Born: December 23, 1962, Riga, Latvia
- Computational linguistics
- Knowledge representation and reasoning, Semantic technologies
- Inductive inference and Machine learning
- Wireless and Satellite communications
- Computer networking protocols
- Business modeling and Specification languages
Languages: English, Russian, Latvian
- Dr. Computer Science, University of Latvia (Riga, Latvia), 1992
- Ph.D. Computer Science, Siberian Branch of USSR Academy of Sciences, (Novosibirsk,
Russia), 1990
- B.Sc. Applied Mathematics, University of Latvia (Riga, Latvia), 1986
- 1992-present Professor and Senior Researcher, University of Latvia (Riga, Latvia)
- 1998-2011 Technical Director, Vizada Networks AS (Holmestrand, Norway)
- 1996-1999 Certified Cisco Systems Instructor (CCSI), Internetworking University AB
(Stockholm, Sweden)
- 1992-1998 Technical Director, Latnet (ISP) (Riga, Latvia)
- 1991-1992 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Computer Science, New Mexico
State University (Las Cruces, NM, USA)
- 1985-1991 Junior Research Associate, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science,
University of Latvia (Riga, Latvia)
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Advisor for Baltic countries, ACM Committee on Central and Eastern Europe
- Member, Baltnet Research Networking Board
- BALTnet93 conference Organization committee member, Riga, Latvia.
- NORDUnet99 conference Program committee member, Lund, Sweden.
- Member of Internet Society since 1994.
- Latvia ccTLD (.lv) representative at IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) and
ICANN, since 1993
- University of Latvia academic consulting council for computer science and modeling,
chair, since 2009
- Programming Languages, New Mexico State University, Spring 1992
- Object-Oriented Programming and C++, University of Latvia, 1992-1994
- Programming Languages, University of Latvia, 1993-1997
- Computer Networks, University of Latvia, 1997-present
- UNIX and Applications, University of Latvia, 2005-present
Representative Publications
- G.J.Barzdins. Experiments with mixed computation, Programmirovanie, 1:30-43, 1987
(in Russian)
- G.Barzdins. Mixed Computation and Compiler Basis, Proceedings of Workshop on Partial
and Mixed Computation, Denmark, October 1987, (Eds. D.Bjorner, A.P.Ershov, N.D.Jones),
North-Holland, 1988, pp.15-26.
- G.Barzdins. Inductive synthesis of encoding for algebraic data types, Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 1989, vol.397, pp.328-338.
- G.Barzdins. Inductive Synthesis of Term Rewriting Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, Springer Verlag, 1991, vol.502, pp.253-285.
- Barzdins J, G.Barzdins. Towards Efficient Inductive Synthesis: Rapid Construction of
Local Regularities, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 1993,
vol.659, pp.132-140.
- J.Barzdins, G.Barzdins, K.Apsitis, U.Sarkans, Towards Efficient Inductive Synthesis of
Expressions from Input/Output Examples, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer
Verlag,1993, vol.744, pp.59-72.
- G.Barzdins. Research Networks in the Baltic countries, Proceedings of the Nordic
Conf. on Research and Educational Networking NORDUNET-94, May31-June2, Umea, Sweden,
1994, 8 p.
- J.Barzdins, A.Kalnins, G.Barzdins. Rule-based Approach to Business Modelling, Proceedings
of the 7th Intern.Conf. on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering SEKE95, Knowledge
Systems Institute, 1995, pp.161-165.
- I.Murane, G.Barzdins. Internet service providers in Latvia, BALTIC IT REVIEW,
1996, Nr.1, pp.49-52.
- G.Barzdins, J.Kikuts, R.Balodis. Internet Development Trends in Latvia, Baltic
IT&T 97, April 2-4, 1997, Riga.
- G.Barzdins, Baltic Network Proliferation, NORDUnet'97 Conference, Reykjavik, June
29 - July 1, 1997.
- A.Sidorovs, G.Barzdins. J.Lacis, K.Ogsts. Smart ARP: Merging IP and MAC Addressing for
low-cost gigabit Ethernet networks, Computer networks, Elevier Science B.V.,
Vol.31(21) November 1999, pp.2193-2204. - also in: Proceedings of TNNC'99 conf., Lund,
Sweden, 1999 (http://www.terena.nl/conferences/archive/tnnc/1B/1B2/1B2.html)
- G.Barzdins, J.Tully, A.Riekstins. Applications of high-speed wireless solutions for
developing countries: Lessons learnd in Latvia and Moldova. - Proceedings of INET'99
conf., San Jose, California, USA, 1999. (http://www.isoc.org/inet99/proceedings/4d/4d_2.htm)
- G.Barzdins, Quality and Efficiency of Voice via Satellite, Broadband via Satellite
Conference, Brussels, May 29-30, 2002.
