(02.01.1933 - 13.04.2005)
Professor Arturs BALKLAVS-GRINHOFS Director
Institute of Astronomy
University of Latvia
Raina bulv. 19
Riga, LV 1586
Phone: +371 7034581
Fax: +371 7820180; +371 7034582
Born: January 2, 1933, Riga, Latvia
April 13, Riga, Latvia
- Astrophysics (C and Other Late Spectral Type Stars)
- Radio Astronomy (Theory of Radio Interferometers, VLBI)
- Solar Activity
- Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Main research are devoted to the investigations of the
space frequency spectra of the radio interferometers, solar radio microbursts, carbon
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
- University of Latvia (Physics), 1956
- Dr.phys. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR, Ph.D.
in Western countries), Main Astronomical Observatory (Pulkovo), USSR Academy of Sciences,
- Engineer and Senior Engineer, Institute of Physics, Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1956-1958
- Researcher, Senior Researcher, Radioastrophysical
Observatory, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1958-1969
- Director, Radioastrophysical Observatory, Latvian Academy
of Sciences, 1969-1997
- Director, Institute of Astronomy, University of Latvia, 1997 - 2005
Honours and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1994
- Man of the Year (1998) and Medal, nominated by ABI (American Biographic Institute, Inc.)
- nominated for inclusion in the 7th edition of Five Hundred Leaders of Influence and
Five Thousand Personalities of the World, ABI, 1998
- 2000 Millenium Medal of Honour, ABI
- Remembrance Medal of Participation at Barricade' 91, 1999
- Honorary Diploma, Latvian Academy of Sciences and JSC " Aldaris" - for
significant contribution in development of astronomy and popularisation of
science in Latvia, 1999
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member, International Astronomical Union, 1967
- Member, European Astronomical Society, 1990
- Member, International Amateur-Professional Photoelectric
Photometry, 1993
- Member, Latvian
Astronomical Society, 1969
- Editor-in-Chief, Zvaigznota Debess (The Starry Sky),
quarterly magazine, 1969-
- Member, Senate of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1996 -
- Member, Editorial Board of Proceedings of Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1996 - 2005
- Member, Board of Latvian Astronomical Society, 1993 -
- Member, Scientific Board of the Ventspils International Radioastronomy Centre
(VIRAC), 1995 - 2005
- Member, Scientific Advisory Council of VIRAC, 1996 - 2005
- Expert, Latvian Council of
Science, 1996 - 2005
- Member, Editorial Board of Baltic Astronomy (an
international journal), 1999 - 2005
Recent Publications:
- A. Balklavs. Microbursts of solar radioemission: some
problems and solutions, - Baltic Astronomy, 1992, vol.1, 1, pp.117-123
- A. Balklavs. Ventspils radio telescopes: history,
parameters and possibilities, - Baltic Astronomy, 1996, vol.5, 1, pp.181-186
- A.Alksnis, A.Balklavs, U.Dzervitis, I.Eglitis. Absolute magnitudes of carbon stars from
Hipparcos parallaxes. - Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1998, vol.338, pp.209-216.
- A.Alksnis, A.Balklavs, I.Eglitis, O.Paupers. Baldone Schmidt telescope plate archive and
catalogue. - Baltic Astronomy, 1998, vol. 7, No. 4, pp.653-668.
- A.Balklavs-Grinhofs. Popularisation of Sciences in Latvia: 40 years together with the
journal " Zvaigznota Debess". - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., B,
1999, vol. 53, N 2 (601), pp. 131-132.
- A.Balklavs. Cosmology at the Threshold of the New Millennium. - Zvaigznota Debess, 1999/2000, 166, pp.3-13. (in
- Alksnis A., Balklavs A., Dzervitis A., Eglitis I., Paupers O., Pundure I.
General Catalog of Galactic Carbon Stars by Stephenson C., (Errata). - Baltic
Astronomy, 2001, vol. 10, #3; ISSN 1392-0049; p. 461-478
- A.Alksnis, A.Balklavs, U.Dzervitis, I.Eglitis, O.Paupers, I.Pundure. General Catalog of
Galactic Carbon Stars by C.B.Stephenson. Third Edition. Baltic Astronomy,
2001, vol. 10., No.1/2, ISSN 1392-0049; 318 pp.
- A.Alksnis, A.Balklavs, U.Dzervitis, I.Eglitis, O.Paupers, I.Pundure. General Catalog of
Galactic Carbon Stars by C.B.Stephenson. Third Edition. Baltic Astronomy,
2001, vol. 10., No.1/2, ISSN 1392-0049; 318 pp. Electronic Version: http://www.astr.lu.lv/CGCS/cgcs.htm
- I.Eglitis, A.Balklavs, A.Zalcmane. Spectral classification of stars using objective
prism. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2002, No 5,
- I.Eglitis, M.Eglite, A.Balklavs. Spectral
classification of faint carbon stars.- Baltic Astronomy, 2003, vol.12, No.3, pp.
- M.Abele, A.Balklavs-Grinhofs, L.Osipova. Possibility of
minor planets distance measurement with laser ranging device. Latvian Journal of
Physics and Technical Sciences, ISSN 0868-8257, 2004, Nr. 2, pp. 54-61.
Research Projects:
- A.Balklavs (Head of Project). Fundamental Investigations of Late Type Stars and Physics
of Solar Activity, Based on the Data of Optical and Radioastronomical Observations
Obatained with Modern Telescopes. - Latvian Council of Science (1991-1993).
- A.Balklavs-Grinhofs (Head of Project). Fundamental
Investigations of Stars and Stellar Aggregates Using Methods of Spectrophotometry,
Photometry and Mathematical Simulation.- Latvian Council of Science (1994-1996)
- A.Balklavs-Grinhofs (Head of Project). Processing of
Observing Data of the Astrometric Satellite "HIPPARCOS" and Studies of Late
Spectral Type Stars for Updating and Improvement of the International General Catalogue of
Cool Carbon Stars (GCCCS).- Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000).
- A.Balklavs-Grinhofs (Head of Project). Carbon Stars in the Solar Neighbourhood:
Bibliographic Catalogue of Kinematic, Photometric, Spectrometric etc Characteristics:
Updating of the Electronic Version of the General CGCS. - Latvian Council of Science
- A.Balklavs-Grinhofs (Head of Project). Determination of the Properties of
Carbon Stars Using Latest Databases of the Infrared and Other Observations. Updating the
Electronic Version of the GCGCS. - Latvian Council of Science (2005- )
Last update 25.08.2005