( 03.08.1934 - 19.11.2004)
Born: August 3, 1934, Jelgava, Latvia
Departed: November 19, Jelgava, Latvia
- Agricultural Engineering
- Drying and Storage of Grain:
- grain active ventilation, drying and storage
- quantitative and qualitative characteristics of
grain flows
- automatic monitoring of drying processes and
- technological lines of grain primary processing,
technological processes
and equipment, design and testing
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German
- Latvia University of Agriculture (Faculty of
Agricultural Engineering), 1958
- Dr.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR,
Ph.D. in Western countries), Latvia University of Agriculture , 1967
- Dr.habil.ing., Latvia University of Agriculture,
- Head of Laboratory, Latvia Scientific Research
Institute of Agriculture, 1958 -1959
Latvia University of
Agriculture -
- Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor,
Department of Agricultural Machinery, 1960 -1987
- Head, Department of Agricultural Machinery, 1988
- Professor, Department of Engineering, 1992 -
- Vice-Rector for Research, 1992 - 2001
- Professor, Department of Engineering, Grain Drying
and Storage scientific Laboratory, 2002 -
Honours and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1997
- Member, Academy of Agriculture and Forestry
Science of Latvia, 1993
- Latvian State Prize, 1980
- Award '' Sejejs'' (Ministry of Agriculture,
Ministry of Environment Protection and Regional Development), 1995, 2003
- State Emeritus Scientist, 2002
- Honorary Doctoral Degree, Dr.h.c,
Lithuanian University of Agriculture, 2003
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member , Academy of Agriculture and Forestry
Science of Latvia, 1993
- Member, Latvian
Council of Science Expert Committee for Agricultural Science, 1994 -2002; Chairman ,
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Habilitation
and Promotion Committee, 1997 - 2002
- Chairman of Editorial Board for Proceedings of
the Latvia University of Agriculture, 1995 -
- Member of Editorial Board for Proceedings of the Litavien University of Agriculture,
2002 -
- Member of the Latvian Agricultural Engineers
Society, 1996
Latvia University of Agriculture -
- Drying and Storage of Plant Production, 1995 -
- Agricultural Machinery, 1961 -
Recent/Representative Publications:
- E.Berzins, A.Abolins, N.Karpova-Sadigova. Control of the product
drying process in low-temperature drying on floor bin. - LZU Universiteto mokslodarbai,
2003, vol.6, N 1.
- Temkin A., Berzinsh E., Slavski B. Optimization of cyclic drying
of solid materials. // Heat Conduction and Diffusion, RTU, 2002, N 18, pp. 89-116.
- E.Berzin, A.Aboltin, V.Bekers. Modelling of grain
drying in counter flow. //Safe and economical agricultural technologies. Proceedings
International Scientific Conference, Priekuli, 25 and 26 July, 2002, pp. 110-112.
- A.Temkin, E.Berzinsh, A.Slavski. Optimization of
Cyclic Drying of Solid Materials, 2001, Riga, 15 pp.
- E.Berzins (compiler). Agricultural Science in
Latvia 1950-1990 (View of Seniors), 2000, Jelgava: Latvia University of Agriculture, 223
pp. (in Latvian).
- Berzins E. Use of the heat accumulated in grain. -
Proc. LLU, 1997, N , p. 79 (in Latvian).
- Berzins E. Research on the monitoring of grain
fixed-bed drying process.- Proc. LLU,1997, N 8, pp. 56-58 (in Latvian).
- Berzins E. On the choice of control criteria for
fixed-bed drying systems of grain. - Proc. LLU, 1996, N 6, pp. 92-93 (in Latvian).
- Berzins E. Preciseness of the calculated water
amount carried out through fixed-bed drying systems of grain. - Proc. LLU, 1996, N 6 ,
pp. 61-64 (in Latvian).
- Berzins E. Carrying away of water with the help of
ventilation of grain. - Proc. International Scientific Conference NKJ-BJC
"Integrated rural development", Kaunas. 1994.
- Berzins E. Grain drying and storage in Latvia. - Proc.
25th Nordic Cereal Congress "The Nordic Cereal Industry in an Integrating
Europe". Helsinki, 1993. pp. 288-292.
- Berzins E. Productivity and energetic data
of grain active ventilation in layers. - Proc. LLA, 1979, issue 159, pp.13-22 (in
- E.Berzins. Grain Conditioning, 1974, Riga:
Liesma, 125 pp. (in Latvian).
- Berzins E. et al. Equipment for wet
grain preservation. - USSR Authors Certificate AC 540617. Cl. A23B9/00, 48.,
- Berzins E., Eglite E. Ventilated corn-bin. - USSR
Authors Certificate AC 308 280. Cl. F26B9/08, 6., 15.02.84.
- Berzins E., Palabinskis J. Active
ventilation equipment for agricultural products. LV Patent 10740, Cl. A01F25/08,
- Berzins E., Rajeckis P., Aboltins A. Grain drying
method. RU Patent 20165046. Cl. A01F25/08, 30.07.1994.
Research Projects:
- E.Berzins (Head of Project). Investigationson the
Pretreatment and Storage Processes of Plant Production Products. Latvian Council of
Science (2001 - ).
- E.Berzins (Head of Project). Research on Drying
and Storage of Plant Production. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000).
- E.Berzins (Head of Project). Research on Selected
Seed under Controllable Atmosphere of Permanent Storage. Ministry of Agriculture,
Republic of Latvia (1997).
- E.Berzins (Head of Project). Scientific-Research
Background for Starting Production of Air Heating Sun Collectors in Latvia. Ministry of
Education and Research, Republic of Latvia (1996-1997).
- E.Berzins (Head of Project). Use of Climate Factor
in the Grain Conditioning and Storage Process (1994-1996).
- E.Berzins (Head of Project). Scientific-Research
Background for the Production of Shaft-Type Grain Dryers in Latvia. Ministry of
Education and Research, Republic of Latvia (1995).
Last update 08.01.2004