Born: April 22, 1943, Riga, Latvia
- Plant Genetics
- Grasses, esp. for turf (sport, park etc.)
- Ecology, Philosophy of Ecology
- Plant Tissue Cultures and Breeding
A collection of grasses (>800 taxa) fit for turf has been developed. New forms of
Red and Chewing fescues as well as Kentucky bluegrass has been bred and selected. Turf
growing technologies has been developed. An active plant bank in vitro culture of
ornamental plants includes above 300 plant taxa of 40 genera. Genofound conservation
methods are developed.
Languages: English, Latvian, Russian.
- University of Latvia, Faculty of Biology, 1971
- Dr. biol. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Institute
of Biology, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1977
- Engineer, Junior Researcher, Senior Researcher - Institute of Biology, Latvian Academy
of Sciences, 1969-1978, 1982-1985
- Senior Researcher, Head of Laboratory of Breeding and Technology of Malt, Latvia University of Agriculture, 1979-1981
- Vice-Director (for Research), Director - National Botanic Gardens of Latvia, 19852002
Honours and Awards:
The Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidium Second Award, 1979
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member, Latvian Genetic Society
- Member , Latvian National Council of Plant Varieties
- President , Latvian Breeders Club
- Member , International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS)
- Member , International Association of Plant Tissue Cultures.
- Breeding of Ornamental Plants in Latvia, University of Latvia (Faculty of
Biology), Bulduri Horticultural technical school, 1991, 1996
Recent Publications:
- K.Buivids, L.Ozolina. G.Muceniece, G.Marga. Main trends in breeding chrysanthemum and
gerbera for cut flower in Latvia. - Eksperimentive Biology, Vilnius Academia, 1993,
pp. 61-62.
- D.Klavina, I.Berga, K.Buivids. Effect of benzylaminopurine on the propagation of some
ornamental plants in vitro. - International Symposium "Plant Biotechnology and
Genetic Engineering". Abstracts, Kiev, 1994, p. 91.
- G.Muceniece, K.Buivids. Inbred lines in the breeding of gerbera. - Proc.Latv.
Acad.Sci., 1995, N 5/6, A 51.
- L.Ozolina, M.Krisberga, K.Buivids. New Latvian Chrysanthemums. - Proc.Latv.
Acad.Sci,. 1995, N 5/6, A 51.
- K.Buivids. Comparative estimation of turf grasses in 1987-1993.- In: The Baltic
Botanic Gardens in 1993. Kaunas, Lithuania, 1995.
- K.Buivids. Breeding of ornamental and some berry plants in Latvia. - In: Breeding,
propagation in vitro and disease resistance of horticultural plants. II International
Symposium, Salaspils, Latvia, 1996, pp. 13-15.
- G.Muceniece, K.Pinta, K.Buivids. Gerbera breeding directions. - In: The Baltic
Botanic Gardens in 1994-1995, Salaspils, Latvia, 1996.
- K.Buivids. Technological and economic possibilities, multiplication of plant forms.- In:
Problems of Fruit Breeding. Collections of scientific articles. II. Jelgava, 1996, pp.
- K.Buivids. Grasses for turf - comparative estimation in 1988-96.- In: The Baltic
Botanic Gardens in 1996, Riga, Latvia, 1997.
- K.Buivids. Estimation of functional suitability of turf grasses(1997/1998) - In: The
Baltic Botanic Gardens in 1997, Tallin, Estonia, 1998, pp. 35-40.
- K.Buivids. Comparison of grass species and cultivarsd for turfs under agroecological
conditions of Baltic area. - In: The Baltic Botanic Gardens in 1998/1999, Vilnius,
Lithuania, 2000, pp. 36-43.
- K.Buivids. Grasses for intensive exploiting under Baltic climatic conditions. - Proc.
19th General Meeting of European Grasland Federation, La Rochelle, France, 27-30 May,
2002, vol. 7, pp. 402-403.
- G.Jakobsone, K.Buivids, A.Rihtere. The development of Kentucky bluegrass seedings in
vitro under high doses of NaCl, N and NPK in the culture media. - In: The Baltic
Botanic Gardens, 2003, 51-65.
Research Projects:
- Breeding of Ornamental and Berry Plants: Breeding and Propagation Methods, Plant and
Data Banks. Latvian Council of Science (1997 -
- Arrangement and Maintenance for Intensive Exploited Turf for Sport and Park Lawns. Ministry
of Education and Science (1995 - 2000).
- Integrated Crop Protection System for Control of Aphids and Trips Notorious for Carrying
Viruses. Latvian Council of Science (1997 - 2000).
- Economically Significant Ornamental and Berry Plants: Breeding,
Propagation Methods, Plant and Data Banks. Latvian Council of Science
(2001 -).
Last update 19.10.2004