Born: September 5, 1929, Limbazi, Latvia
- Latvian Grammar
- Terminology
- Language Standartization
- History of Latvian Literary Language
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German, English, Lithuanian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Philology), 1953
- Dr.philol. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1958
- Dr.habil.philol. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1970
Institute of Language and Literature of the LAS
- Junior Researcher, , 1953- 1959
- Senior Researcher, 1959 - 1970
- Head of the Latvian Language Department, 1970 -1981
- Deputy Director, 1981 -1992
- Leading Researcher, 1992 -1997
- State Emeritus Scientist, 1997 -
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1978 - 1992
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992 -
- Professor, the Highest Attestation Commission, Moscow, 1985
- The Latvian SSR State Prize, 1965
- Honorary Scientist of Latvia, 1992
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Award, 1970, 1986
- State Emeritus Scientist, 1997
- The Three Stars Order (Republic of Latvia), 2001
Publications (~ 400)
- Grammar of the Modern Latvian, I -II. R., 1959- 1962 (in Latvian, author`s part - 273
- Punctuation in Latvian. R., 1969, 410 pp. ( in Latvian).
- Language Contacts. R., 1989, 35 pp. (in Latvian).
- History of the Latvian Spelling (co- author A. Bergmane). R., 1986, 434 pp. (in
- Language Situation and Language Culture. - Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci, 1974, N 2,
pp. 102 -109 (in Latvian).
- The Role of the Neo- Latvians in Forming of the Latvian Language. - Acta Univ.
Stockholmiensis, 1985, 2, , pp. 337 -343.
- Einige Tendenzen der Derivation von Adjektiven in den Baltischen Sprachen. -
Colloquium Prutenicum Primum. Warszawa, 1992, pp. 121-127.
- Language Coexistence and Language Conflicts . -In: Fragmentary Visions on Social
Change. Poland, Latvia and Finland. Working Papers of University of Tampere, B:54, pp.
60 - 63.
- The Main Disputable Problems of the Latvian Orthography. - Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci., 1992,
N 12, pp. 1-8 (in Latvian).
- Die Kultur der Lettischen Sprache. - In: Sprachsituation und Sprachkultur in
internationalem Vergleich. Sprache - System und Tätigkeit. - Frankfurt am Main -
Berlin - Bern - New-York- Wien, 1995, pp. 159 -170.
- The Latvian Language: Some Problems of its Development and Existence. - In: ALFA (Actes
de langue Francaise et de linguistigue), Universitas Dalhausiana, Halifax, Canada,
1994/95, vol. 7/8, pp. 463 - 469.
- Die Baltische Sprachen. (co- author K. Morkunas). - In: Atlas Linguarum Europae. A
New Approach to Geolinguistics. Roma, 1996, pp. 40 - 50.
- Language Situation in Latvia 1988 - 1994. - In: Latvia. National Report. World Summit
for Social Development. Copenhagen, 1995, pp. 24 - 25 .
- The Terminology and Phraseology of Heraldry. - In: International Conference on
Terminology Planning. Wienna: Term Net, International Network for Terminology,
1994, pp. 151 - 162.
- Duty to Our Native Language. - Latvijas Vestnesis, 1997, April 10 (in Latvian).
- Adjectives in G.Mancel's vocabulary "Lettus". - Baltistica (Vilnius),
1999, vol. 23, N 2, pp. 243-250 (in Latvian).
- Linguistics at the Riga Latvian's Society. - Linguistica Lettica (Riga), 2000,
N 6, pp. 5-20 (in Latvian).
- New Latvian orthography in 90-ties. - Linguistica Lettica , 2000, N 7, pp.
258-288 (in Latvian).
- Latvian languague in XXI century. - Proc. RPIVA (Riga), 2001, vol. 3,
pp.258-262 (in Latvian).
- Academician Aina Blinkena. Biobibliography, 1999, Riga, 79 pp.
Research Projects
The History of the Latvian Standart Language. Latvian Language Institute (1992-
Last update 15.04.2005