Born: June 19, 1942, Riga, Latvia
- Knowledge Acquisition
- Knowledge Representation
- Hybrid Knowledge - Based Systems
- Temporal Knowledge Bases
- Causal Domain Models
- Structural Modelling
Brief Description of Main Research:
The research was focused on the development of a new
approach to the modelling of complex technical systems with physically heterogeneous
elements. The essence of this approach, called structural modelling, is automation of
knowledge base development. Structural modelling is a systematic, partly formal and
model-based method of knowledge acquisition. The two level concept of knowledge base has
been proposed. The knowledge base is divided into two parts- a topological knowledge base
and a deep knowledge rule base. The knowledge base supports several kinds of reasoning.
The topological knowledge base consists of three structural models - a model of
morphological structure and two kinds of models of functional structure. The topological
knowledge base supports reasoning in logic. This allows to make decisions about
relationships between elements and about functioning of a system in normal conditions. The
deep knowledge rule base supports diagnostic and predictive reasoning if backward or
forward chaining is executed, respectively. Hierarchy of frames has been chosen for
knowledge representation. Methods and algorithms for analysis of various kinds of
structures have been developed. Structural modelling approach has been implemented in
automated structural modelling system ASMOS. Applications of structural modelling may be
applied in at least two problem domains - at early stages of design and in technical
diagnostics. In these problem domains ASMOS was used for structural modelling of several
kinds of complex technical systems.
The ongoing research is focused on integration of deep
knowledge rule base with an expert system shell. This will improve explanation facilities
of prognosis expert systems. Another research project deals with the adding of the
temporal dimension to the casual domain models. The temporal dimension will allow to use
hybrid knowledge representation schemes. Hybrid knowledge-based systems will allow to
produce an early prognosis (detection, isolation and identification) of faults while they
are incipient.
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
- Riga Technical University (Faculty of Computer Science
& Computer Engineering), 1965
- Dr. sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in
Western countries), Riga Technical University, 1972
- Dr. habil.sc.ing., Riga Technical University, 1993
- Engineer and Researcher, Faculty of Computer Science and
Computer Engineering, Riga Technical University,
- Postgraduate (Ph.D. Student), Riga Technical University,
- Assistant and Lecturer (1972-1979), Assistant Professor
(1979-1994), Professor (1994 -), Faculty of Computer Science and Computer Engineering,
Riga Technical University
- Head, Department of Automatized Control Systems, Riga
Technical University,1980-1992
- Head, Department of Systems Theory and Design, Riga
Technical University, 1994-
- Director, Institute of Applied Computer Systems, Riga
Technical University, 1994-
- Dean, Faculty of Computer Science and Computer Engineering,
Riga Technical University, 1994-
Honours and Awards:
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member of the Board (Vice-president, 1993-1996; President,
1996-1999). Latvian National Organisation of Automatics (LANO), 1993 -
- Member, Latvian Association of Scientists
- Memberof the Board, Latvian Modelling and Simulation
- Memberof the Board, Competence Network for Simulation
Applications (CONSA)
- Associated Member, International Federation of Automatic
Control (IFAC)
- Associated Member, Society for Computer Simulation
International (SCSI)
- Associated Member, European University Information Systems
Organisation (EUNIS)
- Associated Member, European Co-ordinating Committee
of Artifical Intelligence (ECCAI)
- Associated Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Inc. (IEEE)
- Program Committee Member, Symposium Advances in Databases
and Information Systems (ADBIS`95, ADBIS`96, ADBIS`97, ADBIS`99)
- Program Committee Member, First and Second International
Baltic Workshops on Databases and Information Systems
- Editorial Advisory Board for Automatic Control and
Computer Sciences (Avtomatika I Vychislitelnaya Technika)
- Member of Senate, Riga Technical University
- Member, Council of Riga Information Technology Institute
- Chairman, Expert Commission in Informatics , Latvian Council of Science, 2003 -
- Discrete Structures for Computer Science
- Knowledge Representation and Processing
- Structured Systems Analysis
- Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
- Methods of Systems Theory
- Artificial Intelligence
- Systems and Process Theory
- Intelligent System Design
- Advanced Data Bases and Knowledge Bases
- Structural Modelling
- Methods of Structural Modelling
- Advanced Methods of Computer System Design
Recent/Representative Publications:
- J.Grundspenkis, Z.Markovitch, J.Osis. The Construction of a
Topological Model of an Object . In: Cybernetics and Diagnostics, 1972,
vol.5, Riga: Zinatne, pp.19-25 (in Russian).
- J.Grundspenkis. Fault Localisation Based on Topological
Feature Analysis of Complex System Model. In: Diagnostics and Identification, 1974,
Riga: Zinatne, pp.38-48 (in Russian).
- J.Grundspenkis, A.Blumbergs. Investigation of Complex
System Topological Model Structure for Analysis of Failures. In: Issues of Technical
Diagnosis. 1981, Rostov-on-Don: Rostov Institute of Building Engineering, pp.41-48
(in Russian).
- J.Grundspenkis. The Synthesis and Analysis of Structure in
Computer Aided Design - Computer Applications in Production and Engineering:
Proceedings of the First International Conference, 1983, Amsterdam, North-Holland
Publ.Comp., pp.301-316.
- J.Grundspenkis, M.Kirikova, J.Tenteris, V.Zulis.
Man-Machine System SATOM for Structural Modelling in CAD - AMSE Review, 1988, AMSE
Press, vol.6(3), pp.1-11.
- J.Grundspenkis. Structural Modelling with ASMOS in the
Early Stages of Design - Software for Manufacturing, 1989, Amsterdam: North-Holland
Publ.Comp., pp.229-239.
