January 11, 1956, Riga, Latvia
Scientific interests:
- main field
: Atomic and Molecular Physics, Laser Spectroscopy of Atoms and Small
- other fields
: Didactics of Physics
Current research interests:
Coherent processes in laser excitation of atoms and possible applications in
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), 1979
- Dr.phys. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), St.
Petersburg University, Russia, 1986
- Dr. habil. phys., University of Latvia, 1995
inservice training:
- Department of Physics Peking University, Beijing, Peoples Republic of China,
- Department of Physics, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, 1991
- USIA international program "University administration in the United States",
Washington, USA, 1993
- Assistant, Engineer, Lecturer, Associate Professor, ProfessorDepartment of
Physics, University of Latvia, 1979
- Visiting Professor and Research Fellow, Royal Society, University of Sussex, UK, 1996
- Research Fellow, International project "Interaction of Oriented Molecules",
Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Bielefeld, Germany, 19961997
- Visiting professor, Oklahoma University, USA, 1998
- Visiting Miller professor, University of California, Berkeley, USA, 2003, 2006, 2008
- Head of the Chair of Experimental Physics, University of Latvia, 1994
- Professor, University of Latvia, 1995
- Head of the Department of Physics, University of Latvia, 19972002
- Director, Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy 19982003
- Chairman of the Senate, University of Latvia 19982007
- Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, University of Latvia, 20022007
- Head, Center of Excellence for Basic Research in Nanoscale Physics and Application,
Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy, University of Latvia, 20032007
- Rector, University of Latvia, 2007
Honours, Awards, Fellowships, Memberships of Professional Societies
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1998
- Member, Senate of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2001
- Hanle Prize, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Bonn, Germany, 1992
- Member, Latvian Physical Society
- Member, American Physical Society
- Member, Institute of Physics (United Kingdom)
- Member, Contact Group of NordicBaltic Physical Societies
- Expert, European Physics Education Network
- Member of the Expert Committee, Latvian Council of
- Member, Latvian Council of Science, 2003
- Board Member, International Physics
Olympiads, 1996
- Board Member, European Physics
Education NetworkEUPEN (Socrates Network), 19932003
- National Representative, World Federation of Physics Competitions ,
- Executive Committee member of European Physical Society 2008
- The Grand Medal of the Latvian Academy of Sciences for outstanding contribution to the
research of coherent process in atomic and molecular physics, 2010
Monographs 2; papers in referred journals 89; communications to
scientific meetings 95; text books and teaching materials 8
Recent/Representative Publications
- M.Auzinsh, R.Ferber. Optical Polarization of Molecules. 1995, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 306 p.; second ed. 2005, 322 p. (ISBN10:
0521673445/ ISBN13: 9780521673440)
- M. Auzinsh, E. I. Dashevskaya, I. Litvin, E. E. Nikitin and J. Troe, Lambda-Doubling
Spectroscopy in the Low-Temperature Capture of NO(X2?1/2)
in Low Rotational States by C+ Ions.The Journal of Chemical Physics,
014304 (10 pages), 2009
- M. Auzinsh, R. Ferber, F. Gahbauer, A. Jarmola, L. Kalvans, Detailed studies of
non-linear magneto-optical resonances at D1 excitation of Rb-85 and Rb-87 for partially
resolved hyperfine F-levels. Phys. Rev. A, vol. 79, 053404 (pages), 2009
- M. Auzinsh, E. I. Dashevskaya, I. Litvin, E. E. Nikitin and J. Troe, Nonadiabatic
transitions between lambda-doubling states in the capture of a diatomic molecule by an
ion. J. Chem. Phys. 128, 184304 (11 pages), 2008
- M. Auzinsh, R. Ferber, F. Gahbauer, A. Jarmola, and L. Kalvans, F-resolved
Magneto-optical Resonances at D1 Excitation of Cesium: Experiment and Theory. Phys.
