Dr. habil. chem. Aivars JURKOVSKIS Senior Researcher
Head of Marine Monitoring Centre
Institute of Aquatic Ecology, University of Latvia
Daugavgrivas iela 8
Riga, LV 1007
Phone: +371 7 610851
Fax: +371 7 601995
E-mail: aivars@monit.lu.lv |
Born: March 1, 1939, Riga, Latvia
- Marine Chemistry & Chemical Oceanography
- Biogeochemistry of Nutrients
- Eutrophication
- Baltic Sea, Gulf of Riga
- Marine Environmental Monitoring as a part of the
Management of Living Resources and Recreational Quality
The Baltic Sea studies have been made on the
dynamics of dissolved organic matter and its metabolic sources, on the biogeochemistry of
nutrient variability and on relationships between land-based processes and alterations in
the marine environment. Present research is oriented at the analysis of long-term data
series to understand the environmental processes in the Gulf of Riga, where the
contribution of natural and anthropogenic loading to the ecosystem changes observed after
the economic recession in the Eastern Baltic countries is currently unclear. Mathematical
modelling the biogeochemical cycling of e nutrients and trace metals as wekll as dynamics
of phytoplankton in the Gulf of Riga is carrying out together with doctorands. A part of
this study is the exploration of geochemical processes in the saline- and freshwater
mixing zone. The work is being done to upgrade the marine monitoring program of Latvia
optimising it to follow and explain the environmental phenomena in the areas of national
Languages: English, Latvian,
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Biology), 1962
- Post-graduate course in hydrochemistry, All-Union
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries Research,
Moscow, 1964 - 1968
- Dr.chem. (Candidate of Science in former USSR,
Ph.D. in Western countries ), Institute of Hydrochemistry, Novocherkask, USSR, 1970
- Dr. habil. chem., University of Latvia, 1993
- Baltic Fisheries Research Institute, from
technical assistant (1962) to Head of the
Laboratory of Biohydrochemistry (1981), 1962 - 1991
- Head of the Marine Monitoring Centre, Latvian
Hydrometeorological Agency, 1991 - 1994
- Head of the Marine Monitoring Centre, Institute of
Aquatic Ecology, University of Latvia, 1995 - 2001
- Senior Researcher, 1970-1991, 1995 -
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member of the Advisory Committee on Marine
Environment, International Council for Exploration
of the Sea, 1994 -
- Member of the Steering Group for the Co-ordination
of the Third Periodic Assessment (EC BETA),
Helsinki Commission, 1994 - 1996
- Member of the Working Group on Monitoring an
Assessment (EC MON), Helsinki Commission, 1995 - 2000
- Member of the Baltic Test Teanm - BTT during the
Testing Phase of GIWA impact assessment methodology, 2000
- Member of the Habilitation and Promotion Council
(in Chemistry), University of Latvia, 1996 -
Hydrochemistry and Water Contamination,
University of Latvia, 1994, 1997
Recent/Representative Publications:
- A.Yurkovskis, A.Pinkule. On the development,
metamorphization and distribution of allochthonic matter flocs in the Baltic Sea. - Oceanologia,
1980, vol. 20 (6), 1045-1053 (in Russian).
- A.Yurkovskis. Organic matter in the Baltic Sea:
Concentration, composition and distribution. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., Nauchnye Obzori,
1981, vol. 11, pp. 100-108 (in Russian).
- A Yurkovskis, E.Kostrichkina. Accumulation of
nutrients in the Baltic Sea and its biological consequences. - Symposium on Ecological
Investigations of the Baltic Sea Environment, Riga, 16 - 19 March 1983. Helsinki,
1985, pp. 482-502.
- A.Yurkovskis. Interpretation of the long-term
dynamics of phosphorus and nitrogen in the Baltic Proper. - Baltic Sea Monitoring
Symposium, Tallin, 10 - 15 March 1986. Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings, 1987,
HELCOM, N 19, 31-143.
