Professor Jurijs FRANCMANIS Astronomical Institute, University of
Rainis bulv. 19
Riga, LV 1586
Born: March 20, 1939, Riga, Latvia
Dead: July 20, 1998
- Stellar Structure and Evolution - Asymptotic Giant Branch
- Carbon Stars
- Close Binaries
- Magellanic Clouds
Languages: English, Russian, Polish, Latvian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics),
- Dr.phys. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in
Western countries), Moscow State University, 1968
- Dr.habil.phys. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Moscow
State University, 1991
- Researcher, Astronomical Observatory, Latvian University,
- Postgraduate, Astronomical Institute (former Astronomical
Council), Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1964-1967
- Researcher, Senior Researcher, Radioastrophysical
Observatory, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1967 -
Honours and Awards:
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member, Editorial Board, International journals "Baltic
Astronomy", "Astronomical Calendar"
- Member, International Astronomical Union, Commission 35
(Stellar Constitution) and Commission 42 (Close Binary Stars)
- Member, European Astronomical Society
- Member, Eurasian Astronomical Society
- Member, Latvian Astronomical Society
Recent/Representative Publications:
- Frantsman Ju. L. The evolution of the Magellanic Clouds. I.
The ages of the globular clusters, Astrophysics and Space Sci., 1988, vol.145, pp.
- Frantsman Ju. L. The evolution of the Magellanic Clouds.
II. Star formation and chemical composition, Astrophysics and Space Sci., 1988,
vol.145, pp. 287-292.
- Frantsman Ju. L. Can the degenerate carbon-oxygen core of a
single star reach the Chandrasekhar limit?, Sov.Astron., 1988, vol.32, 4, pp.
- Frantsman Yu. L., The asymptotic branch of giants in the
Magellanic Clouds, Proceedings of the Sixth Soviet-Finnish Astronomical Meeting,
ed.: U.Hanni, J.Tuominen, Tallinn, 1988, pp. 117-121.
- Frantsman Yu.L., Eglitis I.E. The C/O ratio in N type
carbon stars: the observations and the theory, Sov.Astron.Lett. 1988, vol.14, 2,
- Frantsman Ju. L. The radioactive isotope 26Al I in the
interstellar medium, Sov.Astron., 1988, vol. 33, 5, p.565567.
- Frantsman Yu. L. The ratio of the numbers of carbon stars
to M stars in galaxies, Proc.of the 106th Coll. of the IAU, ed.: H.R.Johnson,
B.Zuckerman, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1989, p. 51.
- Frantsman Yu. L. The evolution of stars on the AGB: the
mass loss intensity and the formation of carbon stars, Proc. of the 106th Coll. of the
IAU, ed.: H.R.Johnson, B.Zuckerman, Cambridge Univ.Press, 1989, p.224.
- Frantsman Ju. L. 1990, The binary nature of s-process
enriched stars" In: Nordic-Baltic Astronomy Meeting, ed.: C.-I. Lagerkvist,
D.Kiselman, M.Lindgren, Uppsala Univ. Reprocentralen HSC, pp. 115-118.
- Frantsman Ju. L. Chemical composition variations in the
Galaxy, Proc. of the IAU Coll. Nr 150 "Astrochemistry of Cosmic Phenomena",
ed.: P.D.Cingh, Brasil, 1991, pp. 327-328.
- Frantsman Ju. L. Radioactive isotope 26Al in the
interstellar matter (resulting from a mass loss by AGB stars), Proc. of the IAU Coll.
Nr I50 "Astrochemistry of Cosmic Phenomena", 1991, ed. P.D.Singh, Brasil, p.
- J.Frantsman. S-process enriched main sequence stars as a
products of the evolution of binaries, Communications in Astroseismology, Vien,
1992, 43, p. 10A.
- Yu. L. Frantsman. Formation of stars with an excess of
s-process elements (barium stars) in the evolution of close binary systems", Soviet
Astronomy, 1992, vol. 36, 2,
- pp.155 -164.
- Frantsman Ju. Simulated s-process enriched star populations
as a products of the evolution of binaries, Publ. of the Astronomical Society of the
Pacific, Conf. series, 1993, vol. 38, pp. 236-238.
- Frantsman Ju., Eglitis I. The rigin of carbon stars with
high C/O in the atmospheres, Astron. Zh., 1993, vol.70, 6, pp.1228-1236.
- Frantsman J.L., Stellar evolution on the asymptotic giant
branch: some actualities, Baltic Astronomy, 1994, vol.3, 1/2, pp.76-84.
- Yu.L.Frantsman,N.A.Pilyeva, High luminosity carbon stars in
the Early Asymptotic Giant Branch phase, Astronomy Report, 1995, vol.39, 6,
- Frantsman Ju. L., Pilyeva N. A. Evolutionary status of
faint carbon stars in the Magellanic Clouds, Baltic Astronomy, 1995,vol.4,
- Frantsman Ju.L., Shmeld I., Two different stellar
populations in the Large Magellanic Cloud?, IAU Symp.164 "Stellar
Populations", ed.: P.C.van der Kruit, G.Gilmore, Kluver Acad.Publ.,
Dordr./Boston/London, 1995, p.415.
- Ju.L.Frantsman. The effect of mass loss intensity on the
characteristics of chemically peculiar cool stars, Astron.Soc. of the Pacific, Conf.
series, vol.109, "Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun", ed.:
R.Pappavicini, A.K.Dupree, 1996, pp.523-524
- Ju.L.Frantsman. Faint carbon stars from the evolution of
close binaries, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1997, vol.319, pp.511-514.
Research Projects:
- Head of Project. Nonstationary Phenomena and Processes in
the Cosmical Objects (Stars on the Late Stages of Evolution, Circumstellar Envelopes, Sun.
Latvian Council of Science, 1994-1996
- Head of Project. The Investigation of the Processes in the
Late Evolutionary Stage Stars, Interstellar Medium and the Sun: Nonstationary Phenomena
and Changes of Chemical Abundances. Latvian Council of Science, 1997-2000
Last update 04.09.1998