Rev. A, 78, 013417, 2008 arXiv:0803.0201v1 [physics.atom-ph], 3 Mar 2008
- A. Sargsyan, G. Hakhumyan, A. Papoyan, D. Sarkisyan, A. Atvars, M. Auzinsh. A method for
the quantitative study of atomic transitions in a magnetic field based on an atomic vapor
cell with thickness L =l. Applied Physics Letters, vol. 93, 021119 (2008);
arXiv:0508.2539v1 [physics.atom-ph] 16 May 2008
- V. M. Acosta, M. Auzinsh, W. Gawlik, P. Grisins, J. M. Higbie, D. F. Jackson Kimball, L.
Krzemien, M. P. Ledbetter, S. Pustelny, S. M. Rochester, V. V. Yashchuk, D. Budker,
Production and detection of atomic hexadecapole at Earth's magnetic field. Optics
Express, vol. 16, no 15, 21. July 2008, 1142311430
- M. Auzinsh, N. N. Bezuglov and K. Miculis, Manipulation of Dark States and Control
of Coherent Processes with Spectrally Broad Light. Phys. Rev. A, 053415 - 1 - 10,
2008, arXiv:0809.1211v1 [physics.atom-ph] 7 Sep 2008; included also in the Virtual
Journal of Ultrafast Science December 2008, Volume 7, Issue 12
- M. Auzinsh, K. Blusss, R. Ferber, F. Gahbauer, A. Jarmola, M. S. Safronova, U. I.
Safronova, and M. Tamanis. Level-crossing spectroscopy of the 7, 9, and 10D5/2
states of 133Cs and validation of relativistic many-body calculations of the
polarizabilities and hyperfine constants. Phys. Rev. A, 022502, 2007
- M. Auzinsh, K. Blushs, R. Ferber, F. Gahbauer, A. Jarmola, M. Tamanis, Level-crossing
spectroscopy of the 7, 9, and 10D states of Cs in an external electric field. Proc. of
SPIE, Vol. 6604, 66040F-1-5, 2007
- A.Atvars, M. Auzinsh, E.A. Gazazyan, A.V. Papoyan, S.V. Shmavonyan, Implementation of a
double-scanning technique for studies of the Hanle effect in Rubidium vapor. The European Physical Journal D, Atomic,
Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics, 2007, rXiv:physics/0703172v1 16 Mar 2007
- C. Andreeva, A. Atvars, M. Auzinsh, K.Bluss, S. Cartaleva, L. Petrov, and
D. Slavov, Ground-state magneto-optical resonances in Cesium vapour confined in an
extremely thin cell, arXiv: 0704.3010v1 [physics.atom-ph] 23 Apr 2007. Physical Review
A, 76, 063804, 2007
- V. M. Acosta, M. Auzinsh, W. Gawlik, P. Grisins, J. M. Higbie, D. F. Jackson Kimball, L.
Krzemien, M. P. Ledbetter, S. Pustelny, S. M. Rochester, V. V. Yashchuk, and D. Budker.
Production and detection of atomic hexadecapole at Earths magnetic field.
arXiv:physics/0709.4283v5, [physics.atom-ph] 26 Sept 2007
- M.Auzins, K.Blush, R.Ferber, F.Gahbauer, A.Jarmola, M.Tamanis. Electric field induced
symmetry breaking of angular momentum distribution in atoms. Physical Reviews Letters,
vol. 97, 043002 (4), arXiv.org.physics/0603194, 2006
- E.B.Alexandrov, M.Auzinsh, D.Budker, D.F.Kimball, S.M.Rochester, V.V.Yashchuk. Dynamic
effects in nonlinear magneto-optics of atoms and molecules. J.Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol.22,
No1/January, pp.720, 2005
- M.Auzinsh. Manipulation of atoms and molecules with laser radiation and external fields.
In: Theory of Chemical Reaction Dynamic (Eds. A.Lagana, G.Lendvay), NATO Science
Series C, New York: Kluwer, pp.447466, 2004.
