- Sustainable Water Management
- Sustainable Rural Development
- Environmental Policy
- Higher Education
Languages: English, Latvian, Russian
- Latvia University of Agriculture (Faculty of Land
Reclamation and Land Use Planning), 1965
- Postgraduate Studies, Latvia University of Agriculture,
- Dr.sc.ing.(Land Reclamation and Water Management)
(Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Latvia University of
Agriculture, 1973
Latvia University of
Agriculture -
- Engineer and Assistant, Department of Land Reclamation,
- Associate Professor, Department of Environmental
Engineering and Management, 1976-
- Vice-Dean (1976-1884) and Dean (1984-1990), Faculty of Land
Reclamation and Land Use Planning
- Vice-Rector, 1990-2001
- Rector, 2001 - 2004
Honours and Awards:
Member, Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science of
Latvia, 1994
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member, Latvian Council of
Science Expert Committee for Agricultural Sciences, 1997
- Member, Latvian Expert Board of TEMPUS, 1992
- Member, Committee for Co-ordination of Environment
Agricultural Matters, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environmental Protection and
Rural Development, 1995-2004
- Member, Board for Co-ordination of Activities with European
Union, Latvian Ministry of Agriculture, 1996-2004
- Member, Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies
(AABS), 1993-2004
- Member, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists,
- Chairman of Arrangement Committee, 3rd International
Conference of Agricultural and Forestry Scientists from Nordic and Baltic Countries, 1996
The Way Towards Market Economy and the Reforms in Higher
Agricultural Education in Latvia (1995). Background paper for the Workshop on
Strengthening Teaching and Developing Training Materials in Socio-Economic Subjects in
Higher Education Institutions in Central and Eastern European Countries. UN FAO, Warsaw
Agricultural University, June 26-29, 1995.
Latvia University of Agriculture -
- Land Reclamation, 1975-2004
- Water Management Economics, 1970-1992
- Higher Education, 1993-2004
- Environmental Policy, 1997-2004
- Sustainable Baltic Region, 1998 -2004
Recent Publications:
- P.Busmanis, V.Jansons, A.Ziverts. Rural Environment and
Transition of Agriculture in Latvia. In: Integrated Rural Development: Proceedings
of International Scientific Conference. NKJ and BJC, Lithuanian Academy of
Agriculture, Kaunas, 1994, pp. 98 -103.
- P.Busmanis. Higher Agricultural Education and Processes of
Transition. In: Economic Education in Economies of Transition (problems and solutions).
4-th section: Economic Education for Rural Area. International Conference. Abstracts,
1995, Riga: University of Latvia, pp. 8 - 13.
- P.Busmanis. Latvian Rural Development and Higher
Agricultural Education. In: Managing Change in the Food-chain and Environment: the Role
of Higher Agricultural Education: Proceedings of Second European Scientific
Conference on Higher Education in Agriculture. Godollo University of Agricultural
Sciences, Hungary, 1995, pp .65-74.
- P.Busmanis, A.Ziverts, V.Jansons. Development of
Agricultural Run-off Monitoring Network in Latvia. In: Environment and Sustainable
Agriculture: NKJ and BJC II International Conference, Estonian University of Agriculture,
Tartu, 1995, pp. 113-117.
- V.Jansons, P.Busmanis. Trends in sustainable development of
agriculture in Latvia. - In: Sustainable Agriculture. Proc. Nordic Seminar ,
Stockholm,10-12 September, 1998, pp. 63-69.
- P.Busmanis. Country report of the present environmental
situation in agriculture - Latvia.- In: Country reports prepared for the 1st workshop
of Central and Eastern European Sustainable Agriculture Networtk, March 2-7, 1999.
FAO, Humboldt University of Berlin, Godollo University of agricultural Sciences, Godollo,
Hungary, 1999, pp. 115-152.
- P. Busmanis, A.Karklins, et al. Code of Good Agricultural
Practices for Latvia, 1999, Jelgava: LLU, 96 p.
- P.Busmanis. Transition of agricultural research in Latvia.
- Proc. 4th European symposium on European Farming and Rural Systems Research and
Extension into the Next Millenium - Environmental, Agricultural and socioeconomic Issues,
Volos, Greece, April 3-7, 2000, AFSRE, pp. 19-28.
- P.Busmanis, A.Zobena, I.Dzalbe, I.Grinfelde. Privatisation
and soil. - In: Descriptions of institutions of sustainability in Central and Eastern
European Countries. CEESA project under EU 5th Framework Programme, Contract No:
QLK5-1999-01611. Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany, 2000, pp. 73-124.
Research Projects:
- P.Busmanis (Subconductor). Sustainable Agriculture in
nCentral and Eastern European Countries (CEESA). EU Register QLRT-1999-1611.
- P.Busmanis (Head of Latvian Part of Project). Demonstration
Watershed Activities to Reduce the Run-off from agriculture and to Support Sustainable
Agriculture in the BAAP II Programme for Latvia by BEAROP. Swedish (JTI, SLU) -
Latvian (LLU) joint project (1998-2002).
- P.Busmanis (Head of Project). Impact of the
Agriculture on Water Resources Quality. Latvian Council of Science (2001 - ).
- P.Busmanis (Head of Latvian Part of Project). Development
of a Code of Good Agricultural Practices, Republic of Latvia. Danish-Latvian joint
project (1997-1999).
- P.Busmanis (Head of Latvian Part of Project). Baltic
Environmental Agricultural Run-off Project (BEAROP). Swedish (JTI, SLU) - Latvian (LLU)
joint project (1993-1997).
- P.Busmanis (Head of Latvian Part of Project). Agricultural
Run-off Management Study in Latvia. Swedish (JTI, SLU) - Latvian (LLU) joint project
- P.Busmanis (Head of Project). Transition of Higher
Agricultural and Forestry Education. Latvian Council of Science (1991-1993).
Last update 30.04.2004