- G.Barzdins, UML + Spreadsheets as a Telecommunications Network Documentation and
Analysis Tool, Databases and Information Systems, Vol.118, IOS Press, 2005, pp.238-246.
ISSN 0922-6389
- J.Barzdins, G.Barzdins, R.Balodis, K.Cerans, A.Kalnins, M.Opmanis, K.Podnieks, Towards
Semantic Latvia, Baltic DB&IS 2006, Communications, O.Vasileckas, J.Eder, A.Caplinskas
(Eds). Vilnius: Technika, 2006. pp.203-218.
- G.Barzdins, N. Gruzitis, R.Kudins. "Re-Engineering OntoSem Ontology Towards OWL DL
Compliance", Knowledge-Based Software Engineering, E.Tyugu and T.Yamaguchi (Eds.),
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol.140, IOS Press, 2006,
pp.157-166. ISSN 0922-6389, ISBN 1-58603-640-8, LCCN 2006929180. (Proceedings of the
Seventh JCKBSE'06 conference, Tallinn August 28-31) PDF
- Barzdins G., Barzdins J., Cerans K. (2008), From Databases to Ontologies // Semantic Web
Engineering in the Knowledge Society. Cardoso J., Lytras M. (Eds.), IGI Global, 2008, pp.
242-266. ISBN 978-1-60566-112-4
- Guntis Barzdins, Sergejs Rikacovs, Marta Veilande, Martins Zviedris (2009): Ontological
Re-engineering of Medical Databases, Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences,
Section B, Vol. 63 (2009), No. 4/5 (663/664), pp. 153155
- Gruzitis N. and Barzdin G. (2010): Polysemy in Controlled Natural Language Texts.
In: N. E. Fuchs (ed.), CNL 2009 Workshop, LNCS/LNAI 5972, Springer, Heidelberg, 2010, pp.
- Adam Wyner, Krasimir Angelov, Guntis Barzdins, Danica Damljanovic, Brian Davis, Norbert
E. Fuchs, Stefan Höfler, Ken Jones, Kaarel Kaljurand, Tobias Kuhn: On Controlled Natural
Languages: Properties and Prospects. In: N. E. Fuchs (ed.), CNL 2009 Workshop, LNCS/LNAI
5972, Springer, Heidelberg, 2010, 281-289
- Barzdins J., Barzdins G., Cerans K., Liepins R., Sprogis A. (2010), "UML Style
Graphical Notation and Editor for OWL 2", Perspectives in Business Informatics
Research, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Volume 64, Part 2, Springer
Verlag, 2010, 102-114
- G.Nespore, B.Saulite, G.Barzdins, N. Gruzitis (2010). "Comparison of the
SemTi-Kamols and Tsnieres Dependency Grammars", Human Language Technologies
The Baltic Perspective, I.Skadina, A.Vasiljevs (Eds.), Frontiers in Artificial
Intelligence and Applications, Vol.219, IOS Press, 2010, pp.233-240.
- J.Barzdins, G.Barzdins, R.Balodis, K.Cerans, A.Kalnins, M.Opmanis, K.Podnieks (2006),
Towards Semantic Latvia, Baltic DB&IS 2006, Communications, O.Vasileckas, J.Eder,
A.Caplinskas (Eds). Vilnius: Technika, 2006. pp.203-218.
- K.Dzonsons, G.Barzdins (2007). prolog-mpi: a System for Explicit Predicate Distribution
in Prolog Systems. EGEE User Forum, 9-11 May 2007, Manchester, United Kingdom
- G.Barzdins, N.Gruzitis, G.Nespore, B.Saulite (2007). "Dependency-Based Hybrid Model
of Syntactic Analysis for the Languages with a Rather Free Word Order", Joakim Nivre,
Heiki-Jaan Kaalep, Kadri Muischnek and Mare Koit (Eds.) NODALIDA 2007 Conference
Proceedings, pp. 13-20, Tartu, May 2007. ISBN 978-9985-4-0514-7
- M.Barinskis, G.Barzdins (2007). "Satisfiability Model Visualization Plugin for Deep
Consistency Checking of OWL Ontologies", OWLED 2007, OWL: Experiences and
Directions Third International Workshop 6-7 June 2007 Innsbruck, Austria.
