Born: November 30, 1936, Moscow, Russia
Scientific activity is devoted to a complex of theoretical
and experimental investigations dealing with physical and applied problems of
magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), including:
- study of the influence of different types of
electromagnetic fields on behaviour of mono- and multi-phase electrically conducting
incompressible media;
- study of stationary and non-stationary hydrodynamic and
heat/mass transfer processes in liquid metal media subject to the influence of
electromagnetic forces;
- development of physical and technical basis of MHD means
for controlling motion, heat and mass transfer phenomena in different modern technologies
operating with liquid metal media;
- study and development of new original MHD technologies
regarding problems of metallurgy, casting industry, electrical chemistry, etc.;
- development of a scientific base for MHD techniques for the
processes of production of semiconductor single crystal and composite materials, modelling
and implementation of elements of space technologies under the terrestrial conditions.
Languages: Russian, English, Latvian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Mechanics), 1958
- Riga Technical University (Faculty of Mechanics), 1959
- Dr.phys. (Candidate of
Science in former USSR, PhD in Western countries). Title of the Thesis: Study of Uniform
and Non-Uniform Turbulent MHD Flows Confined by the Walls with Different Electric
Conductivity and Roughness, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1968
- Dr.habil.phys. (Doctor of Science in former USSR). The
Title of the Thesis: MHD Means to Control Hydrodynamic Processes in Liquid Metal Media,
Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, Russia, 1984
- Professor of Physics (mechanics of liquid and gas,
magnetohydrodynamics), 1989
- Engineer, State Electrotechnical Factory VEF, Riga, 1959 -
- Head of Department of Mechanisation and Automatization,
Research and Manufacturing Company "Kommutator", 1963 - 1964
- Researcher, Senior Researcher, Head of Laboratory and
Professor, Institute of Physics, 1964 -
Honours and Awards:
- Honoured Inventor of the Latvian SSR, 1988
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences
F.Canders Prize, 1991
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidium First (1977,
1989, 1990) and Second (1973, 1981) Awards
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences and Joint-stock
Company R&D ALFA Prize in Physics and its applications for significant
inventions and remarkable results in applied magnetohydrodynamics and material science, 2000
- State Emeritus Scientist, 2004
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Vice-Chairman, Topical Committee on Electromagnetic
Processing of Materials, Council of International Association "Hydromagnetic
Phenomena and Applications" (HYDROMAG), 1995 -
- Co-chairman of the Scientific Council, Institute of
- Editorial Advisory Board and Expert for journal Magnetohydrodynamics
- Expert for journals Mechanics of Fluid&Gas (Russian
Acad. Sci.), Journal of Microgravity Science&Technology, Physics&Chemistry
of Material Processing (Russia)
- Chairman, Co-chairman of sessions and a Member of
Organising Committees of 12 International scientific Congresses and Conferences, Schools
and Seminars
- Member, European Materials Research Society (EMRS)
- Member, Society of Latvian Scientists
- Member, Latvian Physical Society
- Member, Latvian National Committee for Mechanics
Recent/Representative Publications:
Author of 3 monographs, about 235 scientific works and
more than 115 patents.
- Yu.M.Gelfgat, O.Lielausis , E.V.Shcherbinin. Liquid
Metal Subject to the Influence of Electromagnetic Forces. 1976, Riga: Zinatne Press,
248 pp. (in Russian)
- Buslovich S., Gelfgat Yu., Kotsinsh I. Automatization of
Printed Circuits Soldering. 1976, Moscow: Nauka Press, 216 pp. (in Russian)
- Yu.Gelfgat , L.Gorbunov, I.Vitkovsky. MHD
Throttling and Liquid Metal Flow Control. 1989, Riga: Zinatne Press, 312 pp. (in
Yu.Gelfgat, L.A.Gorbunov. MHD means for affecting hydrodynamics, heat and mass
transfer in single crystal melt growth . In : Metallurgical Technologies, Energy
Conversion, and Magnetohydrodynamic Flows (ed.by H.Branover and Y.Unger), Ser.
"Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics", 1992, vol.148, pp.138-157.
