Born: May 31, 1933, Daugavpils district, Latvia
- Bengali literature, in particular Rabindranath Tagore
- Sanscrit literature
- Literary theory in its development
- European and Bengali romanticism
- German romanticism and India
The theme of the present research: a survey of Indian history
Languages: Latvian , English, Russian, Bengali, German, French
- University of Latvia, 1966
- Dr.philol. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR), Institute of Oriental Studies,
Moscow, Russia, 1972
- Dr. habil. philol. (Doctor of Sciences in former USSR), Institute of Oriental Studies,
Moscow, Russia, 1983
- Different teaching and administrative jobs at the University of Latvia, 1972 -1986
- Professor, University of Latvia, 1986 -
- Foreign Research Fellow for 10 months, Visva- bharati ( India), 1978- 1979
- Five month Fulbright Grant and teaching at Wisconsin- Madison University, 1990
- Lectures at 17 universities in USA, India, Sweden, Norway, Danemark, France, Belarus,
- Ten month research in Germany (1998 - 1999)
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1997
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1999
- Emeritus Professor, University of Latvia, 2002
- State Emeritus Scientist, 2002
- USSR Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education Prize for the book "The
Creative Writing of Rabindranath Tagore: the Problem of Method", 1985
- Rabindra Memorial Prize for the book "Tagore: East and West Cultural
Unity", State Government of West Bengal (India), 2002
University of Latvia:
- Introduction to Literature
- The History of Foreign Literary Criticism
- Literary Theory
- Romanticism
- Rabindranath Tagore and World Literature
- India and Rabindranath Tagore
- India as a Civilization
- Hinduism
Recent/ Representative Publications
- The Creative Writing of Rabindranath Tagore. The Problem of Method, 1981, Riga,
388 pp. ( in Russian ).
- Whither Literary Theory? Introduction ( pp. 5-147 ) and selection, 1995, Riga,
286 pp. ( in Latvian ).
- Romantic Revolution. Introduction ( pp. 3- 49 ) and selection, 1996, Riga, 117
- Bhagavadgita. Introduction ( pp. 3- 44 ) and glossary ( pp. 150- 158 ). 1996, Riga, 160
- Tagore: East and West Cultural Unity. Rabindra Bharati University. Calcuta, 1999, 218
- On the Way to Literary Theory. Introduction (pp. 5-96) and selection, 1998, Riga, 213
- Rabindranath Tagore: the Novel "Home and the World" , etc., 1999, Daugava:
Riga, 447 lpp. - (a volume of translations from Bengali into Latvian).
- Shiva Creates and Destroys the World by Dancing. Introduction into Traditional Hindu
Thought, 2002, Riga: Zinatne, 572 pp.
Last update30-10-2007 12:45:26