Dr. habil. chem. Tatjana Dizhbite Leading researcher,
Laboratory of Lignin Chemistry,
Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry
Dzerbenes iela 27
Riga, LV 1006
Phone: + 371 67555916
Fax: + 371 67550635
E-mail: lcl@edi.lv
Born: January, 1949, Novocherkassk, Russia
- Wood chemistry, physico-chemical characterization of wood and its components
- Wood thermal and thermochemical processing including energy production
- Sorption properties of lignocellulose and lignin, obtaining of bio-sorbents for polluted
water and soil treatment on the basis of wastes from wood processing
- Chemistry of lignin; novel products and hybrid materials with high complexing,
antioxidant and bio-active properties obtaining for environment, industry and agriculture
- Lignin and lignin derivatives as components of disperse systems, behaviour on the
interfaces, design of lignin-based dispersing agents for industrial suspensions and
multi-functional additives for composite materials.
Languages: Russian, English, Latvian
- Moscow State University (Faculty of Chemistry), 1971
- Dr. chem., (Candidate of Science in former USSR; PhD in Western Countries),
Institute of Wood Chemistry, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1981
- Dr.habil.chem., Institute of Wood Chemistry, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1998
Institute of Wood Chemistry, Riga:
- Engineer (1971 - 1973), Junior Researcher (1973 - 1982), Senior Researcher (1982
1992), Leading Researcher (1992 - )
Honors and Awards
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member, International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Society
- Member, Latvian Chemical Society
- COST Action E-41 Analytical Tools with Applications for Wood and Pulping
- COST Action E-38 Woody Roots
Recent/Representative Publications
- T. Dizhbite, R. Luksa, G. Domburg. Polyconjugated systems formed during thermal
treatment of cellulose. Thermochimica Acta, 1985, vol. 93, pp. 417-420.
- T. Dizhbite, G. Rossinskaya, G. Dobele, V. Yurkjane, G. Telysheva. Thermal
transformation of wood and wood components in the presence of ethylene diammonium
tetraborate. Koksnes kimija, 1992, N
4-5, lpp.104-108.
- G.Telysheva, T.Dizhbite, G.Rossinskaya, E.Paegle. Influence of media acidity on the
behaviour of lignosulphonates in water solutions. In: Cellulosics: Materials
for Selective Separation and other Technologies ( Ed. J.Kennedy, G.Phillips,
P.Williams), 1993, Chichester: Ellis Harwood Ltd, UK, pp.227-232.
- G.Telysheva, T.Dizbite. Adsorption of lignosulphonates on water-solid interfaces.
In: Biomass for Energy and Industry.( Ed. D.O.Hall, G.Grassi, H.Scheer), 1994,.
Brussell-Luxemberg: Ponte Press,. pp. 1166-1170.
- T. Dizhbite, G. Telysheva, G. Shulga. ESR as a monitoring method of lignin activity at
their interaction with monomer-oligomer systems. In: The Chemistry and
Processing of Wood and Plant Fibrous Materials (Eds. J.Kennedy, G.Phillips,
P.Williams), Woohead publ., Cambridge, UK, 1996, pp. 393-398.
- M. Ielovich, T. Dizhbite, O. Plotnikov. Effect of parameters of cellulose
supramolecular structure on stable free radicals formation upon g
-radiation. - Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 1997, vol. 31, N5-6, pp. 291-295.
- T. Dizhbite, G. Telysheva, Y. Hrols, A. Kizima, V. Jurkjane, A. Volperts, A. Alksnis.
Multifunctional activity of lignin derivatives in the pulp/filler composition. - Proc.
EWLP'98: 5th European Workshop on Lignocellulosic and Pulp. "Advances in
Lignocellulosic Chemistry, for Ecologically Friendly Pulping and Bleaching
Technologies, Aveiro, Portugal, 1998, pp. 97-100.
- T.Dizhbite, G.Zakis, A.Kizima, G.Rossinskaya, E.Lazareva, G.Telysheva, U.Viesturs.
Lignin an expedient bioresource for production of sorption-active materials. -
Bioresource Technology, 1999, vol. 67, pp. 221-228.
- G.Telysheva, T.Dizhbite, A.Arshanitsa, J.Hrol. Modification of pulp fibres for their
application in the production of composite materials. - Cellulose Chemistry and
Technology, 1999, vol.33, N5-6, pp. 423-432.
- U. Viesturs, G. Telysheva, T. Dizhbite. Chemical processing of photosynthesized biomass
for industry and energy. - Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 1999, vol. 31, N 3/4,
pp. 596-614.
- G.Telysheva, G.Lebedeva, T.Dizhbite, N.Zaimenko, J.Ammosova, U.Viesturs. The use of
silicon-containing products for in-situ soil bioremediation. In: Remediation of
Hazardous Waste Contaminated Soils, Section, II-3 Soil Specific Bioremediation
Techniques, Marcel Dekker, 2000, pp.699-727.
- G.Telysheva, T.Dizhbite, E.Paegle, A.Shapatin, I.Demidov. Surface active properties of
hydrophobised derivatives of lignosulphonates: effect of structure of organosilicon
modifier. Journal Applied Polymer Sci., 2001, vol.82, pp.1013-1020.
- T. Dizhbite, D. Meier, G. Dobele, N. Mironova, G, Telysheva, O. Faix. Origin and nature
of paramagnetic moieties in pyrolysis oils. In: Progress in Thermochemical
Biomass Conversation (Ed. A. V. Bridgewater), Blackwell Science Ltd, Oxford, UK, 2001,
Vol.1, pp. 1171-1178.
