Born: February 5, 1938, Riga, Latvia
- High Quality, Safe, Unpolluted, Healthy Meat, Milk, and
- Domestic and Wild Animals Welfare, Dieseases,
Zooantroponosis, Treatment
- Theoretical Motivation of Animal Food Production and Risk
- Pathology of Reproductive System
- Andrology
- Microbiology
- Veterinary Pathogenetics
- Bio-preparations and Medicines from Plants
- Organic Farming
We dedicated several years for elaboration of ecological
safety and for improvement of plant and animal products quality.
Investigations on animal food products' quality, safety, possible contamination level,
especially in healthy food aspect, are carried out. The risk factors in chain: soil -
plants (fodder)- animals - [diseases - treatment] - products - transport - processing -
realization were analysed and measures for non desirable elimination of expressions
were elaborated.
We investigated pathology of animals reproductive
organs, particularly andrology, by determining etiopathogenetical significance of
microbiological, mycological, morphological and other disturbances. The possible
prophylactic treatment was also investigated. Determination of heredity factor and
predisposition levels as well as elaboration of measures for restriction of diseases of
animals were carried out.
Theoretical motivation and technological solution for the
development of attenuated, mutant vaccine against salmonellosis, as well as
Staph. aureus and Strept.agalactiae vaccines against mastitis and new kinds of plant
medicines for animals treatment in organic farming were elaborated .
The production of measles serum is developed and
elaboration of vaccine will be completed soon.
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English,
- Latvia University of Agriculture ( Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine), 1961
- Dr. med.vet. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in
Western countries), Vitebsk Veterinary Institute, Belarus, 1971
- Dr.habil.agr. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Institute
of Animal Breeding and Genetics, St-Petersburg, Russia, 1991
- Teacher, Bebrene Veterinary Technical School, Latvia,
- Manager, Bebrene Veterinary district, Latvia, 1962-1963
- Director, State Artificial Insemination Station in
Daugavpils, Latvia, 1963-66
- Postgraduate and Researcher, Latvian State Research
Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science, 1966-1979
- Head of Animal Production Sector, Central Committee of
Latvian Communist Party, 1979-1982
- Deputy Minister, Ministry of Agriculture , Latvia,
- Director, Latvian State Research Institute of Animal
Husbandry and Veterinary Science Sigra, 1985-1997
- Director, Research Centre
Sigra, Latvia University of Agriculture, 1998 - 2004
- Director, Research Institute
of Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine Sigra,
Latvia University of Agriculture , 2004 -
Honours and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
- Full Member, Latvian Academy
of Sciences , 1999
- Vice-president, Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science
of Latvia, 1992-
- Active Member, The New York Academy of Science, 1995-
- The Three Star Order (Republic of Latvia), 2003
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Paulis Lejins Prize in
agricultural sciences, 2003
- Award '' Sejejs'' (Ministry of Agriculture,
Ministry of Environment Protection and Regional Development), 1999
- Award '' Sejejs'' (Ministry of Agriculture,
Ministry of Environment), 2007
- Approval Certificate, LR Cabinet of Ministers, 2003, 2008
- Approval Certificate, LR Ministry of Agriculture, 2003,
- Silver Medal For Diligence,
Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia, 1998
- Approval Certificate, Latvia University of Agriculture,
2003, 2006
- Approval Certificate and Gold Symbol, Latvia University of
Agriculture, 2008
- Approval Certificate, LR Ministry of Education and Science,
2003, 2006, 2008
- Approval Certificate, the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2008
- Honorary Certificate, Academy of Agriculture and Forestry
Science of Latvia, 2008
- Honorary Certificate, Presidium of the Supreme Council of
the Latvian SSR, 1983
- Premium of the USSR Council of Ministers, 1985
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member of Council, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Latvia
University of Agriculture, 1992-
- Member, Council of Promotion (Veterinary
Medicine, Animal Husbandry), Latvia University of
Agriculture, 1992-
- Member of Consultative Concil, State Veterinary Department of Latvia, 1997 -
- Scientists Association, 1991-
- Intelligentsia Association, 1996-
- Member of Editorial Board, Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture
- Member of Editorial Board, Veterinarais Zurnals (Veterinary
Journal), 1994-2007
- Member of the Collegium Board, Journal of Agricultural
Science (Estonia)
- Expert, EAEVE European System of Evaluation of Veterinary Training
- EU Expert on the BSE investigations in Latvia
- Member, Struggle Commission against BSE of the State Food and Veterinary
- Member, World Poultry Science Association
- Member, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists
Research Projects:
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). A Mutagenically Obtained
Nonpathogenic Peroral Vaccine for Poultry. Latvian Council of Science (1994-1996).
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Etiopathogenetical
Estimation of More Widespread Noninfectious Diseases of Agricultural Animals, Their
Prophylaxis and Elaboration of Medicines. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000)
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Nonpolluted and High-value
Food: Criteria for Quality and Competitiveness. Latvian Council of Science (1995-1999).
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Elaboration of Methods for
Competitive Pork Production by Using the Principles of Genetics and Feeding. Ministry
of Education and Science (1997-1998).
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Prevaling Conditionally
Pathogenic Microorganisms Association-Caused Cow's Mastitis Ethiopathogenesis and
Scientifically Based Amboceptors Elaboration for Its Prophylaxis. Latvian Council of
Science (2001 -2004 ).
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Investigation of Plants
Conversion and Animals Biotechnological Processes' Regularities for Obtaining High
Value Food. Latvian Council of Science (2002 - 2004).
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Reproductive System
Diseases' Ethiopathogenetic Investigation, Elaboration of Scientifically Motivated
Medicines and their Influence on Product Quality. Latvian Council of Science (2005 -2008).
