Andrejs CEBERS
Professor Andrejs CEBERS
Leading Researcher
Institute of Physics,
University of LatviaMiera iela 32
Salaspils, LV 2169
Phone: +371 794 5830, +371 752 2213
Fax: +371 790 1214
E-mail: aceb@sal.lv |
Born: December 15, 1947, Riga, Latvia
- Hydrodynamics
- Pattern Formation, Nonlinear Phenomena
- Free Boundary Phenomena
- Numerical Simulation
- Soft Magnetic and Dielectric Media
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English,
French, German
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics), 1971
- Dr.phys. (Candidate of science in former USSR, Ph.D. in
Western countries), Moscow State University, Russia, 1977
- Dr.habil. phys. (Doctor of science in former USSR), Moscow
State University, Russia, 1987
Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences:
- Engineer, Junior Researcher, Senior Researcher,
- Leading Researcher, 1996 -
University of Latvia:
- Professor in Theoretical Physics, University of Latvia,
1988 -
- Head of Chair of Theoretical Physics, 1999 -
- Invited Professor, University of Nice-Sophia Antinopolis
(France), 1997-1999 (4 months per year)
- Invited Professor, University Denis' Didro Paris VII
(France), 1991, 1995, 1997 - 1999 (2 months per year)
- Researcher, Laboratory of Condensed Matter Physics,
University of Nice-Sophia Antinopolis (France),
1996 (6 months)
- Researcher, ABB Corporate Research, Vasteros (Sweden),
1994-1995 (6 months)
Professional activities and memberships
- Chairman, Scientific Council, Institute of Physics, 1992 -
- Vice-president, Latvian National Committee for Mechanics,
- Member of Board, Latvian National Committee for Mechanics,
1995 -
- Chairman, Scientific Council of Habilitation and Promotion
for Physics, Latvian University, 1994 -
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board for journal Magnitnaya
Gidrodinamika (Magnetohydrodynamics), 1989 -
- Editor-in-Chief for Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika
(Magnetohydrodynamics), 1989 -
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding member, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
- Full member, Latvian Academy
of Sciences, 1993 -
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences and Joint-stock Company R&D ALFA Prize in
Physics, 2002
- Full Member, Academia Europaea, 2005
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Edgars Silinsh's Prize, 2005
University of Latvia:
- Hydrodynamics
- Physical Kinetics
- Physics and Hydrodynamics of Magnetic Liquids
- Nonlinear Phenomena
- Boundary Integral Equation Methods in Problems of
Mathematical Physics
Recent/Representative Publications
- E.Blums, A.Cebers, M.M.Maiorov. Magnetic Liquids. Berlin
-New York: W de G Gruyter, 1997, 416 pp.
- A.Cebers. Interfacial stresses in the hydrodynamics with
internal rotations, Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika, 1975, 1, pp.79 - 82 (in Russian)
- A.Cebers, M.M.Maiorov. Magnetostatic instabilities in plane
layers of magnetizable fluids, Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika, 1980, 1, pp.27 - 35 (in
- A.Cebers, M.M.Maiorov. Structure of the interface between
air bubble and magnetic liquid in magnetic field, Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika, 1980,
3, pp.15 - 20 (in Russian)
- A.Cebers. Thermodynamic stability of magnetic liquids, Magnitnaya
Gidrodinamika, 1982, 2, pp.42-48 (in Russian)
- A.Cebers, A.Zemitis. Numerical simulation of MHD
instability of the free interface of confined magnetic fluid drop, Magnitnaya
Gidrodinamika, 1983, 4, pp.15 - 26 (in Russian)
- A.Cebers. Numerical simulation of the dynamics of magnetic
fluid drop in constant and rotating magnetic fields, Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika,
1986, pp.3 - 8 (in Russian)
- A.Cebers. Chaos in polarization relaxation of a
low-conducting suspension of anisotropic particles, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic
Materials ,1993, vol.122 , pp.277 - 280
- J.C.Bacri, A.Cebers, R.Perzynski. Behaviour of a magnetic
fluid microdrop in a rotating magnetic field, Phys.Rev.Lett.,1994 , vol.72, pp.2705
- 2708
- D.P.Jackson, R.E.Goldstein, A.Cebers. Hydrodynamics of
fingering instabilities in dipolar fluids, Phys.Rev.E , 1994, vol.50, 1, pp.298 -
- J.C.Bacri, A.Cebers, J.C.Dabadie, R.Perzynski.
"Roll-rectangle"transition in the magnetic fluid Faraday instability, Phys.Rev.E,
1994, vol.50, 4, pp.2712-2715
- J.C.Bacri, A.Cebers, J.C.Dabadie, S.Neveu, R.Perzynski.