- J.Grundspenkis, V.Zulis, M.Kirikova. Heuristic Approach of
Causal Analysis of Functioning of Complex Technical Systems - Knowledge Based Systems,
1989, Riga: Riga Polytechnical Institute, pp.96-101 (in Russian).
- J.Grundspenkis, V.Kalninsh. Dialogue System FUTOM for
Knowledge Acquisition in Computer-Aided Design - Pre-prints of 5th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA
Symposium on Analysis, Design and Evaluation of Man-Machine Systems, 1992, The Hague,
The Netherlands, TU Delft.
- J.Grundspenkis. Systematic Development of Technical System
Models - Advances in Modelling & Analysis C, 1993, AMSE Press, vol.38(4),
- J.Grundspenkis. The Use of Knowledge Based Approach for
Simulation of Fault Propagation in Complex Technical Systems - Proceedings of the 1993
European Simulation Multiconference, Lyon, France, June 7-9, 1993, SCSI, USA, 1993,
- J.Grundspenkis. A Methodology for Knowledge Acquisition and
Reasoning about Faults in Conditions of Incomplete Information - Pre-prints of IFAC
Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes, Espoo,
Finland, June 13-16, 1994, vol.1, Helsinki University of Technology, 1994, pp.362-367.
- J.Grundspenkis. Automation of Knowledge Base Development
Using Model Supported Knowledge Acquisition - Databases and Information Systems:
Proceedings of the 2nd International Baltic Workshop, Tallinn, June 12-14, 1996, vol.1,
Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn, pp. 224-233.
- J.Eiduks, J.Grundspenkis, M.Kirikova. Applications of modelling and simulation for data
base, Information and intelligent system development. - In: Simulation: Applications,
Research and Education in the Baltic Area, CONSA Research Report Series, N1. Linkoping
University, Sweden, 1999, pp.25-36.
- J.Grundspenkis. Reasoning supported by structural modelling. - Lecture Notes of the
Nordic-Baltic Summer School "Intelligent Design, Intelligent Manufacturing and
Intelligent Management", Jurmala, Latvia, 1998 (K.Wang and H.Pranevicius Eds.).
Kaunas University of Technology Press "Technologija", 1999, pp.57-100
- M.Kirikova and J.Grundspenkis. Using knowledge distribution in requirements
engineering.. - In: Knowledge Based Systems. Techniques and Applications, Vol. 1
(Ed. C.T.Leondes), Academic Press, San Diego, USA, 2000, pp. 149-184.
- J.Grundspenkis. Concepts of organizations, intelligent agents, knowledge and memories:
towards an interdisciplinary knowledge management. - In: Applied Applied
Computation Intelligence to Engineering and Business (K.Wang, J.Grundspenkis,
A.Yerofeev, eds.), 2001, Riga Technical University, pp. 173-191.
- J.Grundspenkis, J.Jekabsons. Model transformations for knowledge base integration within
the framework of structural modelling. - In: Databases and Information Systems,
Selected Papers 4th Int. Baltic Workshop, Baltic DB&IS 2000, Vilnius, Lithuania,
May 1-5, 2000, (J.Barzdins and A.Caplinskas, eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dodrecht,
2001, pp. 261-274.
- J.Grundspenkis, A.Anohina. Comparison of techniques for business process modelling. - Scientific
Proc. Riga Technical University. Computer Science, 2001, vol. 8, pp. 80-91.
- J.Grundspenkis. Multilevel knowledge-centered model of enterprise memory. - Proc.. CONSA
Conf., Linkoping University, June 18-19, 2001, Reseach Report Series of CONSA Project,
report N 5, From Strategy to Operations in Production and Logistics, Linkoping,
Sweden, 2002, pp. 163-179.
- J.Grundspenkis. Reasoning in structural model-based diagnosis. - Proc. 4th Int.
Conf. on Quality, Reliability and Maintenance, QRM2002, Oxford, March 21-22,
Professional Engineering Publishing, London, UK, 2002, pp. 295-298.
- J.Grundspenkis. Automated transformation of the functional model into the diagnosis
knowledge base. Proceedings of 5th Int. Conf. on Quality,
Reliability and Maintenance, QRM2004, Oxford, April 1-2, Professional Engineering
Publishing (Ed. McNulty), London, UK, 2004, pp. 295-298
- J.Grundspenkis, M.Kirikova. Impact of the intelligent agent paradigm on knowledge
management. In: Intelligent Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 1 (Ed.
C.T.Leondes), Kluwer Academic Publ., NY, USA, 2004, pp. 164-206.
Research Projects:
- J.Grundspenkis (Head of Project). Development of Expert
Systems for the Early Stages of Technical System Design. Latvian
Council of Science (1990-1993).
- J.Grundspenkis (Head of Project). Intelligent System for
Development of Structured System Analysis Methods and Tools. Latvian Council of
Science (1994-1996).
- J.Grundspenkis (Head of Project). Intelligent Multi-Level
Meta-Model Processing System for Construction of Structural Modelling Methods and Tools.
Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000).
- J.Grundspenkis (Head of Project).Modelling
of Intelligent Agent Co-operative Work for Knowledge Management and Process Reengineering
Purposes in Organizations. Latvian Council of
Science (2001 - 2004).
- J.Grundspenkis (Head of Project). Integration of Intelligent Agent and Knowledge
Management Techniques for Intelligent Support of Learning Processes. Latvian Council
of Science (2005 - ).
I am a little bit conservative. The best evidence of this
is that I have lived only in Riga and I have had only one employer - Faculty of Computer
Science and Computer Engineering, Riga Technical University. I love my country and my
family - my spouse, my daughter and my two sons. My hobbies are: tennis, alpine skiing and
traditional jazz.
Last update 22.08.2005