Professor Viktors HAUSMANIS
Leading Researcher
Institute of Literature, Folklore, and Art
Akademijas laukums 1
Riga, LV 1050
LatviaPhone: +371 7225889
Fax: +371 7228784
E-mail: litfom@lza.lv |
Born: December 6, 1931, Jelgava, Latvia
- Literary Criticism
- History of Latvian Literature
- History of Latvian Theatre
- Creative Work of Latvian Writer Janis Rainis
Languages: Latvian, German, Russian
- Latvia Pedagogical Institute, 1954
- Dr.philol. (Candidate of Science in former USSR), Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1958
- Dr.habil.philol. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1972
- Professor (Literary Criticism), Supreme Attestation Commission of the USSR, 1987
- Junior Researcher, Institute of Language and Literature, 1957-1963
- Senior Researcher, Institute of Language and Literature, 1964-1973
- Deputy Director for Research, Institute of Language and Literature, 1973-1982
- Director of Institute of Language and Literature, 1983-1991
- Director of Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art, 1992-1999
- Leading Researcher, Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art, 1999 -
- Chairman, Division of Social Sciences and Humanities, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1987
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1989
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Vilis Pludonis Prize in Literary Criticism,
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Grand Medal, 2007
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member of Latvian Writer`s Union, 1965-
- Member of Latvian Theatre Worker`s Union, 1959-
University of Latvia:
- History of Latvian Theatre
- History of Latvian Drama
- History of Latvian Theatre Criticism
- Latvian Drama in Exile
- Rainis Drama.
Wilhelm's University, University of Bonn (Germany):
Representative Books
Monographs about famous Latvian writers and actors (in Latvian):
- Rainis and Theatre, 1965, Riga: Liesma, 236 pp.
- Lilija Erika, 1968, Riga: Liesma, 197 pp.
- Rainis' Creative Activity, 1971, Riga: Zinatne, 373 pp.
- Rainis Drama, 1973, Riga: Zinatne, 310 pp.
- Talks with Felicita Ertnere, 1977, Riga: Liesma, 126 pp.
- Lilita Berzina, 1980, Riga: Zinatne, 202 pp.
- Harijs Gulbis, 1980, Riga: Liesma, 189 pp.
- Alma Abele, 1983, Riga: Liesma, 206 pp.
- R. Blaumanis Drama, 1984, Riga: Liesma, 300 pp.
- Velta Line, 1986, Riga: Zinatne, 214 pp.
- Adolfs Alunans, 1988, Riga: Liesma, 221 pp.
- M. Ziverts Plays, 1988, Riga: Zinatne, 446 pp.
- Latvian Actors in Exile, 1997, Riga: Preses Nams, 542 pp.
- Rainis in the Modern Theatre, 1998, Riga: Liesma, 110 pp.
- Exile Playwrights, 1999, Riga: Zvaigzne ABC, 319 pp.
- My Actresses, 2000, Riga: Jumava, 263 pp.
- Actors of Olden Jelgava, 2001, Riga: Zinatne,
- Martins Ziverts, 2003,
- Anslavs Eglitis, 2005, Riga: Zinatne, 391 pp.
- Latvian Theatre in Exile, 2005, Riga: Zinatne, 507 pp.
- Latvian Drama . The 2nd Half of the 20th Century , 2006, Riga: Zinatne,
519 pp.(with B.Kalnacs).
Editor of:
- M.Ziverts. Chamber Plays, 1989, Riga: Zinatne, 535 pp.
- A.Eglitis. Plays, 1990, Riga: Zinatne, 604 pp.
- Latvian Exile Plays, vol.1- 2, 1994-1995, Riga: Zinatne, 691pp.
- Rainis Collected Works, vol.11-15, 1980-1982, Riga: Zinatne.
- History of Latvian Literature, vol. I, II, III,1998, 1999, 2001, Riga: Zvaigzne ABC.
Research Projects
- V.Hausmanis (Head of Project). History of Latvian Literature. Latvian Council of
Science (long-term project).
- V.Hausmanis (Head of Project). Latvian Theatre and Drama. Latvian Council of Science
(long-term project).
- V.Hausmanis (Head of Project). Rhe Development of Latvian Theatre and
Drama in Exile. Latvian Council of Science (2001 - 2004, 2005 -).
Last update 05.12.2007