Professor Juris EKMANIS
Vice President
Latvian Academy of Sciences
Akademijas laukums 1
Riga, LV 1524
LatviaPhone: +371 67223644
Fax: +371 67821153
E-mail: ekmanis@lza.lv ; lza@lza.lv |
Born: December 2, 1941, Riga, Latvia
- Energy Marketing and Energy Economic Problems in Latvia
- Renewable Energy Systems
- Material Science, Radiation Strength
- Advanced Material Applications: Energy Conservation, Dosimetry,
- Optoelectronics
- Physical and Technical National Terminology
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), 1964
- Dr.phys. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Tartu
University, Estonia, 1973
- Dr.habil.phys. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tartu,
Estonia, 1984
- Senior Researcher, Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1961-1986
- Visiting Professor, Corneal University (Ithaca), Iowa State University (Ames),
University of California (Berkeley), USA, 1974
- Visiting Scientist, McGill University (Montreal), Canada, 1976
- Visiting Professor, Manchester University, GB, 1993
- Professor, Riga Technical University, 1986-1994
- Deputy Director, Institute of the Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
- Director, Institute of the Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1990-2006
- Director, Institute of the Physical Energetics, 2007 -
- Chairman, Division of the Physical and Technical Sciences, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
1991 - 2004
- Vice President, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1994- 2004, 2012 -
- President, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2004 - 2012
Honours and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992, Jan.-Apr.
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992
- Honorary Doctoral Degree, Dr.h.c. (Pedagogics), Daugavpils Pedagogics University, 1996
- Honorary Doctoral Degree, Dr.h.c. (Engineering), Riga Technical University, 2002
- Honorary Doctoral Degree, Dr.h.c. (Engineering), Latvia University of Agriculture, 2009
- Title "Man of the Year - 1997", American Biographical Institute, 1997
- Title "Men of Achievement", International Biographical Centre, Cambridge,
1993, 1996
- Certificate "Who' s Who in Science and Engineering", The Marquis Publications
Board, 1996/1997
- Outstanding Achievement Award, Outstanding People of the 20th Century, International
Biographical Centre Cambridge, 1997/1998
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Alfreds Vitols Prize, 1999
- Medal of the Baltic Academies of Sciences, 2000
- Active Member, Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea (Salzburg, Austria), 2005
- The Riga Prize for contribution to the development of physics and power science and the
Riga heat supply system, 2006
- Medal of JSC Latvenergo for outstanding contribution to the development of Latvenergo,
- Foreign Member, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 2007
- Order of Tree Stars (Latvia), 2009
- Lacplesis Defence Foundation, Medal of Honour, 2009
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Chairman (1997-1998, 2002 - 2007), Vice-Chairman (1996-1997, 2000-2002), Latvian Council of Science
- Chairman, Scientific Council of the Institute of Physical Energetics, 1990-2007
- Chairman, Board of the Latvian Technological Center, 1993- 2007
- Editor-in-Chief, Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1989- ;
Tehnikas apskats (Technical Review), Latvia, 1998 -; Innovation
and Technologies Latvia, 2008-
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board of the Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1995- ; Archives of Environmental Protection (Poland), 2000 -; Power
Engineering (Lithuania) 2003 - : Energija un Pasaule (Power & World)
Latvia, 2004-
- Member of the Board, Latvian Council of Science, 1990-1994, 1996-2007
- Member of the Senate (1992- ), of the Board (1994-2004, 2014-), Latvian Academy of
- Member, Latvian State Scientific Qualification Commission, 1998
- Member, Scientific Board of the Ventspils International Radioastronomy Centre (VIRAC),
1995- 2001
- Member, International Scientific Advisory Council of VIRAC, 1996 - 2001