- D.H.Sarkisyan, V.Papoyan, T.S.Varzhapetyan, K.Blush, M.Auzinsh. Effekt Zeemana na
sverhtonkoi structure atomnoi linii D1 submikronnogo sloya parov 87 Rb. Optika I
Spektroskopiya, vol. 96(2), pp.229235, 2004
- J.Alnis, K.Blushs, M.Auzinsh, S.Kennedy, N.ShaferRay, E.R.I.Abraham. The Handle
effect and level crossing spectroscopy in Rb vapour under strong laser excitation. Journal
of Physics. Molecular and Optical Physics, vol. 36(6), pp.11611173, 2003
- V.Papoyan, D.H.Sarisyan, K.Blush, M.Auzinsh, D.Bloch, M.Ducloy. Magnetic
fieldinduced mixing of hyperfine states of Cs 62P3/2 level observed with a submicron
vapour cell. Laser Physics, vol.13, No 12, pp.14671477, 2003.
- A.V.Papoyan, M.Auzinsh, K.Bergmann. Nonlinear Handle effects in Cs vapour under strong
laser excitation. Eur.Phys. J., D, vol.21, pp.6371, 2002
- M.Auzinsh, R.Ferber, O.Nikolayeva, N.ShaferRay, M.Tamanis. Influence of the Stark
effect on the fluorescence polarization of X1 S ? B1?-state
laserexcited NaRb: application to the direct imaging of electric fields.J.of
Phys. D: Applied Physics, vol.34, pp.624630, 2001
- M.Auzinsh, L.Jayasinghe, L.Oelke, R.Ferber, N.Shafer-Ray. Strobe imaging of electric
fields by depolarisation of Rydberg states of Hg.J.of Phys. D: Applied Physics,
vol.34, pp.16, 2001
- J.Alnis, M.Auzinsh. Angular Momentum spatial distribution symmetry breaking in Rb by a
magnetic field. Phys.Rev. A, 2001, vol.63, pp.023407
- Brian K. Kendrick, Lalith Jayasinghe, Steven Moser, Marcis Auzinsh. Neil Shafer-Ray,
Observation of predicted resonance studies in the H + D2> HD (v=
0, j= 7) + D reaction at a collision energy of 0.94 eV. Phys. Rev. Lett.,
vol.84, pp. 4325, 2000
- Auzinsh M. The evolution and revival structure of angular momentum quantum wave packets
(Tutorial). Can.J.Phys., 77, pp.491503 (1999)
- M.Auzinsh, R.Damburg. A Simple Formula for Ground State Energy of a TwoElectron
Atom. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, Nr. 5,
pp.1622, 1999
- O. Nikolayeva, M.Auzinsh, M.Tamanis, R.Ferber. Electric field induced
alignment-orientation conversion in diatomic molecules: analysis and observation for NaK. J.
Mol. Struct., 480481, pp.283287, 1999
- M.Tamanis, M.Auzinsh, I.Klincare, O.Nikolayeva, R.Ferber, E.A.Pazyuk, A.V.Stolyarov,
A.Zaitsevskii. NaK Lambdadoubling and permanent electric dipoles in low lying Pi
states: experiment and theory. Phys Rev. A, 1998, 58, pp.19321943
- K.Truhins, Zejad T. Al Wahabi, M.Auzinsh, Antony J. McCaffery. Polarization of emission
in asymmetric rotors. I. The effect of elastic collisions, electron and nuclear spin. J.
