building on European scientific excellence to develop an educational program on intermodal connections for Latvia and the region. Transport, 32:1, 2017, 79-93, ISSN: 1648-4142.
- Igor Kabashkin. Design of Embedded Architecture for Integrated Diagnostics in Avionics Domain. Procedia Engineering, Elsevier, vol. 178, 2017, pp. 419-426. ISSN 1877-7058.
- Aleksey Mironov, Pavel Doronkin, Aleksander Priklonsky, Igor Kabashkin. The Role of Advanced Technologies of Vibration Diagnostics to Provide Efficiency of Helicopter Life Cycle. Procedia Engineering, Elsevier, vol. 178, 2017, pp. 96-106. ISSN 1877-7058.
- Igor Kabashkin. Resilient Communication Network of Air Traffic Management System. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference "Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications (RTUWO)", 3-4 November 2016, Riga, Latvia. 2016 , 156-160 pp. ISBN 978-1-5090-1535-1, IEEE Xplore.
- Aleksey Mironov, Pavel Doronkin, Aleksander Priklonsky, Igor Kabashkin. Structural health monitoring of rotating blades on helicopters. Aviation, Taylor & Francis , vol. 20, Nr. 3, 2016, pp 110-122. ISSN 1648-7788.
- Igor Kabashkin. Analysing of the Voice Communication Channels for Ground Segment of Air Traffic Management System Based on Embedded Cloud Technology. In: Information and Software Technologies. Vol. 639 of the series "Communications in Computer and Information Science". Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2016, pp. 639-649. ISBN: 978-3-319-46253-0.
- Igor Kabashkin. Effectiveness of Redundancy in Communication Network of Air Traffic Management System. In: Dependability Engineering and Complex Systems. Vol. 470 of the series "Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing". Springer, Switzerland, 2016, pp. 257-265. ISBN 978-3-319-39638-5.
- Igor Kabashkin. Reliability of Bidirectional V2X Communications in the Intelligent Transport Systems. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference "Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications (RTUWO-2015)", 5-6 November 2015, Riga, Latvia. 2015 , pp.159-163, ISBN 978-1-4673-7430-9, IEEE Xplore.
- Igor Kabashkin. Modelling of Regional Transit Multimodal Transport Accessibility with Petri Net Simulation. Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, vol. 77, No 12 2015, pp. 151-157.
- Aleksey Mironov, Pavel Doronkin, Aleksander Priklonsky, Igor Kabashkin. Condition Monitoring of Operating Pipelines with Operational Modal Analysis Application. Transport and Telecommunication. 2015, vol. 16, No 4, pp. 305-319, ISSN 1407-6160.
- Igor Kabashkin. Heuristic Based Decision Support System for Choice of Alternative Routes in the Large-Scale Transportation Transit System on the Base of Petri Net Model. Procedia Engineering, Elsevier, vol. 134, 2016, pp. 359-364, ISSN 1877-7058.
- Alexander Grakovski, Alexey Pilipovecs, Igor Kabashkin, Elmars Petersons. Tyre Footprint Geometric Form Reconstruction by Fibre-Optic Sensor's Data in the Vehicle Weight-in-Motion Estimation Problem. In: Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Shpringer International Publishing, vol. 325, 2015, pp. 123-137. ISBN 978-3-319-10890-2.
- Igor Kabashkin, Jelena Luchina. Development of the Model of Decision Support for Alternative Choice in the Transportation Transit System. Transport and Telecommunication. 2015, vol. 16, No 1, pp. 61-72, ISSN 1407-6160.
- Alexander Grakovski, Alexey Pilipovecs, Igor Kabashkin, Elmars Petersons. Weight-in-motion estimation based on reconstruction of tyre footprint's geometry by group of fiber optic sensors. Transport and Telecommunications. 2014, vol. 15, No 2, pp. 97-110. ISSN 1407-6160.
- Igor Kabashkin, Jörg Kundler. Benchmarking of Maintenance and Service Processes in Air Traffic Control Systems. - Aviation, Taylor & Francis, 2013, vol. 17(2), pp. 80-90. ISSN 1648-7788.
- Igor Kabashkin. Freight Transport Logistics in the Baltic Sea Region. Regional Aspects. Transport and Telecommunication, Vol.13, 2012, N 1, pp. 33-50 . ISSN 1407-6160.
- Igor Kabashkin. Optimal Monitoring Strategies. Wiley Encyclopaedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 8 Volume Set. ISBN: 9780470400630. Wiley, 2011, 6408 p.
- Igor Kabashkin, Hans-Jörg Lotter. United European Virtual Transport Education Environment. IEEE, Educational Technology and Society (ISSN 1436-4522). Vol. 13, No 1, 2010, pp. 393-402.
- Alexander Grakovski, Igor Kabashkin, Anatoly Ressin. Intelligent Transport System for Intra-City Logistics Based on WWW Technologies. Transport and Telecommunication, vol. 9, No 3, 2008, pp 30-38.
