(13.01.1941. - 2.09.2010.)
Born: January 13, 1945, Riga district, Latvia
- Lexicography
- French and Latvian Lexicology
- Contrastive Studies
- Phraseology
- History of Latvian Linguistics
- Linguistic Contacts
Languages: Latvian, French, English, Russian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Foreign Languages), 1968
- Dr. philol. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), State
Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, Minsk, Belarus,1978
- Dr. habil. philol., University of Latvia, Riga, 1993
University of Latvia:
- Lecturer and Associate Professor, Faculty of Foreign Languages, 1968 - 1993
- Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, 1979 - 1986
- Head of Romance Languages Department, 1995 -
- Professor, 1994 -
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Chairman, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee
for Linguistics, Literature & Arts, 1991 - 1999
- Member of Scientific Council, Institute of the Latvian Linguistics, 1993 -
- Member of Council, Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Latvia, 1992 -
- Vice - President, Council of the University of Latvia, 1995-1998
- Vice - President, Latvian Teachers Council, 1995-1998
- Vice - President, Latvian French Teachers Association, 1989 -
- Vice-President, Canadian Studies in Latvia, 2000 -
- About Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians .(1997,University of Vilnius, VIII
International Congress of Baltic Linguistics BALTISTICA)
- In Memory of the first Dictionary of Foreign Words. (1997, Pedagogical Higher School
of Liepaja)
- New Lexicographic Principles in Creation the New Bilingual Dictionaries. (1997, Latvian
Academy of Sciences)
- Lexicography and archaic lexics(1998, Linguistica Lettica-3, Latvian Academy of
- Lexicographyc context in the new bilingual dictionaries. (1998, University of
Sauliai, Lithuania)
- The first dictionary of foreign words. (1998, Pedagogical Higher School of Liepaja)
- Regional lexicography and Rezekne. (1998, Pedagogical Higher School of Rezekne)
- Pages of the History of Latvian Romance studies. (1999, University of Daugavpils,
- The development of the Romance studies (1999, University of Latvia, 57th Conference)
- The development of the Romance studies in Latvia after WW2 (1999, Stockholm
University, 3rd Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe)
- French lexicography today (1999, University of Sauliai, Lithuania)
- Contrastive Analysis of French and Latvian topoethnonyms (1999, Pedagogical Higher
School of Rezekne, Latvia)
- Le Canada et la Lettonie au XX-e siecle (1999, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, 6th
Conference of the NACS)
- French studies at the University of Latvia (1999, Conference on the History of the
University of Latvia)
- French phraseology today (1999, University of Sauliai, Lithuania)
- Periphrastic Oiconyms in Latvian and Lithuanian (1999, University of Sauliai,
- About contrastive studies of toponyms and ethnotoponyms (2001, Kiev State University of
- Latvian Romance Linguists' Contribution to Latvian lexicography (2002, St.Petersburg
- Romance lexicography in Latvia (2002, Skandinaviska Romanistkongress, University of
- French Lexicology
- French Stylistics
- Translation Theory
- Introduction to Linguistics
- Lexicology
- Canadian Francophone Linguistics
Recent/ Representative Publications
- Andrejs Bankavs. Dictionary of Lexicographical Terms (French-Latvian-English), 2002,
Riga, 56 pp.
- Andrejs Bankavs. Short Dictionary of Latvian Abbreviations, 2001 ( 2nd Edition in 2002),
Riga, 68 pp.
- Andrejs Bankavs. Reproduction of French Antroponyms in the Latvian Language. - In:
Memories of the Pedagogical Academy of Liepaja, 2002, pp. 360-363.
- Andrejs Bankavs. Philologist Janis Ratermanis. - In: Memories of the
Pedagogical Academy of Liepaja, 2001, pp. 42-47.
- Andrejs Bankavs. Le Canada et la Lettonie. - Book of Abstracts. Rediscoverying
Canada. The 6th Triennial Conf. of the Nordic Association for Canadian Studies. The
University of Iceland, Reykjavik, 1999, pp. 3-4.
- Andrejs Bankavs. Etudes romanes en Lettonie. - XIV Scandinaviska Romanistkongressen,
Stockholm, 1999, p. 74.
- Andrejs Bankavs. French Studies at the University of Latvia. - Abstracts. LU -80, 1999,
pp. 37-38.
- Andrejs Bankavs. Jekabs Dravnieks - Latvian lexicograph. - Linguistica Lettica
-5(Riga) , 1999.
- Andrejs Bankavs. Acronyms in the 90s vocabulary. - Linguistica Letica I,
Riga, 1997, pp. 7-13(in Latvian).
- Andrejs Bankavs. French Speaking World, NGO, Latvia. - Revue Baltique, Vilnius,
1997, pp. 72 - 76.
- Andre Bankavs. Gallicisms in Old Latvian and in Old Estonian. - Contacts of Languages
and Cultures in the Baltic Area, Uppsala, 1996, pp. 43 - 48 (in French).
Research Projects
- A.Bankavs (Head of Project). Latvian Linguists (Encyclopediae). Latvian Council of
Science (1995- )
- A.Bankavs. Contrastive Lexicography. Latvian Council of Science (1996- ).
- A.Bankavs. Theoretical and Practical Lexicography. Latvian Council of Science (2003
- ).
Married. 2 children who speak French.
Hobbies: French dictionaries & adventures on deserted islands.
Last update: 30-10-2007 12:45:04