- Member, Council of Doctors Promotion, Institute of Solid State Physics, Latvian
University, 1992- 2002; Daugavpils Pedagogical University, 1995- 1999
- Member, Advisory Board: Daugavpils University, 1998 - ; Riga Technical University,
2000 - ; School of Business Administration Turiba Ltd./, 2003 - ; Latvian
University of Agriculture 2004 -
- Member, American Physical Society, 1989-
- Member, Latvian Physical Society, 1993-
- Member, Latvian Association of Scientists, 1990-
- Member, International Association for Energy Economics, 1989-
- President, Latvian Small Energy Fund, 1997-2009
- State Commissioner, State Stock Company Latvenergo, 1996-1997
- Member of Council, State Stock Company Latvenergo, 2003-2004
- Member, Latvian Council for State Emeritus Scientists, 1995- 2014
- Member, " Fraternita Metropolitana", Latvia, 1995-
- Member, University Education Program Certification Commission, 1997 - 2012
- President, National Energy Confederation, 1999 -
- Co-chair, Terminology Commission, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1999 - 2012
- Member of Latvian Council of Higher Education ( ViceChairman, 2000-2008 ), 2000-
- Member of the Board, National Innovation Programme, LR Cabinet of the Ministers, 2003 -
- Member of the National Development Board, LR Cabinet of Ministers, 2006 2011
- Invited lectures, Annual Meetings of Latvian, Estonian, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences,
- Invited lectures, Meetings of Corneal University, Iowa State University, University of
California (Berkeley), USA, 1974- ; Manchester University, GB, 1993-
- Engineering Sciences: Power Engineering; Energy Economics; Renewable Energy Systems;
Communication Technologies; Optoelectronic Devices and Applications
- Physical Sciences: Solid State Physics; Semiconductor Physics; Radiation Dosimetry
Recent/Representative Publications:
- K.K.Shvarts, J.A.Ekmanis. Radiation Processes and Radiation Hardening of Dielectric
Materials, 1989, Riga: Zinatne, 187 pp. (in Russian)
- J.Ekmanis. Radiation Behavior in Dielectric Crystals. Nuclear Instruments and
Methods, 1983, N 12, p. 282.
- Ju.Ekmanis, N.Zeltins. Conception of energy development in Latvia and related scientific
problems. - Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1993, N 1,
- J.Ekmanis, et al. Energy Tariff Project-Latvia. Copenhagen: Nellemann,
Nielsen&Rauchenberger. Denmark, 1996, 223 pp.
- J.Ekmanis, et al. Consequences of Future Accession of Countries of Central & Eastern
Europe: Energy Strategies and Legislation. ERM Energy, London, UK, 1996, 155 pp.
- J.Ekmanis, I.Radchenko. Optical properties of the colloidal nickel particles. Latvian
Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1997, N 2, pp.3-12.
- J.Ekmanis, et al. Methodological Investigations into the Development of Heat Energy
Production and Consumption Systems in Latvia. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical
Sciences, 1997, N 3, pp.60-65.
- Y.Ekmanis et al. Ecological energy conception of the Baltic Sea countries:
Implementation possibilities of the results in Latvia. - Proc.of conf. of Baltic
States "Energy Policy of the Baltic Sea Countries During the Transformation
Period", Warsaw, Poland, 1998, February 9-10, 17 pp.
- A.Davis, Y.Ekmanis, V.Zebergs, N.Zeltins. The efficiency of DHS with decentralised cup
and the low temperature network for Latvia. - Proc.17th Congress of the World Energy
Council, Houston, Texas, 1998, Sept.13-18, pp.483-491.
- J.Kapal, J.Michna, J.Ekmanis, N.Zeltins. Research-based ecological concept of energy
management for the Baltic states in the transition period. - Latvian Journal of
Physics and Technical Sciences, 1998, N 5, pp.3-13.
- A.Silins, J.Stabulnieks, U.Viesturs, J.Ekmanis. Some problems of innovation and
technology transfer for countries in transition: the Latvian case. - World Innovation
Forum, November 16-19, 1998, Paris, pp. 1-17.
- Yu.Ekmanis, J.Rud, I.Radchenko. Optical properties of selenium colloidal particles. - Latvian
Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1999, N 1, pp.3-15.
- J.Kleperis, J.Ekmanis, J.Grabis. Towards cleaner energies in Latvia. - Proc.