Threshold and marginal curve of magnetic Faraday instability, Europhysics Letters,
1994, vol.27, 6, pp.437-443
- J.C.Bacri, A.Cebers, C.Flament, S.Lacis, R.Melliti,
R.Perzynski. Fingering phenomena at bending instability of a magnetic fluid stripe, Progr.Colloid
Polym.Sci., 1995, vol.98, pp.30-34
- J.C.Bacri, A.Cebers, A.Bourdon, G.Demouchy, B.M.Heegaard,
B.Kashevsky, R.Perzynski. Transient grating in a ferrofluid under magnetic field:Effect of
the magnetic interactions on the diffusion coefficient of translation, Phys.Rev.E,
1995, vol.52, 4, pp.3936-3942
- A.Cebers. Liquid magnetic stripe patterns and undulation
instabilities, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1995, vol.149, pp.93-96
- J.C.Bacri, A.Cebers, A.Bourdon, G.Demouchy, B.M.Heegaard,
R.Perzynski. Forced Rayleigh experiment in magnetic fluid, Phys.Rev.Lett., 1995,
vol.74, 25, pp.5032 - 5035
- J.C.Bacri, A.Cebers, S.Lacis, R.Perzynski. Dynamics of a
magnetic fluid droplet in a rotating field, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,
1995, vol.149, pp.143-147
- A.Cebers, I.Drikis. A numerical study of the evolution of
quasi-two-dimensional magnetic fluid shapes, Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika, 1996,
vol.32, 1, pp.11-21
- A.Cebers. Two-dimensional concentration domain patterns in
magnetic suspensions:Energetical and kinetic approach, Prog.Colloid Polym.Sci.,
1996, vol.100, pp.101-106
- C.Flament, J.C.Bacri, A.Cebers, F.Elias, R.Perzynski.
Parallel stripes of ferrofluid as a macroscopic bidimensional smectic, Europhysics
Letters, 1996, vol.34, 3, pp.225-230
- J.C.Bacri, V.Cabuil, A.Cebers, C.Menager, R.Perzynski.
Flattening of ferro-vesicle undulations under a magnetic field, Europhysics Letters,
1996, vol.33, 3, pp.235-240
- S.Lacis, J.C.Bacri, A.Cebers, R.Perzynski. Frequency
locking and devil,s staircase for a two-dimensional ferrofluid droplet in an elliptically
polarized rotating magnetic field, Phys.Rev. E, 1997, vol.55, 3, pp.2640 - 2648
- A.Cebers. Topological instability of stripes in Hele-Shaw
cells, Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika, 1997, vol.33, 2, pp.139-146
- A.Cebers. Stability of diffusion fronts of magnetic
particles in porous media (Hele-Shaw cell) under the action of external magnetic field, Magnitnaya
Gidrodinamika, 1997, vol.33, 1, pp.67 - 74
- S.Cutillas, G.Bossi...., A.Cebers. Flow-induced transition
from cylindrical to layered patterns in magnetoreological suspensions. - Phys.Rev., E,
1998, vol.57, N 1, pp. 804-811
- F.Elias, I.Drikis, A.Cebers, C.Flament, J.-C.Bacri.
Undulatior instability in two-dimensional foams of magnetic fluid . - Eur. Phys. J., B,
1998, vol. 3, pp.203-209
- C.Flament, G.Pacitto, J.-C.Bacri, I.Drikis, A.Cebers.
Viscous fingering in a magnetic fluids. I. Radial Hele-Shaw flow. - Physics of Fluids,
1998, vol. 10, N 10, pp. 2464-2472
- I.Drikis, A.Cebers. Viscous fingering in a magnetic fluids:
numericalsimulation of radial Hele-Shaw flow. - JMMM, 1999, vol. 201, pp. 339-342
- H.Rjabovs, A.Cebers. Determination of the effective
transfer coefficients at the hydrodynamic dispersion by the lattice-gas method. -
Latvian J. Phys.&Technical Sci., 1999, N 3, pp. 64-78.
- A.Cebers. Instabilities of concentration stripe patterns in
ferrocolloids. - Phys. Rev. E, 2000, vol. 61, N 1. pp.700-708.
- A.Cebers, E.Lemaire, L.Lobry. electrohydrodynamic
instabilities and orientation of dielectric ellipsoidsin low-conducting fluids. - Phys.
Rev. E, 2001, vol. 63,No 1- 016301-6.