- A.Yurkovskis, M.Kaleis. Investigations of the
year-to-year phosphorus cycles in the Baltic Sea on the background of the variabilities in
the river run-off. - Baltic Sea Monitoring Symposium, Tallin, 10 - 15 March 1986.
Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings, 1987, HELCOM, N 19, pp. 512-520.
- A.Yurkovskis, S.Vladimirsky. Structure of the
vertical distribution of dissolved organic carbon in the Baltic Sea. - Oceanologia,
1989, vol. 29 (2), pp. 230-235 (in Russian).
- A.Yurkovskis. Regression models of phosphorus
concentration in the Baltic Sea. - Beiträge für Meereskünde, 1992, Berlin, 63,
pp. 117-129.
- A.Yurkovskis, F.Wulff, L.Rahm, A.Andruzaitis,
M.Rogriguez-Medina. A nutrient budget of the Gulf of Riga; Baltic Sea. - Estuarine,
Coastal and Shelf Science, 37, pp. 113-1237.
- A.Yurkovskis. Studies on the metabolic sources of
DOC dynamics in the Baltic Sea. - Proceedings of Conference Baltic Sea and
Mediterranean Sea: A comparative ecological approach of coastal environments and parralic
ecosystems, 1996, Montpellier, pp. 74-77.
- A.Yurkovskis, E.Kostrichkina. Gulf of Riga:
Trends. - Ed. J.L.Lozan, R.Lampe, W.Matthäus, E.Rachor, H.Rumohr, H.Westernhagen.
Warning Signals from the Baltic Sea. Wissenschaftliche Fakten, 1996, Berlin, pp.
273-278 (in German).
- A.Yurkovskis. Course and environmental
consequences of eutrophication in the Gulf of Riga. - Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci.,
1998,B, Suppl., pp. 55-61.
- A.Yurkovskis, E.Kostrichkina, A.Ikauniece.
Seasonal succession and growth in the communities of the Gulf of Riga in relation to
long-term nutrient dynamics. - Hydrobiologia, 1999, vol. 393, pp. 83-94.
- A.Yurkovskis. Remixing in the lower reaches of the
Venta River - Ventspils Harbour (Baltic Sea): Effects of nutrient cycling and transport. -
Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci., B, 2002, vol.56, N 3, pp. 133-140.
- A.Yurkovskis. Long-term land-based and internal
forcing of the nutrient state of the Gulf of Riga (Baltic Sea) - Journal Marine
Systems, 2005 (in print).
Research Projects
- The Gulf of Riga Project, Sub-project: Water
Exchange, Nutrients, Hydrography, Database (co-ordinator P.Alenius, Finnish Institute of
Marine Research, Finland). Nordic Council (1993 - 1997).
- The Gulf of Riga Project, Sub-project: The Origin
of Organic Matter and Sediments of the Gulf of Riga and Its Utilisation in the Benthic
Food-web (1995) (under heading of B.Widbom, Stockholm University, Sweden). Nordic
Council (1993 - 1997).
- BASYS-Baltic Sea System Study, Sub-project 1b:
Processing of Historical Data (co-ordinator J.Alheit, Baltic Sea Research Institute,
Germany). EC Project (1996 - 1999).
- A.Yurkovskis (Head of Project). Studies on
Constituents of Biogeochemical Transformation of Anthropogenic Loading in the Southern
Gulf of Riga. Latvian Council of Science (1997 - 2000).
- H-Sense- Harbours Silting and Environmental
Sedimentology (co-ordinator R.Stevens, Goteborg University, Sweden). - EC Project
- A.Yurkovskis (Head of Project). Behaviour of
Nutrients and Heavy Metals in the Biogeochemical Boundary Layers of the Gulf of Riga. Latvian
Council of Science (2001-2004).
- A.Yurkovskis (Head of Project). Role of Phase
Exchange in the Dynamics of Major and Trace Elements, and in the Transformation of
Land-based Loading of the Gulf of Riga. Latvian Council of Science ( 2005- ).
Last update 24.10.2004