Int. Conf. Investment in Energy in the Baltic Sea Region, 1999, Riga, Latvia,
April 6-8, pp. 195-199.
- J.Ekmanis, J.Kapala, J.Michna, N.Zeltinsh. Methodical problems on energy conservation
policy in Central and Eastern Europe countries. - World Energy Conf., Vilnius,
May 1999, Proceedings, pp. 22-26.
- U.Viesturs, J.Stabulnieks, A.Silins, J.Ekmanis. Some problems of innovation issues for
countries in transition. - Proc. UNIECE Int. Conf. on Technology Transfer for Economic
Development: Experience for Countries in Transition, Zagreb, Croatia, June 19-20,
2000, p.435.
- A.Oss, Yu.Ekmanis, V.Zebergs, N.Zeltinsh. Energy policy in Latvia. International
Journal of Global Energy Issues (UNESCO), 2001. vol.16, No 1/2/3, pp.64-81.
- Yu.Ekmanis, Yu.Rud, I.Radchenko. Optical properties of magnetic colloids of Iron and
Cobalt. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2001, N 2,
- Y.Ekmanis, V.Zebergs, N.Zeltins, E.Zeberga. Energy efficiency problems for sustainable
development of the Latvian Energy Sector. Scientific Proceedings of Riga
Technical University: Power and Electrical Engineering, 2002, ser.4, vol.6, pp.36-43.
- J.Engelbrecht, M.Bullock, J.Ekmanis etc. Research Strategies for Smaller Countries.
ALLEA Working Group National Strategies of Research in Smaller European
Countries. Final Report to the
ALLEA General Assembly, All European Academies edition, Rome, 2002, 76 pp.
- J.Kristapsons, J.Ekmanis. Science of Latvia: An overview of the period 1990-2000.
Proceedings of Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2002, vol.56, No 4/5, pp.155-160
- A.Davis, M.Gedrovics, Yu.Ekmanis, N.Zeltins. Trends in the development of the use of
natural gas in Latvia in the EU context. - Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical
Sciences, 2004, N 1, pp.3-13.
- J.Ekmanis. Current trends of science development in Latvia. Towards developing
knowledge-based society. - Proceedings of the Commission of Strategic Analysis,
2005, N 2(3), pp. 30-39. (in Latvian).
- E.Grens, J.Ekmanis, J.Jansons, E.Karnitis, I.Muiznieks, U.Osis, M.Bundule. Science in
Latvia: Potential and possibilities. - Yearbook of Politics. Latvia 2004,
Riga: Zinatne, 2005, pp. 104-113.
- D.Frormann, J.Mihna, A.Stania, J.Ekmanis, N.Zeltins, V.Zebergs. Risk management
problems of energy and environmental policy in Central and Eastern European countries. -
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2006, N 3, pp. 66-73.
- D.Frormann, J.Mihna, A.Stania, J.Ekmanis, N.Zeltins, V.Zebergs. Present-day
problems of energy conservation policy in Central and East-European countries. - Latvian
Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2006, N 5, pp. 68-74.
- J.Ekmanis, V.Zebergs, N.Zeltins, I.Silantjeva, L.Grackova. Management of the energy
efficiency process. Proceedings of the 4 European Congress Economics and Management of
Energy in Industry, Porto (Portugal), 27-30 November 2007, pp. 202-212.
- J.Ekmanis. Economy as an alternative.-In: Renewable Energy Resources, Production and
Technologies, Riga: Zinatne, 2008, pp. 20-23.
- J.Ekmanis. Inter academy Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region. Emerging Regional
Cooperation. Southeast European Academies of Sciences and Humanities in the ERA. ALLEA
Report Series 5.2008, pp.41-45.
- J.Ekmanis, A.Draveniece. Inter academy Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region. Nova
Miscellanea Historiae Scientiarum Baltica 50. Abstracts 23 International
Baltic Conference on the History of Science, Riga, 2008, pp.21-23.