- T. Dizhbite, A. Kizima, G. Rossinskaja, V. Jurkjane, G. Telysheva. Products of lignin
modifying: promising adsorbents of toxic substances. In: Recent Advances in
Environmentally Compatible Polymers (Eds. J. Kennedy, G. Phillips, P. Williams)
Woodhead publ., Cambridge, U.K., 2001, p.p. 161-166.
- G.Dobele, T.Dizhbite, G. Rossinskaja, G.Telisheva, D.Meier, S.Radtke, O.Faix. Fast
pyrolysis: a promising method for obtaining 1,6-anhydrosaccharides. - J. Analytical
and Applied Pyrolysis, 2003, vol. 68/69, pp. 197-211.
- T. Dizhbite, G. Telysheva, V. Jurkjane, U. Viesturs. Characterization of the radical
scavenging activity of lignins natural antioxidants. Bioresource
Tehnology, 2004, v.95, pp.309-317.
- T. Dizhbite, G. Telysheva, A. Skujina, A. F. Danil de Namor. Lignocellulosic-based
products for enhancing mineralization of pesticide 2,4-D by soil-indigenous microflora. -
In: Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection (Eds. D.O Hall, G. Grassi,
H. Scheer), Ponte Press, Brussell-Luxemberg, 2004, pp.2033-2036.
- G.Dobele, G.Rossinskaja, T.Dizhbite, G.Telysheva, D.Meier, O.Faix Application of
catalysts for obtaining 1,6-anhydrosaccharides from cellulose and wood by fast pyrolysis.
J. Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2005, 73, 2, pp.401-405.
- G. Telysheva, T. Dizhbite, G. Lebedeva, N. Zaimenko, S. Popovs, Regulation of
lignocellulose materials sorption properties by modification for environmental
application. In: Combined and Hybrid Adsorbents. Fundamentals and Applications
(Eds. J.M. Loureiro, M. Kartel), Springer, Netherlands, 2006, pp. 271-276.
- G. Telysheva, N. Mironova-Ulmane, T. Dizhbite, L. Jashina, A. Andersone. Synthesis of
lignin-based hybrid materials using a -Keggins type
polyoxometalates as inorganic building blocks. Latvian Journal of Physic and
Technical Sciences, 2006, Nr2, pp.13-22.
- G. Telysheva , G. Dobele, D.Meier, T. Dizhbite, G. Rossinska, V. Jurkjane.
Characterization of transformations of lignocellulosic structures upon degradation in
planted soil. - J. Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2007, vol. 79, N 1, pp. 52-60.
- C.M. Popescu, G. Dobele, G. Rossinskaja, T. Dizhbite, C. Vasile, Degradation of wood
painting support. III. Evaluation of changes in the structure of aged lime wood by
different physico-chemical methods. J. Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,
2007, vol. 79, N 1, pp. 71-77.
- G. Telysheva, T. Dizhbite, L. Jashina, A. Andersone, A. Volperts, N. Mironova-Ulmane,
Synthesis of lignin-based inorganic/organic hybrid materials favorable for detoxification
of ecosystem objects. - Proc. Book, Italic4 Intern. Conference: Science &
Technology of Biomasses: Advances and Challenges. Materials, Chemicals & Processes
from Agricultural and Forest Biomass, Roma, Italy, 2007, pp.304-307.
Research Projects
- Regulation of Lignin Adsorption Force Ratios on the Water-Solid Interface by Means of
Changing the Macromolecule Hydrophilic-Lipophilic Balance. Latvian Council of Science
- Mechanisms of Thermo oxidation in the System Lignin-Variable Valency Metal. Latvian
Council of Science (1993-1996)
- Mechanisms of Lignin Structure Transformations under Chemical and Thermochemical Affects
in Multi-Phase Systems Containing Polymer-Oligomer Co-Reagents. Latvian Council of
Science (1997-2000)
- Development of Supra-molecular Systems Based on Lignins and Lignocellulosics. Latvian
Council of Science (2001 - 2004)
- Modified Lignins as the Basis of Functionally Active Polycomponent Systems. Latvian
Council of Science (2005 - 2008)
- Development of the Scientific Background of Wood Catalytic Pyrolysis Technology for
Obtaining of Effective Sorbents. Latvian Council of Science (2004 - 2008)
- Collaboration Programme Scientific Background for Use of Renewable Raw
Materials, Part Obtaining of Bio-Sorbents on the Basis of Wood Mechanical
processing Waste Latvian Council of Science (2006- )
- Lignosulphonates Modification and Applications. Borregaard LignoTech Ltd. (Norway)
- Characterization of Lignin Residues from Ethanol Production by Hydrolysis of
Lignocellulosic Materials. Swedish Ethanol Foundation (1993-1997)
- EUREKA Project E! 2522 OPTI-SOILCLEAN, LR Ministry of Education
- INCO COPERNICUS RDT Project ICA2-CT-2000-10002 Development of Methods for the
Remediation of Pesticides. European Commission (2000 2003)
- CRAFT Project WOODCOMP In-Vessel Biological Degradation of Wood Powder
from the Furniture Industry European Commission Contract QLK5-CT-2001-70471
(2001 2004)
- INCO COPERNICUS STREP IRRISEASOIL A Cheap Easy-to-Handle Desalination Approach for
Crop Irrigation under Mediterranean Conditions, European Commission Contract
FP6-509152-INCO-MPC-1 (2004-2007)
- Integral Project NILE New Improvements for Lignocellulosic Ethanol, European
Commission Contract n0 019882 (SES6) (NILE) (2005-2009)
- RTD Project Lignin as raw material for chemicals, Nordic Innovation
Centre, Contract 06246 (2006-2008).
Last update 25.11.2007