- Igor Kabashkin. Rail Baltica. Transnational Integration through Coordinated Infrastructure and Regional Development. Brussels, 2008, 48 p. ISBN 978-9984-818-03-0.
- Igor Kabashkin. Port, Hinterland and Logistics Centres: New Realities: Case Study in Latvia. - Riga: TTI, 2008, 32 p. ISBN 978-9984-9904-9-1.
- Igor Kabashkin. Regional Logistics & ICT Profile: Latvia. Baltic Regional Report 54:2007. Turku Scool of Economics, Turku, 2007, 167 p. ISBN 978-951-564-493-0.
- Igor Kabashkin. Logistics Centres Development in Latvia. - Transport, 2007, vol. 22, N 4, pp. 241-246.
- Igor Kabashkin. Logistics Centres in the Baltic Sea Region - Case Study in Latvia. Research Report 183 of Lappeenranta University of Technology. Value Adding Role of Logistics in Northern Europe. Lappeenranta University of Technology, Kouvola, 2007, pp.145-170.
- Igor Kabashkin. Reliability Model of Intelligent Transport systems. Proceedings of the 7 International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems Telecommunications. 6-8 June 2007, Sophia Antipolis, France. - IEEE, Laurence Grammare, 2007, pp. 450- 454. IEEE Xplore.
- Igor Kabashkin. Logistics Centres Development. - Proceedings of the European Transport Conference" (ETC'2006). 18-20 September 2006, Strasbourg, France, PTRC, London, 2006, pp.134-148.
Research Projects
1. International projects
- Sustainable urban mobility and commuting in Baltic cities (SUMBA). INTERREG Baltic Sea Region programme (2017-2020) - Expert
- Smart Logistics and Freight Villages Initiative (SmartLog). INTERREG Central Baltic programme (2016-2019) - National Co-ordinator of the Project.
- COST Action TU1408 "Air Transport and Regional Development" (ATARD). (2014-2018) - National Co-ordinator of the Project.
- Harmonised and Modernised Multidisciplinary Railway Education (EDU-RAIL). INTERREG Central Baltic programme (2015-2018) - National Co-ordinator of the Project.
- Digitalization in Logistics and Transport. Baltic-German University Liaison Office (2018) - Researcher
- Enhancing excellence and innovation capacity in sustainable transport interchanges (ALLIANCE). HORIZON 2020. (2016-2018) - Researcher
- Implementation of Software Engineering Competence Remote Evaluation for Master Program Graduates (iSecret). Erasmus plus Programme. (2015-2017) - Researcher
- Enhancing the transfer of Intelligent Transportation System innovations to the market (T-TRANS). FP7 (2012-2014)- National Co-ordinator of the Project.
- EU Wide Establishment of Enduring National and European Support Networks for Sustainable Urban Mobility (ENDURANCE). (2013-2016). - Expert
- Improvement of higher vocational education in the field of transport and logistics. Estonia-Latvia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme (2013-2014). - National Co-ordinator of the Project.
- Policy Learning in Information Technologies for Public Transport Enhancement (POLITE). INTERREG IVC programme. (2012-2014). - Expert
- Rail Baltica Growth Corridor. BSR INTERREG IV B programme. (2011-2013). - National Co-ordinator of the Project.
- Improvement of the air cargo transport sector by service oriented ICT methods and processing logistic network (Baltic.AirCargo.Net). BSR INTERREG IV B programme. (2011-2013). - National Co-ordinator of the Project.
- Connecting Authorities for Safer Heavy Goods Traffic in the Baltic Sea Region (CASH). BSR INTERREG IV B programme. (2009-2012). - National Co-ordinator of the Project.
- Towards an integrated transport system in the Baltic Sea Region (TransBaltic). BSR INTERREG IV B programme. (2009-2011). - National Co-ordinator of the Project.
- European FP-7 project "Baltic-to-Balkan Network for Logistics Competence (B2B LOCO)". (2009-2011). - National Co-ordinator of the Project.
- Development of the model of Europe-Asia multimodal corridor intelligent transport system for optimization of Latvia-Belarus international logistics chain (TransLaB). (2007-2009). - Co-ordinator of the Project.
- Baltic COntainer RAilway Transit (CORAT). EU Marco POLO II programme. 2008. - Co-ordinator of the Project.
- Wide Area Multilateration Study. Contract No.C06/11088CG with European Ogranisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL). (2005-2008). - Head of the Project.
- Public Transport Systems' Accessibility for People with Disabilities in Europe (PTaccess) - 6th Framework Programme. (2007-2008). - National Co-ordinator of the Project.
- European COST Action 355 "Changing behaviour towards a more sustainable transport demand" (2004-2008) - National Co-ordinator of the Project.
- European COST Action 342 "Parking policy measures and their effects on mobility and economy" (2000-2003) - National Co-ordinator of the Project.
- European COST Action 340 "Towards a European Intermodal Transport Network: Lessons from History" (2000-2005) - National Co-ordinator of the Project.
