Born: October 23, 1934, Jekabpils, Latvia
- Digital Signal Processing, specifically, Digital Alias-free Signal
Processing; i.e. deliberate pseudorandomization of signal processing for extending the
frequency range of digital processing beyond the Nyquist limit
- Signal parameter estimation: Correlation, Spectral and Sequential
analysis, Spatial spectral analysis
- Digital filtering of irregular data sequences
- Orthogonal and Unorthogonal transforms
- Randomized quantizing
- Complexity reduced DFT, complexity-reduced Sparse Irregularized
- Laser-Doppler signal processing
- Fully Digital processing of signals in GHz frequency range
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
- North-West Extra-mural Politechnical Institute (Faculty
speciality: Automatic Control and Telematics), Russia, St.Petersburg, 1962
- Postgraduate, Institute of Electronics and Computer Science,
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western
counntries), Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1968
- Dr.habil.sc.comp. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Moscow
Aviation Institute, 1978
- Professor, University of Latvia, 1987-1991
Institute of Electronics
and Computer Science:
- Researcher , 1962-1972
- Deputy Director for Research, 1976-1990
- Director , 1992 - 2007
- Head of the Laboratory, 1972 - 2007
- Head, International Laboratory for Digital Allias-free Signal
Processing, University of Westminster, United Kingdom, 1996 - 1999
- Visiting Professor, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya,
Barcelona, Spain (1991-1992)
- Visiting Professor, University of Westminster, London, UK
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1987 - 1990
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1990 -
- European IT Prize for the development of "DASP-Lab System
Digital Analyser of radio frequency Signals in time, frequency and modulation
domains", 1997
- Award of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Joint Stock Company "Lattelekom" and
the Educational Foundation of Latvia, 2004
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Chair of the Division of Physical and Technical Sciences, Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1989 - 1992
- Chairman, Latvian Council of Science
Expert Committee for Computer Sciences, 1990-1993
- Editor-in- chief, Journal Automatic Control and Computer
Science 1990-2007
- Member, Editorial Board for journal Electronics and Electrical
Engineering 2011-
- Member, Board of Lattelekom Directors, 1994 -2004
- Invited lectures at universities in Madrid, Vigo and Barcelona
(Spain), Paris (France), London (UK), Lubeck and Munich (Germany), Roskilde (RISO,
Denmark) , Los-Angeles (UCLA) and Chapel - Hill (North Caroline, USA), Cologne, Brussels.
Recent/Representative Publications
- I.Bilinskis. Digital Alias-free Signal Processing, WILEY, 2007, 488 p.
- I.Bilinskis, A.Mikelsons. Randomized Signal Processing, London:
Prentice Hall, 1992, 329 p.
- I.Bilinskis, A.Mikelsons. Randomized Signal Processing of
Continuous Signals, Riga: Zinatne Press, 1983, 292 p. (in Russian)
- I.Bilinskis, M.Greitans, A.Mikelsons. Random sampling of signals
with correlation and/or random losses of sampling points. Automatic Control and
Computer Science, 1992, 1, pp.58-67
- I.Bilinskis, A.Mikelsons, Impact of quantization bit rate
reduction on high-resolution alias-free spectral analysis. Proceedings of COST-229
Workshop, Bayona (Vigo), Spain, October 1994, pp.93-96.
- Y.Artyukh, I.Bilinskis, A.Ribakov, V.Vedin. Alias-free Signal
Recorder & Analyzer, Proceedings of Workshop on Sampling Theory & Applications,
Riga, Latvia, 1995, pp.220-222
- Y.Artyukh, I.Bilinskis, A.Mikelsons, A.Ziedinsh. Experimental
studies of Alias-free Signal Recorder & Analyzer, Proceedings of Workshop on
Sampling Theory & Applications, Riga, Latvia, 1995, pp.223-226.
- I.Bilinskis. Deliberately pseudorandomized DSP - advantages and
limitations. Lecture at RISO, Roskilde, Denmark, Nov. 1994, Proceedings of the Workshop
on Sampling Theory&Applications, Riga, Latvia, 1995, pp.201-207.
- I.Bilinskis, G.Cain. Digital Alias-free Signal Processing and a
Test-bed for this technology, Proceedings of the 1997 International Workshop on
Sampling Theory & Applications, Aveiro, Portugal, 1997, pp. 349-357.
