Professor Maija EGLITE
Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health
Riga Stradins University
Dzirciema iela 16
Riga, LV 1007
Centre of Occupational and Radiological Medicine
P. Stradins Clinical University Hospital
Phone/ Fax: : + 371 7409139
Mobile phone: + 371 9513041
e-mail: ivarsv@delfi.lv |
- Occupational Respiratory Diseases
- Occupational Allergic Diseases
- Heavy Metals in the Workplace and Environment
- Small Doses of Ionising Radiation
Languages: English, Russian, Latvian
- Medical Academy of Latvia (Faculty of General Medicine), 1964
- Institute of Refresher Courses, Moscow, USSR, postgraduate course, 1964 - 1967
- Dr.med. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Central
Institute of Phisicians Qualification Improvement, Moscow, 1968 (Thesis: Hygienic
Estimation of the Atmospheric Ozone)
- Dr. habil. med. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Research Institute of Hygiene and
Occupational Diseases, Moscow, USSR, 1987 (Thesis: Occupational Allergic Diseases of
Poultry Breeders)
Riga Medical Institute/Medical Academy of Latvia/ Riga Stradins University:
- Researcher, Hygiene and Occupational Research Laboratory, 1968-1980
- Head, Hygiene and Occupational Research Laboratory, 1980 - 1990
- Head, Department of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, 1990-1992
- Director, Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health, 1992 -
- Head, Centre of Occupational and Radiological Medicine of P.Stradins Clinical University
Hospital, 1993 -
State Centre of Occupational Medicine:
- Visiting Professor on Occupational Medicine, Porsgrunns University Hospital
(Norway), and Lunds University Hospital (Sweden), 1991
- A number of refresher courses (1972 - 1997).
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- President, Association of Latvian Occupational Medicine Physicians
- Member of Editorial Board for Labour Medicine and Industrial Ecology ,
Moscow, Russia
- Hiroshima City Overseas Partner
- Chairman, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee
for Medical Sciences, 2003 -
- Occupational and Environmental Medicine( for students)
- Occupational and Environmental Medicine (for postgraduates and physicians)
- Occupational and Environmental Medicine (for occupational nurses)
Recent/Representative Publications
- Izrailet L., Eglite M. Industry and Immunological Status of Human
Organism, 1978, Moscow: Institute of Medical Information, 80 pp .(in Russian).
- Izrailet L., Eglite M. Occupational Diseases, 1981, Riga: Zvaigzne,
269 pp. (in Latvian).
- Eglite M. Allergic Diseases in Poultry Breeders, 1990, Riga: Zinatne, 170 pp.
(in Latvian).
- M. Eglite. Features of immune response of poultry breeders with
developing allergic diseases. - J. Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, ,1986,
N 4, pp. 30-32 (in Russian).
- M. Eglite. Professional allergic diseases of poultry breeders. - ibid.,
1987, N 6, pp. 9-12 (in Russian)..
- M. Eglite, M. Kapitonova, S. Karpacevskaja, T. Farbtuh. Problems of
industrial hygiene and occupational health in poultry breeders. - ibid., 1991, N 2, pp.
3-6 (in Russian).
- M. Eglite. Occupational diseases in Republic of Latvia. - Norsk
tidsskrift for arbeitsmedisin, 1991, N 4, pp. 245-248.
- M. Eglite, T. Farbtuh, S. Karpachevskaja. Effects of harmful chemical
factors of production areas and environment on human health, Environmental Toxicology and
Health, Report from meeting in Stockholm, May 1991, pp. 102-107.
- M. Eglite. Burning problems of occupational health in the world. - Lebanese
Students Medical Journal, 1995, vol. 1, pp. 33-35.
- M. Eglite, M. Bake, T. Farbtuh, J. Hincenberga, I. Remez, A. Ustinenko,
Monitoring of the workers for exposure and allergic diseases in the chemical -
pharmaceutical enterprises. - ACTT Biologic Debrecen Oecol Hungary, Supplementum
Oecologica Hungarica Fasc., 1994. (ed. 1995), vol. 5/2, pp. 389-398.
- M. Eglite, I. Ivanova, I. Remez, A. Ustinenko. Occupational allergic
diseases in poultry breeders. - Proc. International Symposium on Work related Diseases,
Austria, Linz, 1992, pp. 139-142.
- M. Eglite, J. Hincenberga, Occupational Risk Factors for Bronchial
Asthma. - The European Respiratory Journal, vol. 8., Supplement 19, September 1995, p.
- M. Eglite, T. Farbtuh, I. Hincenberg. Work environment in the poultry
factories and the problems of occupational allergic diseases.- Proc. 44th Nordic
Conference on Occupational Medicine, Nadendal, Finland, , 27-29 August, 1995, pp. 214-215.
- E. Curbakova, B. Dzerve, M. Eglite, T. Frickausa, T. Zvagule. Health
status and follow-up of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident liquidators in Latvia.
The radiological consequences of the Chernobyl accident. - Proc. 1st International
Conference on radiological consequences of the Chernobyl accident, Minsk, Belarus, 18 - 22
March, 1996, pp. 929 - 934.
- M. Eglite, The current situation and trends in occupational medicine. -
Occupational Health and Safety in Progress, Lappeenranta, Finland, 1996, August 12 -
14, pp. 17-20.
- M. Eglite, E. Curbakova, T. Farbtuha, T. Zvagule. Diseases of
cardiovascular system of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant station (NPS) accident clean-up
workers in Latvia. - Canadian J. Cardiology, 1997, vol. 13, Suppl. B, p. 77.
