Eugene IOLIN
Born: September 4, 1937, Kansk, Russia
Scientific activity is devoted to an application of the nuclear physics methods for the
theoretical and experimental condensed matter investigation, including:
- dynamic neutron, X-ray, and Synchrotron Radiation scattering in perfect and deformed
single crystals, application of these data for the small stress measurements in single
- neutron, X-ray, Synchrotron and Mossbauer Radiation scattering at the
- artificial (ultrasound)excitations in solids, application of these combined
ultrasound-X-ray diffraction methods for the nondestructive single crystal control
- neutron, X-ray, Synchrotron and Mossbauer Radiation scattering in liquid metals and
- Mossbauer Radiation scattering studies of phase transitions in solids
- acoustic paramagnetic resonance
- general problems of the disordered systems theory
Languages: Russian, English, Latvian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), 1959
- Dr.phys. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, PhD in Western countries),
- Thesis: The influence of the spin-phonon interaction on the phonon spectrum of the
paramagnetic, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1968
- Dr.habil.phys. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Thesis: Conservation and origin
singularities of the phonon spectrum in some condensed matter with strong fluctuations, Tartu,
Estonian Academy of Sciences, 1978.
- Professor of theoretical physics, Supreme Attestation Commission of the former USSR,
- Junior Researcher, Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1959-1970
- Head of Laboratory Nuclear Methods Application for Solid State Investigation, Institute
of Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1970-1994.
- Head of the Laboratory Nuclear Methods Application for Condensed Matter Investigation,
Institute of Physical Energetics, 1994-
- Visiting professor, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO and SNS group in the Argonne
National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA, 1999-2001
- Fulfilled several neutron scattering experiments, the Institute Laue-Langevin, Grenoble,
France, 1995-2001
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1993
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidium First Award, 1973
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences and Joint-stock Company RD ALFA Prize in Physics
for his outstanding works in the study of neutron and X-ray scattering in crystals, 2005
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member, Latvian Physical Society
- Chairman, Neutron Scattering Application for the Condensed Matter Investigation,
all-Union Conference, 1985
- Co-Chaiman, Coherent Interaction of Radiation with Matter, all-Union Conference, 1989
- Member, Swiss Neutron Research Society, 1998
Recent/Representative Publications
- E.V.Zolotoyabko,E.M.Iolin.Coherent Rayleigh scattering of Mossbauer Radiation, 1986,
Riga: Zinatne Press, 174 pp.(in Russian).
- E.M.Iolin. Hyperfine quantum beats of synchrotron radiation incoherently scattered by
Mossbauer nuclei in liquids. - Hyperfine Interactions (C), 1996, vol.1, pp.513-516.
(Proc. of the 10th Int.Conf. on Hyperfine Interactions , Part II, Leuven, Belgium, August
28-September 1, 1995).
- E.Iolin. Rapid suppression and modulation of the diffracted beam in a single crystal
excited by ultrasound. - Acta Cryst., A 1995, vol.51, pp.897-912.
- E.M.Iolin, L.L.Rusevich, M.Vrana, P.Mikula and P.Lukaý. Neutron reflectivity of perfect
crystals excited by high-frequency ultrasound. - Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 1996,
vol.195, 21-29.
- E.Iolin, F.Mezei, B.Farago, and E.Raitman. Energy Spectrum of Neutrons Scattered by
Ultrasonically Excited Single Crystal.- ILL Experimental Reports and Theory College
Activities, 1995. Exp. 5-16-240, p.111, Grenoble, June 1996.
- E.Iolin, B.Farago, F.Mezei, E.Raitman, and L. Rusevich. Energy Spectrum of Neutrons
Scattered by Ultrasonically Excited Deformed and Mosaic Single Crystals. - ILL
Experimental Reports and Theory College Activities, 1996. Exp. 5-16-242, p.140,
Grenoble, July 1997.
- E.Iolin, B.Farago, F.Mezei, E.Raitman, and L.Rusevich, Inelastic Neutron Scattering on
the High Frequency Ultrasound in Single Crystal. - Proc.SPIE, 1997, vol.3239,
- M.Agamalian. E.Iolin, L.Rusevich, C.J.Glinka, C.G.Wignall. Back-face Bragg difraction
from a perfect and ultralightly deformed single crystal. - Phys. Rev. Letters,
1998, vol. 81, p. 602.
- E.Iolin, L.Rusevich. Existence of quasistationary neutron and X-ray states near the
surface of a deformed single crystal. - J. Phys. D: Appl. Physics, 1998, vol. 32,
pp. a 92-A96.
- E.Iolin, L.Rusevich. Existence of quasi stationary neutron and X-ray ststes near the
surface of the deformed single crystal. J.Phys. D: Applied Phys., 1999,
- M.Agamalian, E.Iolin, H.Kaiser, Ch.Rehm, and S.A.Werner. Dynamical neutron-scattering
measurements of residual stress in a Si crystal coated with a thin film. - Phys.
Rev. B 64, 2001, 161402 (Rapid Communications)
- Eugene M.Iolin, Samuel A.Werner, Michael M.Agamalian. Propagation of neutron de Broglie
waves inside the slot cut in a single Si crystal. - Proceedings of SPIEE46 Annual
Meeting, San Diego, July 29-August 3, 2001; published in: Proceedings of SPIE,
vol.4509 (2001), pp.33- 43.
- M.Agamalian, E.Iolin, H.Kaiser, Ch.Rehm, S.A.Werner. A new dynamical diffraction-based
technique of the residual stress measurements in thin film. Appl. Phys. A,
2002, vol.74, pp.1686-1688.
- E.Iolin, L.Rusevich, M.Strobl, W.Treimer, P.Mikula. Application of ultrasound for the
simultaneous improvement intensity and resolution of the Bonse-Hart diffractormeter.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, 2004, A529, pp.152-156
Research Projects
- E.Iolin (Head of Project). Investigation of the Long Range Ordering Changes by Means of
Hard Radiation Diffraction. Latvian Council of Science (1993-1996).
- E.Iolin (Head of Project). Condensed Matter Investigation by Means of Hard Radiation
(Neutrons, X-ray) Diffraction at the Artificially Created Excitations. Latvian Council
of Science (1997-2000).
- E.Iolin (Head of Project). X-Ray (Neutrons) Scattering and Ultrasound Combined
Application for the Studies of Crystal Deformations. Latvian Council of Science
(2001 -2004 ).
- E.Iolin (Head of Project). Dynamic Neutron and X-Ray Scattering at the High Frequency
Excited Samples. Latvian Council of Science (2005 - ).
Last update 20.03.2005