- Y.Artyukh, I.Bilinskis, M.Greitans, V.Vedin. Signal Digitizing and
Recording in the DASP-Lab System, Proceedings of the 1997 International Workshop on
Sampling Theory&Applications, Aveiro, Portugal, 1997, pp.357-361.
- I.Bilinskis, A.Mikelsons, G.Mucenieks, Vector Spectral Analyser
based on the DASP-Lab System, Proceedings of the 1997 International Workshop on
Sampling Theory & Applications, Aveiro, Portugal, 1997, pp.365-370.
- I.Bilinskis, G.Cain, I.Mednieks, A.Mikelsons. Nonuniform Sampling Based Signal
Generation. - Proceedings of the 1999 International Workshop on Sampling Theory and
Application, August 11-14, 1999, Loen, Norway, pp.180-183.
- Yu.Artyukh, I.Bilinskis, V.Vedin. Hardware core of the Family of Digital RF Signal
PC-based Analyzers. - Proceedings of the 1999 International Workshop on Sampling Theory
and Application, August 11-14, 1999, Loen, Norway, pp.177-179.
- I. Bilinskis , I. Mednieks. Introduction to Digital Alias-free Signal Processing,
2001, Institute of Electronics and Computer Science: Riga, "Dasp Lab"
Ltd.: London, 65 pp.
- Yu.Artyukh, I.Bilinskis, M.Greitans, I.Mednieks, A.Rybakov. DASP-Lab System a
demonstrator of the new DSP technology. Automatic Control and Computer Science,
2001, Nr 6, pp.3-21.
- I.Bilinskis. Processing signals digitally in a much wider frequency range. Proceedings
of the 8th Biennial Baltic Electronics conference, Tallinn Technical
University, October 6-8, 2002, Estonia, pp.29-34.
- I.Bilinskis J.Artjuhs,. Method and apparatus for alias suppressed digitizing of high
frequency analog signals. USA patent US2005151678, 2005. Published 14.07.2005.
- Yu.Artyukh, I.Bilinskis, E.Boole, A.Rybakov, V.Vedin. Wideband RF signal digititising
for high purity spectral analysis. Proceedings of the 2005 International
Workshop on Spectral Methods and Multirate Signal Processing (SMMSP 2005), June 20-22,
2005, Riga, Latvia.
Research Projects
- I.Bilinskis (Head of the Latvian Part of Project). COST 229
project: Irregularized Digital Signal Processing in Telecommunications (1992-1995).
- I.Bilinskis (Head of the Latvian Part of Project). Project
CT92-0066: Improvement of Lidar Measurement Techniques for Discrimination of Polar
Stratospheric Clouds and Volcanic Aerosols (1994-1995).
- I.Bilinskis (Head of the Latvian Part of Project). Project
C8254 CORELAR: Complexity-reduced Large Aperture Arrays (1994-1996).
- I.Bilinskis (Head of the Latvian Part of Project). Project
CP1341 LASER-DOPPLER: Parallel computing for real-time high-resolution processing of
backscattered Laser-Doppler signals(1995-1998).
- I.Bilinskis (Scientific Coordinator). EURODASP (Actions Providing
Access to DASP Technology for Digital Designing of Microwave and Radio Frequency IST
Systems. EC IST-1999-21004 (2000-2002).
- I.Bilinskis (Head of the Latvian Part of Project). Project
for the Concerted Action on Laser-Doppler Flowmetry for Microcirculatory monitoring:
Irregularized Laser-Doppler signal analysis for Microcirculation Flowmetry (1993-1995).
- I.Bilinskis (Head of the Latvian Part of Project). Concerted
Action BENEFIT : Concerted actions for Stimulation and Support of East-West
collaboration in the area of Microelectronics and Signal Processing (1995-1998)
- I.Bilinskis (Head of Project). Flexible Digital Signal Processing.
Latvia Council of Science (1990-1996)
- I.Bilinskis (Scientific Coordinator). Project
IST-1999-21004: Action Providing Access to DASP Technology for Digital Designing of
Microwave and Radio Frequency IST Systems (EURODASP). European Commission (2000-2002)
- I.Bilinskis (Scientific Coordinator). Project
DASPTOOL: Development of Tools for Direct Digital Alias-free Processing of RF and
Microwave Signals with Demonstrations of their Application Potential. European Community,
Programme Information Society Technologies (2002-2005) .
Last update 04.04.2012