Born: June 18, 1935, Riga, Latvia
History of Latvia:
- The Latvian Riflemen
- Latvia during the First World War
- The Army of Latvia, 1918-1920
- The Foreign Policy of Latvia in 1920s
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
- University of Latvia (Department of History and Philology, BA - History), 1958
- Dr. hist. (Candidate of Science in former USSR), Institute of History of Latvia, 1966
- Dr. habil. hist. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Institute of History of Latvia,
Institute of History of Latvia:
- Junior Researcher, 1966-1974
- Senior Researcher, 1974-1990
- Leading Researcher, 1990-
- Professor, 1993-
- Head of Department of History, 1996-2000
- Chief Researcher, 2001 -
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1998
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences and Joint Stock Company "Grindeks" Award, 2000
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Karlis Ulmanis Award, 2004
- State Emeritus Scientist, 2005
Professional Activities
- Member, Scientific Council of the Institute of History of Latvia, 1990-
- Member, Scientific Council of the Museum of War of Latvia, 1990-
- Member (Chairman, 1993 - 1999), Latvian Council of Science
Expert Committee for History, 1992-
- Member and a Head of panel of Latvian Historian Commission, 1998- 2001
Recent / Representative Publications
- V.Berzins, A. Bambals. The Army of Latvia, 1991, Riga: Zinatne, 109 pp. (in Latvian)
- V.Berzins.Latvia During the Years of the First World War, 1992, Riga: Latvian
University, 45 pp. (in Latvian)
- V.Berzins.The Seaports of Latvia After the Outbreak of the First World War. - In: Between
the Bear and the Eagle: Sweden and the Baltic Region during the First World War,
1914-1918, Stokhholm, 1994, pp. 43-48.
- V.Berzins.Historical Research During the Last Five Years. - Proceedings of the
Latvian Academy of Sciences, A, 1/2, 1995, pp. 82-86 (in Latvian)
- V.Berzins.The Latvian Riflemen - Drama and Tragedy, 1995, Riga: Institute of History
of Latvia, 1995, 288 pp. (in Latvian, summary in English)
- V.Berzins. The response to the Briand Plan in Latvia. - In: The Brian Plan of
European Federal Union, 1998, Bern, etc.,pp. 411-418.
- V.Berzins. Once more on Cesis battles. - Latvijas Vestures Instituta Zurnals,
1999, pp. 73-84 (in Latvian).
- V.Berzins (Managing Editor and author of several parts). The 20th Century History of
Latvia. I. Latvia from the Biginning of the Century to the Proclamation of Independence,
1900-1918, Riga, 2000, 869 pp. (in Latvian).
- V.Berzins (Managing Editor and author of several parts). The 20th Century History of
Latvia. II. The Independent State, 1918-1940, Riga, 2003, 1022 pp. (in
- V.Berzins. The three crucial days. - Latvijas Vestures Instituta Zurnals, 2003,
N 3, pp. 66-72 (in Latvian).
- V.Berzins. The Constitutional Assembly of Latvia: from Idea to Reality. - Latvijas
Vestures Instituta Zurnals, 2004, N 3, pp. 83-93 (in Latvian).
Research Projects
- V.Berzins (Head of Project). History of Latvia, 1918-1940. Latvian Council of
Science, 2001 -
- V.Berzins (Head of Project). The 20th Century History of Latvia. Latvian Council of
Science, 1996-2003
- V.Berzins (Head of Project). Latvia and the Great Powers, 1918-1920. Latvian Council
of Science, 1994-1996
- International Research and Exchange Board grant, 1993-1994
- Archieval studies at the Public Records Office (Oct. - Nov., 1995; Oct. - Nov., 1996;
Feb. - March, 1999; Oct.- Nov., 2002). British Academy grant .
- Fulbright Foundation (USA) grant (February - May, 1997)
Last update 23.08.2005