- R.Ney, J.Ekmanis, J.Michna, N.Zeltins. Energy use and related risk management
problems in CEE countries.Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences,
2008, N 1,pp.41-51.
- J.Ekmanis, V.Zebergs, N.Zeltins, V.Vrublevskis. Thermal characteristics of new building
materials and their effect upon the energy efficiency. Latvian Journal of Physics and
Technical Sciences, 2008, N 3,pp.3-13.
- R.Ney, J.Michna, J.Ekmanis, N.Zeltins, V.Zebergs. Reputation risk management in
the context of energy policy in CEE countries. Latvian Journal of Physics and
Technical Sciences, 2008, N 5, pp.48-59.
- J.Ekmanis. Energetiska droiba = nacionala droiba. Militarais Apskats, 2008,
Nr.3/4, lpp.21.- 42.
- F.I.Molochko, A.F.Molochko, J.Ekmanis, N.Zeltins, V.Zebergs. Estimation of energy
security level and definition of the criteria for damage forecasts. Latvian J.Phys.&
Tech.Sc., 2009, #1, pp. 15 - 24.
- J.Ekmanis, A.Draveniece.Inter academy Cooperation in the Baltic Sea
Region.Scientific Proceedings of the Riga Technical University (The Humanities and Social
Science), 2009, ser.8, vol.15, pp.26 -32.
- J.Ekmanis, V.Gavars, E.Tomsons, D.Turlajs. The Types of Nuclear Reactors built in
Europe.Scientific Proceedings of the RigaTechnical University (The Transport and
Engineering), 2009, ser.6, vol.31, pp. 147 -157.
- J.Ekmanis, V.Zebergs, N.Zeltins. Adaption of the general policy assessment methodology
for management of energy saving process. ENERGETIKA (Lithuania), 2010, vol.56,
No.1, p.1-7.
- G.lihta, J.Ekmanis, V.Kreslin, K.lihta.Current development in the
Latvian energy sector. Scientific Proceedings 11th IAEE European Conference: Energy
Economy, Policies and Supply Security, Surviving the Global Economic Crisis, 2010,
p.201 - 203.
- J.Ekmanis, V.Zebergs, N.Zeltins, V.Vrublevskis. Energy efficiency development: the
thermal inertia of buildings. Scientific Proceedings 11th IAEE European Conference:
Energy Economy, Policies and Supply Security, Surviving the Global Economic Crisis, 2010,
p.381 - 383. (CD p.1-11).
- J.Ekmanis, V.Zebergs, N.Zeltins. Adaption Methodology of Energy saving for acceleration
of the Crisis Resistance. Proceedings of the 2th International Conference "Energy
of the 21 century: Economy, policy, ecology", 2010, p. 184 195.
- J.Ekmanis, V.Zebergs, N.Zeltins, A.Davis. Risk-reducing problems of Latvian gas supply. Int.
J. Global Energy Issues, 2010, vol.34, Nos.1/2/3/4, p.78-90.
- J.Ekmanis, A.Draveniece.Latvijas zinatnes stavoklis un izredzes. Akademiska dzive.
2010/2011, 47. sej., 57.-65.lpp.
- J.Ekmanis, D.Turlajs, N.Zeltins, S.Jaundalders. Interaction of Liquid and Heating
Surface During Nucleate Boiling Processes. Proceedings of tde ASME/JSME 2011 8th
Thermal Engineering Joint Conference AJTEC20011 March 13-17, 2011, Honolulu, US,
AJTEC2011-44286, 6 pp. http://www.asmedl.org/dbt.j
- V.Gavrilovs, J. Ekmanis, V.Kovalevs, E.Raitmans. Elektromagnetiska gaismas starojuma
parveidotajs elektriska energija. LV Patents P-11-77 (Nr.14621), 2013.
- E.Raitmans, V.Gavrilovs, J. Ekmanis. Neutron Diffraction on Acoustic Waves in Perfect
and Deformed Single Crystals. In: Modelling and Measurement Methods for Acoustic Waves
and for Acoustic Microdevices, edited by Marco G. Beghi, ISBN 978-953-51-1189-4
(Chapter 3), pp. 49-72, Amsterdam, 2013.
