Professor Arkady BORISOV Director
Decision Support Systems Direction
Institute of Information Technology, Riga Technical
Kalku iela 1
Riga LV 1658
Phone: +371 7 089530
Fax: +371 7 82 00 94
E-mail: aborisov@cs.rtu.lv |
Born: February 3, 1938, Kiev, Ukraine
- Artificial Intelligence
- Decision Support Systems
- Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Approximate Reasoning
Languages: English, Polish, Latvian, Russian
- Riga Technical University (Faculty of Automation and
Computing Technique), 1964
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in Technical Cybernetics
in former USSR, Ph.D in Western countries), Riga Technical University, 1970
Thesis: Some Learning Algorithms for the Diagnostics of Systems with Fuzzy Classes of
- Dr.habil.sc.comp.
(Doctor of Science in former USSR), Taganrog Engineering Institute (Russia), 1986
Thesis: Methods and Algorithms for Decision Making under Multiple Criteria and Fuzzy
Initial Information.
Technical University:
- Senior Engineer, Assistant Professor, Department of
Automatized Control Systems, 1964-1988
- Head of the Department of Automatized Control Systems,
- Professor of Computer Science, Department of Automatized
Control Systems, 1988-1997
- Director, Specialized Institute of Intelligent Computer
Technologies, Institute of Information Technology,1997-
- Research Fellow, Technical University of Warsaw, 1972-1973
- Research Fellow, City University of London, 1976-1977
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- President, Baltic Operation Research Society, 1996-
- Vice-president, Russian Fuzzy System Association, 1989-
- Member, IFSA European Fuzzy System Working Group, 1979-1986
- Member, Scientific Advisory Board of the Fuzzy Initiative
Nordrhein-Westfalen (Dortmund, Germany), 1992-
- Member, Latvian National Automation Organisation, 1992-
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board for journals: Automatic Control and Computer Sciences
(Avtomatika i Vychislitelnaya Tekhnika), 1994-; Computer Science of Moldova , 1994 -
- 7th IFSA World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, June 25-29, 1997
- Member, IFAC Technical Committee on Large Scale Systems, 1997-
- MENDEL International Conference on Soft Computing Evolutionary Computation,
Genetic Programming, Fuzzy Logic, Rough Sets, Neural Networks, Fractals, Bayesian
Methods, Brno, Czech Republic, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
- Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications 8th IFAC/IFORS/IMACS/IFIP
Symposium, Rio Patras, Greece, 1998
- International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing, Siegen,
Germany, 2000
- Integration Problems of the Baltic Region Countries on Their Way to the European Union,
Proceedings of the International Conference, Rezekne, Latvia, 2000, 2001
- Second International Conference, Simulation, Gaming, Training and Business Process
Reengineering in Operations, Riga, Latvia, 2000
- First International Conference on Soft Computing and Computational Words in System
Analysis, Decision and Control, Antalya, Turkey, 2001
- International Conference "Computational Intelligence:
Theory and Applications", Fuzzy Days, Dortmund, Germany, 1997, 2001
- 5th International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft
Computing ICAFS-2002, Milan, Italy, September 17-18, 2002
- International Conference Modelling and Simulation of Business
systems, Vilnius, Lithuania, May 13-14, 2003
- ICSCCW-2003. Second International Conference on Soft Computing, Computing with Words and
Perceptions in System Analysis, Decisions and Control, Antalya, Turkey, September 9-11,
Riga Technical University:
- Intelligent Computer Technologies, Academic Year 2003/04
- Evolutionary and Genetic Algorithms, Academic Year 2003/04
- Artificial Neuron and Neural Networks, Academic Year 2003/04
- Fuzzy Sets Engineering, Academic Year 2003/04
- Intelligent Decision Making Systems, Academic Year 2003/04
Recent /Representative Publications
- Borisov A.N., Viliums E.R., Sukur L.Ya. Interactive Systems
for Decision Making on the Basis of Mini-computers. 1986, Riga: Zinatne Press, (in
- Borisov A.N., Alexeyev A.V., Merkuryeva G.V., Slyadz N.N.
and Glushkov V.I. Fuzzy Information Processing in Decision Making Systems. 1989, Moscow:
Radio I Sviaz, (in Russian)
- Borisov A.N., Krumberg O.A. and Fyodorov I.P. Decision
Making Based on Fuzzy Models: Application Examples, 1990, Riga: Zinatne Press, (in
- Borisov A.N. and Fyodorov I.P.. Forming the design
decisions on the base of expert knowledge. Technical Cybernetics, Proceedings of the
USSR Academy of Sciences. 1990, 5, pp.154-163 (In Russian)
- Borisov A.N. and Fyodorov I.P. Knowledge-based method of
design with various levels of initial information. Cybernetics and Systems Research,
R.Trappl (Ed.). North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam. 1990, pp.237-244.
- Viliums E.R., Slyadz N.N. and Borisov A.N. An interactive
system for support of generating and making decisions in design. Cybernetics and
Systems'92 , R.Trappl (Ed.). World Scientific, Singapore. 1992, pp.639-646.