- "Developing Regions through Spatial Planning and Logistics & ICT Competence (LogOnBaltic)" (2006-2008). BSR INTERREG III B programme. - National Co-ordinator of the Project.
- "Mobility and health: Regional services in the enlarged EU" (2006-2007). BSR INTERREG III B programme. - National Co-ordinator of the Project
- "Short Term Actions to Reorganize Transport of goods (START)" (2006-2008). BSR INTERREG III B programme. - National Co-ordinator of the Project.
- "Intermodality and Interoperability in the Baltic Sea Region (InterBaltic)" (2005-2007). BSR INTERREG III B programme- National Co-ordinator of the Project.
- "Integrating Logistics Centre Networks in the Baltic Sea Region (InLoC)" - BSR INTERREG III B programme (2004-2006) - National Co-ordinator of the Project.
- "The Baltic Tangent" BSR INTERREG III B programme (2005-2007) - National Co-ordinator of the Project.
- "Scientific Forum on Transport Forecast Validation and Policy Assessment (TRANSFORUM)" (2004-2007). 6th Framework Programme (FP6-2002-SSP-1/502002). - Expert.
- Joint action of Baltic metropolises towards the development of coordinated investment approach in the Baltic Sea Region (BaltMet Invest). EU BSR INTERREG III B programme. - Expert.
- "Analysis of the national transport policies of the New Member States and their impact on Community transport objectives (Entrance)" (2004-2005). DG TREN tender No. TREN/B1/21-2004. - National Co-ordinator of the Project.
- Innovative Vocational Education and Training in Transport Area (IVETTA) - Leonardo da Vinchi Programme (2004-2005) - Head of the Project
- European 5-th Research Framework Programme. Project "RAILSERVE - Thematic Network on Rail Freight Services" (2000-2003). Contract N 199-TN.10025 DG TREN. Expert.
- "Baltics CNS/ATM (Communication Navigation, Surveillance for Air Traffic Management) Transition Project Feasibility Study." Sponsored by U.S. Trade & Development Agency. (2001-2003). - Expert.
- "International Transport and Trade Training in Latvia". European TEMPUS Project IB_JEP-14225-1999 (2000-2002) -Expert
- Leonardo da Vinci Programme of European Commission. Project "FLEET - Flexible Education in European Transport" (1999-2001). -Expert.
2. Latvian national programmes and projects
- Development of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for Riga City. Project granted by Riga City Council. (2017-2018) - Head of the Project
- Latvian National Research Programme "The next generation of information and communication technologies (NexIT)". Project "Market Applications of Sensors Network and Signal Processing". (2014-2017). - Researcher
- Latvian National Research Programme "Local Resouces Long-Term Utilization. New Products and Technologies (NatRes)". Project Nr. 4. "Development of the Long-Term Programme of the Latvian Transport System Harmonization" (LATRANS)". (2010-2013). - Head of the Project
- Prospective diagnostic technology of aircrafts. Project granted by Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (2012-2013) - Head of the Subprogramme of the Project
- Fiber Optic Sensor Applications for Automatic Measurement of the Weight of Vehicles in Motion. Project granted by Latvian Agency of Development and Investment (2010-2013). - Researcher
- Development of scientific basis for advanced information processing in Latvia. Subproject 4. Development of National Transport Intelligent System Models. (Project 10.003. Granted by Latvian Council of Science). (2010-2013). - Head of the Project
- Network of Intelligent Regions and it Pilot Project Conception Development on the Base of Latgalian Academic Park. Grant of Latvian Council of Science (2006-2009) - Head of the Project
- Development of Transport Intelligent System in Latvia. Grant of Latvian Council of Science (2002-2005) - Head of the Subprogramme of the Project
- Optimisation of Latvian Transport System. Grant of Latvian Council of Science (1996-2001). Subprogramme "Telematics and Logistics" - Head of subprogramme of the Project
- Development of Transport Intelligent System in Riga (2003). Project for Riga City Council Traffic Department (Latvia) - Head of the Project
- Conception of Riga City Transport Development (2004-2018). Project for Riga City Council Traffic Department (Latvia) - Head of the Subproject
- The Model of Riga City Public Transport Development. Project for Riga Transport company (2003).- Head of the Project
- Conception of Riga City Transport Development (1999-2003). - Head of the Subproject
- International Project of Riga City Council Traffic Department (Latvia) and SYSTRA - International Consulting Engineers for Rail and Urban Transport (France) "Riga Light Rail Transit Feasibility Study" (2002) - Head of the Subproject
- International Project of Riga City Council Traffic Department (Latvia) and Danish Ministry of Transport "Bicycle Route Network Planning in Riga" (2002) - Expert
- Project for Riga City Council Traffic Department (Latvia) "Development of Conceptual Approach for Architecture of Intelligent Transport Systems in Riga City" (2002) - Head of the Project
Last update 11.07.2018