Professor Dr.habil.oec.
Director of Business Administration
Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes,
Faculty of Economics and Management,
University of Latvia
Aspazijas bulvaris 5
Riga, LV 1050
LatviaPhone: +371 703 4754
Fax: +371 703 4702
E-mail: frolova@lanet.lv |
March 5, 1948, St.-Petersburg, Russia
- Macroeconomic modelling and forecasting
- Quantitative analysis and estimation of financial risks
- Analytical calculations in bank management
- Alternative situation modelling for agriculture, labour-market, real estate market and
foreign trade
- Mathematical modelling for solving ecological and business problems
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Economics), 1973
- Dr.oec. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR), Institute of Cybernetics,
Russian Academy of Sciences, 1976
- Dr.habil.oec. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), University of St.-Petersburg,
- Professor of Economics , 2003, 1997
- Professor, Chair of Economic Systems Management Theory and Methods, University of
Latvia, 1990-1997
- PhD student (1973-1976), Senior Lecturer (1976-1979), Docent (1979-1990), Chair of
Economical Cybernetics, University of Latvia
Honours and Awards
- Several awards of the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia and other
institutions' awards for supervision of bachelor, master and PhD theses
- University of Latvia Rectors Letter of honour for a significant contribution to
the development of the University of Latvia, training specialists of high level of
proficiency and in honour of the 85th anniversary of the University of Latvia,
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Expert of Graduation committee, Erasmus University (Rotterdam, Netherlands), 1999
- Expert of Economics and Management Promotion council, University of Latvia
- Expert of Economics and Management Professors' council, University of Latvia
- Deputy chairman of Promotion council, Latvia University of Agriculture
- Expert of Economics and Management Professors' council, Latvia University of Agriculture
- Chairman of Academic Commission of Social Science, University of Latvia, 1997-1999
- Member of Education Council, University of Latvia, 1998-2000
- Member of Latvian high school professors association
- Member of doctor of economics studies council, University of Latvia, 1998-2003
- Member of Faculty of Economics and Management Council, University of Latvia
- Deputy chairman of Scientific Council, Latvia Institute of Agricultural Economics
- Member of national account association (France, Paris)
- Member of International Association of Agricultural economists, Illinois (USA)
- Partner of Western econometrical cooperation, Upsala (Sweden)
- Head of section Econometrics and quantitative analysis methods in managerial
decision making during annual academic conferences, University of Latvia
- Chief editor of annual University of Latvia series Management
- Head of professor's group
- Advisor, Ministry of Agriculture, SIA Sabiedrisko
attiecibu birojs
- Advisor, SIA BaltHaus
- Modelling and forecasting (Economics doctor studies)
- Quantitative analysis for business (Management master studies)
- Optimization theory (Management bachelor studies)
- Modelling theory (Management bachelor studies,)
- Banks' risk evaluation (Management bachelor studies)
Supervised PhD theses
- Danute Jasjko. The research of Latvian agricultural and food market: principles,
problems, methods (Riga, University of Latvia, July 3, 1998)
- Oleg Jemeljanov. Modelling the Latvian Economy with Special Emphasis on the Labour
Market ( Rotterdam, March 25, 1999)
- Dace Kauzena. Environmentally Friendly Entrepreneurship in Latvia ( Riga,
University of Latvia, December 3, 2001)
- Karina Savicka. The Fiscal Policy of Latvia and its Impact on the Development of
Economics Within the Terms of the Integration in the European Union (3rd
year PhD student)
- Leons Mednis. Econometric methods in management of Bank department (2nd
year PhD student)
- Dmitrii Beliakov. Estimation of improvement possibilities of Latvian food product
brands competitiveness (1st year PhD student)
- Dace Garkalne. Competitive and sustainable development of the economy of Latvia in
the EU: tendencies and perspectives (1st year PhD student)
- Natalja Skorohoda.
