Areal Linguistics
Dialectal Lexicology
Brief Description of Main Research
Dialectal Atlas of Latvian, Part I (Vocabulary), Riga: Zinatne Press, 1999,
prepared and edited also by Dr.habil. B.Busmane, - the first important effort
of Latvian areal dialectology and geolinguistics with great international significance.
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
- Liepaja Pedagogical Institute (Faculty of Latvian Language and Literature), 1960
- Postgraduate studies at the Language and Literature Institute of Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1968-1971
- Dr.philol. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR), Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1973
- Dr.habil.philol., University of Latvia, 1993
- Latvian language and literature teacher, several schools in Liepaja and Liepaja
district, 1960-1967
- Junior Editor and Proof-reader, Main Editorial Board of the Small Encyclopaedia of
Latvia, 1967-1968
- Laboratory assistant and Researcher, Institute of Language and Literature, Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1971-1991
- Leading Researcher, Latvian Language Institute, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992-
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2000
- The Antonina Rekena Memorial Prize in Latvian Dialectology and Historical Linguistics,
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Janis Endzelins Prize in Latvian Linguistics, 1990
- The Anna Abele Memorial Prize in Latvian Linguistics, 1990
Recent/Representative Publications
- B.Busmane. The Subdialect of Nica, 1989, Riga: Zinatne Press, 351p. (in
- B.Busmane, B.Laumane, A.Stafecka, et al. Dialectal Atlas of Latvian. Vocabulary. 102
maps and commentaries, 1999, Riga:Zinatne Publishers, 408 pp.
- B.Busmane. Guidelines for Collectors of Dialectal Wordstock, 12 (I, II), Dishes, 1969,
Riga, 166pp. (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. Words with the Root big- in Latvian Subdialects. - Contacts of the
Latvian Language, 1977, Riga, pp.20-33 (in Russian).
- B.Busmane, E.Kagaine. Types of Dialectal Dictionaries and Compilation Problems of
Latvian Dialectal Dictionaries. - Proceedings of the Latvian SSR Academy of Sciences,
1980, No 8, pp.59-75 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. Nomination of Uncooked Dishes from Bread in Latvian Subdialects. - Problems
of Dialectal Vocabulary, part II, 1986, Riga, pp.22-56 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. Nomination of Jellied Dishes in Subdialects. - Language Contact Studies of
Latvian, 1987, Riga, pp.86-134 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. Drawing up from an inexhaustible spring. - J.Jansevskis. Homeland, vol. 4,
1987, pp.377-413 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. Dialectal Peculiarities in Folk-songs (by materials from Nica). - Baltistica,
III(2), 1989, Vilnius, pp.240-251 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. ".. You Shall Not Exhaust Your Language". - Latvian Language
Culture Problems, vol. 25, 1989, Riga, pp.59-71 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. Dradzi, paksni, iesnava .. . - Latvian Language Culture Problems,
vol. 27, 1993, Riga, pp.92-103 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. Ethnonyms among Dish Names in Latvian Subdialects. - Proceedings of Latvian
Academy of Sciences, A, 1993, No 7, pp.17-23 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. A Comment to the Entry iesnava in the "Dictionary of Standard
Latvian". - Proceedings of Latvian Academy of Sciences, A, 1994, No 9/10,
pp.30-37 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. Formation of Names for Dairy Products in High Latvian Subdialects (Deverbal
Nouns). - Baltistica VII, the 7th International Congress of Balticists. Abstracts of
Scholarly Papers, 1995, Riga: Latvian Language Institute, p.17 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. Loans in Dairy Product Names in Latvian Subdialects. - Proceedings
of Latvian Academy of Sciences, A, 1996, No 2, pp.10-18 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. Vocabulary Part of the Dialectal Atlas of Latvian - a Source for Word
Research under Sevaral Aspects. - In: The Word and its Research Aspects, 1997,
Liepaja, pp. 22-30 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. Formation of Names for Dairy Products in Latgallian Subdialects (Deverbal
Nouns). - Linguistica Lettica, I, 1997, Riga, pp. 34-52 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. The Noun piens in Names for Dairy Products in Latvian Vernaculars. -
In: To His Own Language. In Memoriam R.Grabis, Honorary Member of the LAS, 1997,
Riga, pp. 97-130 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane.Fragments of Subdialectal Texts in the Dialectal; atlas of Latvian. - Linguistica
Lettica, III, 1998, Riga, pp. 70-83 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. Nouns with i- and u-Stem in the Vocabulary Part of the Dialectal Atlas
of Latvian. - In: The Word and its Research Aspects, II, 1998, Liepaja, pp. 20-31
(in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. Verbs with Meaning 'to churn' in Latvian Subdialects. - Linguistica
Lettica, IV, 1999, Riga, pp. 60-73 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. Borrowings bacinas, batvini, botva and their Lexicographical
Interoretation. - Linguistica Lettica, VI, 1998, Riga, pp. 64-86 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. Prefixal Derivations among Names od Dairy Products in Subdialects of Latvian.