- Borisov A.N., Gorbatiuk V.B. and Viliums E.R. Software
implementation of decision support system. IFAC Workshop on Support Systems for
Decision and Negotiation Processes:Proceedings, Warsaw. 1992, pp.51-59.
- Borisov A. Pattern Recognition Based on Fuzzy Shadow
Analysis. Proceedings of the Second European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and
Soft Computing, Aachen, Germany, September 20-23. 1994, pp.989-993.
- Alexeyev A.V., Glushkov V.I., Slyadz N.N. and Borisov
A.N. Multiple criteria choice of parameterized alternatives based on fuzzy evidences. VI
International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, Sao Paulo, Brazil, July
22-28, 1995. 1995, vol.2. pp.29-31.
- Borisov A., Pashkovskaya K. and Pavlov V. Decision aid
system for the rational use of currency. International Conference on Application of
Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing, Siegen. 1996, pp.373 - 376.
- Borisov A. and Ozols J. A Comparative Analysis of the
Features in the Fuzzy Patterns Classification. Proceedings of the Fourth European
Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing, Aachen, Germany, September 2-5.
1996, pp.1690 - 1694.
- Deinichenko V., Bikesheva G. and Borisov A. Fuzzy
approach of economic modelling of economics growth. In Artificial Intelligence in
Economics and Management, P. Ein-Dor (Ed.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. 1996,
pp.155 - 173.
- Borisov A. and Ozols J. Pattern Classification and Feature
Extraction on the Basis of Composition of Fuzzy Relations. The Seventh IFSA World
Congress, Prague, Chech Republic, June 25-29,. 1997 (Submitted for publication).
- Savchenko C. and Borisov A. Decision Making Based on
a Bayesian Belief Network. EUFIT97 the 5th European Congress on Intelligent
Techniques and Soft Computing, Aachen, Germany, September 8-12, 1997. (Submitted for
- Kornienko Y. and Borisov A. The CART methodology for production rules induction.-
Proceedings of 5th Intern. Conference on Soft Computing MENDEL'99, 1999,
Brno, Czech Republic, June 9-12, pp.362-366.
- Kainov A. and Borisov A. Using fuzzy rules to recognize ZIP code symbols.- Proceedings
of 5th Intern. Conference on Soft Computing MENDEL'99, 1999, Brno, Czech
Republic, June 9-12, pp.249-254
- C.Savchenko, A.Borisov. Graphical representation of multiattribute utily models.
- Proceedings of the 2nd CONSA Special Workshop "Simulation
Applications in Baltic Area", 2000, Linkoping, Sweden, pp.109-118
- J.Ozols, A.Borisov. Fuzzy classification based on pattern projection analysis. - Pattern
Recognition, 2001, vol.34(4), Elsevier Sciecnse Inc., pp.763-781
- A.Borisov, J.Ozols, R.Grekov. Construction of features and decision rules in fuzzy
pattern recognition tasks. - International Journal of General Systems, 2001,
vol.30(1), Overseas Publishers Association, pp.23-43
- E.Tipans, A.Borisov. Improving the generalization by features algorithm. - Proc.16th
European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, 2-5 April, Vienna, Austria,
2002, vol. 2, pp. 841-846.
- Borisov A., Vasilyev A. (2002). Learning classifier systems in Autonomous agent control
task. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Application of
Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing ICAFS-2002, Milan, Italy, September
17-18, pp. 36-42.
- Borisov A., Grekov A. (2002). Research of behaviour of fuzzy Cora on selections of
different volumes. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on
Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing ICAFS-2002, Milan, Italy,
September 17-18, pp. 181-187.
- Valishevsky A., Borisov A. (2003). Normalization issues in granular evidence-based
adaptive network ANGIE. Proceedings of 2003 International Conference on
Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation CIMCA2003, 12-14
February, Vienna, Austria, pp. 10-11.
- Valishevsky A, Borisov A. (2003). Using adaptive networks to process fuzzy-granular
information. Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Cognitive
and Neural Systems. Boston, USA, May 29-31, p.109.
- A. Borisov and A. Ressin. Studies of the collectiveness factor in multi-agent systems. -
Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, Allerton Press, New York, 2005,
vol.39, Issue 1, pp.59-73
Research Projects:
- A.Borisov (Head of Project). Intelligent Decision Support
Systems. Latvian Council of Science, 1994-1996
- A.Borisov (Head of Project). Intelligent Decision Support
Systems Based on Artificial Neural Networks. Latvian Council of Science,
- A.Borisov (Head of Project). Development of Artificial
Neural Networks to Solve Forecasting, Classification and Decision-Making Tasks. Latvian
Council of Science, 2001 - 2004
- A.Borisov (Head of Project). Intelligent Computer
Technologies for Ill-Formalised Decision-Making Tasks. Latvian Council of
Science, 2005 - .
Married. Wife, Galina Borisova is Dr.habil.biol.
Has two children. Has passion for architecture, painting, and music. Favourite
architectors are Viktor Horta, Konstantin Melnikov and Osip Schechtel. Favourite painter
is Pierre Auguste Renoir. Favourite composers are S.Rakhmaninov and S.Prokofiev. Favourite
writer is Yaroslav Hashek.
Last update 09.09.2005