The estimation of foreign investment influence on the
development of Latvias economy, the econometric analysis of its possible
acquisitions and risks (1st year PhD student)
- Guna Salputra. Production factors return in Agrobusiness (1st year PhD
Recent/Representative Publications
L. Frolova, N. Skorohoda. EU new members foreign trade development and
perspectives estimation . - Scientific Inquiry / Editor: Yi Lin.-
International Institute for General Systems Studies, Inc., USA, 2006. (publishing, 35
New technologies of the state of Latvia's and corporate sector's alternative
scenarios modelling and knowledge management / Edited by L. Frolova, U. Rozevskis/:
scientific monograph.- R.: LU, 2005.- 250 pp. (in Latvian)
L. Frolova. Corporate sector development in Latvia and the factors behind. - LU
articles' series Management, R.: LU, 2005, vol. 690, pp. 52-67(in
L. Frolova, A. Bri?ka. High school study programme quality evaluation criteria
and methods . - LU articles' series Management.- Volume 690.-
R.: LU, 2005, vol. 690, pp. 190-208 (in Latvian).
L. Frolova, D. Garkalne. The Balassa-Samuelson effect in Latvia: an
econometric analysis // Mathematical Modelling and Analysis / Editor: A. ?tikonas.-
Vilnius: Technika, 2005. (publishing, 16 pages).
- Assessment of competitiveness and growth outlook in Latvia in context of the integration
to the EU
/ Edited by E. Dubra, L. Frolova: scientific monograph.- R.: LU, 2004.- VIII
+ 436 p. (in Latvian)
- L. Frolova
, K. Savicka. Macroeconomics of Latvia and Its Development in the
Context of EU Integration // Integration of Latvian¢ s Economy
into the European Union.- R.: University of Latvia, 1(41)/2004, 5-18 p.
- L. Frolova. The role of agriculture in Latvian economy // Latvian agriculture and
countryside 2003: politics and development.- R.: LV AEI, 2004, 17-35, 237, 239-241 p. (in
- L. Frolova
, I. Jaunzeme, D. Jasjko. Russian trade
liberalization effect on the Latvian agricultural and food product export development //
LU articles' series Management.- Volume 660.- R.: LU, 2003, 185-203 p.
- L. Frolova
, D. Kauzena. Assessment methods for impact of environmentally
friendly entrepreneurship and driving forces to the quality of environment // Mathematical
Modelling and Analysis.-Volume 7 No.1, 2002 / Editor: A. ?tikonas.- Vilnius: Technika,
2002, 33-40 p.
- L. Frolova, D. Kauena.
Environmental protection and entrepreneurship in
Latvia // Economics and mathematical methods.- Volume XXXVII.- 3rd edition.- ?.: ?????, 2001, 23-35 p. (in Russian)
- L. Frolova
, J. Pupure, K. Savicka. Analysis of factors behind Latvian
gross domestic product dynamics // Management doctrine development in Latvia: present and
future: LU articles' series.- Volume 634.- R.: LU, 2001, 163-190 p. (in Latvian)
- L. Frolova
, D. Kauzena. Environmentally Friendly Entrepreneurship in
Latvia: is there any difference between 1999 and 2001? // Clear production. Proceedings of
the 7th European Roundtable on Clear Production (CD format ) / Editor:
D. Huisingh.- Lund: Lund University, CD, 2001, 2 p.
- L. Frolova
, D. Kauzena. Analytical Computation for the Environmental
Assessment of Entrepreneurship in States Undergoing Economic Transformation // Local
Agenda 21: Through Case method research and teaching Towards a Sustainable future.-
Munchen; Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag, 2000, 80-98 p.
- L. Frolova
. The Necessary Structural Shifts in the Economy of Latvia, their Analysis
and Evaluation // Nordic-Baltic SEA Region on the Eve of the 21st Century
Reports. -R., 2000, 177-181 p.