- J. Ekmanis, N.Zeltins, E.Tomsons.High-temperature nuclear reactors (Overview. Part 1). Latvian
J. Phys.& Tech.Sc., 2013, Nr.1, pp. 47-57.
- V.Kampars, J. Ekmanis, Perspektivie dabasgazes resursi izmainas fosilo energijas
avotu struktura. Energija un Pasaule, Nr. 3 (80), 2013, 68-71. lpp.
- J.Michna, J.Ekmanis, N.Zeltins, V.Zebergs, J.Siemianowicz. Impact of insufficiently
complex and comprehensive thinking upon the management process of rational use of energy.
Proceedings WEC Central & Eastern Europe Regional Energy Forum Foren 2014,
Bucharest Romania, 2014, p. 1 10.
- E.Raitman, V.Gavrilov, D.Mjasischev, Yu.Ekmanis, A.Hoser, T.Hoffmann. Neutron back- and
front-face Bragg diffraction on thin Si single crystal excited by ultrasound. J. Modern
Physics, 2015, #6, pp.19. (http://www.scrip.org/journal/jmp)
Research Projects:
- J.Ekmanis (Administrator, Latvian Academy of Sciences). INCO - COPERNICUS #20533:
Creation and Development of Fellow Members to the Innovation Relay Centres in Latvia. European
Commission (1997-1999)
- J.Ekmanis (Coordinator, Latvian Academy of Sciences). Project IPS1999 02066
INNOLAT- IRC LATVIA. European Commission (1999-2001)
- J.Ekmanis (Coordinator, Latvian Academy of Sciences). Project IRC-LATVIA. Contract
# IRC 4.60 European Commission (2002-2004)
- J.Ekmanis (Head of the Latvian Part of Programme). Inter-Baltic Energy Research Program
- J.Ekmanis (Head of Project). Latvian Heat Energy Production and Consumption System,
Optimisation. Latvian Council of Science Program (1996-2000)
- J.Ekmanis (Programme Director). Basic and Applied Research Based on the Feasibilities of
the VIRAC Radiotelescopes and Their Employing for Receiving, Processing and Transmitting
of the Cosmic Information. Latvian Council of Science (2001-2004).
- J.Ekmanis (Programme Director). Optimisation of Heat Energy Production in Latvia. Latvian
Council of Science (2001-2004).
- J.Ekmanis (Head of Programme, Latvian Academy of Sciences). Innovation Relay Centre
Latvia Promoter of Transnational Technology Transfer within EU IRC Network
(LATIRC). Contract No 510423 (IRC6) European Commission (2004-2006)
- J.Ekmanis (Programme Director).VIRAC Research Equipment and Establishment
of R&D Infrastructure for Long-term Radioastronomy and Satellite Observations in the
Framework of Latvian and International Programmes. Latvian Council
of Science (2005-2008).
- J.Ekmanis (Programme Director).Promotion Energy Efficiency and Renewable Resources as
the Basis for Secure Power and Fuel Supply and Sustainable Development of the Latvian
Energy Sector.Latvian Council of Science (2006-2009).
- J.Ekmanis(Programme Director).Development of Modern Methods and Technologies for
Utilisation of Renewable Energy Resources, Rational Use of Energy and Improvement of
Security of Energy Supply. National Research Program (2006-2009)
- J.Ekmanis (Expert) Special Preparatory Programme for Structural Funds. Contract #
LE805.03/0001 European Commission (2000-2002)
- J.Ekmanis (Expert) Analysis of Policy Instruments and Identification of Tools for the
Implementation of Rational Energy Use and Renewable Energy Sources in EU Candidate
Countries. Contract # NNE5/2001/421 European Commission (2002-2005)
- J.Ekmanis (Programme Director).Development of Modern Methods and Technologies for
Utilisation of Renewable Energy Resources, Rational Use of Energy and Improvement of
Security of Energy Supply. National Research Program (2010-2014)
Last update 16.04.2015