- Space and Time in Literature and Art.
- Theory of Literature Process
- European Romanticism
- History of the Russian Poetry of the XIXth, XXth centuries
Languages: Russian, German, Latvian
- Daugavpils Pedagogical Institute (Philological Faculty) cum laude,
- Dr.philol. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR), A.Gertsen
Pedagogical Institute (Leningrad, Russia), 1973 (Thesis: Problems of Art in
E.T. Hoffmanns Creative Work)
- Dr.habil. philol. (Doctor of Sciences in former USSR), Leningrad
(Russia) University, 1989 (Thesis: Artistic World of German Romanticism:
Structure and Semantics)
- Assistant and Lecturer (Senior Teacher) Department of Russian and
Foreign Literature, Daugavpils Pedagogical Institute, 1970-1976
- Senior Lecturer, Department of Russian and Foreign Literature,
Daugavpils Pedagogical Institute, 1976-1990
- Professor, Department of Russian and Foreign Literature, Daugavpils Pedagogical University, 1990-
- Dean of Philological Faculty, Daugavpils Pedagogical University,
- Head of Department of Russian Literature and Culture, 1991-
Honours and Awards
Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy
of Sciences, 1995
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Fellow, Russian Council of the Literature Studies, 1992 -
- Member, Editorial Board, Scientific Volumes on the Literature
Studies, editor of volumes on the theory of literature of Daugavpils Pedagogical Institute
(University) Space and Time in Literature and Art, I - VIII, 1984
- 1997
- Editor of Scientific Volumes on the History of Russian and West
European Literature, Daugavpils Pedagogical Institute (University), I - X, 1987- 1997
- Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the International Scientific
Seminars Space and Time in Literature and Art(6 scientific
seminars, 1984-1997)
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the 2nd International Congress
on the programme Jews and Slavs, Jerusalem in Slavic
Cultures and Religious Traditions
- Donetsk University, 1977, (Poetics and Romanticism)
- Pskov Pedagogical Institute, 1978, (German Romanticism)
- A. Gertsen Russian Pedagogical University, St-Petersburg, 1995,
(Romanticism and Bidermaier)
- Theory of Literature
- History of West European Literature of the XIXth century
- History of Russian Poetry of the XIXth, XX centuries
- History of Russian Literature, 1980-1830th
- History of Artistic Consciousness of Europe and America of the XIXth
- Poetics and Romanticism
- Romantic Artistic World: Space and Time, 1988, Riga: Zinatne Press,
458 pp.
- Man in Romantic Literature, 1987, Riga: Latvian University Publishing
House, 112 pp.
Recent Publications
- Zhdu Vselenskogo Sveta... (Light in Artistic
World of A.Blok). Izvestija AN SSSR. Otdel Jazika i Literaturi.- 1989. Nr. 1.pp.
- Neoromanticism as Artistic Phenomenon and
Scientific Term. Miscellanea philologica. Leningrad University Publishing House,
1990, pp. 33-44
- On the Central Mythologems of the Early Period of
Mandelshtam Creative Work, On Mandelshtam. Daugavpils, DPI, 1991, pp. 4-16
- German Comedy of the Early Romanticism and it`s Cultural
Halo, In: Drama and Dramatic Principle in Prose. - Leningrad, 1991, pp. 55-65
- Vs. Meierhold Magazine Ljubov k Trem
Apelsinam and German Romanticism, Historical and Cultural Links of Russian and
Foreign Cultures. Smolensk, 1992, pp. 40-51
- On the Artistic World of Lebedinij Stan by M.
Tsvetajeva, Russian Poetry: 1918. Daugavpils, DPI, 1992, pp. 6- 23
- About the Structure of Word in Romantic Lyric Poetry (V.A.
Zhukovskij). Russian Philology and History, Jerusalem, 1992, pp. 199-210
- Man and Time in J.N. Tinjanovs novel Death of Vazir
Muhtar, Space and Time in Literature and Art, Vol. VI, Daugavpils, DPI,
1992, pp. 90- 104
- Harp of Eol: Russian Romantic Lyrics. Daugavpils, SAB, 1994, 350pp.
- Blazhennij Gruz Moih Tisjachaletij,
22 (Israel). 1993, Nr. 89, pp. 213-218
- Romanticism and Bidermaier, Russian Literature, Haaga, 1994,
Nr. 4, pp. 106-121
- About the Old Testament Fundamental Principles in Dovid Knuts
Lyrics. Jews and Slavs, Jerusalem, 1994, vol. 2, pp. 179-191
- From Observations on Fet`s Toposes. Daugavpils,
Saule, 1995, 35pp.
- Dobichin and Cinematography. Writer Leonid Dobichin, St-Petersburg,
1996, pp. 69-76
- Na Chuzhjih Beregah. Lyrics of Russian
Emigration. Moscow, Kovcheg, 1995, 216 pp.
Research Projects
- F.Fjodorovs (Head of Project). Spatial Models of Baltic-Slavic
Cultures. Latvian Council of Science, 2001 -
- F.Fjodorovs (Head of Project). The Literary Antropology of the
Balts and the Slavs . Latvian Council of Science, 2005 -
Last update 21.05.2001