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Multifactoral Influence
and Mutual Interaction of Domestic Animals Welfare with Animal Production Quantity and
Quality. Latvian Council of Science (2002 -2005).
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Investigation of
Microbiological and Biochemical Changes in Meat and Processed Meat Products Offered for
Food and Determination of Their Biological Value . Ministry of
Education and Science (2000-2002).
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Urgent Determination of
Bovine Spongio Encephalopathies Diagnosis and Elaboration of Its
Prevention Complex . Ministry of Education and Science (2002 - ).
- A.Jemeljanovs Head of Project).Obtaining of Animal
Food Products' Guaranteed Quality in Organic Farming Conditions. Ministry of Education and Science (2002 -2003).
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Possible Risk Evaluation
in Widespread of Especially Dangerous Infectious Diseases in Latvia. Ministry of
Agriculture (2002).
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Plant Medicines Elaboration for Cows Udder
Diseases Treatment and Prophylaxis in Organic Farming. Ministry of Education and
Science (2003 2004 )
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Bovine Spongio Encephalopathy and Non-infectious
Encephalopathies Diagnosis Determination and Prophylaxis Complex Elaboration. Ministry
of Education and Science (2003 2004)
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Cows Spongio Encehalopathy National Research Programme.
Ministry of Agriculture (2003)
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of project). Rapse Oil Cakes Utilization Increasing by Thermal
Treatment. Ministry of Education and Science (2004 -)
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Bio-fuel Production Process Byproduct Rapse Oil
Cakes Applying in Domestic Aniamls Feeding. Ministry of Agriculture (2004)
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Elaboration of Pig Carcasses Lean Meat Percentage
Content Calculation Formula. Ministry of Agriculture (2004)
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Critical Microbial Parameters Changes Investigations in
Milk as a Result of Different Processing Temperatures Influence. Ministry of Education
and Science (2005-2006)
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Animals Health, Prevention and Treatment in
Conventional and Organic Farming for Qualitative Animal Products Obtaining. Ministry of
Agriculture (2005)
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). High Value Economically Profitable Beef Producing Model
Elaboration. Ministry of Agriculture (2005)
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Extrusion Influence on Rapse Oil Cakes Protein
Structure, its Utilization and Projection on Milk Quantity and Quality. Ministry of
Agriculture (2006)
- A.Jemeljanovs (Coordinator in Latvia). Chemical Food Safety Network for the Enlarging
Europe. Project acronym: SAFEFOODNET Nr.FP6-513988 (2005-2006)
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Mould Fungus and it Toxines Occurance in Feed of Organic
and Conventional Farms and its Influence on Aniamals Health. Ministry of Agriculture
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Beef Production Branch Development Preconditions and Possibilities
Evaluation. Ministry of Agriculture (2006).
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project Chapter). Latvia Agriculture Branch and Agricultural Research
Development Startegy. Ministry of Agriculture (2006).
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project Chapter). Genetic and Welfare Factors Complex Influence Investigation
on Chemical, Histological and Microbiological Indices Changes in Beef and Pork. Ministry
of Agriculture (2007).
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Agrotechnological Factors, Domestic Animals Health and
Welfare Influence on Sustainable Food Products Safety and Quality. Latvian Council of
Science (2006 - ).
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Agroecologycal Feeding Systems Influence on Domestic Animals
Health and Obtained Production Safety. Latvian Council of Science (2006-).
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project N4). State research programme Innovative
Technologies for high value, safe and healthy food products obtaining from genetically,
physiologically and biochemically multiform plants and animals raw material. Project
N4 Animals Genetical, Physiological and Biochemical Traits Investigation for High Quality,
Healthy and Safe Animal Origin Food Obtaining. 1st stage 11.-12.2006.; 2nd stage
2007; 3rd stage 2008.
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Investigation of Lipid Composition and Enzymes of
Cows Milk in Connection with Content of Carotinoids and Tocoferols in Feed. Latvian
Council of Science (2009-).
- A.Jemeljanovs (Head of Project). Unlocking Food Quality Research Potential in
Baltic Region by Developing Scientific and Technical Capacities in the Research Institute
"Sigra". Project acronym: BALTFOODQUAL Nr.FP7-205079 (2008-2011).
Recent/ Main Publications:
Doctoral Students supervised
Liepa L. Improvement of the methods of provoking superovulation in
embryotransfer of cows. Dr.med.vet. 1993.
Stira A. Effect of hormone preparations and other biologically active
additives on reproductive process of cows. Dr.agr. 1993.
Petrova A. Spectrum of histocompatibility antigens for Latvian brown
breed cows and susceptibility and resistance to leucosis. Dr.med.vet. 1996.
Tamane R. Investigation of the morphofunctional changes of the corpus
luteum of ovaries in physiological processes in the cow and of morphofunctionality of
cows cysts. Dr.med.vet. 2004.
Sterna V. Choresterol Dynamics Regularities in Latvias Cows
Milks in Connection with Breeds and Keeping Conditions. Dr.sc.ing. 2005.
Konosonoka I.H. Microbial Contamination of Cows Milk and
Isolated Associations of Microorganisms. Dr.sc.ing. 2005.
Dulbinskis J. Investigation on the
Effect of Myometrial Tonic Preparations on Cows Uterus Contractive Function and
Health. Dr.med.vet. 2005.
Valdovska A. Examination of mink parenchymal organs affected by
moulds on a background of Aleutian disease. Dr.med.vet. 2008.
Wife - Maija Jemeljanova, Dr.med.vet.
Children: Egils, Valdemars, Sandra, Aija.
3 grandchildren
Avocations: hunting, touring, gardening,
Last update 18.05.2009