- A.Cebers. Magnetic-field-induced anisotropic curvature elasticity of a vesicle membrane
containing magnetic polions. - Phys. Rev. E, 2001, vol.63, No 4 - 041412-10 (http://pre.asp.org)
- A.Cebers. Dynamics of the labyrinthine patterns at the diffuse phase boundaries. - Brazilian
Journal of Physics, 2001, 31(3), pp.441-445.
- P.Carletto, G.Bossis and A.Cebers. Structures in a magnetic suspension subjected to
unidirectional and rotating field. International Journal of Modern Physics B,
2002, vol.16 (17-18), pp.2279-2285.
- A.Cebers and I.Rubinstein. Polarization of non-equilibrium double layer and
agglomeration of polyelectrolyte balls. International Journal of Modern Physics
B, 2002, vol.16 (17-18), pp.2334-2340.
- A.Cebers. Hexagon-stripe transition at the magnetic field induced phase transformations
of the magnetorheological suspensions. International Journal of Modern Physics B,
2002, vol.16 (17-18), pp.2345-2351.
- A.Cebers, E.Lemaire and L.Lobry. Flow modification induced by Quincke rotation in a
capillary. - International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2002, vol.16 (17-18),
- C.Menager, M.Meyer, V.Cabuil, A.Cebers,J.-C.Bacri,R.Perzynski. Magnetic phospholipids
tubes connected to magnetoliposomes: Pearling instability induced by a magnetic field. -
European Physical Journal E, 2002, vol.7, pp.325-337.
- F.Gazeau,E.Dubois,J.-C.Bacri, F.Boue,A.Cebers, R.Perzynski. Anisotropy of the structure
factor of magnetic fluids under a field probed by small-angle neutron scattering. - Phys.
Rev. E, 2002, vol.65, pp.031403-1-15.
- A.Cebers, P.Janmey. Shape instabilities in charged lipid domains.- Journal of
Physical Chemistry B, 2002, vol.106, pp.12351-12353.
- A.Cebers. The anisotropy of the surface tension at the magnetic-field-induced phase
transformations. - Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2002, vol.252,
- A.Cebers.Dynamics of an elongated magnetic droplet in a rotating field. - Phys.Rev. E,
2002, vol.66, pp.061402
- M.Igonin, A.Cebers. Labyrinthine instability of miscible magnetic fluids. - Journal of
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2002, vol.252, pp.293-295.
- A.Cebers. Dynamics of a chain of magnetic particles connected with elastic linkers.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2003, vol.15, pp.1335-1344.
- A.Cebers. Bistability and negative viscosity for a suspension of insulating
particles in an electric field. - Physical Review Letters, 2004, vol.92, N3,
- A.Cebers, I.Javaitis. Dynamics of a flexible magnetic chain in a rotating magnetic
field. - Physical Review E, 2004, vol.69, 021404.
- A.Cebers. Dynamics of elongated magnetic droplets and elastic rods in magnetic field. - Journal
of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2005, vol.289, pp.335-338.
- Cepite D., Dadzis K., Erglis K., Cebers A. Thermal fluctuations of a Brownian particle
in the force field of optical tweezers - Latvian Journal
of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2006, 2(II), pp.102-110.
Research Projects and Agreements
- A.Cebers (Head of Project). Soft Magnetic Systems: Pattern
Formation and Numerical Simulation. Soros Foundation (1994-1996)
- A.Cebers (Head of Project). Self-Organization Under the
Action of Electromagnetic Forces. Latvian Council of
Science (1991-1993)
- A.Cebers (Head of Project). Self-Organization of Shapes
Under the Action of Electromagnetic Forces. Latvian Council of Science
- A.Cebers (Head of Project). Self-Organization in Systems
with Long Range Forces. Latvian Council of Science(1997 - 2000)
- A.Cebers (Head of Project). Nonlinear Phenomena in
Magnetizable and Polarizable Fluids. Latvian Council of Science (2001 - 2004).
- A.Cebers (Head of Project). Soft Magnetic Materials and Nanotechnologies. Latvian
Council of Science (2005 -).
- A.Cebers (Main Coordinator of Latvian Part). Agreement for
collaboration between University of P.M.Curie Paris VI (France) and Institute of Physics,
University of Latvia (1996 -1999)
- A.Cebers ( Advisor of Latvian Part of Project ). Agreement
for common guidance of PhD student between University P.M.Curie Paris VI(France) and
Institute of Physics, University of Latvia (1994 -1996)
- A.Cebers (Advisor of Latvian Part of Project). Agreement
for Common Guidance of PhD Students between University D.Didro Paris VII (France) and
Institute of Physics, University of Latvia (1997-1999).
Avocations: Sports (basketball, tennis,
Last update: 20-02-2008 12:26:58