- G.Barzdins, M.Barinskis (2007). "The Minimal Finite Model Visualisation as an
Ontology Debugging Tool", Proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on
Description Logics DL2007, Brixen/Bressanone, Italy June 8-10, 2007, D.Calvanese,
E.Franconi, V.Haarslev, D.Lembo, B.Motik, S.Tessaris, A.Y.Turhan (Eds.), Bolzen Bolzano
University Press, pp.523-524, 2007. ISBN 978-88-6046-008-5
- Barzdins G., Gruzitis N., Nespore G., Saulite B., Auzina I., and Levane-Petrova K
(2008). Multidimensional Ontologies: Integration of Frame Semantics and Ontological
Semantics // Proceedings of the XIII Euralex Internacional Congress, Barcelona, 15-19 July
2008, E.Bernal and J.DeCesaris (eds.), Universitat Pompeau Fabra, Serie Activitats, Vol.
20, pp.277-284,July, 2008. ISBN 13: 978-84-96742-67-3
- G.Barzdins, E.Liepins, M.Veilande, M.Zviedris (2009), "Ontology Enabled Graphical
Database Query Tool for End-Users", Selected papers from DB&IS'2008, Hele-Mai
Haav, Ahto Kalja (Eds.), IOS Press, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications,
Volume 187, 2009, pp.105-116, ISBN 978-1-58603-939-4
- Gruzitis N., Barzdin G. (2009), Polysemy in Controlled Natural Language Texts //
Proceedings of the Workshop on Controlled Natural Language (CNL 2009), Marettimo Island,
Italy. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 448, 2009. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-448/paper21.pdf
- Barzdins J., Barzdins G., Cerans K., Liepins R., Sprogis A. (2010), OWLGrEd: a UML Style
Graphical Editor for OWL // Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Ontology Repositories and
Editors for the Semantic Web (ORES-2010), CEUR Workshop Proceedings (ISSN 1613-0073),
Vol-596, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-596/paper-05.pdf
- Barzdins J., Barzdins G., Cerans K., Liepins R., Sprogis A. OWLGrEd: a UML Style
Graphical Notation and Editor for OWL 2, // Proceedings of the 7th International
Workshop on OWL: Experiences and Directions (OWLED 2010), CEUR Workshop Proceedings (ISSN
1613-0073), Vol-614, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-614/owled2010_submission_5.pdf
- M.Zviedris, G.Barzdins (2011) ViziQuer: A Tool to Explore and Query SPARQL
Endpoints, The Semantic Web: Research and Applications, LNCS, 2011, Volume
6644/2011, pp. 441-445
- G. Barzdin. When FrameNet meets a Controlled Natural Language. Proceedings of the
18th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA 2011. Editors: Bolette
Sandford Pedersen, Gunta Nepore and Inguna Skadina. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol.
11 (2011), pp.2-5.
- G.Nespore, B.Saulite, G.Barzdins, N. Gruzitis (2010). "Comparison of the
SemTi-Kamols and Tsnieres Dependency Grammars", Human Language Technologies
The Baltic Perspective, I.Skadina, A.Vasiljevs (Eds.), Frontiers in Artificial
Intelligence and Applications, Vol.219, IOS Press, 2010, pp.233-240.
- Barzdins J., Barzdins G., Cerans K., Liepins R., Sprogis A. (2010), "UML Style
Graphical Notation and Editor for OWL 2", Perspectives in Business Informatics
Research, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Volume 64, Part 2, Springer
Verlag, 2010, 102-114
Research Projects
- Visualization of knowledge bases, New Mexico State University, NSF, 1991-1992
- GRAPES Specification Language and GRADE tools, Infologistik and Siemens GmbH, 1992-1994
- Research Network of Latvia (LATNET), Nordic Council of Ministers, Ministry of Education
of Latvia, 1993-1997
- BalticGrid , FP6 ICT project, 2005-2008
- SemTi Kamols , National Research Program
project, 2005-2009
- Original Information Technologies based on
Ontologies and Model Transformations. National Research Program project, 2010-2012
Last update 04.04.2012