- J.-F. Viel, M.Eglite, E.Curbakova, B.Dzerve, T.Zvagule,
C.Vincent. Risk factors for long-term mental and psychosomatic distress in Latvian
Chernobyl liquidators. - Environmental Health Perspectives, 1997, vol. 105,
Suppl. 6, pp. 1539-1544.
- M.Eglite, I.Jekabsone, M.Bake, Z.Podniece, D.Sprudza. Asbestos in
Latvia. - Proc. Asbestos Symp. for Countries of Central and Eastern Europe (
December 1997, Helsinki), 1998, pp. 50-54.
- M.Eglite, I.Jekabsone, I.Vanadzins. Ethical aspects of occupational health in the
Countries in Transition. - Proc. Intern. Symp. Ethical&Social Principles in
Occupational Health Practices ( December 1997, Helsinki), pp. 93-97.
- M.Eglite, A.Veide, M.Bake. Health consequences of occupational exposure
to lead in Latvia, SECOTOX '97. - Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci., 1998, vol. 52, pp.
- E. Curbakova, T. Farbtuha, M. Eglite, T. Zvagule. The health status of
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident liquidators in Latvia, SECOTOX '97. - Proc.
Latvian Acad. Sci., 1998, vol. 52, pp. 187-191.
- I.Strumfa, L.Feldmane, M.Eglite, E.Curbakova. Pathomorphological changes and
their dynamics (1993-2001) in the upper part of the digestive tract of Chernobyl clean-up
workers residing in Latvia. - Proc.Latv. Acad. Sci., B, 2002, vol.56 , N 3 (620),
pp. 114120.
- M.Eglite, I.Vanadzins, L.Matisane. Country profile: Latvia. Basic information on
Latvia and its health system. - In book: Work and Health Country Profiles of Twenty-two
European Countries. - People and Work Research Reports 52, FIOSH, Helsinki, 2002,
pp. 239-256.
- M.Eglite, J.Jekabsone, I.Lielpetere . Asbestos in Latvia. - In book: The
Asbestos Legacy, San Francisko, USA, 2002, pp. 409 424.
- Farbtuha, M.Eglite, Matisane L. Occupational medicine in Latvia. -
Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene (Moscow), 2002, N 2, pp. 16
- T.Zvagule, I.Kurpniece, M.Eglite, U.Teibe, N.Gabruseva N.
Electrophysiological characteristics of functional state of Chernobyl accident clean-up
workers brain. - Proceedings of International
conference Epilepsy and Clinical
Neurophysiology, Ukraine, Crimea, alta-Gurzuff, June, 2003. pp.24
- I.Vanadzins, M.Eglite,
Z.Roja, R.Mangule, M.Avota. Investigation of Risk Factors in Health Care sector . - Scientific
Articles of Riga Stradins University. Riga: Riga Stradins University, 2004,
pp. 313 318.
- T.Zvagule, M.Eglite, R.Bruvere, I.Kurpniece. Functional State of
Chernobyl Accident Clean-up workers Brain and its Relationship to Structural
Characteristics of Their Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells . - Scientific Articles of
Riga Stradins University. Riga: Riga Stradins University, 2004, pp. 332
- T.Zvagule, M.Eglite, U.Teibe, G.Rimdeika, B.Burokaite, K.Manton,
J.Kravchenko. Health Disturbance Tendencies in Chernobyl Clean-up Workers:17 years
observation period, 1987-2003). - Scientific Articles of Riga Stradins University.
Riga: Riga Stradins University, 2005, pp. 203 210.
- N. Mironova-Ulmane, A.Pavlenko, M.Eglite, et al.
Chernobyl cean-up workers: 17 years of follow-up in Latvia. - Recent Advances
in Multidisciplinary Applied Physics, pp. 9-19, Elsvier Science 2005 (ISBN 0 08
04444 696-5).
- Z.Roja, V.Kalkis, A.Vain. H.kalkis, M.Eglite. Assessment
of skeletal muscle fatigue of road maintenance workers based on heart rate monitoring and
myotonometry. - Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, 2006, 1: 20, pp.
Research Projects:
- M.Eglite (Head of Project). Investigations of Most Common Occupational Diseases in
Latvia. Latvian Council of Science (1996-1998).
- M.Eglite (Head of Project). Adaptation of European Hygienic Standards for Working Places
for Latvia. Latvian Council of Science (1996-1998).
- M.Eglite (Head of the Latvian Part of Project). Epidemiological Surveys of Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases in Different European Countries: PECO Action. (Project
Partners: Italy, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden, Latvia; Co-ordinator
- Prof. C. Giuntini, University of Pisa, Italy). PECO Action, European Community (1994
- 1996).
- M.Eglite (Head of the Latvian Part of Project). Epidemiological Study of the
Latvian Chernobyl Clean-up Workers Cohort. (In co-operation with the Department of
Public Health of Besancon University, France; Co-ordinator - Prof. J. F. Viel).
French Ministry of Environment (1994 - 1997).
- M.Eglite (Head of the Latvian Part of Project). TEMPUS - PHARE Structural Joint
European Project "Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health" (Project
Partners: Sweden, U.K., Finland, Denmark). Tempus Phare, European Community (1996 -
- M.Eglite (Head of Project). Investigation of Risk Factors in Wood
Processing Industry. Latvian Council of Science (2001).
- M.Eglite (Head of Project). Investigation of Ocupational Diseases and
Accidents in Forestry and Woodworking Industry and Elaboration of Preventive Measures. Latvian
Council of Science (2004 - 2007).
- M.Eglite (One of Project Coordinators). Occupational Health and Safety
System. Phare Transition Facility project 245-03-01 (2004 -2006)

Enthusiastic and competitive in all situations of life.
Particular interests:
- Flowers
- Gardening
- Tourism
- Mountaineering
Last update 20.02.2007