Elmars GRENS
Professor Elmars GRENS
Scientific Director
of the Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre
Ratsupites iela1
Riga LV 1067
LatviaTel.: + 371 67808003
Fax: + 371 67442407
E-mail: grens@biomed.lu.lv
Laimdotas iela 61-28, Riga LV 1084, Latvia
Tel.: + 371 67516576
E-mail: elmars@grens.lu.lv |
Born: October 9, 1935, Riga, Latvia
- Gene Structure and Molecular Genetics
- Regulatory Regions of Messenger RNA
- Protein Ultrastructure
- Immunogenic Proteins and Antigenic Determinants
- Molecular Virology
- Recombinant Proteins - Design and Biotechnology.
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Chemistry), 1958
- Candidate of Science (Chemistry), Institute of Organic Synthesis, 1963
- Doctor of Science (Chemistry), Institute of Organic Synthesis, Riga,1968
- Dr.habil.biol., Institute of Molecular Biology, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992
- Junior and Senior Researcher, Institute of Organic Synthesis, 1958-1975
- Head of Department, Institute of Organic Synthesis, 1975-1991
- Research Director, Institute of Organic Synthesis, 1975-1980
- Director, Institute of Molecular Biology, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1991-1993
- Professor (Molecular Biology), Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia, 1978 - 2001
- Director, Biomedical Research and Study Centre, University of Latvia, 1993-2001
- Director, International Center of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, 1999 - 2007
- Scientific Director, Biomedical Research and Study Centre, University of Latvia, 2001- -
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1982
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1987
- Corresponding Member, USSR/Russian Academy of Sciences, 1987
- Member, Academia Europaea, 1993
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Grand Medal, 1995
- The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia Prize , 2000
- The Riga Prize, 2008
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member of Presidium and Senate, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1989-
- Member of Senate, University of Latvia, 1991 - 2004; (Chairman, 1995 - 1998)
- Member, Latvian Biochemical Society, 1977 - ; (Chairman, 1977-1989)
- Member, Latvian Union of Scientists, 1988 -, (Chairman, 1988-1991)
- Member, Latvian Council of Science, 1990 - , (
Chairman, 1990 and 2000, 2007-2009)
- Member, Federation of the European Biochemical Societies, Courses Committee, 1992 - 1996
- Member, European Federation of Biotechnology, Working group - Molecular Genetics, 1992 -
- Latvian Coordinator for collaboration in RTD with the European Union, 1996 - 2006
University of Latvia (Faculty of Biology) -
- Molecular Biology
- Molecular Genetics
- Human Genome
Recent/Representative Publications
- E.Grens. Regulatory Mechanisms of Replication in RNA Bacteriophages, 1974, Riga:
Zinatne, 232 pp. (in Russian).
- P.Pumpen, V.Bauman, A.Dishler, E.Gren. Control of replication in RNA bacteriophages. - J.Virol.,
1978, vol. 28, pp. 725-735.
- P.Pumpen, A.Dishler, T.Kozlovskaya, V.Bichko, E.Gren, M.Rivkina, A.Grinberg, R.Kukaine.
Cloning of hepatitis B virus DNA in Escherichia coli . - Proc. USSR Acad. Sci., 1981,
vol. 220, N 4, pp. 1022-1024 (in Russian).
- T.Kozlovskaya, G.Borisova, V.Bichko, J.Kalis, R.Kukaine, E.Gren. Expression of hepatitis
B virus surface antigen gene in E.coli. - Gene, 1984, vol. 30, pp. 207-216.
- E.Gren, P.Pumpen. Recombinant virus capsids as new generation of immunogenic proteins
and vaccines. - J. All-Union Mendeleyevs Chem. Soc., 1988, vol. 33, pp.
531-536 (in Russian).
- G.Borisova, B.Arya, A.Dishlers, O.Borschukova, V.Tsibinogin, D.Skrastina, M.Eldarov,
P.Pumpens, K.G.Skryabin, E.Grens. Hybrid hepatitis B virus nucleocapsid bearing
immunodominant region from hepatitis B virus surface. - J.Virol., 1993, vol. 67, N
6, pp. 3696-3701.
- M.Sallberg, P.Pushko, I.Berzinsh, V.Bichko, P.Sillekens, M.Noah, P.Pumpens, E.Grens,
B.Wahren, L.O.Magnius. Immunochemical structure of the carboxy-terminal part of hepatitis
B e antigen: identification of internal and surface-exposed sequences. - J. Gen.
Virol., 1993, vol. 74, pp. 1335-1340.
- V.Skrivelis, Yu.Steinberg, V.Bichko, E.Gren, A.Tsimanis. The structure of the variable
regions of mouse monoclonal antibodies to hepatitis B virus core antigen. - Scand. J.
Immunol., 1993, vol. 37, pp. 637-643.
- P.Pushko, T.Kozlovskaya, I.Sominskaya, A.Brede, E.Stankevica, V.Ose, P.Pumpens, E.Grens.
Analysis of RNA phage fr coat protein assembly by insertion, deletion and substitution
mutagenesis. - Protein Engineering, 1993, vol. 6, pp. 883-891.