- In: The Word and its Research Aspects, Liepaja, 2000, 4, pp. 34-48 (in
- B.Busmane. Latvian Subdialectical Vocabulary in the 20th century )main collections,
publications). - In: Language-2000.10th Scientific Workshop of the Humanitary Faculty.
Phonetics, Grammar, Lexicology. Daugavpils, 2000, pp. 13-21 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. The lexeme a(p)b'edas in the Vernaculars of Latvian.- Proc.
Latv. Acad. Sci., A, 2001, N 5/6, pp. 39-44 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. Names of Dishes in Latvian Language at Sventaja. - In: The Word and its
Research Aspects, 5, 2001, Liepaja, pp. 68-89 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. Some Semantic Parallels in Gastronomic Vocabulary in Subdialects of Latvian
and Lithuanian- In: Problems of Subdialects and Languages in Borderlands. Papers
presented on an International Scientific Conf. devoted to the Year of European Languages,
April 27, Siauliai, 2001, pp. 20-30 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. Distribution of Borrowings of Finnic Origin in Subdialects of Latvian
(according to materials from the Dialectal Atlas of Latvian)- Baltistica,
Vilnius, 2001, vol. 32, N 2, pp. 201-212.
- B.Busmane. Manifestations of Contacts between Latvian and the Baltic -Finnic Languages
(according to the Dialectal Atlas of Latvian, vocabulary). - In: The 9th Int.
Finno-Ugric Congress, 7-13 August, Tartu, Vol. IV. Papers of Sections: Linguistica I.
Tartu, 2001, pp. 156-164 (in Russian).
- B.Busmane. In Commemoriation of Gustav Braschess 200th Anniversary. - In: The Word
and its Research Aspects, 6, 2002, Liepaja, pp. 19-27 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. Derivations by the Suffix - n'ic- in Subdialects of Latvian. -
Linguistica Lettica, 2002, X, Riga, pp. 5-16 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. Research into Selonian Subdialects in Latvian Linguistics: Problems,
solvings, tasks. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., A, 2003, N 3/4, pp. 82-103 (in
- B.Busmane. The Lexeme sula(s) in Latvian. - Linguistica Lettica, 2003,
XI, Riga, pp. 4-18 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. The verbs kriet and kraistit in Latvian subdialects. -
Linguistica Lettica, 2003, XII, Riga, pp. 5-13 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. Names denoting the concept "to visit a new-born child" in
sub-dialects of Latvian. - Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of
Dialectologists and Geolinguists, Lublin, 24-29 July, 2000. Vol. 1, Lublin, 2003, pp.
- B.Busmane. Morphological Phenomena in Subdialects of Lower Courland as Reflected in
G.Brasche's Dictionary (1875). - Baltic Philology, 2004, vol. 13, N 1, [Riga],
pp. 25-36 (in Latvian).
- B.Busmane. The Vocabulary of Lower Courland in Folk Songs and modern Subdialects.
- In: Language of My Region: Lower Courland, 2004, Liepaja, pp. 128-179 (in
- B.Busmane. Ability of lower Courland's Subdialects and works on Latvian Linguistics. -
In: Language of My Region: Lower Courland, 2004, Liepaja, pp.290-310 (in
- B.Busmane. Names of some egg dishes related to Latvian folk traditions. - Historical
Scripts and Local Culture, 2004, Siauliai, Ryga, pp. 18-27 (in Russian).
Research Projects
- B.Busmane (Researcher). Dialects of Latvian and Areal Studies. Latvian Council of Science (long-term project).
- B.Busmane (Researcher). Atlas Linguarum Europae. Latvian Council of Science
(long-term project).
Last update 20.12.2004