Yu.Gelfgat. Kinetics of break-up of binary liquid metal system with a miscibility gap
and its prevention by electromagnetic forces. In: "Immiscible Liquid Metals
and Organics" (ed. By L.Ratke), Germany: Informationsgesellschaft, Verlag, 1992,
Yu.Gelfgat, et al. CdTe crystal growth in the Soviet facility ZONA 4. - Microgravity
Science and Technology, 1993, vol.6, Nr.2, pp.88-90
Yu.Gelfgat. Application of MHD facilities to technology. In: Metallurgical
Technologies, Energy Conversion and MHD Flows (ed.H.Branover, Y.Unger),
Ser."Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics" 1993, vol.148, pp.32-49
Yu.Gelfgat. Electromagnetic field application in the processes of single crystal growth
under microgravity. - Acta Astronautica, 1995, vol. 37, pp. 333 - 345.
J.Priede., Yu.Gelfgat. Mathematical model of the mean electromagnetic forces induced by
a rotating magnetic field in a liquid column of a finite length. - Magnetohydrodynamics,
1996, Nr.3, pp.241-251.
I.Grants, J.Priede, Yu.Gelfgat. MHD flows in a cylindrical duct in rotating and steady
magnetic fields. - Magnetohydrodynamics, 1996, Nr.3, pp.210-222.
Yu.Gelfgat, M.Abricka, J.Krumin. Numerical simulation of MHD rotator action on
hydrodynamics and heat transfer in single crystal growth. - J.Crystal Growth, 1997,
vol.180, pp.388-400.
I.Grants, Yu.Gelfgat. Taylor-Gorter instability of a liquid metal flow in a rotating
magnetic field. - Magnetohydrodynamics, 1999, vol.35, Nr.2, pp.147-154.
Y.Gelfgat, J.Krumins, M.Abricka. On melt stirring by a combined magnetic field as a
means to intensify preparation of multi-component magnesium alloys. - In: Magnesium 2000
(eds. E.Aghion, D.Eliezer), Magnesium Research Institute (MRI) Ltd., 2000, pp.82-89
Yu.Gelfgat, A.Bojarevich, G.Gerbeth, A.Cramer. Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur
Metallfaserherstellung nach dem Schmelzextraktions-verfahren. Patent of Germany, No
DE10000097.5, 2000
Y.Gelfgat, J.Krumins, B.Q.Li. Effects of system parameters on MHD flows in rotating
magnetic fields. - Journal of Crystal Growth, 2000, vol.210, pp.788-796.
J.Krumins, Yu.Gelfgat, M.Abricka. On the relationship between the type of
electromagnetic stirring and heat/mass transfer intensiy in liquid metal melts. - Proceedings
of Intern. Scientific Colloquium "Modelling for Saving Resources", Riga, May
17-18, 2001, pp.29-34
Yu.Gelfgat, J.Krumins, M.Abricka. Influence of alternating magnetic fields on the
hydrodynamics and heat/mass transfer in the processes of bulk single crystal growth.
Proc. 4th Intern. Conference on Single Crystal Growth and Heat Mass
Transfer ICSC-2001, Obninsk, Russia, Sept.24-28, 2001, pp.68-79.
Yu.Gelfgat, M.Abricka, J.Krumins. Influence of alternating magnetic fields on the
hydrodynamics and heat/mass transfer in the processes of bulk single crystal growth.
Magnetohydrodynamics, 2001, vol.37, No 4, pp.400-416.
M.Abricka, Yu.Gelfgat, J.Krumins. Influence of combined electromagnetic fields on
the heat/mass transfer in the Bridgman process. Energy Conservation and
Management, 2002, No 43, pp.327-333.
Yu.Gelfgat, J.Krumins, M.Abricka. On possible simultaneous heating and stirring of
the melt in alternating electromagnetic fields different frequences. Proc. 5th
Intern. PAMIR Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, Ramatuelle, France, 2002,
vol.2, pp.II13-II18.