Chem. Phys., vol. 106, pp.34773484, 1997
- M.Tamanis, M.Auzinsh, I.Klincare, O.Nikolayeva, A.V.Stolyarov, R.Ferber. NaK D singled
Pi electric dipole moment measurements by Stark level crossing and e-f mixing
spectroscopy. J. Chem. Phys., vol. 106, pp.21952205, 1997
- M.Auzinsh. Angular momentum dynamics in magnetic and electric field: classical and
quantum approaches. Canadian Journal of Physics, 75, pp.853872, 1997
- M.Auzinsh, A.V.Stolyarov, M.Tamanis, R.Ferber. Magnetic field induced
alignmentorientation conversion: Non-linear energy shift and predissociation in Te_2
B 1_u state. J. Chem. Phys., vol.105, pp.3749, 1996
- M.Auzinsh, R.S.Ferber. Emergence of circularity at linear polarized excitation of
molecules. J. Chem. Phys., vol. 99 (8), pp.57425747, 1993
- M.Auzinsh, R.S.Ferber. J-selective Stark orientation of molecular rotation in a
beam. Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 69 (24), pp.34633466, 1992
- M.Auzinsh, R.S.Ferber. Optical pumping of diatomic molecules in the electronic ground
state: Classical and quantum approaches. Phys. Rev. A, vol. 43 (5),
pp.23742386, 1991
- M.Auzinsh, K.A.Nasyrov, M.Ya.Tamanis, R.S.Ferber, A.M.Shalagin. Determination of the
groundstate Lande factor for diatomic molecules by beatresonance method. Chem.
Phys. Lett., vol. 167 (1,2), pp.129135, 1990
- M.Auzinsh, K.A.Nasyrov, M.Ya.Tamanis, R.S.Ferber, A.M.Shalagin. Resonance of quantum
beats in a system of magnetic sublevels of the electronic ground state of molecules. Sov.
Phys. JETP, vol. 65 (5), pp.891897, 1987
- M.Auzinsh, M.Ya.Tamanis, R.S.Ferber. Zeeman quantum beats after optical depopulation of
the ground electronic state of diatomic molecules. Sov. Phys. JETP, vol.63 (4),
pp.688693, 1986
- M.Auzinsh, M.Ya.Tamanis, R.S.Ferber. Observation of quantum beats in the kinetics of the
thermalization of diatomic molecules in the ground electronic state. JETP Lett.,
vol. 42 (4), pp.160163, 1985
- M.Auzinsh, R.S.Ferber. Observation of quantumbeat resonance between magnetic
sublevels with delta M = 4. JETP Lett., vol. 39 (8), pp.452455, 1984
- M.Auzinsh, R.S.Ferber, I.Ya.Pirags. K_2 groundstate relaxation studies from
transient process kinetics. J. Phys. B, vol. 16, pp.27592771, 1983
- M.Auzinsh, I.Ya.Pirags, R.S.Ferber, O.A.Shmit. Direct measurements of thermalisation
rate of ground state of K_2 molecules. JETP Lett., vol. 31 (10), pp.554557,
Research Projects
- M.Auzinsh (Head of Project). Control of Collision and Radiation Dynamics in Atomic and
Molecular Systems. Latvian Council of Science
- M.Auzinsh (Head of Project Nr 1977). Institute of Atomic Physics and
Spectroscopy. Centre of Excellence for Basic Research in Nanoscale Physics and
Applications. European Commission, Competitive and Sustainable Growth Programme.
- M.Auzinsh (Head of Latvian Part of Project). StatetoState Energy Transfer
Between Ultracold H2S Molecules. NATO Collaborative Linkage grant with
University of Oklahoma (USA) and Israel Institute of Technology Technion (Israel)
- M.Auzinsh (Head of Latvian Part of Project). Study and Application of HighOrder
Atomic and Molecular Polarization Moments. NATO Collaborative Linkage grant with
University of California, Berkeley (USA) and Jagelonian University, Krakow (Poland).
- M.Auzinsh (Head of Project). Coherent Processes in Atomic and Molecular Excitation with
Laser Radiation. Latvian Council of Science
- M.Auzinsh (Head of Project). Study of Atomic Vapor Layers of Nanometric Thickness and
Atomsurface Interaction. INTAS (20072008)
- M.Auzinsh (Head of Project). Development of New Atomic Clocks Using Coherent Population
Trapping Resonances Excited by an Optical Frequency Comb. INTAS (20072008)
Last update 04.11.2010