Alexander ANDRONOV
Born: November 20, 1937, Moscow, Russia
- Applied Stohastic Processes (Queueing, Reliability, Maintenance)
- Statistics
- Modelling
- Graphs and Networks
- Computational Methods
Languages: Russian, Latvian, English, German
- Moscow Tehnological Aviation Institute (Faculty of Mechanics), 1960
- Postgraduate, Riga Aviation University, 1960-1962
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Central
Institute of Economics and Mathematics, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1967
- Dr.habil.sc.ing. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Kiev Civil Aviation Institute, 1976
- Senior Researcher, Riga Aviation University, 1963-1968
- Head of Department, Central Science & Research Institute of Automated Management
Systems in Civil Aviation, 1968-1977
- Professor, Head of Department of Computer Systems for Information Processing and
Management, Riga Aviation University, 1978 - 1999
- Head of Division of Mathematical Support of Management Computer Systems for
Transport, Faculty of Transport and Mechanical Engineering, Riga
Technical University, 1999 -
Honours and Awards
- USSR Council of Ministers Prize in Science, 1982
- Merited Scientist of Soviet Socialist Republic Latvia, 1990
- Outstanding Aeroflot Worker, Russia, 1991
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member, Editorial Board of the Journal Automatic Control and Computer Sciences
- Member, Latvian Professors Association
- Member, Latvian Simulation Society
- Member, Latvian National Society of Automatics
- Member, Organizing Committees of International Conference "Queues: Flows, Systems
Networks", Byelorussia State University, Minsk (Byelorussia), 1996, 1997, 1998.
- Member, Program Committee of International Conference "Distributed Computer
Communication Network", Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv (Israel), 1997.
The Probability Method for Accounting of Random Data in Logical Proceedures of Failures
Localization of Complex Systems. NATO Advanced Study Institute "Reliability and
Maintenance of Complex Systems", 12-22 June 1995, Kemer-Antalya (Turkey).
Riga Aviation University:
- Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, 1978-1998
- Discrete Mathematics, 1979-1988.
- Introduction to Theory of Stohastic Processes, 1994-1998.
- The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms, 1997-1998.
- Theoretical Foundations of Computational Processes and Systems, 1990-1998.
- Combinatorics for Programmers, 1996.
- Methods and Algorithms of Statistical Decisions, 1995.
Recent/Representative Publications
- A. Andronov. Queuenig Theory and Scientific Organization of Work in Civil Aviation,
1969, Moscow: Aeroflot Press, 118 pp. (in Russian).
- A. Andronov. On generalization of Erlang formulae. Engineering Cybernetics, 1970,
6, pp. 93-100.
- A.Andronov, Kh.Kordonsky, P.Rozenblit. Application of unbiased estimate theory to
queueing problems. Engineering Cybernetics, 1972, 3, pp. 60-68.
- A.Andronov, P.Rozenblit. Statistics of semi-Markov birth-and-death processes with
application to analysis of queueing systems. Engineering Cybernetics, 1972, 3,
- A.Andronov, I.Gertzbakh. On properties of functionals for semi-Markov processes with
finite set of states. Cybernetica, Kiev, 1972, 4, pp. 118-122 (in Russian).
- N.Smirnov, A.Andronov, N.Vladimirov, Yu. Lemin. An Operationg Reliability and
Maintenance of Aircraft. 1974, Moscow: Transport Press, 304 pp. (in Russian).
- A.Andronov, A.Khiznjak. Mathematical Methods for Planning and Organization of Civil
Aviation Factories. 1977, Moscow: Transport Press, 216 pp. (in Russian).
- A.Andronov et al. Passenger Air Transport Forecasting. 1983, Moscow: Transport Press,
184 pp. (in Russian).
- A.Andronov et al. Reliability and Efficiency in Technics. Volume 8. Operations and
Repairs. 1990, Moscow: Mashinostroenie Press, 320 pp. (in Russian).
- A.Andronov. A probability method for accouting of random data in logical inferences
procedures. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 1994, 4, pp.26-36.
- A.Andronov. Non-parametric statistical estimation of systems numerical efficiency under
the test results of its components. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 1995,
N5. Pp. 28-38.
- A.Andronov, Yu.Merkuryev, T.Loginova. Use of the Bootstrap method in simulation of
hierarchical systems. Proceedings of the 7th European Simulation Symposium, October
26-28, 1995. Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, pp. 9-13.
- A.Andronov, Yu.Merkuryev, T.Loginova. Optimization of a structure of a simulation model.
Proceedings of the 8th European Simulation Symposium, Volume II, October 24-26,
1996. Genova, Italy, pp. 202-206.
- A.Andronov, Yu.Merkuryev. Controlled Bootstrap method and its application in simulation.
Proceedings of the 11th European Simulation Multiconference. June 1-4, 1997,
Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 160-164.
- A.Andronov. Algorithm of confidence limits calculation for the probability of the value
I of a Monotone Boolean function of random variables. In: Industrial Statistics. Aims and
Computational Aspects. (Eds. Kitsos C.P., Edler L.), Heidelberg-New York: Physica-Verlag,
Springer-Verlag Company, 1997, pp.123-133.
- A.Andronov. Simulation under small samples. - Abstracts of the 10th
INFORMS Applied Probability Conference, July 26-28, 1999, Ulm, Germany, p.229.
- A.Andronov, M.Fisohin. Simulation technology under small samples for unknown
distributions. - Proceedings of 10th GI/ITG Special Interest Conference
Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems,
Sept.22-24, 1999, Trier, Germany, pp.153-162.
- A.Andronov, Yu.Merkuryev. Use of a resampling approach to system simulation. Proceedings
of 16th European Simulation Multiconference Modelling and Simulation
2002, June 3-5, 2002, Fachhochschule Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany, pp.150-155.
- A.Andronov. On resampling approach to a construction of approximate confidence intervals
for system reliability. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference
on Mathematical Methods in Reliability. Methodology and Practice, June 17-20, 2002,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, pp.34-42.
- A.Andronov. Resampling versus a dependence in input statistical data. Proceedings
of XXIII International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models, May 12-17,
2003, Pamplona, Spain, 11p.
- A.Andronov, M.Fioshin. Application of resampling approach to ststistical problems of
logical systems. Acta et Commentationes Universitates Tartuensis de Mathematica,
2004, vol.8, pp.63-71.
- A.Andronov. Monte-Carlo approximation for probability distribution of logical systems.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inferences, 2005 (in press)
- A.Andronov. On nonparametric interval estimation of a regression function based on the
resampling. Computer Modelling and New Technologies, 2007, vol.11, No.1,
Research Projects
- A.Andronov (Head of Project). Control Computer System for Riga Minibus Factory
- A.Andronov (Head of Project). Control Computer System for Aeroflot-Russian International
Airlines (1991-1995).
- A.Andronov (Head of Project). Use of the Bootstrap Method in Systems Modelling. Latvian Council of Science (1998-2000).
- A.Andronov (Head of Project). Intensive Computer Methods of Data Analysis
and Modelling . Latvian Council of Science (2001 -
- A.Andronov (Head of Project). Statistical Evaluation and Verification Process Models
Based on Resampling Approach. Latvian Council of Science (2005
- ).
Last update 23.08.2007