Yu.Gelfgat, J.Krumins, M.Abricka. Investigation of different combinations of steady
and alternating magnetic fields on control the hydrodynamics and heat/mass transfer in
single crystal growth. Abstracts of Workshop WG-2 Use of Magnetic Fields
in Crystal Growth, EU COST action P6, Riga, Latvia, June 18, 2002.
Yu.Gelfgat, J.Krumins, M.Abricka. On possible simultaneous heating and stirring of
the melt at single crystal growth by one indicator of electromagnetic field. Magnetohydrodynamics,
2003, vol.39, No 2, pp.201-210.
Yu.Gelfgat, J.Krumins, M.Abricka. On a possibility to use travelling magnetic fields
for concurrent hesting and stirring of the melt in crystal growth. Proceedings
of International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Electromagnetic
Processing, Hannover, March 24-26, 2003, pp.211-218.
A.Gelfgat, Yu.Gelfgat. Experimental and numerical study of rotating magnetic field
driven flow in cylindrical enclosures with different aspect ratios. Magnetohydrodynamics,
2004, vol.40, No 2, pp.147-160.
Yu.Gelfgat, J.Krumins, M.Abricka. On the calculation of the characteristics of
motion and heat/mass transfer in combined electromagnetic fields. Magnetohydrodynamics,
2005, vol.41, No 1, pp.19-38.
Yu.Gelfgat, M.Skopis, J.Grabis. Electromagnetically driven vortex flow to introduce
small solid particles into liquid metal. Magnetohydrodynamics, 2005, vol.41,
No 3, pp.249-254.
- Yu.Gelfgat, J.Priede, G.Gerbeth. Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von
Einkristallen in Ampullen unter Magnetfeldein-fluss. Patent of Germany, No
DE197040075, 1999.
- Yu.Gelfgat, A.Bojarevics, G.Gerbeth, A.Cramer. Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur
Metallfaserherstellung nach dem Schmelzextraktions-verfahren. Patent of Germany
DE 10000097.5, 2000.
- A.Cramer, G.Gerbeth, Yu.Gelfgat, A.Bojarevics. Die folgenden Amgaben sind den vom
Anmelder eingereichten Ungerlagen entnommen. Patent of Germany DE 10000097 A1,
- V.W.Ammon, J.Virbulis, E.Tomzig, Yu.Gelfgat, L.Gorbunov. Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum
Herstellen eines Einkristals aus Silicium. Patent of Germany DE 10102126 A1,
Research Projects:
- Yu.M.Gelfgat (Head of Project). Investigation of the MHD Influence on Heat, Mass and
Motion Transfer Phenomena in the Processes of Single and Polymaterial Growth from
Electrically Conducting Melts. Latvian Council of Science (1991-1993).
- Yu.M.Gelfgat (Head of Project). Investigation of the Interaction of Hydrodynamic and
Heat/mass Transfer Phenomena in Melts Crystallising in Electromagnetic Fields. Latvian
Council of Science (1994-1996).
- Yu.M.Gelfgat (Head of Project). Investigation of Physical Characteristics of MHD Methods
Applied in Crystallisation Processes. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000).
- Yu.M.Gelfgat (Head of Project). Investigation of Physical Laws of MHD Methods Applied to
Control Crystallisation Processes. Latvian Council of Science (2001 -
- Yu.M.Gelfgat (Head of Project). Physical Regularities of MHD Methods for Excitation and
Suppression of Stationary and Non-stationary Motions in Large Volumes of Electrically
Conducting Liquids. Latvian Council of Science (2005 - ).
- Yu.M.Gelfgat (Head of the six Research Contracts). The Investigation of the
Electromagnetic Fields Interaction with Molten Metals in Different Technological Devices. Research
Centre Rossendorf (Dresden, Germany) 1992-1998
- Yu.M.Gelfgat (Head of the four Research Contracts). The Development and Investigation of
MHD Technologies for Silicon Single Crystal Growth. Wacker Siltronic, Wacker
-Chemitronic Corporation (Germany). 1995-1997
- Yu.M.Gelfgat (Head of the Research Contract). Study on the Stabilization of the Metallic
Sheet Vibration by the Way of an Electromagnetic Procedure, IRSID Company, France,
Last update 22.11.2005