- L. Frolova
. Analytical estimation of future risks and competitiveness of banks //
Competitiveness and quality management problems.- R.: Banking Institution of Higher
Education, 2000, 89-95 p. (in Latvian)
- L. Frolova
. Complex of macro models for forecasting the dynamics of Latvian economy
and producing alternative development scenarios// Topical aspects of management
reorganization: LU articles' series.- Volume 609.- R.: LU, 1998, 135-145 p. (in Latvian)
- L. Frolova
. Economical basis of choosing development project for privatizing object
// Analysis and decision-making models in economics. - R.: LU, 1995, 44-87 p. (in Latvian)
- L. Frolova. Agriculture and manufacturing in the circumstances of the Republic's
independence // Economics and mathematical methods.- Volume XXVII.- 2nd edition.- ?.: Nauka, 1991, 342-350 p. (in Russian)
- B. Treijs
, L. Frolova, M. Treijs. The advantages of Latvian
agricultures diary variant // LZA News.- Nr.12 (509).- R.: Zinatne, 1989, 54-59 p.
(in Russian)
- L. Frolova
. Planning's improvement of the Republics agriculture and
manufacturing: problems, approaches, methods: Monograph.- R.: Zinatne, 1989.- 205 p. (in
- L. Frolova
. Mathematical modelling in economics and management (Theory andpractice):
High school textbook.- 2nd edition.- R.: SIA Izglitibas
soli, 2005.- 438 p. (in Latvian)
- L. Frolova
. Quantitative Analysis for Business: e-Workshop in WebCT environment.-
R.: LU, e-university, 2004. (in Latvian)
- L. Frolova
. Optimization Theory: e-Workshop in WebCT environment.- R.: LU, e-University,
2003. (in Latvian)
- L. Frolova
. Mathematical modelling of economical processes (theory and practice):
high school textbook.- R.: School of Business Administration Turiba, 1999.- 312 p. (in
- L. Frolova
, G. Fortin, M.
Purgailis, E. Abelis. Mathematical models
for planning economic developments: Textbook.- R.: Zvaigzne, 1985.- 254 p. (in Latvian)
Total published articles and books - about 130.
Scientific articles: 3 monographs, 74 articles in scientific
journals and article series, 50 conference thesis and 4 other scientific articles.
Methods: 3 textbooks and 8 studying methods, 2 e-Workshops in
WebCT environment.
Three editions of Bachelor (102 pages in 1996, 156 pages in 1998 and
229 pages in 2003) and Master of Business Administration (67 pages in 1996, 100 pages in
1998 and 183 pages in 2003) study programmes were prepared and published under the
editorship of prof. L. Frolova.
Research Projects
Research Grants, Latvia:
- Research project financed by the University of Latvia - New technologies of the state
of Latvia's and corporate sector's alternative scenarios modelling and knowledge
management, 2005
- Research project financed by Latvian Council of Science (cooperative research with new
scientists) Agricultural and food products traded and not traded in Europe:
possibilities of developing political and production strategy, 2004-2008
- Research project financed by the Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia - Scenarios of EU
general agricultural policy reform implementation in 2003, 2004
- Research project financed by the University of Latvia: Quantitative analysis of
business: e-Workshop development in WebCT environment, 2004
- Research project financed by the University of Latvia: Assessment of competitiveness
and growth outlook in Latvia in context of the integration to the EU, 2003
- Project financed by the University of Latvia: Optimization theory: e-Workshop
development in WebCT environment, 2003
- Research project financed by the Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia - Influence on
foreign trade and balance of goods of Latvia by agricultural products' trade
liberalization in the PTO candidate states: Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus,
- Research project financed by Latvian Council of Science - Competitiveness of Latvian
agriculture and food manufacturing and market globalization: factors, effects and outlook,
- Research project financed by Latvian Council of Science - Latvian national
agricultural model, 1995-1996
International grants:
- Modelling the Latvian Economy ( with Special Emphasis on the Labour Market),
ACE Program:
- Modelling the Baltic economies, 94-0579-R
- Labour markets and international trade in the Baltic economies, P96-6250-R
PHARE Program:
- Business Quantitative Analysis (Master), 2000-2001, LE9903.02 (5)
- Mathematic Modelling of Economic Processes (Bachelor), 2000-2001, LE9903.02 (6)
EU Program:
- EU structural fund project: Research of Labour-market - Long-term labour-market
demand forecasting system evaluation and developing analysis, 2005-2007, VPD1/ESF/NVA/04/NP/
Last update 15.11.2005