- I.Berzins, R.Ulrich, H.Meisel, D.H.Kruger, G.Borisova, P.Pumpens, E.Grens, H.Gelderblom,
A.-M. Ladhoff, P. Schnitzler, G.Darai, E.K.F. Bautz. Sites in the core antigen of
hepatitis B virus allowing insertion of foreign epitopes. - Vaccine, 1994, pp.
- E.Jankevics, G.Makarenkova, A.Tsimanis, E.Gren. Structure and analysis of the
5flanking region of the human interleukin-2 gene. - BBA, 1994, vol. 1217, pp.
- H.Meisel, I.Sominskaya, P.Pumpens, P.Pushko, G.Borisova, R.Deepen, X.Lu, G.H.Spiller,
D.H.Kruger, E.Grens, W.H.Gerlich. Fine-mapping and functional characterization of two
immuno-dominant regions from the preS2 sequence of hepatitis B virus. - Intervirology, 1995,
vol. 37, pp. 330-339.
- P.Pumpens, G.Borisova, R.A.Crowther, E.Grens. HBV core particles as epitope carriers. -
Intervirology, 1995, vol. 38, pp. 63-74.
- G.Borisova, O.Borschukova (Wanst), G.Mezule, D.Skrastina, I.Petrovskis, A.Dislers, P.
Pumpens, E.Grens. Spatial structure and insertion capacity of immunodominant region of
hepatitis B core antigen. - Intervirology, 1996, vol. 39, pp. 16-22.
- G.Borisova, O.Borschukova, D.Skrastina, G.Mezule, A.Dislers, I.Petrovskis, V.Ose,
I.Gusars, P.Pumpens, E.Grens. Display vectors. I. Hepatitis B core particle as a display
moiety. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., 1997, vol. 51, pp. 1-7.
- E.Avota, V.Berzins, E.Grens, Y.Vishnevsky, Rudiger Luce and Cristof K.Biebricher. The
natural 6 S RNA found in Qb-infected cells is derived from host and phase RNA. -
J.Mol.Biol., 1998, vol.276, pp. 7-17.
- P.Pumpens, E.Grens. Hepatitis B core particles as a universal display model: a
structure-function basis for development. - FEBS Letters, 1999, vol. 442, pp.
- G.Borisova, O.Borschukova, D.Skrastina, A.Dislers, V.Ose, P. Pumpens, E.Grens. Behavior
of a short preS1 epitope on the surface of hepatitis B core particles. - Biol.Chem, 1999,
vol. 380, pp.315-324.
- P.Preikschat, G.Borisova, O.Borschukova, A.Dislers, G.Mezule, E.Grens,
D.H.Krüger, P. Pumpens, H.Meisel. Expression and assembly competence of hepatitis B
virus core gene deletion variants occuring in infected liver cells. - J.Gen.Virol., 1999,
vol. 80, pp. 1777-1788.
- P.Pumpens, E.Grens. Hepatitis B core particles as a carrier for B cell/T cell epitopes.
- Intervirology, 2001, vol. 44, N 2/3, pp. 98-114.
- P.Pumpens, E.Grens. Artificial genes for chimeric virus-like particles. - In: Artificial
DNA: Methods and Applications, CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, 2002, pp. 249-327.
- P.Pumpens, E.Grens, M.Nassal. Molecular epidemiology and immunology of hepatitis B virus
infection - an update. - Intervirology, 2002, vol. 45, N 4-6, pp. 218-232.
- V.Pirags, E.Grens. The Latvian Genome Projrct. - In: Society and Genetic
Information. Codes and Laws in the Genetic Era, 2003, CEU Press, Budapest - New York,
pp. 225-231.
- Pumpens P., Ulrich R., sasnauskas K., Kazaks A., Ose V., Grens E. Construction of
novel vacines on the basis of the virus-like particles: Hepatitis B virus proteins as
vaccine carriers. - In: Y.Khudyakov (ed.). Medicinal Protein Engineering, 2008,
CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton London, New York, pp. 205-248.
Research Projects
- E.Grens (Head of Project). Recombinant Viral Capsids - New Proteins for Diagnostic Use
and Vaccination. INCO-COPERNICUS Project PI in Latvia. (1994-1996).
- E.Grens ( Coordinator of Latvian Part of Programme). Research and Development of
Immunological Methods. Production of Elisa Tests for the Diagnosis of Hepatitis B. NATO
Programme (1995-1997).
- E.Grens ( Coordinator of Latvian Part of Programme). Hepatitis B Virus Assembly,
Structure and Entry into New Host Cells. KIRT Programme ( 1995-1997).
- E.Grens ( Head of Programme). Malignant Tumors. Latvian Council of Science (1995-2000).
- E.Grens (Head of Project). Multivalent Chimeric Particles of Hepatitis B Core Antigen. Latvian
Council of Science (1994-1996).
- E.Grens (Head of Project). Investigation of Molecular Architecture of Protein Complexes
by Means of High-Resolution Methods. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000).
- E.Grens (Head of Project). Genome Studies of the Latvian Population, their Application
for Diagnosis and Prevention of Human Pathology. Latvian Council of Science
- E.Grens (Programme Director). Genome Studies of the Latvian Population. Latvian
Council of Science (2005-2008).
Last update 30.11.2009